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New ships.
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005
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Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:18 am    Post subject: New ships. Reply with quote

here is a consolidated list of ships i have made....

Santzunn Penetrator assault gun-ships.

These 9 ships hail from an area in the realm known as other space. The ex-scout known as Fenris, was the one to find and bring them back. While they are made with unknown materials for their hull, and a strange form of Trionic drive, they operate nearly the same, as do most ships within the Empire/New republic. There are 3 distinct 'classes' of ship, with 3 in each class. The names are the watcher, monitor, and snitch for the monitor class. Hunter, ranger and raven for the Huntsman class, and Excelsior, kraken and Erebus for the excelsior class.
Fenris retrieved them, roughly 8 months before Grand Admiral Thrawn made his bid for power, but have so far been kept out of the main area of the war between the republic and the Empire.

Craft: Type IV Monitor class assault gunship 'Scouts'
Type: Penetrator assault scout craft.
Scale: Capital.
Length/Wing span/height: 58m/50m/8m
Skill: Capital ship piloting.
Crew: 20, 8 gunners. Skeleton 12/+5.
Passengers: 34 troops.
Cargo capacity: 25 Metric tons, 10 Cubic meters.
Consumables: 8 months.
Hyperdrive: X.5
Back-up Hyperdrive: X7.
Sublight speed: 10 (snitch 12).
Atmospheric speed: 660/1750kmh.
Hull: 4D. Shields: 4D, with 6D back up (as Mon calamari).
Nav computer: Yes, with back up.
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Passive 80/1D Scan 150/2D Search 200/3D+2 Focus 50/5D
The snitch has 4 times the ranges for the sensors.
Tip gun pods.
2 Heavy turbo lasers (fire separate, but 1 linked to 3 ions)
Scale: star fighter
Fire arc: Forward
Crew: 1
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire control 1D+1
Space range: 2-6/12/18
Atmosphere range: 200-600m/1.2km/1.8km
Damage: 5D+2
6 Heavy ion cannons (3 fire linked to 1 of the turbos)
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Forward
Crew: Same as turbos
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 2D
Space range: 3-8/16/24
Atmosphere range: 300-800m/1.6km/2.4km
Damage: 6D

Mid wing on each wing (used for strafing runs) *
5 light laser cannons (fire separate)
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Forward
Crew: 1 for each wing
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control 3D+1
Atmospheric range: 300m/600m/900m
Damage: 3D
Nose mounted
8 Proton torpedo launchers (fire separate, but can be all linked)
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Forward
Crew: Pilot
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 1D+2
Space range: 1-3/6/9
Atmosphere range: 100-300m/600m/900m
Damage 9D
3 turret mounted triple medium blasters *
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Turret
Crew: 1 each
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 2D
Space range: 1-4/8/12
Atmospheric range: 100-400m/800m/1.2km
Damage 5D
6 Heavy e-web repeaters (automated) *
All stats as for weapon with a 5D fire control
4 Missile tubes (fire linked or separate)
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Rear
Crew: 1
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 2D+1
Range and damage as per missile (protons or concussion)
The Snitch has not these weapons (*), in order to make room for more power converters, to compensate for greater speed and sensor ranges.

For the huntsman class, make the following changes.
Length/wing span/height: 74m/66m/14m
Crew: 42, 9 gunners. Skeleton 18/+10
Passengers: 50 troops
Cargo: 35 Metric tons, 12 cubic meters
Consumables: 10 months
Hyperdrive: X1
Back up hyperdrive: X7
Nav Computer: Yes with back-up comp
Maneuverability: 2D
Space speed: 8
Atmospheric speed: 365/1050kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 4D (with the same 6D of back ups.
Passive 120/1D Scan 180/2D Search 250/2D+2 Focus 70/3D+2
Tip gun pods
Same as Monitor class
Mid wing
Increase to medium lasers
Ranges, and scale stay the same.
Fire control goes to 2D+1
Damage goes to 3D+2
Increase number of tubes to 12
Laser turrets go to heavy cannons
Change fire control to 1D+2
Damage increases to 6D+1
Increase number of heavy E-webs to 8 and add 2 light e-webs
Increase number of launchers to 6

For the Excelsior class, make the following changes.
Length/wing span/height: 102m/90m/20m
Crew: 60, 12 gunners. Skeleton 28/+10
Passengers: 80 troops, and can have 12 prisoners.
Cargo: 50 Metric tons, 18 cubic meters
Consumables: 1 yr
Hyperdrive: X2
Back up hyperdrive: X9
Nav computer: Yes with 2 back ups.
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 7D
Shields: 5D (with the same redundancy)
Space speed: 5
Atmospheric speed: 280/800kmh
Passive 150/1D scan 200/2D Search 300/2D+2 Focus 100/3D+1
Tip gun pods stay the same but increase the scale to capital
Mid wing lasers increase to heavy
Range increases to 200-800m/1.4km/2.0m
Fire control goes to 1D
Damage goes to 5D
Increase number of launchers to 12
Increase number of turrets to 6
Increase number of heavy E-webs to 16 and light to 6
Increase number of launchers to 10

The I wing design is Of, one David Quinn, a ex-fighter jock, who retired and took up a business, on Nal Hutta. He specialized in fixing and modifying star fighters (all types) and repairing freighters. It is a small family job, crewed by, David, and 4 of his 6 sons (2 died in the war between the empire and the rebellion).

The I wing takes 2 B-wing main bodies, and removed their engines and cockpit. Then, placing the engine housing's around the cockpit in a circular fashion (leaving room around the cockpit for cooling), it is encased in the Gyroscopic stabilizer cowlings. The 2 main wings form the b-wings are set on this gyro, 180 degrees apart forming a perfect I. Maneuvering thrusters are all along the length, which greatly increases the ships maneuvering capability. To this, are added 4 sets of S-foils from other b-wings, chopped down by 40%. 2 Pair are on each main wing, and open out in opposition to one another, adding to the ship's atmospheric maneuverability. They only open out to a 45% angle from baseline. Due to the increase in hull, there is room for extra shield generators, fuel cells, power converters and 2 additional proton torpedo launchers. The launchers have an increased missile capacity of 10 shots, but are fully self encased, so they can be jettisoned if need be. The only change is the targeting laser has been removed, and in its place is a improved targeting computer. The cockpit has been expanded to allow up to 2 people in + 1 R2 droid. Although, one person can handle both the piloting and gunnery, the I-wing, is best with 2. As yet, only 2 have been built, and of those only one is a full production model that works. The other is lacking the internals (it is just a frame of painted wood). The production model is in the hands of David's youngest son, Staveren.

Craft: Modified Slayn & Korpil B-wing.
Type: Heavy assault star fighter.
Scale: Star fighter.
Length: 36 meters. 8 meters from the front to the back of the engine/cockpit housing.
Crew: 1. Can take 2, with one piloting and one doing gunnery. Passengers: 1 R2 unit.
Skill: Starfighter piloting.
Cargo capacity: 60kg.
Consumables: 10 days.
Hyperdrive: X1
Nav computer: Yes, limited to 10 jumps only. Can be increased to 20 with an R2 unit.
Maneuverability: 2D+1 Hull: 5D. Shields: 2D.
Space: 8. Atmosphere: 365/1,050 kmh.
Sensors: Passive 30/+2, Scan 50/+1D+1, Search 75/+2D+1, Focus 5/+4D.
X2 Gun-pods: all weapons can be fire linked, but usually are fired in pairs.
1 Heavy laser
Fire arc; forward. Scale; star fighter.
Fire control; 2D Damage; 5D.
Space range; 1-3/12-25. Atmosphere range; 100-300/1.2km/2.5km.
1 Heavy ion cannon
Fire arc; forward. Scale; star fighter.
Fire control; 4D. Damage; 4d.
Space range; 1-3/7/36. Atmosphere range; 100-300/700/3.6km

X8 S-foils: all weapons in each s-foil are fire linked, but each s-foil is normally kept fire sep. They can be linked.
1 Heavy laser
Stats same as above.
1 Heavy ion cannon
Stats same as above.

X4 Proton torpedo launcher: All are fire separate.
Fire arc; forward. Scale; star fighter.
Fire control; 2D. Damage; 9D.
Space range; 1/3/7. Atmosphere range; 50-100/300/700m

If the main wings of the ship get damaged, they can be ejected, leaving just the engine/cockpit as a hyperspace equip escape pod........

The Pirate Juh Gragg developed this ship. He is a very intelligent and sadistic Corellian.

The Trilex fighter
Visualization: expanded tie fighter ball, with a gyroscopic stabilization unit around it. 3 dual wings set 60 degrees apart which (like s foils) fold out 30 degrees from where they start. 1 Laser cannon and one light ion cannon on each wing, and 1 4 shot concussion missile launcher in the ball. Has a Hyperdrive for emergencies, and modest shields. I based it a little on the Clutch (of I Jedi), and the Death seed (from Bacta war).

Craft:- Nerouble works space superiority fighter
Length:- 16M, Wingspan: 34M
Crew:- 2, can be done with 1.
Passengers: room for 1 r2 unit.
Cargo:- 30KG 2CuM
Consumables:- 8 days
Speed:- 10
Hyperdrive:- X4
Nav comp:- uses R2 unit
Maneuverability:- 2D+1
Hull:- 4D+1
Shields:- 1D
Passive +2/15 Scan +1D+2/35
Search +2D+2/60 Focus +4D/5
6 fire linked (either in pairs, or as a whole) laser cannons
Fire arc:- Forward
Scale:- star fighter
Skill:- Starfighter gunnery
crew:- 1
F.cont:- 1D+1/3D
Damage:- 4D+1/7D

6 Fire linked light ion cannons (same as above)
Fire arc:- Forward
Scale:- star fighter
Skill:- star fighter gunnery
Crew:- 1
F.cont:- 2D/3D+2
Damage:- 3D+1/5D+2

1 Concussion missile tube
stats as per a-wing concussion missile tube.

Note; If fires BOTH the ions and blasters in one big burst, the resultant energy drain drops his maneuverability to +1D and his sub light to 6 for 2 rounds.

Craft: Lonar/Bisbergas Corp Corall buster
Type: Noval 3V99 Capital ship
Scale: Capital
Length: 260 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Corall buster
Crew: 170, Skel 66 +10. Gunners 48
Crew Skill: Cap ship pilot 5D+2, Gunnery 4D
Cargo Capacity: 38 Cubic meters, 22000 metric tons
Passengers: 72 troops
Consumables: 48weeks
Cost: 23,500,000 new
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X2 Back up: X8
Nav computer: Yes. Has 20 jump back up
Space: 7
Hull: 4D Shields: 2D
Passive: 25/0
Scan: 55/+1D
Search: 85/+2D+1
Focus: 10/+4D
6 Double turbo lasers
Arc: 1 fwd, 2 port, 2 stbd 1 Turr
Scale: Capital
Skill: Cap ship combat: turbo lasers
Range: 3/7/15
Fire control: +2D
Damage: 4D

48 Vulcan cannons
Arc: 16 port, 16 stbd, 10 fwd, 6 rear
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starfighter combat
Range: 1/3/6
Fire control: 6D automated, +1D+2 manual
Damage: 6D
# shots: 80 burst/rounds.

2 Hyper wave mass cannons (GAUSE RIFLES)
Arc: Forward
Scale: Capital
Skill: Cap ship combat
Range: 15/25/45
Fire control: +1D
Damage: 6D+1

Notes; Carries 400 reloads for the cause cannons, and 3 reloads for each of the Vulcan’s and this is NOT included in the cargo cap.

The ship was designed to go in with other, larger ships, and speed it's way through the enemies ranks. While doing this, the vulcans are firing in a random pattern. IT was designed with the belief that the Doval bassals would have a harder time of absorbing all the shells coming their way. They also are used for point defense

This comes from the same manufacturers as the Heptal atmospheric fighter. It is the first 'play' the planet has made at a space fighter, all courtesy of the imperial navy...

This ship was converted from one of the planet’s faster atmospheric fighters. It was upgraded, in a hope of giving new fighters to the imperial’s when they hit the Vong…It hails from the planet Dubleraik, way out on the border of wild space.

Delta Dart 3Ea5 Space interceptor
Type: Hurian Space interceptor
scale: star fighter
length: 26M Wing span 14M
skill: star fighter piloting
Crew: Pilot and gunner Can be flown and fought by the pilot only.
Passengers: none
Cargo: 48kg
Space speed: 12
Consumables: 3 days
Cost: 350,000
Atmospheric speed: 675, 1800kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 3D
Passive 25/1D Scan 60/2D Search 120 3D+1
Focus 15/5D

1 nose mounted Arricl-vulcus 20mm Chain gun
arc fwd scale speeder
crew 1
F.cont 3D
Rof 6
range: 600m/1.4km/2.2km
Damage: each burst 5D+2 continuous fire 7D

2 Twin wingtip blaster cannons
Arc: Forward but can elevate / depress 25 degrees
Crew: 1
Scale: Star fighter
F. Cont: 2D
Range: 2/4/7
Atmospheric range: 200m/500m/1km
Damage: 3D+2

The delta dart looks like an elongated A-wing. As it uses powered down versions of the A-wings’ laser cannons, and has more room, it has an increased sub light speed, shields and atmospheric speed. It unfortunately does not carry a Hyperdrive, or Nav computer. As yet, the imperial overlords have not used them against the Vong, but many are ‘itching’ to see what they can do against then. In all the simulations, they have out performed many of the new republic fighters when against Coral skippers and Vong frigate analogs. The onboard cargo space contains enough ammo for the chain gun for 16 continuous rounds of fire, or 36 bursts.

The Hichwirr colony ships were devised by the Vodooni, in co-operation with several other races native to their home planet. Back long before the events with The planet Naboo, several large asteroids were heading on a ‘believed’ collision course with the planet, so the elders thought to save as many as they could of their race, by sending them out on specially made colony ships. They were sent out over the space of 3 months, and the rest of the planet, rigged for a long wait, underground.

The Hichwirr colony ship
Type: Caparthic Colony ship Model X5-rrt53
scale: Capital
length: 184m
skill: Cap ship piloting
Crew: 32, Skel 14. When set to remote, has droid brain run.
Passengers: 300
Cargo: 40 metric tons
Space speed: 4
Mass drive: 13.5 times light
Back up mass drive: 4 times light
Nav comp: yes
Consumables: 20 standard years, but with all but the crew in cryo-animation, can be extended to 60 years
Cost: No longer available for sale, 2,450,000 used.
Atmospheric speed: 250,800kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 4D+2
Shields: 2D
Passive 30/1D Scan 60/2D Search 90/2D+2 Focus 15/3D+1

4 twin turbo lasers
arc fwd x2, 1 port and 1 stbd
crew 1
F.cont 2D
Scale: Cap
range: 3/10/20
Damage: 5D

8 Di-polar disruptors
Arc: 2 in each arc
Crew: 1
Scale: Star fighter
F. Cont: 3D
Range: 5/10/15
Damage: 4D+2 ionization

The Droid brain of each of these ships has an effective 7D for Cap ship pilot, sensors, astrog and shields, and 4D for gunnery. The ship has 300 cryo-stasis tubes for its passengers….

Craft: Miximuar Golan arms Felixer
Type: Heavy scout ship
Scale: Starfighter.
Length: 42 meters, 29 meters wingspan
Crew: 2, 2 gunners. Can work with 1 of each/+10
Passengers: 5.
Cargo capacity: 35 metric tons, 15 meters by 8 meters storage space.
Consumables: 6 months.
Hyperdrive: X1
Back up Hyperdrive X8
Nav computer: Yes.
Maneuverability: 1D+1 Hull: 4D+1. Shields: 1D.
Space: 6. Atmosphere: 365/1,050 kmh.
Passive 75/+2, Scan 150/+1D+1, Search 300/+2D+1, Focus 35/+4D.

4 paired medium blaster cannons
Fire arc: 2 in the wing, and the other 2 in a dorsal/ventral turret
Scale: Starfighter
Fire control: 2D
Range: 8/16/36
Atmospheric range: 1.2km/3.2km/7.2km
Damage 4D+2.

Single Concussion missile launcher
Fire arc: forward
Fire control: 2d
Range: 1/4/12
Atmospheric range: 100m/400m/1200m
Damage: 8d
History. Just after the Thrawn crisis, Golan arms systems, decided to get into the ship industry. They sought out a partner to do the developing while they provided the expertise and capital. Miximuar industries, a relative new-comer into the space industry was in process of working out a deal with the New republic to scout out the unknown territories, and wild space, so they hooked up. This ship is the design, and proof concept. It took nearly 8 years for all the bugs to be worked out, and for several other technologies to be made available, which was just about the timeframe of the Cammassi incident. 48 of these were made, and 2 are always kept in reserve.
It looks like the Gun-star from the last star fighter film.


Name: Mudhog
Craft: Indiric systems Model XX-122
Type: Dedicated heavy ground assault fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 2, Gunners 2
Length: 28.4M, Wing span 18M
Consumables: 8 days
Cargo space: 40Kg + ordinance. Cost: 78,000, 44000 used
Maneuverability: 1D space, 3D+1 atmospheric
Space speed: 5
Atmospheric speed: 680:1400KMH
Hull: 6D
Shields 1D
Sensors: passive 20/1D, scan 40/1D+2, search 60/2D+2, focus 7/4D

4 Proton bomb tubes (6 bombs each)
Scale: Walker
Arc: forward/down 20 deg angle
Skill: Starfighter gunnery
Range: 6/12/18
Atmosphere range: 600m/1.2km/1.8km
F.cont: 1D
Damage 8d 4m/6d 7m/4d 10m/2d 14m

4 wing mounted heavy e-webs
Stats as for e-web

2 tri blasters
Scale: star fighter
Arc: forward
Skill: star fighter gunnery
Range: 4/8/12
Atmosphere range: 400m/800m/1.2km
F.Cont: 2D
Damage: 5D+1

This ship was mothballed many centuries ago on the planet dubleraik, way out on the border of wild space. When the Vong hit, the empire decided to make a grab for it. In the interceding months since, there has been a sizable rebel uprising, and many of these were taken out of 'dust gathering'...

Heptal 4d-XX24y atmospheric superiority fighter/bomber
Type: Hurian atmospheric fighter, archaic
scale: star fighter
length: 23M Wing span 18M
skill: Archaic atmospheric craft piloting.
Crew: 2, gunners 1 Skel 2/+5
Passengers: none
Cargo: weapon pod space for 36,000 LB of ordinance
Engine system: 4 Duat-maxiozin sure life fission engines, 3800lb thrust
Consumables: 28 hours
Cost: 350,000
Atmospheric speed: 400, 1250kph
maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 5D
Shields: what the heck are they??
Passive 1d/6
scan 1d+2/18
search 2d+1/36
focus 4d/3
6 Hard points for variable munitions
2 nose mounted Arricl-vulcus 20mm Chain guns
arc fwd
scale Speeder
crew 1
F.cont 3D
Rof 6
range: 600m/1.4km/2.2km
Damage: each burst 5D+2 continuous fire 7D

The onboard cargo bay contains enough ammo for both guns to fire continuously for 12 straight rounds or for 24 bursts.

Maverick heat seekers (F.cont 4D/dam 4D)
Range 50m-2km/4km/8km
Sidewinders (F.cont 5D/dam 3D+1)
Range 250m-4km/8km/12km
Tomahawks (F.cont 2D+1/6D)
Range 200m-2.5km/5km/10km
Piledriver bombs (F.cont 1D/dam 6d/4d/3d/2d 5/7/10/14ft)
Range 20m-1km/2km/4km,
Fravv bombs (F.cont 2D/4d ion damage)
Same as Piledriver

Era: Post Endor, but pre rebellion taking of Coruscant.
Starship: Spectre
Craft: Lumarr/Bonn MR-3s scout craft
Type: Heavy scout ship
Scale: Star fighter
Skill: Space transports
Length: 38 meters/wingspan 18 meters
Crew: 2; 1 at +5, Gunners 2
Passengers: 4
Cargo capacity: 65 metric tons (5 of that refrigerated), 28 cubic meters
Consumables: 6 months
Hyperdrive: X2
Back up Hyperdrive: X9
Nav computer: Yes
Space: 5
Atmospheric: 210; 650 KMH
Maneuverability: 2d+1
Hull: 4d+1
Shields 1d+1
Passive: 45/1d scan: 90/2d
Search: 270/3d focus: 15/3d+2
2 Turreted twin medium ion cannons
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: Dorsal and ventral turrets
Skill: Starship gunnery
Crew: 1 each, can be fired from cockpit at +10
Range: 7/14/21
Atmospheric range: 700m/1.4km/2.1km
Damage: 4d+1
Fire control: 2d

The Spectre was made as a "rich man's toy", but after several scouts, saw there effectiveness, it took up real quick. The fad only lasted 2 years, as most people, thought the weapons too weak (just ions???), and the ship was a tad difficult to re-fit/upgrade (+10 to the target difficulty for any rolls to add any item in).

Era: Pre empire, and again during black fleet crisis
Starship: Wraith
Craft: Hrogivul BT-101 ship support fighter
Type: Capital ship escort fighter
Scale: star fighter
Skill: star fighter piloting
Length: 15 meter disk, 3 meters tall
Crew: 2, +1 dedicated gunner
Passengers: Nil
Cargo: 280 KG
Consumables: 6 days
Hyperdrive: X1
Back up: None
Nav computer: yes but limited to 4 jumps
Space: 9
Maneuverability: 3d
Hull: 4d+1
Shields: none
Passive: 10/0d Scan: 30/1d+1
Search 60/2d+2 Focus: 4/3d+2
Quad heavy ion cannon
Scale: Star fighter
Fire arc: forward
Crew: 1
Skill: starship gunnery
Range: 6/18/36
Damage: 5d+2
Fire control: 2d
Notes: For some unknown reason (well, unknown to anyone not of the race, these cannot enter the atmosphere of a planet on their own, unless making a one time emergency landing.

The Hrogivul made the wraiths,, as quick strike vessels. While the bigger ships, went after slower targets, the wraiths would fan out, and a) ensure no one got away, b) take out any fighter escort and c) head in to the target zone 2 to 3 minutes ahead of the main fleet, to send back scans.

Era: Same as wraith
Starship: Dream stealer
Craft: Hrogivul Tr-22
Type: Medium capital ship
Scale: capital
Skill: Capital ship piloting
Length: 880 meters, width 266 meters, height 76 meters
Crew: 2,977, skeleton 395/+10, Gunners 230
Passengers: 80
Cargo: 255 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
Hyperdrive: X2
Back up Hyperdrive: X10
Nav computer: yes
Space: 6
Maneuverability: 0d
Hull: 5d
Shields: 2d
Passive: 60/0d scan: 180/1d+2
Search: 540/3d Focus 22/4d+2
1 Hurrawei heavy lance (basically a KDY planetary defender ion cannon)
Scale: Capital
Fire arc: forward
Crew: 30
Skill: capital gunnery
Range: 20/60/180
Damage: 9d+2
Fire control: 1d
Fire rate: 1/3
Can fire 12 times before has to spend 2d hours recharging

50 Quad heavy Ion cannon batteries
Scale: capital
Fire arc: 20 Port, 20 starboard, 5 rear, 5 forward
Crew: 4 each
Range: 12/36/108
Damage: 5d+1
Fire control: 1d+2

The main ship can carry 3 full wraith Xallis (1 Xallis is equal to a 14 man squadron).
As with the wraiths, this has no atmospheric capability. The Dream stealers are the main ships in the Hrogivul fleet. Each housing a large number of Hrogivul, but many spends time in cryo-sleep, so as to not over "graze" a patch of space. When the crews are FULLY awake, it requires a substantial amount of brains to feed the lot, so be GLAD they don't have larger ships.

Craft: Mon Calamari MBC120
Type: Battle cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 6,600 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting
Crew: 37,608, Gunners 892. Skeleton 9,775/+10
Crew skill: Astrogation 5d, Capital ship gunnery 5d+1, Capital ship piloting 5d+2, Capital ship shields 5d, Capital ship repair 5d+1, Capital ship weapons repair 4d+2, Sensors 5d, Starship gunnery 5d
Passengers: 4000 (including 2200 troops) + Pilots for the fighters
Cargo capacity: 75,000 metric tons
Consumables: 5 years
Hyper drive: X1
Back up hyper drive: X8
Nav computer: yes, and also has a back up of the database.
Space: 5
Atmospheric: 300:650kmh (used usually for take off after ship is finished being built)
Maneuverability: 1D+1
hull: 10d
Shields: 5d (with the standard Mon cal 6d of back-ups)
Sensors: passive 70/1d, scan 140/2d, search 210/3d, focus 25/4d
250 turbolaser batteries
Fire arc: 50 forward, 80 left, 80 right, 40 rear
Crew: 1 (80), 2 (140), 3 (30)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 2d
Space range: 3-20/40/80
Atmospheric range: 3-20km/40km/80km
Damage: 5d

120 Ion cannon batteries
Fire arc: 20 forward, 50 left, 50 right
Crew: 1 (90), 6 (30)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 3d
Space range: 1-12/24/50
atmospheric range: 1-12km/24km/50km
Damage: 4d

30 tractor beam projectors
Fire arc: 6 forward, 8 right, 8 left, 3 top, 3 bottom, 2 rear
Crew: 1 (16), 2 (8), 4 (8)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 1d+2
Space range: 1-5/15/30
Atmospheric range: 2-10km/30km/60km
Damage: 4d

4 Grav well projectors
Fire arc: NA
Crew: 12 (4)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire control: 4d+2
Range: 1-5/15/30
Damage: Special

48 Quad laser turrets
Fire arc: 12 forward, 16 left, 16 right, 4 rear
Crew: 1
Scale: star fighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire control: 3d
Range: 1-4/8/16
Damage: 4d+2

Carries 5 full wings of star fighters (25 squadrons) and 8 YT transports.
8 Squadrons of X-wings, 6 Squadrons of E-wings, 5 Squadrons of K-wings, 3 Squadrons each of A and B-wings

Capsule: Developed as a one off by the republic high council secretly (AS possible), just after the Corellian incident, this was to be the answer to many problems. Sporting nearly as much firepower as the executor class super star destroyers, but with the familiar Mon cal look, the Tsunami was magnificent. And, due to the technological ways of the Mon Cal, it's crew is just above a standard ISD in number.
Then the Cammassi / bothan problems hit. With the resultant peace accord with the Imperial remnant, as well as the resultant public backlash when news of this construction, became public knowledge, the ship was "mothballed".
For note, this was not (for obvious reasons) constructed on Mon Calamari, in fact the name of it's 'home planet' is sealed up so tight in the republic info banks, that it would take even Ghent 4 years to try and crack into the database to find.
With the recent fall of Coruscant, several dozen former high council members are calling for it's immediate return to active duty. All it needs is a crew.

The Monarch, Empress, Tyrant, Czar
Craft: Tyrant class Imperial star cruiser
Type: Heavy assault command ship
Scale: Capital
Skill: Capital ship piloting; tyrant class
Length: 2850 meters
Crew: 62178, Gunners 630. Skeleton 12870/+10
Crew Skills: Astrogation 4d+2, capital ship gunnery 5d+1, capital ship piloting 5d, capital ship shields 4d+2, sensors 4d
Passengers: 12000 (9700 troops)
Cargo capacity: 40500 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years 6 months
Hyperdrive: X2
back up hyper drive: X8
Nav computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1d
Hull 8d+1
Shields: 4d
Space: 5
Sensors: Passive - 70/0d+2, scan - 140/1d+2,
search - 210/2d+2, focus - 20/3d+2


92 Heavy turbo laser batteries
Fire arc: 36 fwd, 26 port, 26 stbd, 4 rear
Crew: 1 (42), 2 (40), 4 (10)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
space range: 3-15/36/75
Atmospheric range: 6-30/72/150km
Fire control: 4d
Damage: 5d+2

120 Heavy turbo lasers
Fire arc: 40 fwd, 35 port, 35 stbd, 10 rear
Crew: 1 (60), 2 (60)
skill: Capital ship gunnery
Space range: 2-12/25/52
Atmospheric range: 4-24/50/104km
Fire control: 2d+1
Damage: 3d+2

20 Tractor beam emplacements
All stats as for ISD mk1
Crew 1 (4), 2 (4), 10 (12)

8 Gravity well projectors
All stats as per Interdictor
Crew 20 each

Carries 2 full wings of fighters, broke down as follows;
5 squadrons of Tie interceptors
3 Squadrons Scimitar assault bombers
3 Squadrons Tie advanced
1 Squadron Tie defenders

Capsule.: The tyrant class of ISD, was commissioned just after Yavin. They were to be the flagships for each of the 12 Grand admirals, but only 4 were completed. It is believed; the cost of the Executor, and 2nd death star was the reason. Those 4, were sent to the core systems, and stayed near Byss. During the turmoil after Endor, warring overlords, trying to capture them, destroyed 2 of them. A third was stolen. To the empire's end (above Bothouwi, when Palleon signed a truce), the location of the forth was unknown, but 2 captured Vong ships, have shown images of a single ship, causing havoc, near the vong's rear lines. It looks like the very few pictures of the Tyrant, what were ever recorded. Who commands it is unknown, but their acts, have stirred several other imperial's to decide to take the offensive. Now with Coruscant fallen, many think they waited too long. Each of the 4 ships was fitted with one Master C3 unit, and many of the fighter squadrons had slave C3 units.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow. Shocked
Blasted rules. Why can't they just be perfect?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the WOW.... i guess you were impressed by them, or by the shere number?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blasted rules. Why can't they just be perfect?
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Liam (Gunman) Kissane

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am running a game for my Adelaide group that I wrote ages ago based on fighters for my Canberra group.

I gave them free choice, and (players being players) decided to tackle the game in a freighter. As GM I will obviously alter the game as the players take it in new directions, but I suspect they will ultimately end up with this...

Please excuse the images...only my second attempt "playing" with Photoshop (or anything remotely close to Photoshop).
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Stellar Tomcat looks great..... but where's the bathroom?!
The Great Adventurer
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Xynar wrote:
The Stellar Tomcat looks great..... but where's the bathroom?!

LOL.... different alien cultures have different waste disposal needs... i do believe that ship is equiped with several portable buckets and an airlock... no need for a bathroom... Very Happy
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denderan marajain
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone have this Stats as a PDF File or something like that`?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I keep them in an open office word based document.
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find the format for the Santzunn Penetrator assault gun-ships disjointed and very hard to understand. I would suggest making a separate entry for each "type" of ship. I know that seems like a lot of redundancy, but it would make things quite a bit easier for a not-so-bright person such as myself to better understand your intent.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
1 Concussion Missile Tube: stats as per a-wing concussion missile tube.

The A-Wing does not mount concussion missiles, though the Z-95 Headhunter does. Is that what you meant?
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
garhkal wrote:
1 Concussion Missile Tube: stats as per a-wing concussion missile tube.

The A-Wing does not mount concussion missiles, though the Z-95 Headhunter does. Is that what you meant?

Not all sources agree with WEG on this. I have posted alternate A-Wing stats that include concussion missile launchers. IIRC, the WOTC stats for the A-Wing had them too.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

crmcneill wrote:
shootingwomprats wrote:
garhkal wrote:
1 Concussion Missile Tube: stats as per a-wing concussion missile tube.

The A-Wing does not mount concussion missiles, though the Z-95 Headhunter does. Is that what you meant?

Not all sources agree with WEG on this. I have posted alternate A-Wing stats that include concussion missile launchers. IIRC, the WOTC stats for the A-Wing had them too.

::SIGHS:: Okay let me precursor then for clarity, as per official material presented by West End Games, excluding second party contributors, flavor-only books or fanmade material: the A-Wing does not come standard with concussion missiles. I am sure variants do exist that have them.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My feeling was that, since he very specifically typed A-Wing, not Z-95, he was most likely referring to an alternative A-Wing stat that included concussion missile tubes.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yup. Some source books for 1e iirc listed a wings as having either the jammers or concussion missiles.
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