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Theron Guest
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:48 pm Post subject: |
At last, the long awaited Jedi Game. In the campaign, everyone played a padawan. The downside of this was that each character was much more powerful than average, however, the upside was that each character was much more powerfull than average. Generally, they could tangle with bigger and nastier things than a normal group, but generally only when working togather (forces Role playing donchta know).
The game broke several conceptions about the old republic. BUt first, the setting;
The era was about 500 years before episode I, and right after a brutal sith uprising (I do not know if this actually corespods with any other sources, but neither did my players, and it worked out). The consequences were that the were not a whole lot of jedi left running around, and the council decided to try some unconventional tactics to bring the number of jedi back up to a better number. INto to the characters. Specificly, the setting was in one part of space that was being incorperated inot republic space, and it has a whole lot of problems (pirates, some sith cults still running around, and variouse fctions that warred with each other in their sector). All in all, it was a very conflict ridden place. Name the sector whatever you wish, ours was called the fakir secotr (a name I stoll from some other website, but can't remmber exactly what it was for, and cant take credit for).
The premis is this: Basicly, the Jedi council decided to attempt an experiment, giving a number of jedi padawans (4, the number of my PC) a heck of a lot more free will, and two masters. The were sent with their masters into a sector of space that was being incorperated into the Republic space, and would assist their master, recieving training on the off hours at the embassy at the capitol for the sector, and preforming missions for their masters the rest of the time. Assuming the group did not get out of line, there masters were minimally strick, and there were few reprecusions.
The adventures:
1) The first adventure was action pacted, with a slightly minimall amount of role playing. It's my philosophy that a GM should try and get his players intrest form game 1, in order to make tha geame last longer. HOwever, I do encourage detailed past history amoung my players, so that they start with a character tha is failry detailed (I bribe them with character points. the more detailed/creative = more character points).
Anyways, the characters ships leaves hyperspace during a battle between tow warring factions in the secotr. Their ship was struck (but not really damaged, most of the tech in the sector was noot yet up to republic standard). This gave the republic an excuse to containe (invade) both the factios to calm down their military and show them the republics might. Anyhow the characters end up on the front line with their masters, and get to basicly tear it up. (the aliens were fairly tough, but nothing to really challenge the characters(I did not want them to die ion the first adventure). The highlight of the game involved the Pc sneaking into a camp to kidnap the generals of the two factions, and then escaping with their prisoners.
2) with the factions suitebly chastened, the characters and their masters get down to the duties of incorperating the sector. MOstly, a whole lot of paperwork is involved, which the characters never see a wink off. The characters are sent to a nearby moon to deal with someone inpersonating a jedi (terrorizing the natives). The master don' expect much, so the PC's are off. Basicly, An outlaw is using technology to impersonate a sith and get the locals to give him credits. The players easily put a stop to his activities after a chase scene, and then the real dark jedi shows up. One of the Pc's jedi masters shows up for a suprise inspection of how the oppereation is going, and helps them battle the sith. The sith, outnumbered, flees, after promising revenge.
3) this adventure involved a heavy amount of roleplaying. The characters are assigned to help the peace talks between the two prisoneras that they captured in adventure 1. To make matters worse, the two generals wont even look at each otheror speak, as they consider each other to be inferior species. Lots and lots of arguing is dione. Also, Each one orders an assassination on the other. The players manage to get advanced info from an informant that they aquired in th begining. THe PC's managed to foil the assissnation attempts, and manage miniscule improvments before officol republic diplomates arrive to settle things down. Characters that were particulary sucecessful were asked to stay and assisst, to learn and to lend their abilities as guards.
For now, this is about all I have time for. I am sorry for my horrible spelling. If you would like to hear more, let me know (through a reply) and I will add more if you would like, and answer any questions. For now, this should be enough to get you started on you youn similar campaigns if that is what you would like. (I left out many details so as to not take up too much space, and so that individual Stroytellers could customize the game to their own settings)
Cao |
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Rathe Ehtar Commander

Joined: 11 Oct 2003 Posts: 440 Location: Vacaville, CA
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:56 pm Post subject: |
Please continue, I too, have a Jedi Campaigne and my players went through the master jedi training camp. Now they are skilled enough to be their own masters. _________________ "I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings." -Max Payne
"I don't buy that cluck like a dog, bark like a chicken stuff." -Col. Jack O'Neill |
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Volar the Healer Jedi

Joined: 04 Aug 2003 Posts: 664 Location: Arizona, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:51 pm Post subject: |
8) Sounds like an excellent beginning to a very active campaign. _________________ Know Jesus, Know Peace.
No Jesus, No Peace |
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Vartax Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 13 Oct 2003 Posts: 203 Location: Salem, OR
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 8:00 pm Post subject: |
If your characters are really powerful enough to be Jedi masters then how much fun can you have? When 30 Stormtroopers look like candy.... I guess there is always something new, but when everyone is a yoda.... |
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Rathe Ehtar Commander

Joined: 11 Oct 2003 Posts: 440 Location: Vacaville, CA
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 8:07 pm Post subject: |
Well, masters in a sense that they don't need masters anymore. I guess technically, they're Jedi Knights. _________________ "I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings." -Max Payne
"I don't buy that cluck like a dog, bark like a chicken stuff." -Col. Jack O'Neill |
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Crell Damar Line Captain

Joined: 31 Jul 2003 Posts: 845
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 2:18 pm Post subject: |
Not 30 storm troopers... more like 12, and there were 2 of us...
with all the multiple action penalties and such even such a small number of storm troopers is a challange to us. But keeping your lightsaber while you're in your cell makes it a lot easier  _________________ "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire. "
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
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Theron Guest
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:53 pm Post subject: |
I am glad you have liked it so far. It really was a fantastic campign. Keep in mind that they started just like ordanary characters, just with 1D in force powers and a low powered lightsaber ( I believe, without checking my notes, That their original ones did only 3D). They were only minimally more powerfull than normal characters. Most complicated force powers were completly out of reach for them (try using something relativly simply like lightsaber combat when you have to role a 7 on one six sided die...) They could efectivly use the force to do card tricks at the begining of the campaign.
One of the driving motivatiosn for the campaign was that they had not forged their own lightsabers, and needed to decide on an area within the jedi order to specialize in for a time in order to become knights (we decided that they average score in all force powers for all knights in the old republic was at least 6D, which takes some time to reach).
The fourth Game was a training mission. The characters were sent to an area of woodland wilderness and given a crash course in survival (perfect for those players that thkn survival is one of those useless skills, and are caught with their proverbial pants down). Mostly, the characters had to get along under harsh conditions, find food and water, shelter, and fend off preditors amoug a whole host of other things. After there two weeks were down, the characters were chakllenged to a two week long game of capture the flag with their masters and survivasl teachers (barrowed form a local university and military scouts/guides/snipers. Each team was given stun weapons, a flag, some other miscelaneous equipment (some of which appeared very useless [and were creativly used] and set some distance apart, and a time frame of one week to get the others flag back to their own base. The characters opted for the defensive stance, entrenching themslves (with defencsive placements and nonleathal traps) and waiting for the inevetiable assult. They were able to fend off the assult, but failed to capture their teachers flag in the aloted time. The game thus ended in a draw.
The Fith adventure was a collection of miscielanious missions and tasks given to the PC by their jedi masters. Most were fairlly staraight foreward (deliever messenges) and others were a little vauge (reaserch) and others were openended (like aqquire contacts, and hold a meeting with diplomats and important locals). Several things made the adventure(s) intersting. The first was that on the planent they were staying at there was a growing seperatist movement and dissatisfaction with the way the republic was doing things. The second was that one of the characters put a bounty one one of the others as a practicle joke (the character that put it out recievd a darkside point due to the exact consequences of his actions, and the spirit of which it was undertaken; the bounty was capture alive only).
The sixth adventure was to take place on Th republic capitol world of corescant (or however it is spelled). The characters were to visit with the Jedi council to determine the effects of their uncoventional training (remember that the jedi at this time were very conservative) and to evaluate them. HOwever, on their way to the meeting, their tram(like a train that moves in the sky and is hooked to cabels; a form of mass transit) was hijaked, and a bomb was planted. The characters hd to wokr their way to the front of the tram (they deicided to o on the roof to avoid many of the hijakers, but still had to deal with some< an extrmely daring action, as a missed climb roll could have resulted in their falling to off the tram and to the ground below ( a very long fall, unless they hit one of the sky levels first). They were able to disable the tram, to stop it's movements and then difuse the bomb, while police clreared up the rest of the hijakers.
In the seventh adventure, the characters were actually able to arrive at the Jedi Acadamy. Some characters chose to visit friends or familly, and others continued training with the other students (with whome they were above average level). Most of this game was roleplayinjg, with a few exceptions (sparring during training, and one isolated senario involving a barfight and a riot). The actaull meeting with the Jedi Council was held. IN general, the council was pleased with their progression, but left them with stern warnings to stay away form the darkside. (The character that had gained a DS point spent much of this adventure trying to redeem himself).
Since it seems to be desired, I will continue to post more in the future. |
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