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The Venator's superiority vs any and all ISDs
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Joined: 25 Jan 2025
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lastly I think your analysis on the inevitable dominance of carriers is too much a mirroring of modern wet navies and fails to take into account many important aspects of StarWars technology and settings which I think prevent it. The key distinction is hyperspace and the ability of one warship to apear (from the defenders perspective) 'instantly' and with no possibility of warning or prior detection within main gunfire range (or practically ramming distance for that matter). This happens so many times in StarWars battles that surpize short range contact should be considered the norm rather then the exception. Hyperspace capable fighters give the SW carrier the ability to strike without warning at distance against known targets, but they do NOT allow the carrier to kill any incoming threat before it comes within firing range.

This actually has a historical analog in WW2 in the pacific, the exact historical period SW combat is based on. Before modern radars and the 'transparent' environment that the modern carrier enjoys the WW2 carrier was highly vulnorable at night. This was particularly the case for American carriers in the pacific because the Japanese trained for night battles and Americans, initially, had not. This threat along with many other possibilities for a surprize contact with Japanese surface warships (something as simple as clouds preventing airial recon) ment that carriers were kept under CONSTANT escort, often by battleships.

This fact has been largely forgoten and distorted to imply battleships were used ONLY to defend the Carriers from air attack, largely due to the huge role they played in holding off the Kamikazie attacks late in the war. By that point the Japanese surface navy was obliterated and the battleships did infact only provide air defence because their no longer WAS any surface vessel threat because their were no enemy surface vessels left. But early in the war thouse escorts were essential because a single accidental surprise contact with even a middling japanese cruiser would have easily sunk a carrier.

So in a universe where that kind surprize contact is always possible it really should come as no surprize that a pure carrier never really evolves in StarWars other then as a auxillary support vessel always under the defensive umbrella of true capitol ships. The largest capitol ships always retain the shielding and firepower to engage in a broadside exchange. The Venator employment at Corrusant wasn't so much an act of desperation, as it was the inevitable kind of battle that StarWars tech dictates, so the Republic gave the Venator the guns it would need in that kind of battle. When a knife fight could happen at any time you carry a knife, and learn to use it and inevitable get into knife fights with it.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Impaler wrote:
Lastly I think your analysis on the inevitable dominance of carriers is too much a mirroring of modern wet navies and fails to take into account many important aspects of StarWars technology and settings which I think prevent it. The key distinction is hyperspace and the ability of one warship to apear (from the defenders perspective) 'instantly' and with no possibility of warning or prior detection within main gunfire range (or practically ramming distance for that matter). This happens so many times in StarWars battles that surpize short range contact should be considered the norm rather then the exception. Hyperspace capable fighters give the SW carrier the ability to strike without warning at distance against known targets, but they do NOT allow the carrier to kill any incoming threat before it comes within firing range.

This actually has a historical analog in WW2 in the pacific, the exact historical period SW combat is based on. Before modern radars and the 'transparent' environment that the modern carrier enjoys the WW2 carrier was highly vulnorable at night. This was particularly the case for American carriers in the pacific because the Japanese trained for night battles and Americans, initially, had not. This threat along with many other possibilities for a surprize contact with Japanese surface warships (something as simple as clouds preventing airial recon) ment that carriers were kept under CONSTANT escort, often by battleships.

This fact has been largely forgoten and distorted to imply battleships were used ONLY to defend the Carriers from air attack, largely due to the huge role they played in holding off the Kamikazie attacks late in the war. By that point the Japanese surface navy was obliterated and the battleships did infact only provide air defence because their no longer WAS any surface vessel threat because their were no enemy surface vessels left. But early in the war thouse escorts were essential because a single accidental surprise contact with even a middling japanese cruiser would have easily sunk a carrier.

So in a universe where that kind surprize contact is always possible it really should come as no surprize that a pure carrier never really evolves in StarWars other then as a auxillary support vessel always under the defensive umbrella of true capitol ships. The largest capitol ships always retain the shielding and firepower to engage in a broadside exchange. The Venator employment at Corrusant wasn't so much an act of desperation, as it was the inevitable kind of battle that StarWars tech dictates, so the Republic gave the Venator the guns it would need in that kind of battle. When a knife fight could happen at any time you carry a knife, and learn to use it and inevitable get into knife fights with it.

This is exacly my point, the carrier remained and becaame the MAIN ship of any fleet, the battleship was eventually scrapped and non existant....meaning that the battleship had and is obsolete.

You make the perfect point here with hyperspace starfighters, that is why a carrier is superior, not it would of course be escorted but launching from afar, another system or even across the system will prevent the battleshop from getting close befote it is killed of. Any "smaller" escorts would pose a threat, but unless the escorts gang up it is not a signifcant threat give then in this case venator' armamenet and armoring.

And I am thinking doctrine here, anyone know that any carrier going bradside with anything heavier than a sloop will loose, becuse it is not the role.
But launching 120+ X wings, or other hyperdive capable fighters form a nearby system make the possiblity for the bradsides more or less zero.

And yes Starfighters CAN be and HAVE been equiieped in Star Wars for the spesific purpose to get through sidelds and casue massive damage ot even take out an ISD and bigger ships.

The Venator is capable to hold its own long enough to get help or escape when faced with most cruisers and frigate cass ships though not the "battlehsip" ISD, becuse it was never meant for it.

That it was used by "incopetent jedi" as a battleship Destroyer during the clone wars does not make the ship inferior in any way, it simeply used wrong.
This can not be said about ISDs as they are used "right" according to their role, they have ZERO long range capabilities compared to a "carrier"

We do have designated carriers in star wars, most are called carrier in some way, but a name is that, and in star wars it is often what deternies a ship's class and role more so than logic.

I can not find any scanrio where a ISD can take out and defeat a Venator equipped with a full compliment ( even 1/2) of hyperdive capable fighters attacking from another system. the ISD can not send fighters to follow they have no hyperdrive and is meant as close protection of the ISD.

Then comes numners, even of an ISD launched it woilld still be 70-ish fighters vs 120-400 deneding on the stats used, I will go with 1/2 listed so closer to 190 than 400 for the venator.

So if the ISD never gets in range, which it can't, then how can it defeat a carrier? scare it with threats over coms?

The issue is in the names, had the venator been called a carrier and the ISD called a battleshipthen lesser ships like the imperial cruisers or the acclamators would serve the escort and destroyer roles.

To me role is more important than name, as I can my little 30" dingie "HMS Titiaanic" and use it for transport, it will not however be this in any way other than in name.

same with the ISD, a ship very very vulnerable especially vs smaller capatal ships, but also fighters, this is canon and we have seen this.....

Twilight company, here we have a CR-90 (aided though by a sloop size at best added ship for some more gunnery power, taking out the turbolasers that are too slow rate of fire to be effective in close range and vs fast ships.
The ISD fither lacks point defesne systems, making it even more vulnerable, something the venators does not lack in the same degree.

So if fighters can take out an ISD, and from jumping from another system, then the IsD can not take the venator .

But yes a carrier on its own is not at all a good warship for any form of ship to ship attack, and yes all or most carriers hould be escorted by frigates and corvettes and cruisers...I would include submarines, but we do not have these in star wars, so they do not count.

I call it the umbrella escort, bot sides has it, one has a carrier leading the fleet one has a battleship.....they both have comparable escort strenght, then again the Battlehips Isd can not win....

Relating to our world wet navy and the replacement by ALL nations of the now inferioer battleship. the last one used more than 30years ago.....
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Joined: 25 Jan 2025
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried did you miss the two postings I made at the bottom of the last page, I seperated my posts by topic and the 3rd post went to a 3rd page.

I still do not think your are fully appresiating my last post. My point was that a MOBILE threat moving towards the Venators location can not be stopped or intercepted untill it arrives in the same system. Hyperspace is not an ocean that can be searched by recon craft or scanned by any senor the Venator possesed. This makes everyone vulnorable to a surprize attack and the Venator or any other carrier can find itself in a knife fight at any moment. It can NOT do what a modern carreir dose of simply obliterating any incoming ship while it is still hundreds of miles away.

Also you seem fixated on viewing the ISD as ONLY a victim, sitting idle, unaware and alone, while the Venator seems to have full knowlege and initiative. This is a grossly unfair comparison, in any kind of reasonable comparison we give both ships equal information and equally competent commanders. Neither the ISD nor Venator commander will not simple sit idle but keep moving for both offensive and defensive advantage.

That an ISD can be destroyed by a surprize attack by a sufficient number of hyperspace capable bombers has never been in doubt by anyone (the Rebels take out 2 ISD's with far less on Scariff, and other SW media is replete with even more impressive feats). So a long distance strike dose not establish the Venators superiourity, it just shows that single tactics superiority, and it is a tactic EQUALLY available to the ISD because of it's IDENTICAL carrying capacity.

The equal fighter capacity is a point which I feel you seriously need to engage with, do you dispute it, accept it or think it is moot for some reason? I'm certainly willing to dive into the minutia of how I generated that equal size conclusion and have it picked apart, a more conservative approtch could see a different result, but I feel I atleast evaluated the both the Venator and ISD using the same standard.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Impaler wrote:
Mamatried did you miss the two postings I made at the bottom of the last page, I seperated my posts by topic and the 3rd post went to a 3rd page.

I still do not think your are fully appresiating my last post. My point was that a MOBILE threat moving towards the Venators location can not be stopped or intercepted untill it arrives in the same system. Hyperspace is not an ocean that can be searched by recon craft or scanned by any senor the Venator possesed. This makes everyone vulnorable to a surprize attack and the Venator or any other carrier can find itself in a knife fight at any moment. It can NOT do what a modern carreir dose of simply obliterating any incoming ship while it is still hundreds of miles away.

Also you seem fixated on viewing the ISD as ONLY a victim, sitting idle, unaware and alone, while the Venator seems to have full knowlege and initiative. This is a grossly unfair comparison, in any kind of reasonable comparison we give both ships equal information and equally competent commanders. Neither the ISD nor Venator commander will not simple sit idle but keep moving for both offensive and defensive advantage.

That an ISD can be destroyed by a surprize attack by a sufficient number of hyperspace capable bombers has never been in doubt by anyone (the Rebels take out 2 ISD's with far less on Scariff, and other SW media is replete with even more impressive feats). So a long distance strike dose not establish the Venators superiourity, it just shows that single tactics superiority, and it is a tactic EQUALLY available to the ISD because of it's IDENTICAL carrying capacity.

The equal fighter capacity is a point which I feel you seriously need to engage with, do you dispute it, accept it or think it is moot for some reason? I'm certainly willing to dive into the minutia of how I generated that equal size conclusion and have it picked apart, a more conservative approtch could see a different result, but I feel I atleast evaluated the both the Venator and ISD using the same standard.

Which again goes to my point about one ship being a battleship and another being a carrier, so the carrier will always loose in a close up fight, I never argue against this, but to say that a bus is a bad bus becuse a formula one car is fastdr is a bit of a stretch.

If both sides had a matching fleet, and competent commaders that follow each faction's doctrine, then again the venatror will win, becuse of its strengths in "hit and run from a distance"

Now if we take Imperial doctrine and make it logical, then most likely a fight would come down to margins and luck and it does in real life to a large degree. We would have a much more dynamic imparial flotilla, most lilkely the "battleship" ISD would have something like a secutor (Carrier) and other support ships, some with their own small fighter compliments.
This would make any such fight much more difficult for the venator's side.

But no matter the competancy, as long as the doctrine is as it is, then most if not all attacks pitting such ships against eachother in the same system would be far between compared to jumping fighter squadrons launched from other systems, we know this is often done by the rebels using the hyperdrive capable X wing, and is one of the "traits and strengths" of the ship.

So what I am trying to get across is that a Carrier is a bad battleship and an even worse one when used as such, but it is an excellent warship and when used as a garrier , like in carrier groups etc etc it is the superior force of those fleets and those fleets in most cases will win most engagements against fleets with no carriers.

ISD is a good battleship, it is one of the worst carriers in the galaxy, if deplyed as a carrier it would be destroyed after loosing most of not all of it relatively few fighters. Yes it can bombard the planet, but then it is not there as a carrier.....

Same goes with the Venator, these were carriers, they barely had a battalion on board, not a legion as the ISD, the orbital bombardment was more so the task of the smaller acclamators, who did have legion size ground forces on board and none to very few fighters.

Now in the CW series and many of the books and comics we have seen the carrier being used in arole ti was not made for, and then then called inferior compared to oher ships that were designed for their role.

Again I can't saw down a tree with a hammer, but this does not make the hammer bad, it is just used wrong.

and there is my argument, the ship is not a battlehsip so to say it is worse becuse it is used as something it never was is like the hammer and saw above, I say that two fleets using real life tactics, one basded on a battleship, and one based around a carrer, is proven throughput history to be a victory for the carrier based fleet.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2025
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:

ISD is a good battleship, it is one of the worst carriers in the galaxy, if deplyed as a carrier it would be destroyed after loosing most of not all of it relatively few fighters. Yes it can bombard the planet, but then it is not there as a carrier.....

This statement is absurd and speaks to a total unwillingness on your part to consider the evidence and arguments put forward by myself and others in this thread. I am going to cease further commentary here as everything I am saying is clearly falling on deaf ears.
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