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Need help with damage question
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:41 am    Post subject: Need help with damage question Reply with quote

I have been searching the less than damage trhead but could not find any answers to a questiont hat have arisen.

A player had flwon a Headunter through some pretty thick turobo laser fire.

Haveing managed to destroy the target, an antenna array he manaed to get back to the players "base"

We described the fligth much like a ww2 movie with the fighter bombers flying low through thick flak. and upon landing the plane (in this case the Headhunter) was riddled with holes.

Knowing that a ww2, and even a ww1 plane easiely could fly more or less unhindered after suffereing several hits to both fuselage and wings, with more than one fighter landing with a hole or four in the fieslage or wings.

I consider this in many ways "less than danaged" it needs repair but has no actual megative impact on perfomance.
but I could not find any spesific rules allowing a "swiss cheesing" of a vessel, and I am mostly thinking about in atmosphere flight, but I can see this apply to some sileded ships, seeing the "blue barrier" we see closing hulls for hangars and the like, I can not even think at all that loosing a plate of armor or having a "small" hole or a few blasted into a ship will have any impact on performce at all, and thus be more or less less than damage, but still later on needing repairs that are not emergency status
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I tend to agree; "not damaged enough to hinder performance" would be the way to deal with this.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the way you handled it is just fine. If you wanted to make it sound more Star Wars you could say the fighter is riddled with carbon scoring from glancing laser blasts.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I look at that as all the hits that did not pass the damage threshold.

They still hit - and still did something.

It was just not enough at the time to impact the performance of the craft.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could even say it was enough to not impact the craft's performance at that time. Have the craft in need of repairs since the engineer is amazed that it managed to hold together to get back on the deck.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well youve got the real world comparison already there. treat it like a plane with a bunch of holes in it that aint supposed to be there. while it can fly, it gets more difficult the faster you go and the longer you fly. and if the players are unwilling to fix it, then some random mishap modifiers can be added in the event that things go too right or too wrong.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Raven Redstar wrote:
You could even say it was enough to not impact the craft's performance at that time. Have the craft in need of repairs since the engineer is amazed that it managed to hold together to get back on the deck.

you hit the nail on the head with This:

basically the fighter in this case took some hits both on the attack and the retreat, able to complete mission, not enough damage to have any rela systems out, but enough damage to not be "flyable" once landed and will need much more than little post flight check up.

I am picturing a Spitfighter, taking a few bullets through the "empty" fuselage, through the wings and such, but nothing hitting the engines, the wires and the hydraulics or weapons, basically no systems, just a few holes through the fuselage.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't overly equate real world planes to starships. In Star Wars we see a lot of tech has that 'live-in universe' quality of being dented and scratched up, but we don't see ships flying around with holes in them (except for Poe putting his foot through the floor of his speeder in TLJ). We don't have bullets in space.

However, the general concept here seems natural for Star Wars. For my droid damage system, I have a "slightly damaged" destination that is mainly an aesthetic consideration for damage and repair, and doesn't affect the function of the droid. I can see adding something like this to other technologies, and adding that it may not have an immediate detrimental effect to function, but could require maintenance sooner or it could lead to a mishap.
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Star Wars D6 Damage
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Every time a vehicle is hit by something, it "ages" even if there is no immediate effects on performance. This means that the "older" it becomes, the more likely a component failure will occur.

I have a chart for "Encounters in Space" based on the rules from GG6. When component failure comes up, I base the severity on the "age" of the ship. Sometimes the ship will develop a rattle or tap when flying in hyperspace because a rivet popped, a weld became brittle and broke, or a hydraulic pipe broke a retaining clip, or a wiring harness came loose. This of course makes for all kinds of fun as paranoid players try to find and diagnose the problem.

"Something is tapping below Blint." Blint scowls. "(sighs) I hope something didn't crawl into the landing gear again."

If the ship is really "old" (taken many hits by various things but not damaged) then the severity may be worse: Small gasket leak or hull breach, ship drops out of hyperspace, shorted wires, leaking fluids, nav computer or comm system crashes, etc.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 4:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Need help with damage question Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
I have been searching the less than damage trhead but could not find any answers to a questiont hat have arisen.

A player had flwon a Headunter through some pretty thick turobo laser fire.

Haveing managed to destroy the target, an antenna array he manaed to get back to the players "base"

We described the fligth much like a ww2 movie with the fighter bombers flying low through thick flak. and upon landing the plane (in this case the Headhunter) was riddled with holes.

Knowing that a ww2, and even a ww1 plane easiely could fly more or less unhindered after suffereing several hits to both fuselage and wings, with more than one fighter landing with a hole or four in the fieslage or wings.

I consider this in many ways "less than danaged" it needs repair but has no actual megative impact on perfomance.
but I could not find any spesific rules allowing a "swiss cheesing" of a vessel, and I am mostly thinking about in atmosphere flight, but I can see this apply to some sileded ships, seeing the "blue barrier" we see closing hulls for hangars and the like, I can not even think at all that loosing a plate of armor or having a "small" hole or a few blasted into a ship will have any impact on performce at all, and thus be more or less less than damage, but still later on needing repairs that are not emergency status

Wouldn't that just be several "lightly damages".?? Much like stunning in melee combat?
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