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Deputy Director Doctor Tannux Holt-Bisoen
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Joined: 29 Jan 2024
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Location: Birmingham, UK

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:36 pm    Post subject: Deputy Director Doctor Tannux Holt-Bisoen Reply with quote

Deputy Director Doctor Tannux Holt-Bisoen
Imperial Military Department for Advanced Weapons Research
Project leader of the C.L.O.I.S.T.E.R. (Combined Logistics, Operational Intelligence and Special Tactics Experimental Research) Initiative

Holt-Bisoen is a former surgeon and professor of cybernetics and micromedicine at the Chandrilan academy of sciences. He taught many now-renowned doctors, researchers and scientists over the late republican period, and even provided holodata that went into clone medic flash training. Former students generally speak of him with a mixture of loathing and fearful awe. At the birth of the new order he was called up by the empire to work on military enhancement surgeries in preparation for a post-clone armed forces, a position he gladly accepted, seeing it as a long-delayed recognition of his genius. In this role he was a key figure in the development of the surgical enhancement elements of the death trooper protocol, which he thus considers to be primarily his own invention and initially proposed to be rolled out to every stormtrooper recruit.

He has a disdainful rivalry with his immediate superior Orson Krennic – to whom he lost out on the directorship of the Advanced Weapons Research department early on – and the Tarkin Initiative superweapon think tank he sponsors.

His background in microsurgery leads him to view the galaxy as a body, and has convinced him that a thousand tiny interventions is a far more powerful curative than one dramatic demonstration of force. His obsessive interest in sentient – and human, especially – potential has led him to broaden his expertise to psychological as well as physical manipulation, and he is a leading imperial thinker in training methodologies and interrogation studies. Many fine-scale approaches as exemplified by his thinking are somewhat unpopular in the imperial military and intelligence community, since they don’t lead to immediately palpable outcomes with easily assigned credit. His own CLOISTER initiative think tank has become something of a wastebasket group for these projects.

Shunted out of the core worlds thanks to his arrogant, prickly attitude and poor working relationship with his director, he has made the most of his informal exile. He is beginning to build up a power base on an outer rim world, regaining some degree of favour with the excellent results of his brutal specialist trooper training programs. Holt-Bisoen is aiming to make his backwater sector base into his own personal fiefdom. He holds the Imperial governor in nominal command of the region in cordial contempt as a pad-pushing, myopic bureaucrat unable to match wits with corporate interests, concerned with nothing but quotas and regulations. He works to quietly circumvent and subvert their authority whenever possible.

Deputy Director Doctor Tannux Holt-Bisoen
Human Imperial Intelligence Executive

MOVE - 10

    Blaster: 4D+2
    Brawling Parry: 4D+2
    Dodge: 5D

    Bargain: 5D
    Command: 6D+2
    Con: 5D
    Investigation: 6D
    Persuasion: 6D

    Intimidation: Interrogation 6D
    Intimidation: Torture 6D
    Languages: 4D+2
    Scholar (Medicine): 8D
    Survival: 5D
    Streetwise: 5D
    Tactics: 6D
    Willpower: 5D

    Climbing/Jumping: 3D
    Swimming: 3D

    Astrogation: 4D
    Communications: 5D
    Repulsorlift Operation: 3D
    Sensors: 4D+1

    First aid: 5D
    Medicine (A): 7D
    Medicine: Cyborging 9D
    Medicine: Microsurgery 10D

In our campaign, Holt-Bisoen is a looming presence representing the attention of the greater empire on our little band of outer rim misfits. He indirectly ties us in to the larger threats and events at large in the galaxy, and helps explain why there might be star destroyers in the skies and crack death troopers or storm commandoes on our tails. His known focus on subtle shemes and small details encourages us to be on the look out for hints, clues and red herrings. His erudite affect and interest in vivisection can make him a creepy, slightly Hammer Horror-esque figure. He can also serve as a spoiler for other imperial NPCs, explaining that you only got away from the admiral because Holt-Bisoen wants to discredit him or let you lead him to the rebel base, etc.
"Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. [...] Remember this. Try."
The Trail of Political Consciousness, Karis Nemik
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005
Posts: 14293
Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like a great foil for a party. Someone smart, manipulative, but not that decent in combat.. instead he uses his brains and surgery, to win the day for the empire..
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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