Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 805
Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 12:19 pm Post subject: |
Major Superpowers and their simulation in game
Passive Powers are abilities that do not need to be activated. Usually these are superhuman attributes, like super strength. For game play purposes passive powers generally don't require a special role, you just add the extra dice to a regular skill role. Consequently, passive powers do not count as a separate action in a combat round.
Super Strength – For every pip in Super Strength add one die to any strength skill roles, except for damage mitigation.
Super Strength covers all skills under the strength attribute including: Lifting, Jump/Climb, Swimming, Brawling, and Melee Damage. As your character's Super Strength increases you will be able to toss around cars, rip through solid steel and jump incredible distances.
Invulnerability - For every pip in Invulnerability add one die to any damage mitigation roles.
Invulnerability allows a character to resist damage, both energy and physical. The Invulnerability dice are added to the player's base strength stats and rolled to resist damage. Invulnerability does not resist psychic attacks or disorientation effects. Psychic attacks are mitigated with the willpower skill. Disorientation effects are mitigated with the Perception attribute.
Super Speed Combat – Every pip in Super Speed Combat gives your character an additional action in every combat round with no penalty.
A super with 1 die Super Speed Combat can throw three punches for every one a normal person can. Or they can take three shots with a rifle. Or drive a car, take a shot at someone and dodge other vehicles all in the same combat round.
Super Speed Running – Every pip in Super Speed Running increases run speed by ten meters per round and increases the skills run and dodge by 1 die. This is a top speed increase of approximately 17.8954903296 miles per hour per pip, round that up however you want to, I'll just use 18 mph for simplicity's sake.
Super Speed Running makes a character significantly faster and able to dodge attacks. Like most powers Super Speed Running only makes a person somewhat faster then a normal person, but will eventually allow a superhuman to outrun cars and potentially break the sound barrier.
Super Dexterity – For every pip in Super Dexterity add one die to all dexterity skill roles.
Super Dexterity covers all skills under dexterity including guns, bows, throwing, melee combat, dodge, pickpocket, running (keeping your balance over rough terrain), acrobatics, and vehicle weapons. Super Dexterity adds no additional damage to attacks, but increases accuracy.
Super Knowledge – For every pip in Super Knowledge add one die to all knowledge skill roles.
Super Knowledge covers all skills under knowledge including Value, Willpower, Intimidation, Tactics, Languages, Survival, Streetwise, Law Enforcement, Business, Bureaucracy, and Cultures. Knowledge and Technical are the two attributes needed to create new technology. The in character effect is the ability to learn and retain information at a rapid rate.
Super Senses – For every pip in Super Senses add one die to all perception skill roles.
Super Senses covers the following perception skills: Bargain, Con, Search, Hide Object, Sneak, Persuade, Command NPC, Investigate, Gamble, and my homebrew skill of Spot which I use in place of perception checks. Super Senses allows a character to notice more details then a normal person. It allows them by hearing more then others, see better in darkness and being able to use that information to sneak better, hide better and search better. A character with super senses will notice more details on an investigation. They can see other player's tells across a poker table. When interacting with NPCs they will see the other's state and be able to get advantages in conning them, bargaining and persuading others to their cause.
Super Technical – For every pip in Super Technical add one die to all technical skill roles.
Super Technical covers all technical skills including repair skills, medical skills, demolitions, and security. Technical skills allow a character to repair or even slightly improve items. Technical and Knowledge skills are required to create new technology.
Super Mechanical – For every pip in Super Mechanical add one die to all mechanical skill roles.
Super Mechanical is the in-game equivalent of having an incredible affinity for utilizing machines. A person with Super Mechanical can get cars to run better for them, can fly airplanes through horrific weather, they can coax better reception out of a radio receiver or break through jamming better, and can fire artillery more accurately. A super mechanical player would be amazing in powered armor.
Healing Factor – At the end of each combat round a character with a Healing factor can roll their skill for a chance to improve their status. A very easy roll will stabilize a deteriorating condition or eliminate stun effects. An easy roll will increase their status by one level. A moderate role will increase their status by two levels. A difficult role will increase status by three levels. A very difficult roll will increase status by four combat levels. An heroic roll will increase status by five combat levels,
effectively bringing someone from mortally wounded to full health. A heroic roll done in the same combat round that you died in will bring you from dead to mortally wounded, but stabilized.
Active powers need to be activated. In general active powers are extra-human abilities, powers normal humans don't have. Active powers count as a single action during combat rounds.
Flight is the ability to soar through the sky. When a player chooses flight they need to decide what kind of flight they have. Is it energy based, or do they have wings? Energy based flyers include those who fly through gravity, magnetism or flame manipulation. There are two powers that are a part of flight, Power and Control. A player will need both powers to fly. Winged supers will generally have more control, while energy supers will generally have more power.
Flight Power – Every pip in Flight Power increases flight speed by 10 per round. Winged flyers can increase their flight speed by diving from a great height. Energy flyers are completely under their own power. However, Winged Flyers cannot increase their flight power past 5D. Flyers roll their Flight Power to determine if they are fast enough to catch something. Flight Power also determines lifting strength while flying.
Flight Control – Every pip in Flight Control increases a flyer's ability to fly in rough weather and to accomplish aerial feats. Players roll Flight Control to dodge in the air. Energy flyers cannot increase their flight control past 5D. Energy flyers can float or hover while winged flyers generally cannot. If a player has the skill: acrobatics, they can add their acrobatics dice to their flight control rolls. Note: If a player has Energy Generation and Energy Control they can take the ability Flight Control and use Energy generation in place of Flight Power, assuming they are generating the same type of energy they use to fly. When using Energy Generation to power Flight, each Die in Energy Generation increases flight speed by 10 per round.
Energy manipulation is the ability to generate and control a specific kind of energy. In fact, energy manipulation is split into two separate powers: generation and control. A super does not need to choose both Energy Generation and Energy Control. Energy manipulation can be combined with the minor powers: Energy Blast and Energy Aim.
Energy Generation – For every pip in Energy Generation the player can generate one die of energy. Every third pip is added as a wild die.
Energy Generation is the ability to generate energy (duh). The player chooses one energy: fire, sound, light, etc. Energy generation does not give anyone any control over the energy that they create. For that they need Energy Control or Energy Aim. Energy generation is rolled to determine damage for energy attacks.
Energy Generation can be channeled through the player's hands and feet and added to their brawling damage.
Energy Control – Energy control is the ability to manipulate a specific kind of energy and make it do whatever you want. The more difficult the task the higher the player has to roll to accomplish their goal.
Energy control determines energy blast's accuracy. It allows a character to create things out of energy, like fences or cages. Light manipulation would allow someone to create holograms or complex illusions with a corresponding difficulty. Magnetic manipulation would allow someone to lift and manipulate the three magnetic elements: iron, nickel and tin, as well alloys containing those metals.
Gravity manipulation would allow someone to lift or lower objects. It would not give someone the fine control of telekinetics.
Energy control cannot be used to create force fields. While an electricity manipulator could create awall of electricity, that wall will not resist damage. The electric wall will cause damage to anything attempting to pass through it.
If a player takes Energy Control without Energy Generation or Energy Blast then the energy they wish to manipulate must be readily available for them to use their power, similar to the elemental powers. Note: If a player has Energy Generation and Energy Control they can take the ability Flight Control and use Energy generation in place of Flight Power, assuming they are generating the same type of energy they use to fly.
Elemental – There are five different elemental powers, the ability to manipulate one of the four classic elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and plants. The player must choose which element they wish to manipulate. The Elemental skill is rolled to determine damage. This ability works much the same as Energy Control, in fact Elemental Fire is pretty much the same thing as Energy Control Fire. With Elemental powers the amount of skill dictates the amount of water, air, earth or fire the elemental super can control.
Elemental Air can change the weather. Summoning a hurricane would be a very difficult or heroic roll, while wind gusts would be easy. Summoning a thunderstorm would be moderate, while directing where a bolt of lightning hits would be difficult.
Elemental Earth can form rock golems to command with very difficult rolls. Shifting the ground in the immediate area would be easy. Elemental Water can create waves with an easy roll, burst water mains with difficult rolls and command water golems with very difficult rolls.
Elemental Plants can make plants grow rapidly, forming walls and constraining things. They can form plant creatures, like Ents, or smaller versions.
Force Fields are energy fields that resist physical and energy damage. Force Fields is split into two powers, control and power. Force field power and control are both needed to summon force fields, except for a personal force fields.
Force Field Power – For every pip placed in Force Field Power add one die to the damage mitigation of a force field. Also, Force Field Power dictates the amount of weight that can be placed on a force field. For weight restrictions treat the force field roll like a lift roll.
Summoning a force field is a single action in combat. Once a force field is summoned it is considered 'on' until the player dismisses the field or it is destroyed.
A personal force field contours to the creator's body, and moves with them. A moderate Force Field Power roll allows a character to expand their personal force field outside themselves into a sphere. They are always in the center of that sphere. If the sphere is large enough they will float and the sphere will move as acted upon by outside forces. Or inside forces if someone is inside the personal force field with them (Think Dash and Vi from Incredibles).
Force Field Power by itself allows a person to summon a personal force field that contours to their body. The personal force field is very similar to the Invulnerability power, but strength is not added to the personal force field to resist strength. If an attack overpowers a force field then the personal force field is degraded or destroyed depending on how much the attack roll beat the force field's defending roll. At the start of the next combat round the player can use an action to create a new personal force field or restore it to it's maximum power level.
For those familiar with the Star Wars D6 RPG forcefields are treated like protection which is covered on page 94 of the 2nd edition R&E.
Force Field Control – This power determines the player's success in creating a force field of the size, shape and in the position they want it to be. The more complex a force field the more difficult it is to create. Moving a forcefield requires a difficult Force Field Control roll, the faster and more intricately you want to move the force field the more difficult it becomes.
Force fields can be created in any shape the player can imagine and effectively describe to the gamemaster. Players may create stairs or a spiked wall to damage opponents if the opponents run into the wall. Also, force fields can be used to cage opponents.
For every die in Force Field Control the player can place an additional force field at the same strength as a regular force field. For instance, when a player has 2 dice in Force Field Control they can create two separate force fields or a separate force field and a personal force field. When a player has 4 dice in Force Field Control they can create 4 force fields. The creation of a single force field is considered a single action in a combat round.
Intangibility – The ability to become ethereal, passing through walls and walking on air. The player must make a very easy roll to become intangible. An easy roll allows the person to take something half their size with them. A moderate roll is needed to make one other adult intangible. The player must be in contact with someone or something to make them intangible, and keep them intangible. Becoming tangible is always a very easy roll.
Invisibility – The ability to bend light around you and not be seen. The higher the roll the longer you can stay invisible. The player must make an very easy roll to become invisible. A moderate roll is needed to make one other person invisible. The player must be in contact with someone or something to make them invisible.
Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate objects without touching them. Utilizing telekinesis a player can remotely utilize any normal skill they have. Telekinetics can fire guns, type on computers, even drive a car. Think telekinesis as having an extra set of invisible hands. Telekinesis is split into two abilities, power and control.
If a character cannot do something with their hands then they cannot do it with telekinesis. For instance, unless a player can pluck a bullet from the air with their fingers, they won't be stopping bullets with their telekinesis. However, a strong telekinetic can move an object between them and the shooter.
Telekinetic Power – Every die in Telekinetic Power is worth a die of damage in a direct telekinetic attack. A direct telekinetic attack would hit your opponent like a punch. Lifting an object is a single action. If you are manipulating the object with Telekinetic Control you do not have to lift it again, i.e. the player does not need to use an action to lift the object every combat round. However, if a player does not manipulate the object in a combat round then the player has released their telekinetic grip on the object and it falls to the ground.
Telekinetic Power cannot be used to resist damage.
Telekinetic Power dice can be added to any of the player's strength rolls. Adding Telekinetic Power to a player's strength can be done in a combat round without being considered a separate action.
Telekinetic Control – This is the ability to perform skills and manipulate objects remotely. For instance, Telekinetic Power would determine the player's ability to pick up a 30 pound machine gun while Telekinetic Control would determine the player's ability to fire it accurately.
A player must either be touching it or be able to see something clearly to manipulate it with telekinesis. Distance is not a factor. You can manipulate an object on a real time video feed or through a pair of binoculars. A telekinetic with enhanced vision is that much more effective.
A player does not need to be able to see inside a lock to manipulate the tumblers inside it, if they are touching it. A telekinetic can use their telekinesis to 'see' something they are touching. So handcuffing a telekinetic, or tying them up, will not stop them for long. Unless they don't know how to pick a handcuff's lock.
When performing a skill with telekinesis the player rolls their Telekinetic Control skill cumulative with their dice for the skill itself minus 2D. Depending on the skill there may be no need to roll telekinetic power. For instance:
A player has 4D in the Gun skill and 3D in Telekinetic Control. In this situation they would subtract
2D from their Gun skill of 4D and add their 3D in Telekinetic Control. 4D (Guns) – 2D + 3D (Telekinetic Control) = 5D
In this situation the player would roll 5D.
Now let us assume that later on the same player is attempting to drive a car telekineticly. Having never driven a car before their skill in Automobiles is at 1D. In this situation the player would subtract 2D from their 1D in Automobiles and add their 3D in Telekinetic Control. 1D (Automobiles) – 2D +3D (Telekinetic Control) = 2D
In this situation the player would roll 2D.
Now let us assume there is a player with 1D in Telekinetic Control and 2D in Automobiles. They would add their 1D in Telekinetic Control to their 2D in Automobiles and subtract 2D. 1D(Telekinetic Control) + 2D(Automobiles) - 2D = 1D In this situation the player would roll 1D. They would do better to drive the automobile with their hands.
When manipulating multiple objects or doing more then one action per round a player is subject to all
multi-action penalties.
Telepathy is the ability to read and manipulate other people's minds. There are two major powers in telepathy, Receptive and projective telepathy.
Receptive Telepathy – Mind reading, after a fashion.
Receptive Telepathy is an active skill and the player must choose a person and make a very easy roll to read a person's current thoughts. A very easy roll will let the telepath know what subject the person is thinking about without many details. If the person is aware that the player is attempting to read their mind the person can make a willpower roll to resist their mind being read. The target's willpower roll is added to the difficulty and the telepath must still make a moderate roll to read the target's surface thoughts.
Attempting to find something in a target's mind that they are not actively thinking about automatically guarantees an opposed willpower roll. A telepath must make a heroic roll above and beyond the target's opposed willpower roll to get unfettered access to the memory they wish to see. Anything less then a heroic roll will give them a corresponding answer. A difficult roll will give them some information, little more then hints, while an easy roll will give them little more then a picture or the smells the person remembers from that memory.
Projective Telepathy – The ability to project thoughts into someone's mind. The more complex the thought the more difficult to project.
For instance, projecting a sentence to someone in the telepath's own voice would be an easy roll. Projecting a sentence into a person's head in that person's voice would be a moderate roll. Projecting a thought into a person's head that they would never think in that person's voice would be a difficult roll and would likely alert the person that something weird is going on.
A person needs to realize something weird is going on to resist the psychic projection. They do not need to necessarily realize they are under psychic assault to resist it. To resist a telepathic projection a person rolls their willpower. The telepath must beat the opposed willpower and still make their difficulty for their projection to work.
Telepathic projections can be as simple as a word or as complex as a total immersion into an imaginary reality.
Mind Control is the combination of Projective and Receptive Telepathy to completely take over another person. To take over a subject a telepath must make 2 heroic opposed roles, one for Receptive Telepathy and one for Projective Telepathy. For every action the telepath commands the target makes a willpower roll which the telepath must beat by 6 with a Projective Telepathy roll. If the Telepath fails to beat the willpower roll they must beat the willpower roll with a Receptive Telepathy roll. If at any time the Telepath rolls a 1 on a wild die the telepath loses control of the target's mind.
Grow/Shrink – The ability to increase or decrease your size and mass to a new scale level with the appropriate increases and decreases to damage and accuracy.
An very easy roll allows you to increase one scale level in a round. An easy roll allows you to grow two scale levels, etc. A scale level is roughly six feet. Growing or shrinking takes up all five seconds of a combat round.
Shift Appearance – A player can change what they look like, including their color, while retaining a human shape.
A moderate role is required to take on the appearance of a specific human being. An easy roll allows the player to change a few easy features, like their nose, or ears, or eye color, or one hard feature, like total body skin color, or grow/shrink a foot or so. A very easy roll allows a player to change one easy feature. Shift appearance gives some leeway in size, but not enough to be considered a scale level.
Outside of combat a character with Shift Appearance 1D can completely take on the appearance of someone else, given enough time.
A character with Shift Appearance adds their Shift Appearance dice to their sneak roll. This is to simulate them using their abilities to camouflage themselves like a chameleon.
Shift Appearance gives no bonus to strength, dex or healing.
Change Shape – The ability to shift into non-human forms. An easy roll is required to Change Shape the higher the role the longer they can stay in their shifted form. This includes animals and inanimate objects.
The shape you shift into must be roughly the same mass as the character. A character cannot change scale level without taking Grow/Shrink.
Changing shape does not give bonuses to strength, durability or healing.
Plastic Body – Ability to stretch your body.
For every pip in Plastic Body add one die to damage mitigation against physical damage. Energy damage still affects a hero with Plastic Body like a normal person.
Every pip in Plastic Body allows the player to stretch a limb an additional 2 feet with no difficulty level modifier, 3 feet for one difficulty level higher, 4 feet for two difficulty levels higher, 5 feet for three difficulty levels higher, 6 foot for four difficulty levels higher, and an additional foot for every ten points of difficulty after that. For instance, a player with 3D in Plastic Body can stretch their body:
18 feet for free (1D = 3 pips, 3D = 9 pips, 9 pips X 2 feet = 18 feet)
27 feet for one difficulty level higher (9 pips X 3 feet)
36 feet for two difficulty levels higher (9pips X 4 feet)
45 feet for three difficulty levels higher (9pips X 5 feet)
54 feet for four difficulty levels higher (9pips X 6 feet)
This may seem like a great deal of calculation to do on the spot, and it is. So don't do it on the spot. Characters do not increase powers in the middle of an adventure, so before the adventure starts the game master and the player can make themselves a crib sheet for quick reference that notes the distances and difficulties.
This difficulty modifier is added to whatever action the player is taking. If a player is trying to hit a person in the appropriate level range, just raise the difficulty of their roll accordingly. For instance:
The player has a Brawling skill of 4D and a Plastic Body of 3D. They're attempting to hit someone between 19 and 27 feet away with a stretch punch. The to hit would normally be easy, but the distance ups the difficulty to moderate. The player rolls a 14, right in the moderate range, and makes the hit. Then they roll for damage.
The Coil Punch – a Plastic Body character can wind their arm into a coil and then release it, doing additional damage to someone in normal brawling range. In this case the player would add their Plastic Body skill to their strength when rolling for damage.
Heal Other – When in physical contact with another character a player can attempt to improve their status. This counts as a single action in a combat round. A very easy roll will stabilize a deteriorating condition or eliminate stun effects. An easy roll will increase their status by one level. A moderate role will increase their status by two levels. A difficult role will increase status by three levels. Very difficult means 4 status levels, Heroic means five. If the player reaches a character in the round they died, a heroic role can bring them back to life, mortally wounded, but stable.
Teleportation is the ability to travel from one place to another simultaneously. There are two types of teleportation: Line of Sight and Portal Teleportation, both of which are split into two separate abilities: power and control.
Line of Sight teleportation requires the player to be able to see where they are teleporting. The player may use a real time camera or binoculars, but must be able to see the area they are telporting into. If they can't see the area they are teleporting into they run the risk of teleporting into a solid object and dying. The exception to this is if a character is intangible while they teleport.
Line of Sight Power – This ability determines the distance a player can teleport and the damage an
unsuccessful teleport will do. Every one pip in Line of Sight Power allows the player to teleport themselves up to 10 yards (30 feet) with an easy roll. Add 10 yards for each additional difficulty level.
Anyone teleporting with a line of sight teleporter on a successful teleport needs to make a stamina roll to resist becoming incapacitated for 1D combat rounds. On an unsuccessful teleport the passenger must make an opposed damage resistance roll against the teleporter's Line of Sight Power skill.
Line of Sight Power can be used to damage an enemy. The player must tell the GM that they are intentionally using their power to damage an opponent before they attempt it. On a successful or unsuccessful teleport the player rolls their Line of Sight Power as a damage roll on their opponent.
Line of Sight Control – This ability determines if a character teleports successfully. Distance and difficulty is determined by the player's Line of Sight Power.
The difficult of a teleportation jaunt is increased by two levels if the player is trying to take someone with them. An easy jaunt becomes a difficult roll with a passenger. With two passengers an easy jaunt becomes a heroic roll.
If a player attempts to make a teleport and fails then their status immediately goes to incapacitated. The GM should roll a single six-sided die to determine how many rounds of combat the character is incapacitated. Heal Other, First Aid or a Healing Factor can be used to return the teleporter to perfect health.
Portal teleportation when a player character creates a portal in mid air between two points. Anyone or anything can pass through the portal from either side, assuming they fit, as long as the portal is open. A portal teleporter does not need to see the area they are attempting to teleport to. As long as a portal teleporter has been there, they can teleport to anywhere on the planet. The exception to this is if a teleporter is also a psychic and makes a very difficult Receptive Telepaty roll and can 'see' a location in someone else's mind, or if a telepath makes a very difficult roll and successfully 'shows' the teleporter a
location from their mind. Portal teleportation is broken up into two abilities, power and control.
Portal Power – Every pip in Portal Power adds ten seconds to how long the player can keep a portal open with an easy roll. To put it another way, the better the roll, the longer you can keep a portal open.
Portal Control – Portal control determines how well a character can create a portal. The better the roll the more accurate a portal is.
The more familiar a player is with an area the easier it is to create a portal there. Creating a portal into their house, or somewhere they visit weekly, would be an easy roll. Someplace they visit once a month would be a moderate roll. Once a year would be a difficult roll. The difficult of opening a portal to a place the character has only visited once would increase the greater the amount of time since they've been there. If a character visited a coffee shop last week and decides to create a portal to get a cup of coffee, it would be an easy roll. If a character is trying to teleport to Disney World and they haven't been there in over ten years, it would be a very difficult roll. If a character has a reason for remembering a place, specifically because an emotional event took place there, it will be easier for them to teleport there. How well they remember the place and what bonus it gives tot hem creating a portal there is at the GM's discretion.
Every attempt to keep a portal open the player must make another roll at one higher difficulty level. For example, a character has 2D in Portal Power. They open a portal for 60 seconds and decide they want to keep the portal open. They must make a moderate roll to do so. They roll their two dice and get a seven, within moderate range. The portal stays open an additional 60 seconds. If they want to keep the portal open after that then they need to make a difficult roll. To close a portal early a character must make the same difficulty roll they made to open the portal. To close a portal that has been kept open a character must make a roll of equal difficulty to the last roll they made to keep the portal open.
Minor Superpowers
At character creation minor superpowers can be acquired at 1D for the cost of 1 pip of a major superpower. Minor powers are increased at 1⁄2 the character point cost of normal skill increases.
Super Skills - Super Skills are similar to Super Attributes. A player can take any one skill and make it a minor superpower at the GM's discretion. A GM may feel a particular skill is too powerful to be made into a Super Skill. For every pip in a super skill add one die to the skill when it is used. Some classic Super Skills are:
Super Climb/Jump
Super Languages
Super Persuade
Super Computer Programming
In my experience I would not let a player put more than 2D in a super skill to start. It can unbalance the game.
Claws (Body Weapon) – Gives the character claws that do Strength +1D damage for each die placed in the power. You can use this to improve some other body weapon, like a tail or teeth or spikes or some such.
Psychometry – The ability to learn the history of an object by touching it. The better the roll, the more information a character earns.
Psychic Blast Power – The capacity to 'blast' a person's mind with psychic energy, incapacitating them or knocking them unconscious. This ability can be aimed with Psychic Blast Aim or Projective Telepathy, otherwise they must be in physical contact to use Psychic Blast Power. Psychic blast is resisted with willpower.
Psychic Blast can be channeled through the player's hands and feet and added to their brawling damage. If someone chooses to do this all the damage for the attack is treated as psychic damage/stun damage and isn't resisted physically but with willpower.
Psychic Blast Aim – The ability to aim a psychic blast. Completely and utterly useless without Psychic Blast Power.
Energy Blast – The capacity to generate a bolt of energy. One die in Energy Blast equals one die of damage. Energy Blast is a lesser version of Energy Generation. It can be used in conjunction with Energy Control or aimed with the minor power Energy Aim. Otherwise to definitely hit a target with Energy Blast a character must be in physical contact with their target.
Energy Blast can be channeled through a character's hands or feet and added to brawling damage.
Energy Aim – The ability to turn energy into a bolt and aim it. Used in conjunction with Energy Blast or Energy Generation to aim bolts of power. A player with Energy Aim can only fire blasts of energy. Energy Aim cannot manipulate energy the way Energy control can.
Regeneration – The ability to heal over time. Once an hour a player with Regeneration can roll to improve their damaged status.
The healing results are one level easier than Healing Factor and Heal Other. A very easy roll improves you one status level, and so forth up to a very difficult roll healing a mortally wounded character completely.
There are only two times to roll Regeneration in combat. The most common use of Regeneration in combat is to stabilize a mortally wounded character, which is an easy roll. Regeneration can also be used to allow a dead character to come back to life. At the end of the combat round that a player dies in, if they have Regeneration, they can roll to attempt to come back to live. If they make a heroic roll they will come back from the brink of death, mortally wounded, but stabilized.
Animal Receptive Telepathy – The ability to read animal's thoughts, or rather, their emotions and possibly see what they're seeing. A player with the major power Receptive Telepathy can already do this, though it is easier for the specialist.
Animal Projective Telepathy – The ability to project images and emotions into an animal's mind. A player with the major power Receptive Telepathy can already do this, though it is easier for the specialist.
Receptive Empathy – The ability to sense the emotions of people around you. A player with the major power Receptive Telepathy can already do this, though it is easier for the specialist.
Projective Empathy – The ability to project emotions into people around you. A player with the major power Receptive Telepathy can already do this, though it is easier for the specialist.
Force Field Armor – Used in place of force field control to manipulate a personal force field, allowing the character to create bladed weapons, spikes and generally shape their personal force field.
Purchasable Powers
Purchased Powers are abilities that are purchased at character creation for one pip per power and not improved again. They give the character a static ability that factors into gameplay.
Wall Crawling – The ability to cling to walls and adhere to any surface. This skill only allows a character to adhere to a surface, they would roll their climb/jump skill to actually move on a wall or ceiling. This factors into gameplay as a +3D bonus to climb/jump and wrestling at the GM's discretion.
Underwater Breathing – The ability to breathe underwater.
Energy Sustenance – With this ability a character does not need to eat, drink or breathe as long as they are exposed to their specific energy. If a character can generate energy they can use that energy to sustain themselves. Otherwise I suggest using solar energy.
Radar Sense – Being aware of everything around you, including what's behind you, without necessarily seeing them. Radar is a combination of enhanced hearing and kinesthetic sense. If you want to get specific you could call this sonar sense, but they are the same thing.
Macro- or Micro-vision – Able to see far away or things that are really tiny without binoculars or a microscope, respectively. These are 2 different powers.
X-Ray, Ultra-Violet or Infrared vision – A character can see in an additional spectrum. Note that X-Ray, Ultra-Violet and Infrared vision are all separate powers.
Prestige Powers
Prestige powers are single abilities that are available at the cost of all of your starting power dice. They give special effects and abilities that are unique or not normally purchasable. GMs are not required to allow prestige powers.
Supernatural Luck – Luck costs three super power dice at character creation and makes all dice rolled wild dice. All sixes are rerolled and all ones have adverse effects. For Luck rolls, if a one and a six are rolled the two dice cancel each other out and the two dice are added to the roll at a face value of seven.
Additionally if anyone gets a one on any die in an opposed roll against a character with luck, the opponent's die is treated as a wild die giving the opponent bad luck. Also, the lucky character gets to reroll any of his dice that came up one in that roll.
The Super Man – The player starts with plus one pip in the following passive abilities: Super Dex, Super Mechanical, Super Technical, Super Knowledge, Super Senses, Super Strength, Invulnerability and Healing Factor. A character starting with 'The Super Man' starts off so weak he or she probably doesn't know they have super powers. However, as they grow they have the potential to be one of the most powerful characters. I may make them have to treat their powers as advanced skills for
advancement purposes at 3D. This needs to be play tested.
Absorb/rechannel Energy (Physical) – A player starts with 3D in absorb energy. They can absorb all sorts of energy including kinetic energy by rolling this ability. They absorb as much damage as they roll and the rest is treated as normal damage. For each point of damage they absorb they get a character point. Characters with this prestige power can use as many character points as they like on any Dexterity & Strength rolls. They can add 5 character points to Perception & Mechanical rolls. They also get Healing Factor at 0D and can use character points to heal at the end of a round or out of combat, but this is considered an action. Absorb Energy is never treated as an advanced skill for advancement purposes.
Example: A character with this power grabs a live wire that does 4D damage. They have 3D in Absorb Energy. The live wire does 15 damage. The character rolls a 10 in Absorb Energy. They get 10 character points and have to resist 5 damage.
Absorb/rechannel Energy (Energy) – A player starts with 3D in absorb energy. They can absorb all sorts of energy including kinetic energy by rolling this ability. They absorb as much damage as they roll and the rest is treated as normal damage. For each point of damage they absorb they get a character point. Characters with this power get the following abilities at 0D: Energy Blast, Energy Aim, Healing Factor. These abilities can't be improved but the character can use an unlimited number
of character points to activate them. They can also use unlimited character points to resist damage.
Monster Transformation – Shifting into a monstrous form. You're normal in your normal form. In Monstrous form you start with 4D in super powers and gain an additional pip in major super powers for each attribute die you subtract from your normal attributes for a max of 6D in starting super powers.
Technical and Mechanical can be brought to Zero, but all other attributes can only be brought down to 1D. The transformation takes an entire round.
Example: A player takes Monstrous form. They start with 4D in super powers. They give up 2D in Technical, 2D in Mechanical and 2D in Knowledge for an additional 2D in super power dice for a total of 6D of super powers while in monstrous form.
While I was thinking of the Hulk when I created this prestige powers you could also create a strong person who turns into a super genius, or with 5D or 6D in starting powers you'd be able to access 5 or six powers while in your form or 18 minor powers and purchased powers.
You may want to work with the GM to create a scenario that triggers the transformation (Full moon for werewolves), the idea being the more negatives associated with the transformation the more bonuses you'd get. I don't think I'd go over 6D starting power, but it's up to the individual GM.
Immortality – You are fully healed from any problem, including loss of limb and normal death in one hour. If you are beheaded, disintegrated or atomized it takes a full day to reincorporate. An immortal does not need to eat or breathe.
Mimic (Proximity) – The character starts with 3D in Mimic. A very easy roll allows them to mimic one power of a person in their radius. An easy roll allows them to mimic 2 powers, etc. They mimic powers at the skill level of the person they're mimicking. To add or drop powers they have to reroll their mimic ability. There is no limit to how many powers they can mimic at one time, however, when the person they're mimicking leaves their radius they drop the powers they were mimicking.
Their radius is 10 yards per 1D (or 10 feet per 1 pip)
Mimic (Absorb) – The character starts with 3D in Mimic. A very easy roll allows them to mimic the power of a person in their radius, which is roughly ten yards. An absorb mimic can absorb 1 major power per die of mimic skill they have. They can absorb 1 minor power per pip in mimic skill they have. They can absorb 1 prestige power per 3D in their mimic skill. They can absorb powers at the skill level of the person they're mimicking, to a maximum of their mimic skill level.
A Mimic can improve the powers they absorb as if they were their own through the use of character points. They can add and drop powers up to their maximum.
Example 1: You have Mimic (Absorb) 4D+1. You can absorb 1 prestige power, 1 major power & 1 minor power. Or you can absorb 4 major powers and 1 minor power. Or you can absorb 13 minor powers.
Example 2: You have Mimic (Absorb) 3D. You attempt to absorb Super Dexterity from a character who has Super Dex 2D. You make your attempt and get the power at 2D. (You can't absorb a power at a higher level than the person who has the power)
Example 3: You have Mimic (Absorb) 3D. You attempt to absorb Super Dexterity from a character who has Super Dex 4D. You make your attempt and get the power at 3D. (You can't absorb a power at a higher level than your mimic skill)
Last edited by Kytross on Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:25 am; edited 6 times in total |