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REUP set for. REfresh in 2024
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will not post screenshots on this forum... But the intro-chapter 12 are pretty close to a final draft and will be ready for proof reading.

The Galaxy Section is the only section that will see some deviation from the original 2RE. The sources of the changes will be the Essential Chronology to update the history to the state of the EU in 1998 (Vision of the Future is the chronological hard stop)

The Star Wars Sourcebook is another source for additional galaxy information. (the blue one not the special edition... That was mostly just character profiles)

Finally, a few classic items, ships and vehicles from the rebel alliance and imperial sourcebooks may grace the pages.

Basically combining the SW sourcebook and 2ND Ed R&E gamemaster screen with the core. Most of the arrivals in the GM screen will appear as appendices. Adding some classic templates like armchair historian and tongue tied engineer from 1E... The 2 E templates appeared in the GM screen.

As far as the look... It looks exactly like 2E R&E. The typesetting is designed to exactly mirror the original so that each page in the rules will be in sync with the original. As mentioned before the Universe info will skew the page count a bit... But there are few actual rules there.

What doesn't exist in this iteration are expanded rules. I wanted this to be very core. I love some of the expanded rules (looking at GG6, which sadly is missing 2 charts in the 2e print run) but they are very niche.

The art is a mix of digital and stills. It is difficult to source art that is in 300dpi, of good quality, and meets the dimension requirements of the layout. But I'm pleased. Granted some of it is typical star wars art, but it is contextual, and flows well.

If I had my wish I'd have high quality photos from the original sets digitally remastered... But high quality original stills are quite hard to come by.

Still thinking mid to late 2024
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

klhaviation wrote:
I will not post screenshots on this forum... But the intro-chapter 12 are pretty close to a final draft and will be ready for proof reading. (snipped the rest).

That is awesome!!!! - congrats again on the progress - and my kudos to you and others involved on taking it on.

Congrats on the project - I am undertaking a similarly large effort (my house rules document has turned into a new version...foolish me) and have tremendous respect for the hard work, and very obvious talent involved (my feeble layout and design skills are not match for a 250 page manual....). Wink Oh, yeah, on the art thing - yeah, I could commiserate with you on that - of course, you find the right thing contextually, and it looks good - and then does not fit specific layout of the page you want it on..... (grumble...).

Anyway....where was I...
So - I had a bunch of other comments in here - but then I had to go back and re-read an earlier post - as I had a misunderstanding of WHAT this new project is...

Mainly this;
klhaviation wrote:

It's evolving into an anniversary edition reprint... With some extras... Which I'm very ok with...

Ahhh...... this answers all my "but where is..." questions. Smile

I can see now that this is a very different project than reup - and that your posts are helping define that.

I think some folks are going to love it , and others are going to like the wealth of content in REUP - either way - all the work put into this is appreciated.

One thought - I would include the and goal of the project in any major updates (your comments on Anniversary edition+extras) - as some folks may not appreciate what this is, and is not.

thanks again for your dedication to the community and hard work....and if you have any advice on making a gm screen that has decent proximity and white space but is not 34 panels wide...

SW Fan, Gamer, Comic, Corporate nerd.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:37 pm    Post subject: REUP Reply with quote

I love this idea. Can't stand waiting for it ! Very Happy
Fan of Star Wars d6, Call of Cthulhu and AD&D

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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fair enough pakman.

I admit the project is evolving all the time. At first I wanted to clean up REUP. Then I realized REUP isn't what I wanted to do at all. I've done the bloated REUP, I did a 1st Ed reprint for those fans
It's time 2 E RE had a digital and print option for the edition that most fans claim to prefer. Putting all the love I can into this one. Could push it out in 2 months... But I want to keep coming back and polishing it. Kind of my swan song. Not much else I can do for star wars D6 as I'm not a big "new content" guy.

But there is also a D6 Indiana Jones brewing... My 2024-2025 project inspired by the works of Peter schweigjofer and what could have been.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Gondor Offers Aid. Reply with quote

I see I've been neglecting this thread.

davidagnome wrote:
If there's anything I could do to help. I've got about eight years experience post-college in graphic design...

Very cool. Thanks.

LTAaripJasall wrote:
I logged in to mention it sounds like the project is in good hands.
tonyx33 wrote:
I love this idea. Can't stand waiting for it !

Welcome back!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:31 am    Post subject: Re: REUP set for REfresh in 2024 Reply with quote

klhaviation wrote:
It's RAW... very RAW. even the hyphens are just as the original... New art, but in many cases identical digital updates. Current scope is just the core rules, Special edition Sourcebook and the gamemaster screen. It's evolving into an anniversary edition reprint... With some extras... Which I'm very ok with... Because every rule page reference will be accurate... It's coming out better than I anticipated.
But the intro-chapter 12 are pretty close to a final draft and will be ready for proof reading...

Thanks for all the updates!

klhaviation wrote:
The Galaxy Section is the only section that will see some deviation from the original 2RE. The sources of the changes will be the Essential Chronology to update the history to the state of the EU in 1998 (Vision of the Future is the chronological hard stop)

That's perfect for this project. That takes it through the end of WEG Star Wars.

klhaviation wrote:
The Star Wars Sourcebook is another source for additional galaxy information. (the blue one not the special edition... That was mostly just character profiles)

For full elucidation here, WEG's Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook Special Edition is mostly the same as the 2e Star Wars Sourcebook in content. It does feature an expanded section of character profiles, which it takes from the previous Movie Trilogy Sourcebook/Galaxy Guides 1, 3, and 5. I agree, this project doesn't need a bunch of film character stats.

klhaviation wrote:
minus some head scratching special edition stuff

Yeah, I guarantee no one cares about species stats for the new SE cantina aliens, and no one needs to see any images of the Nintendo-64-graphics Jabba the Hutt in this.

klhaviation wrote:
I love some of the expanded rules (looking at GG6, which sadly is missing 2 charts in the 2e print run) but they are very niche.

I agree that the trade rules aren't needed for this project, but in my experience GG6 is not really "niche." It is considered fairly essential to most GMs I talk to about it. FYI.

klhaviation wrote:
As far as the look... It looks exactly like 2E R&E. The typesetting is designed to exactly mirror the original so that each page in the rules will be in sync with the original.

What doesn't exist in this iteration are expanded rules. I wanted this to be very core.

As long as you correct the known errors of the original works, like the ones collected in the REUP errata threads that are applicable to this work. "60 standard seconds in an hour" was never intended by the original authors!

klhaviation wrote:
Basically combining the SW sourcebook and 2ND Ed R&E gamemaster screen with the core. Most of the arrivals in the GM screen will appear as appendices. Adding some classic templates like armchair historian and tongue tied engineer from 1E... The 2 E templates appeared in the GM screen.

I've done a little work that would contribute to this project. See this post with a link to a PDF. I created an R&E templates document that corrected some errors in a few of the templates. This is pointedly not my house system or the way these things necessarily exist in my game. It is pure core RAW. The linked post does describe what was edited. (And the template images in the PDF may be a high enough resolution for your purposes.)

And for your own personal use, we have the Missing Charts from Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, Second Edition.

klhaviation wrote:
Still thinking mid to late 2024...

Putting all the love I can into this one. Could push it out in 2 months... But I want to keep coming back and polishing it. Kind of my swan song.

We've been waiting for this since 1998. Take whatever time you need to make it what you really want it to be.

klhaviation wrote:
But there is also a D6 Indiana Jones brewing... My 2024-2025 project inspired by the works of Peter Schweighofer and what could have been.

IJ D6, yay!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Whill. I'm checking this out.

When I have drafts of each chapter I plan on sharing them with select people to proof and comment. I have no doubt I've made errors being this is a one man show this time.

Yes I'm going to go through the errata thread with a fine tooth comb.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Out of curiosity... What other WEG S6 Star Wars book would you most like to have in digital/newly printed format?

If heard from a few as follows:

1. GG6
2. Imperial Sourcebook
3. GG9
4. Darktryder Campaign
5. Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
6. Takes of the Jedi Companion
7. Star Wars Introductory Adventures
8. Lords of the Expanse Campaign
9. Adventure reprints for 2E, e.g., Black Ice, Strike Force Shantipole et. al.
10. Star Wars Adventure Journals
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As someone who's fairly new to this community, any of those in a digital format I can easily copy (and trust the text to work right) would be great. I as the GM usually stick to digital for prep. I really only print my screen panels and one or two sheets of notes per adventure for my own use. I do create plenty of physical props and play aids for everyone else at the table though.

I think GG6 has quite a few fan recreations in different formats already, so while it's a super useful supplement, it's maybe not the highest priority for a digital refresh.

The Introductory Adventures and the Darkstryder Campaign would probably be my first picks, especially to be able to print/order high-quality material for my players.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

klhaviation wrote:
Out of curiosity... What other WEG S6 Star Wars book would you most like to have in digital/newly printed format?

If heard from a few as follows:

1. GG6
2. Imperial Sourcebook
3. GG9
4. Darktryder Campaign
5. Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
6. Takes of the Jedi Companion
7. Star Wars Introductory Adventures
8. Lords of the Expanse Campaign
9. Adventure reprints for 2E, e.g., Black Ice, Strike Force Shantipole et. al.
10. Star Wars Adventure Journals

That is a tough question.

The advantage of such would be easier to search - but in like 99% of cases - I am searching the main core rules (or what was in the previous reup).

So...maybe what ever is the most used material that won't be in the new book? GG6? Platt's starport guide?

Honestly - the most useful might be a compiled index of the adventure journals - (unless one already exists) that is searchable.

an electronic index to the adventure journals might be the most useful -
SW Fan, Gamer, Comic, Corporate nerd.
Working on massive House Rules document - pretty much a new book. Will post soon....
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

raithyn wrote:
As someone who's fairly new to this community, any of those in a digital format I can easily copy (and trust the text to work right) would be great. I as the GM usually stick to digital for prep. I really only print my screen panels and one or two sheets of notes per adventure for my own use. I do create plenty of physical props and play aids for everyone else at the table though.

I think GG6 has quite a few fan recreations in different formats already, so while it's a super useful supplement, it's maybe not the highest priority for a digital refresh.

The Introductory Adventures and the Darkstryder Campaign would probably be my first picks, especially to b e able to print/order high-quality material for my players.

Introductory Adventures... By the WEG god amongst men Schweg! Arguably the greatest D6 rule set ever... Yes that is a good idea. And Darkstryder... Yes yes yes... Railroad... New Republic blah blah... The naysayers naysay... I think it tops masks of nyarlathotep as the greatest campaign of all time (and I love masks of nyarlathotep )
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I picked up the Darkstryder campaign this year. It looks like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how soon I'll use any of it, being as it is set in the timeline after the OT, and I'm still before ANH in my current campaign.

The Lords of the Expanse campaign is one that is fairly hard to find and expensive.

As for #9 (above), Tatooine Manhunt is another that is (1) popular, and (2) fairly expensive for a physical copy.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well first thing is first. Finish R&R. But Darkstryder is a favorite of mine. Had a friend from WEG send me a proof of the cover years ago so I could use it for a potential all-in-one Darkstryder book. I need to send that back to him! But one day maybe. I know people have their opinions that it's railroady... And it is... But it's epic fun with the right group.

Progress Report on R&R... Started on Aliens chapter. Its moving faster than expected now that I have the process and goals codified.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:40 pm    Post subject: Force Powers Reply with quote

Don't want to start a poll. Just curious as to some feedback. How important would it be to have the Force Powers contained in The Tales of the Jedi Companion available in 2nd edition R&E.

Personally I never allowed/used most of them... Some were oddly specific (clearly addressing how the force was used in the comic). Yet, they are part of the WEG cannon.

So the question is, Would you like to see them in a digital edition of 2E R&E? And if so, as an appendix, or incorporated into "The Force" chapter?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

REUP is the book that compiled rules from other sources and added them to the core book. I thought this was intended to be a more pure recreation. I don't think every little power is needed for this book.

I would just make sure that you include all the powers used in the CT films regardless of source, all the powers from WEG core rule books, and then any other powers that seems key or essential for SW D6 characters, if any. The TotJ Companion still exists if anyone wants to use a power from there in conjunction with your new rule book.
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