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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My group (and myself) loves minis - we feel with terrain that it can really set a scene - and often, it can inspire the characters to take advantage of the situation and terrain (of course, as an evil GM, I have bunch of fuel barrels near the ship, which they could indeed use as cover......).

As far as minis not matching - well, some folks are not as concerned, others are - to each their own on that one.

I can SAY - check out heroforge - while their SCIFI options are not as diverse as their fantasy - they are pretty amazing.

(for those who do not know, heroforge lets you build your own mini - different poses, gear, weapons etc. it is amazing. No, they do not have every star wars race - but they are pretty close - and a head swap with an old star wars miniatures model ....and done!).

The minis are not terribly expensive - and if you have a 3d printer, you can just get digital files yourself for much cheaper.

That and now there is a staggering amount of terrain, props and minis available - many for free - but even more so on etsy, various patreons etc.

As far as matching - one of my players - he just looks for cool minis - and when he finds one that fits his mental image of his character - he is like "that is my guy!".

minis, terrain and props can really add a lot to the game - especially on the immersion factor. I picked up some metal credits from etsy (we used them for sabacc nights) and the last time the party got paid - I threw them on the table - the players loved it!

While I am not advocating anyone change what they are comfortable with - by all means, everyone likes different things - I can say we now live in a golden age of being able to make almost anything for our games.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This YouTube channel is all about printing minis -

He's got profiles and settings you can download for printing different types of stuff at all different scales, separate ones for printing figures vs printing terrain, all kinds of other info about getting your printer to operate at peak performance for minis. I'm still working my way through a lot of it, doing test prints now and then.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's something wrong with the "Starships and Speeders (D6 conversions)" download. Every time I try to load it up in Acrobat, it says "The document's page tree contains an invalid node."
Sutehp's RPG Goodies
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sutehp wrote:
There's something wrong with the "Starships and Speeders (D6 conversions)" download. Every time I try to load it up in Acrobat, it says "The document's page tree contains an invalid node."

I re-downloaded the document to my laptop and my phone. I viewed the downloaded document in every PDF application I had on each device, and it displayed normally with no error messages. I can also view it in multiple browsers on my laptop. There appears to be no problem with the file that I can see.

I do not have Acrobat so I cannot recreate the problem to investigate further. I do not know what program the document creator used to create the file, but my only guess is that it is something to do with the original file's compatibility with Acrobat, or maybe he used Acrobat to make it and then it was affected by me having to remove the back cover (due to forum policy violation) with a different program.

My only suggestions are using a different application to open the downloaded file, or just view the web version from the Library. I hope this somewhat helps.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't find a way to download this pdf without it displaying noting but blank pages and the afore-mentioned error message.

Whill, if you're not using Adobe Acrobat, what program do you use to look at pdf files?

I even tried Docs Viewer to look at this pdf and I got the same thing: 81 blank pages.

I even tried loading it up in a Firefox page and downloading it as a pdf that way and got the same thing: 81 blank pages. The error message this time said: "There was a problem reading this document (14)."
Sutehp's RPG Goodies
Only some of it is for D6 Star Wars.
Just repurchased the X-Wing and Tie Fighter flight sim games. I forgot how much I missed them.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My laptops are mac, so I have Preview, Books, and ColorSync Utility. These programs open it up after a second or two. I can also bring up the downloaded file as an HTML doc in Google Chrome.

I just tried to bring it up in Word, and it asked for permission to use a web service to convert it, and after a few seconds it popped in up Word. A little bit of the formating rendered a bit wonky here and there, but it turned out much better than I thought it would. I suspect you may need to be a Microsoft 365 subscriber for that service though.

If you can't download it, then just view it on the web. You should not be right-clicking on the link. Just left-clicking on the link should take you directly to the document to read it online. Try Chrome. It works in Chrome for Mac and Android Chrome on my phone.

If nothing works, you can probably find the document elsewhere on the internet. I can't recommend any specific websites due to forum guidelines.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRM provided me with an alternative PDF file and it worked. Thanks all the same, Whill. Smile
Sutehp's RPG Goodies
Only some of it is for D6 Star Wars.
Just repurchased the X-Wing and Tie Fighter flight sim games. I forgot how much I missed them.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:05 pm    Post subject: The Corporate Era Reply with quote

I added the document talked about above to the Library (link in my signature). Sorry it took so long!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:35 pm    Post subject: The Force Compendium Reply with quote

Forceally has provided us with an updated edition. Check it out in the Rancor Pit Library!

UPDATED --> The Force Compendium

Remember your clear your browser's cache first to make sure you get the latest update!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I asked these questions in the Force Handbook thread, but I haven't received any response to them. So I'll ask them here as well, as it'll help get some responses, and I can decide on whether or not to make some changes for the next edition, which I believe will be the 9th one.

First question - when I did the lightsaber crystals and the benefits from them, I combined the article that was here on the boards with a page on that listed from the KOTOR Player's Guide what benefits the crystals had, along with how the benefits changed when adding Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force. In doing this, did I make the benefits of these crystals unbalancing? Perhaps overpowering?

Request for help - I know there have been conversions of the ships listed in the FFG books. There haven't been any conversions of the crystals that were introduced in any of the FFG books. If anyone wishes to tackle them, please do and let me know what the results are.

I'm considering two new sections. One will deal with the various animals that can use the Force, like the ysalamiri and vornskrs. The other will deal with the various artifacts associated with the Force. This will include Jedi and Sith artifacts, like the Jedi compass, the Wayfinders, the Muur Talisman, and etc. I may be breaking up the artifacts section into two or more parts. I want to put the artifact section after the Hiolocron section. But should I put the Sith artifacts in their own section after the Sith Sorcery section? While that makes some sense, I put the Jedi holocrons and Sith holocrons together in one section. So what's your opinion on this? Also, where should I put the creatures section? That might come at the very end after all the Force traditions, but I'd like your opinions.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forceally wrote:
I asked these questions in the Force Handbook thread, but I haven't received any response to them. So I'll ask them here as well, as it'll help get some responses, and I can decide on whether or not to make some changes for the next edition, which I believe will be the 9th one.

I'm considering two new sections. One will deal with the various animals that can use the Force, like the ysalamiri and vornskrs. The other will deal with the various artifacts associated with the Force. This will include Jedi and Sith artifacts, like the Jedi compass, the Wayfinders, the Muur Talisman, and etc. I may be breaking up the artifacts section into two or more parts. I want to put the artifact section after the Hiolocron section. But should I put the Sith artifacts in their own section after the Sith Sorcery section? While that makes some sense, I put the Jedi holocrons and Sith holocrons together in one section. So what's your opinion on this? Also, where should I put the creatures section? That might come at the very end after all the Force traditions, but I'd like your opinions.

On the critters -
not sure - feels like the book is already pretty big - that feels more like another book. But I could see it go either way. SAGA had a decent list of force critters if I recall - with a few more in the saga denial of destiny adventure series as well. I would put the creatures in their own section after other traditions.

On the artifacts;
I would put them all together in one section, on "Force Talismans and Artifacts etc". That way a player or gm is not having to remember "was that a jedi thing or ...". Especially since there is lot more than just the jedi and sith in star wars least in the last 40 years.. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pakman wrote:
Forceally wrote:
I asked these questions in the Force Handbook thread, but I haven't received any response to them. So I'll ask them here as well, as it'll help get some responses, and I can decide on whether or not to make some changes for the next edition, which I believe will be the 9th one.

I'm considering two new sections. One will deal with the various animals that can use the Force, like the ysalamiri and vornskrs. The other will deal with the various artifacts associated with the Force. This will include Jedi and Sith artifacts, like the Jedi compass, the Wayfinders, the Muur Talisman, and etc. I may be breaking up the artifacts section into two or more parts. I want to put the artifact section after the Hiolocron section. But should I put the Sith artifacts in their own section after the Sith Sorcery section? While that makes some sense, I put the Jedi holocrons and Sith holocrons together in one section. So what's your opinion on this? Also, where should I put the creatures section? That might come at the very end after all the Force traditions, but I'd like your opinions.

On the critters -
not sure - feels like the book is already pretty big - that feels more like another book. But I could see it go either way. SAGA had a decent list of force critters if I recall - with a few more in the saga denial of destiny adventure series as well. I would put the creatures in their own section after other traditions.

On the artifacts;
I would put them all together in one section, on "Force Talismans and Artifacts etc". That way a player or gm is not having to remember "was that a jedi thing or ...". Especially since there is lot more than just the jedi and sith in star wars least in the last 40 years.. Wink

I'm glad you agree with where I plan to place the new sections. I don't believe either section would take long to make. I believe most of the creatures already have stats and capsules, so it's just a matter of copying and indicating the original source(s). As for the artifacts, I plan to list them like I did the listing of noted Holocrons.

What's this Denial of Destiny series? I looked it up on the Wook, and found nothing.

One more thing - should I have a status indicator for each power? The indicator would state if the power is Canon or Legends. Many of the Force traditions would be Legends, though the recent comics have made the powers associated with some of these traditions a mixture of Canon and Legends.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What's this Denial of Destiny series? I looked it up on the Wook, and found nothing.

My apologies - it is Dawn of Defiance

One more thing - should I have a status indicator for each power? The indicator would state if the power is Canon or Legends. Many of the Force traditions would be Legends, though the recent comics have made the powers associated with some of these traditions a mixture of Canon and Legends.

No strong opinion - if other content (skills, gear, etc.) has such - then I would use it with force powers.

I find the "is this WEG or fan made" more useful - but that is just me.

Personally - I would be very careful about any new force powers - as often, I find many (even existing ones) are really just minor variations - yes, some should be new - but I think a "use gm discretion on different stylistic interpretations for different traditions or force users" may be more pertiement.

Again, others may have different views.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pakman wrote:
Forceally wrote:
should I have a status indicator for each power? The indicator would state if the power is Canon or Legends. Many of the Force traditions would be Legends, though the recent comics have made the powers associated with some of these traditions a mixture of Canon and Legends.

No strong opinion - if other content (skills, gear, etc.) has such - then I would use it with force powers.

I find the "is this WEG or fan made" more useful - but that is just me.

That WEG or fan source wouldn't be useful here because he doesn't have any WEG powers. The main thrust of the compendium seems to be non-WEG powers in WEG/D6 format for use with WEG Star Wars. Even conversions from other system are technically fan-sourced because they were converted by fans. The origin of powers should be sourced, and I personally feel it is helpful to further specify whether a source is Canon or Legends because not all of them may be obvious by their title, and that could make a difference to a GM's inclusion of it in their game.

pakman wrote:
Personally - I would be very careful about any new force powers - as often, I find many (even existing ones) are really just minor variations - yes, some should be new - but I think a "use gm discretion on different stylistic interpretations for different traditions or force users" may be more pertiement.

I quite agree with the general warning to all GMs, and I know that when I get around to Force powers, several WEG powers will consolidated. But the warning is less applicable for Forceally's purposes. He isn't making his own Force system and sharing it with us, like several GMs do. He is providing WEG Star Wars versions of non-WEG powers from every possible source. Like with any fan work or even published work, it is then up to each GM what out of it will be useful and what will be disregarded. Forceally isn't making the choice for us. If you are just suggesting he include that warning in the book, I agree if it's not already there.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pakman, Whill, I thank you for your opinions. If you recall, with most of the powers I list, I indicate in which book it appeared and, if possible, give an example of its use.

I will add a line at the top of each power if the power is Canon or Legends in the next update. A power that appeared in a novel, comic, game, or show before Disney acquired Lucasfilm will be listed as Legends. A power that appeared in any of the movies or in any novel, comic, or show that appeared after Disney acquired Lucasfilm will be listed as Canon, even if appeared in a comic, novel, game, or show before Disney acquired Lucasfilm. A power that I have created, but hasn't appeared in any work will be listed, or a power that has appeared on this site and I have gained permission to add into my work will be listed as Homebrew. Anything from the Visions series will be Visions

I'm already imagining how that's going to change the page numbers in the table of contents and appendix section. The price of glory...

In the last paragraph of the Foreward section, I indicated that the gamemasters have the option of including the powers I listed in this work into their work, modify them to suite their needs, or to reject them completely. But as for you saying I'm not making my own Force system, I think the closest I've come to doing that is adding in the two new Force skills in the most recent update - Cosmic Sense and Vongsense.

And you meant Dawn of Defiance, pakman? I have that, and I'll look into that.
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