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Worlds of Darkness, Dungeons & Dragons
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:40 am    Post subject: Worlds of Darkness, Dungeons & Dragons Reply with quote

I have decided to continue the discussion of my WoD (WoDDDnD) her, rather than derail & bog down the Surprise, you're the GM tonight! thread.

Sutehp wrote:
I remember an Aztec pyramid from Diablerie: Mexico, which was a 1st Edition adventure that had a 4th Generation Baali vampire, but that's probably not the adventure you had. I never read Mexico City By Night (and Mexico City is where the HQ of the Sabbat is located) , so maybe your adventure was from that book instead.

i was aware of Diablerie: Mexico but i had barely skimmed it, some time after running that unexpected one-shot.

Sutehp wrote:
So you made a Tremere Antitribu character? That must have been interesting. Too bad about the entire bloodline (almost all 100 of them!) getting fwooshed in a single night. I forget which books mentioned this, but it was said that the Tremere Antitribu was a very small bloodline of only 100 members and they had all gathered in one of their underground warrens for a magic ritual. After the rest of the Sabbat had lost contact with the Tremere Antitribu, they sent agents to investigate. The Sabbat agents found the warren but no trace of the Antitribu...but did find almost 100 human-shaped columns of ash. Oops. No one knows whether the Antitribu's ritual somehow went horribly wrong on its own, the Antitribu's enemies somehow subverted the ritual into burning the Antitribu en mass, or even if the Antitribu were somehow all killed at once via some other method before the ritual even took place. Brrrr....

The chronicle was being run in the early-mid 2000s, if i recall correctly, so the various 'End Times' books were out as were the new Sabbat Guides. I do not think the Tremere Antitribu (aka, House Goratrix) were ever limited to only 100, ever... I think you may be thinking of the Salubri Antitribu, which started with One who said "f--- this" to pacifism & brought back the Salubri Warrior path. He/they created 100 Warriors & joined the Sabbat. They certainly had a few losses over the years, but with aggressive recruiting their numbers are sure to have grown...
So yes, i was playing a Tremere Antitribu Jedi for a few years.
I think i had started with Movement of the Mind (telekinesis) & Path of the Levinbolt to absorb/generate electricity, only getting the Blood & other paths later, when i could find other Thaumaturges to teach me. There weren't many Tremere Antitribu left, but at least we weren't hunted like the Ravnos & Ravnos Antitribu were. Naturally i had Auspex & Dominate; i may have picked up some Vicissitude from Vaulderie or Diablerie... i hope i still have his character sheets & notes somewhere...
Sadly, 2 girls joined the gaming group & i was dumped because i made the girls feel uncomfortable somehow... A surprise & an unwelcome one.
So my character became an NPC in my WoDDnD. i did plan an adventure/mini-chronicle that would feature many Jedi-inspired groups of supernaturals, but had never had another group for WoD. Well that's not quite true, i had a few one-on-one games, and briefly revived my TrekGate chronicle, but it didn't last.
Now i'm reminiscing, & thinking my Jedi should create his own House/Bloodline... Maybe figure out a way that he & other vampires (his brood) can make Lightsabers with Thaumaturgy...

In my WoD, before the End Times books & before i merged D&D with WoD, i had created a Bloodline that branched off from Tremere Antitribu, that had merged Obtenebration & Thaumaturgy. Ironically WW would create their own Path of Shadows, then in a continuity reset for V5, merged Obtenebration & Necromancy, which i get why on a few levels but still don't like it...

if i can't recall my Jedi's name i may have to make a new one for him....
Edit: i think it was 2002; i recall that when making my Jedi i was heavily influenced by Ep II's "Angry Anakin".
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jedi Tremere?? What are those?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Jedi Tremere?? What are those?

Tremere are/were a House of Magi in the Ars Magica game system, that were one of the Houses of the Order of Hermes. The game was set in a mythic Europe, c.1200 A.D..
The game's publisher, Lion Rampant Games, in 1991 merged with White Wolf Magazine to form White Wolf Game Studio...
In Ars Magica, the Tremere became corrupted with Vampirism. Concurrent with these new editions of Ars Magica, WWGS created the Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse & Mage the Ascension games, set in a shared universe called the World of Darkness. These were & are standalone games that use the Storyteller System pioneered for the earlier Street Fighter RPG. The WoD games were set in modern day, but in a darker, gothic horror-punk version of our world.
In VTM, Tremere were introduced as one of seven Clans of Vampires that were founders of the Camarilla, the main faction players' characters belong to.
In MTA, the Order of Hermes was updated and reintroduced as one of the Nine Traditions player Mages could belong to.
VTM introduced Anarchs & Sabbat as Antagonists & only existed as NPCs; until eventually they made books to play those factions... Sabbat members from either the Camarilla or Independent Clans are called Antitribu, i.e. Tremere Antitribu, whereas Anarch Tremere are just Anarch Tremere (or Tremere Anarchs)..

Over the years, numerous fan supplements for playing Jedi in the WoD have been made. Many were garbage, several were so-so (halfway decent), and a few were/are really good.. The best ones it seems, were adapting D6 concepts, i.e. Control, Sense & Alter...
In 2002/3(?), i was invited to make a Sabbat character for what would be my 1st ever Sabbat Chronicle... i decided to make my character an Anakin fanboy Jedi. Tremere were the perfect choice, as both Cam & Sabbat Tremere have the Disciplines of Auspex (supernatural perception), Dominate (Mind Control) & Thaumaturgy (Blood Magic, Many Paths...)
Nick's WoD had human mage Jedi, so i killed one & took his Lightsaber...

So that's how i met your mother! KIDDING!!
So that's how i got to play a Vampiric Anakin Skywalker!

EdiT: I have begun recreating my character as an NPC, creating his own branch of the Tremere Bloodline, with a strong Jedi focus...
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I knew what Tremire were, Gangrel, Ventrue and Nosferatu are my three top clans to play. Just didn't know what a Jedi tremere was...
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
I knew what Tremire were, Gangrel, Ventrue and Nosferatu are my three top clans to play. Just didn't know what a Jedi tremere was...

sorry i ranted your ears off.
Gangrel, Tremere & Ventrue were my top 3.

I'm gonna use special skills & other mechanics from the Street Fighter rpg & D6 SWRPG, as i fine-tune making a new Tremere Bloodline that is modeled after Jedi...
A situation in my WoDDnD i haven't resolved yet, is there are disparate groups of Jedi & solitary Jedi...
I was gonna do a special adventure were players could unite the Jedi into a new Order, but never got enough interested players...
Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.
Artoo Gonk Artoo
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What sort of "path" are the jedi on, though with the tremere's poor humanity?
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