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Neanderthal (Long Read)
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Joined: 16 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:31 pm    Post subject: Neanderthal (Long Read) Reply with quote

Neanderthals are a primitive race distantly related to humans, and tend to socialize and keeping with the same regions.
Neanderthals make and use a diverse set of tools, control fire, live in shelters, make and wear simple clothing,
and are skilled hunters of large animals, and occasionally made symbolic or ornamental objects.
Neanderthals tend to adapt slowly compared to the human tribes, and seem content in their nomadic lifestyles.
They have strong family units and tend to idealize the acts of bravery and strength.

Physical Description. Neanderthal tend to have a more feral or otherwise primitive look about them,
even more so than the savage humans.
Such features are noticeable such as a broad nose, wide shoulders, barrel chest, heavy brows and thick fingers.
Also the neanderthal tends to have more body hair than a normal human and will ofen be found wearing hide and furr clothing.
Otherwise the neanderthal stands a bit shorter and weighs more than a human due to their impressive builds.
Neanderthals have slightly better eyesight than humans, granting them a slight advantage in hunting and gathering.

Society. In their typical lifestyle, neanderthals live in familial groups with the primary focus of hunting.
Depending on the availability of large game, weather conditions and various other factors,
the entire tribe may hunt big game, or the adult males will hunt big game and the rest of the tribe will hunt small game
and seek edible vegetation.
Offspring may choose to leave the group to either join another or start their own at adulthood.

Relations. Due to their strength, primitive lifestyle and brutish appearance,
it is easy for races or individuals unfamiliar with neanderthals to write them off as dim-witted animals.
Since they are raised in family groups and infrequently meet with anyone outside it, they do not learn social skills as children.
However, a few weeks is usually all it takes to notice the strong behavioral resemblance to humans.
After this point, a neanderthal is usually treated as nothing more than a strong, but slightly dim and strange looking, human.


Low-Light Vision: Neandethal can see twice as far as a human in dim light.
Hunter Gatherers: Due to the Neanderthals being hightly adapted hunter gatherers they have highly adapted
senses giving them a +2 pip bonus to vision and scent based seearch checks, as well as 1D to survival checks.
Rugged: The rugged physique of the Neandethal gives them a +1D bonus to stamia checks in order to resist the elements
Arctic Adaptation: Being highly adapted to arctic and colder climated All Neandethals recive a free +1D COLD CLIMATE specialization
to their Survival skill, this specialization is applied after normal character generation , and as such comes as a free spcialization +1D
Primitive: Neanderthal suffer a -1D penalty to all skill rolls made with technological items.
(this penalty can be removed when the player as been deemed by the GM to have been acclimated to the wider galactic technolgy level)
Skill Bonus: At the time the character is created only, the character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the hide, search and sneak skills.
Skill Limits: Beginning characters may not place any skill dice in any vehicle (other than glider) or starship operations or repair skills.

I have been looking into the latest science regarding the Neanderthal and I have found nothing indicating that they would warrant
less than a "normal" human 2D/4D range Dexterity and Knowledge Attributes, this becuse they were adapted hunters, and even though
we have DEX deterning both melee and ranged attacks, I have found that an adapted hunter usually is adpet in the Attribute, even if
unfamiliar with the tech required for many of the skills.
I Did not give the Neandethal the EWOK -Glider skill, mostly for the flawor
I belive I have taking this into account with special abilities and story factors.
As to Perception as I have also landed that despite the neanderthal having better eveolved senses than the normal human, these are
more easy and more in tune with the rules to have as skill and situation based bonuses.

Becuse they do not fall short in intelligence, they can learn any skill but being a primitive race and culture they will not start out with
any skills ot any level of technology above stone age.
I have given the Neanderthal the same Special Abilities as to primiteve construction and skills as the ewoks.
To balance out some more the Neanderthal have a penalty on -1D on the use of any Technologial items.
This penalty CAN be removed by the GM when the Neandethal has been acclimated to the tech level of the wider galaxy
Similar to the Panalty of the Dantari.

Any thoughts on things to add, change, remove and maybe why, as there may be things I have not considered or even maybe balanced too
much to one side or the other.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't read the whole description yet, but I wanted to suggest that since the term Neanderthal is the very specific Earth name of distant ancestors of the Human species, it might be best to give the stats a different, more generic name and maybe mention Neanderthal in parenthesis. For Example calling them Primitive Human (Neanderthal?) or Human Predecessor (Neanderthal?). Just a thought, as it is a galaxy far, far away.

I should clarify my intended thought process. The Parenthetical notation is to give us Earth bound readers a common frame of references as to what the stats represent in nearest Earth equivalence. while the non-parenthetical name is the in-universe term that should be used by characters.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

KageRyu wrote:
I haven't read the whole description yet, but I wanted to suggest that since the term Neanderthal is the very specific Earth name of distant ancestors of the Human species, it might be best to give the stats a different, more generic name and maybe mention Neanderthal in parenthesis. For Example calling them Primitive Human (Neanderthal?) or Human Predecessor (Neanderthal?). Just a thought, as it is a galaxy far, far away.

I should clarify my intended thought process. The Parenthetical notation is to give us Earth bound readers a common frame of references as to what the stats represent in nearest Earth equivalence. while the non-parenthetical name is the in-universe term that should be used by characters.

Good Catch, yeah it maybe too earth and rela world spesiific indeed, and yes maybe proto human or primitive human or something is indeed better.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:44 pm    Post subject: Re: Neanderthal (Long Read) Reply with quote

This is missing something significant.

Where does thing Homo species live?

How are they related to the humans of the Star Wars galaxy?

What is their purpose, their role in the game?

You've given us the who, but what is the what, where, when, how, and why?
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Joined: 16 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 1:21 am    Post subject: Re: Neanderthal (Long Read) Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
This is missing something significant.

Where does thing Homo species live?

How are they related to the humans of the Star Wars galaxy?

What is their purpose, their role in the game?

You've given us the who, but what is the what, where, when, how, and why?

Good Point.....WIP
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Joined: 16 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Home Planet/system

Name: Gerath
System: Sabartax
Sector/Region: Wild Space
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Ocean, Plains, Forest, Mountains, Swamps
Length of Day: 25 H
Length of Year: 375 D
Sapient Species: Geratharn
Population: Approximately 1 Million
Major Starport: None
Capital City: None
Planet Function: Homeworld
Government: None
Tech. Level: Stone
Planet Defences: None
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: None
Addendum: Changed the name of Neanderthal Species to fit better with the galaxy
Gave them a primiteive homeworld with no government or import exports or starports
Garath is an "earth like" planet.

Changed the name of species to Geratharn

The Geratharn are a sub species of Human, or as many Xenobiologist will say, they are (like) the proto-humans
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