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Pit's Commerce Future (Members selling SW stuff)?
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What market model should the Rancor Pit adopt?
Open market, Sellers make any prices, Buyers negotiate + Spamming allowed
 45%  [ 5 ]
Restricted market, Sellers must have quota of non-commercial posts to sell, committee sets fair prices, no haggling
 9%  [ 1 ]
Consignment, Pit owner sets outrageous high prices with huge commissions for owner
 0%  [ 0 ]
Communism, Pit owns everyone's books, Members must send all books to Pit admin to decide how they are distributed
 9%  [ 1 ]
No commercial posts allowed because the Pit is a fan community for game discussion
 36%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 11

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:25 pm    Post subject: Re: REAL Commerce policy updates? Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Anyone else have input?

A bit of a tangent, but at first glance I thought this thread had something to do with including ads on the Rancor Pit. I'm glad such a thing has not become necessary for the Pit's continued survival, but if it ever does, I have seen relatively unobtrusive ads in place on a few RPG sites I use, so if such measures needed to be taken, I would not be opposed. I'd continue to support the Pit, whether in terms of its having to host ads, or in giving Paypal-type donations at regular intervals when able.

But back on topic: regarding commerce threads and posts on the Pit, I agree that creating a commerce section would probably be best, with individual members able to post and bump their respective threads whenever there was an update. I likewise think that the range of items made available could be expanded to general Star Wars merch, rather than only legal WEG-only resale, and that doing so wouldn't open the floodgates. If anything, it might provide an especially "trustworthy" trading post, since many of the merchants would likely be people we already "knew" to some extent, from the SWRPG community, rather than what is often a free-for-all on eBay.

Lastly, dang. I wish I hadn't missed the chance to vote in the poll! Would've totally voted for Communism! ;-P



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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha. Thanks for your input, and thanks for brining up ads. At some point in the future, after the php get updated, ads are a possibility. But I promise they will never be obtrusive ads. No pop-ups, no auto-playing videos, no processing power or bandwidth eating ads. I despise that stuff on sites I go to, so I will never have that here.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I second the idea of a Commerce Thread or Sub-Section in the main Index. Of the ideas listed in the original Poll, I'm mostly in favor of the Open Market option, minus Spamming. IMO, if you want to sell something, it should be posted once, in the appropriate Sub-Thread (which will make the Search options easier to use if looking for a specific book). I'd also suggest that, once an item is sold, the seller should edit their original sales post with and EDIT: Item Sold tag.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
I'd also suggest that, once an item is sold, the seller should edit their original sales post with and EDIT: Item Sold tag.

Great thought.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Participants seems to be ok with Pit commerce happening in its own forum as opposed to having threads stay in the General Star Wars forum like now.

And I believe I may have accidentally mislead on one thing. I never meant creating a separate forum category with multiple forums underneath it for different types of products. That would be too radical of a change for the next step. I am thinking of creating a single forum in the General category that would appear in between General Star Wars and Miscellanea. The only way we would ever have enough commerce to warrant multiple forums would be if a lot of people registered here only to sell things, which I would hate.

Since "commerce" would be in its own forum, each seller bumping its own thread for each new product doesn't seem as important. It would be easier to find things if each product, or like group of products, from the same seller has its own thread. I agree that editing the thread title or post with "[ITEM SOLD]" makes sense. And it would also be cool for users to post want lists or item threads.

I was thinking that we could also include some other things in this forum, like the Star Wars purchase/collection-oriented threads that Tauntaun Scout (and I) sometimes post. I'd also like to give this forum a Star Wars name, like "Trade Federation" or maybe even "The Grand Moot" if we wanted to go obscure WEG reference. Thoughts?
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think a simple Marketplace would fit with the theme of the rest of the Pit; none of the other sub-threads have obscure or ambiguous meanings.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
I think a simple Marketplace would fit with the theme of the rest of the Pit; none of the other sub-threads have obscure or ambiguous meanings.

I get where you are coming from.

I occasionally get PMs from users asking to bend the existing commerce rules, which was part of the prompt for updating them. One question I never sincerely get is, 'Where should I post this?' It is always more of a 'May I post this?' and sometimes the answer includes where can we fit that in. Examples of the latter include the couple contributing member "I'm an Amazon author now" posts that were rebranded as "celebrations of our lives" type of posts to fit them into Users/Forum Info forum. I'm open to expanding the guidelines for commercial posts but in the end I'd still prefer users to go by some guideline and not have to ask for approval.

However, I still don't want the Pit to turn into a commercial site, and I especially do not want to register people that only come here to sell things (which is where the joke poll option that included a quota of non-commercial posts came from). I'd eliminate all commercial posts here if a lot of people registered just to sell things and didn't otherwise contribute to discussion about the game, which has always been the purpose of the Rancor Pit.

"Marketplace" is explicitly named like pretty much all the other forums, but for me it evokes a feeling of catering to commercialism which feels like a betrayal of the main purpose we are here. In my vision of the Rancor Pit, commercial posts will still be considered a minor, peripheral aspect of this site. (Maybe it is partially also a knee-jerk because they have "Marketplace" on Facebook and I have only ever clicked on that by accident because I will never participate in commerce on Facebook.) I'm ok with the new commerce forum of the Rancor Pit being more vaguely named. Remember, on the index is a description of each forum immediately following the name of the forum, so no one will ever have to puzzle out what it means.

Maybe "Trade Federation" wouldn't be great because of knee-jerk reactions to the thought of us having a forum dedicated to the Trade Federation here (laughable). But if anyone sees "The Grand Moot" there is no knee-jerk. They will only either instantly know what it means from knowing the obscure WEG reference (GG6), or will be intrigued to read the description following it to find out what it is. Either way, then they'll know where those types of posts go. Having the commerce forum name be an in-universe themed name redirects the focus of the site back to the game.

I'm find I'm feeling a little anxious just thinking about people coming here only to sell stuff.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On one hand, I get why you are anxious about that. You don't want a bunch of users who just dropped in, made a thread, and then were gone.

Though if their one thread serves the regular userbase, and if we actually want to buy, or trade for the things they post, would that be such a bad thing? Now if they were posting useless collectibles, or a bunch of Legion minis, that I would grow weary of really quickly. But if it's old-school WEG materials, I don't know that I'd mind so much if I got a good deal and then never heard from the person again. Schweighoffer sold some of his things on the G+ community. I was happy to buy his Indiana Jones books, and he even signed some for me.

Just a thought. Maybe I'm just too used to some of the Buy/Sell forums on Facebook.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To help prevent spammer registrations, Pit registration is manual which means every single registration is work for me. Ideally I'd like to register people who contribute to discussions about the game to be the ones to sell things. I already register people who only lurk, anonymously vote in polls, and use the View posts since last visit feature. I would not want to see a big uptick in registrations unless they are contributing to discussions about the game, the primary purpose we are here.

Also, not everything people want to sell directly serves the community. I am open to users selling non-Star-Wars RPG books, and people sell their own products they created, such as the people who have shared their author links to Amazon. But I would like these people to have contributed to non-commercial game discussion first. I guess I could set it up so that if anyone wants to sell anything non-Star-Wars, they need to ask me for approval to which I could then apply my standards of Who-Are-You?s getting a no.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
To help prevent spammer registrations, Pit registration is manual which means every single registration is work for me. Ideally I'd like to register people who contribute to discussions about the game to be the ones to sell things. I already register people who only lurk, anonymously vote in polls, and use the View posts since last visit feature. I would not want to see a big uptick in registrations unless they are contributing to discussions about the game, the primary purpose we are here.

Also, not everything people want to sell directly serves the community. I am open to users selling non-Star-Wars RPG books, and people sell their own products they created, such as the people who have shared their author links to Amazon. But I would like these people to have contributed to non-commercial game discussion first. I guess I could set it up so that if anyone wants to sell anything non-Star-Wars, they need to ask me for approval to which I could then apply my standards of Who-Are-You?s getting a no.

That seems fair enough.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
To help prevent spammer registrations, Pit registration is manual which means every single registration is work for me.

Oof. Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. That's a big reason NOT to have a revolving door of sellers. They have eBay for that.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Raven Redstar wrote:
Whill wrote:
Also, not everything people want to sell directly serves the community. I am open to users selling non-Star-Wars RPG books, and people sell their own products they created, such as the people who have shared their author links to Amazon. But I would like these people to have contributed to non-commercial game discussion first. I guess I could set it up so that if anyone wants to sell anything non-Star-Wars, they need to ask me for approval to which I could then apply my standards of Who-Are-You?s getting a no.

That seems fair enough.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Pit's Commerce Future (Members selling SW stuff)? Reply with quote

Someone wants to sell stuff... Where I'm at on this right now is...

I'd create a single commerce forum in the General category that would appear in between General Star Wars and Miscellanea (probably called The Grand Moot but that is not really important). People can post want lists (I want to buy...), or Star Wars items for sale, RPG or non-RPG related (I have for sale...), and collection type posts of non-game Star Wars stuff like action figures (I bought and I'm not selling...).

Stuff for sale must be Star Wars related. You can have a different thread for each item or group of items, and must edit the subject with "[Sold]" once it is sold. You can post a links to offsite sales such as eBay or just try to sell it here. Transactional interchanges must move offsite.

New members cannot sell anything. ALL forum users must request permission to start posting sale posts, and permission will not be given until the user has shown me that they are primarily here to discuss the WEG SW RPG. This is meant to be a side thing for participating forum users who also happen to have SW stuff for sale. This new feature of the site is not meant for people to register here just to sell SW stuff. Approval to sell may be revoked at any time for any reason.

Sellers are free to set their own pricing, but everyone else is free to politely criticize price gouging. Spammers will be banned. People who discuss bootlegs will be banned.

Does that about cover it?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Been away for a minute, just reading up a bit. Not sure how long I can stay this time but wanted to say that all sounds pretty fair I think, Whill. This is primarily a Role Playing community so it shouldn't turn into a Star Wars Ebay. Though this is a great community of Star Wars fans of different eras, with a lot of love for various aspects - and I am sure many of are or were collectors. I could hardly think of a better place or community to offer a first crack at Star Wars collections, items, memorabilia, and especially old RPG supplements or miniatures.

I would think including the word Jawa in the name of such a sub-forum or category would be great, but that's just my thoughts.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

KageRyu wrote:
Been away for a minute, just reading up a bit. Not sure how long I can stay this time but wanted to say that all sounds pretty fair I think, Whill. This is primarily a Role Playing community so it shouldn't turn into a Star Wars Ebay. Though this is a great community of Star Wars fans of different eras, with a lot of love for various aspects - and I am sure many of are or were collectors. I could hardly think of a better place or community to offer a first crack at Star Wars collections, items, memorabilia, and especially old RPG supplements or miniatures.

I would think including the word Jawa in the name of such a sub-forum or category would be great, but that's just my thoughts.

Welcome back! Thank you for the feedback to my 2022 post. When I get more time to do it, I'll implement this.

EDIT: See Commerce and Collections.
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