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"Last Shot" Stats Feedback
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:05 am    Post subject: "Last Shot" Stats Feedback Reply with quote

"Last Shot" Stats Index
I am trying to keep the Index topic post clean, please post any comments, requests or suggestions in this thread.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey guys I know next to nothing about Sana Starros and wookieepedia does not have very much on her. I created some preliminary stats for her, but I could REALLY use some help making sure I get her right. Please take a look at what I have posted and give feedback.

Sana Starros
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The bio for Doduek needs work.

A senator who while DRX-7 was being repaired by Lando Calrissian and Kaasha Bateen after being reprogrammed by Fyzen Gor, the droid greeted Senator Doduek.

Sounds a little confusing there. Perhaps this is better: A senator whom DRX-7 greeted while the droid was being repaired by Lando Calrissian and Kaasha Bateen after being reprogrammed by Fyzen Gor.

First Elthree Assault Team Droid - Shouldn't this be moved to the Droids section?

Maz Kanata - you have value:. Did you intent to denote a specific specialization, like blaster: blaster rifle, or did you forget to remove the :.

Conder Kyl - no stats? Too brief an appearance to warrant one?

Leia - shouldn't she have Force skills and powers? I'm only going by the flashback in TROS, but I think Luke trained her before she had Ben.

Sana Starros - Languages should be languages.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
Hey guys I know next to nothing about Sana Starros and wookieepedia does not have very much on her. I created some preliminary stats for her, but I could REALLY use some help making sure I get her right. Please take a look at what I have posted and give feedback.

Sana Starros

It has been suggested to give Sana archaeology 3D.

Also, though it is not fact, Han Solo told Leia that Sana was a better shot than him. At the time she was using a blaster rifle. In 3 ABY, Han has blaster 6D+2, blaster: heavy blaster 9D+1, blaster: rifle 5D+1. I am wondering if he is saying she is a better shot with a rifle than him or a blaster pistol or than his specialization or in general. She would have either blaster 7D+2 or blaster rifle 6D+1 or blaster: heavy pistol 10D+1 or maybe blaster 10D+1? Any thoughts?
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forceally wrote:
First Elthree Assault Team Droid - Shouldn't this be moved to the Droids section?

This group of three droids are unique living beings created by L3. As such they are unique characters and not something that can be mass produced. I see the draw to place them with the droids, but we have examples of character droids listed in characters section. For example, R2 and 3PO.

Forceally wrote:
Conder Kyl - no stats? Too brief an appearance to warrant one?

There are many characters I chose not to give stat blocks to because their appearance was so brief and their appearance was only incidental to move the story ahead. He happens to be such a character, though he has appeared in other works where has done much more.

Forceally wrote:
Leia - shouldn't she have Force skills and powers? I'm only going by the flashback in TROS, but I think Luke trained her before she had Ben.

This is a good point. After the Battle of Endor she trained with Luke until she had a vision that if she finished her training her unborn son would die. Battle of Endor was in 4 ABY and Ben was born in 5 BBY. That would give her a no more than say six months of training.

Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 5D+1, sense 4D+2, alter 3D
Force Powers (these powers are powers Leia Skywalker Organa Solo may have possessed and it is believed that she may have had access to many other powers.):
Control: Concentration, control pain, enhance attribute, force of will, resist stun
Sense: Danger sense, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Lightsaber combat
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think those stats are even slightly better than the ones Leia had as of the Thrawn Trilogy. Those six months or so were perhaps more dedicated one-on-one training than what she probably got from Luke in the Legends timeline. Not saying I don't like what you have. Just saying they're better than I may have been expecting. No way would she have gotten her Force skills up to 7D in that timeframe unless she had been fighting Dark Side adepts and Sith Lords continuously.

In Legends, she took up the Jedi mantle after the New Republic collapsed during the Vong War. I'm pretty certain in the Canon timeline, she did what she could to keep her Force skills up to par, so as to speak, so they're probably a little higher by the time of TFA. Maybe by then they're around 7D or 8D. Definitely not up to 10D.

I'd ask about how she survived being sucked out into space in TLJ. She probably used hibernation trance or some kind of stasis power to survive the violent ejection and exposure to vacuum. As for whether or not that should be listed is debatable. it's possible it's a power she learned on her own after she gave birth to Ben.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:00 pm    Post subject: Feedback and suggested changes for SANA STARROS Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
Hey guys I know next to nothing about Sana Starros and wookieepedia does not have very much on her. I created some preliminary stats for her, but I could REALLY use some help making sure I get her right. Please take a look at what I have posted and give feedback.

Sana Starros



    First off, my biggest suggestion would be to please always read the firsthand sources whenever possible before doing any character write-up, since not doing the research first often leads to misinformation and bad stats. I love Wookieepedia but it so often cannot really be trusted to give you a full picture for a fully-developed write-up. I know this is why you're reaching out and it's good that you look for other eyes/help, but still, overall, whenever possible, please do it as well if/when you do write-ups.

    I'd suggest reading Doctor Aphra in particular, or listening to the recent Aphra audiobook featuring Sana, as Sana plays a fairly large role in Doctor Aphra's life. Re: overall combat-relevant stats at range and at close-quarters, Sana is *about* evenly matched with Magna Tolvan, whom I've written up. They have a short but memorable firefight/duel at Accresker Jail, that ends in a draw. Tolvan would almost certainly win in any prolonged single combat however.

    All that said, here are the primary changes I'd make to Sana's statblock:


    Change attributes to DEXTERITY 3D+2, KNOWLEDGE 2D+2, MECHANICAL 3D. PER, STR, and TEC ok as they are.

  • DEX skills:

    - Add specialization for blaster: blaster carbine (or rifle) at 8D-9D, depending on how you feel about the EE-4's categorization as a "carbine rifle". Addresses both Han's comment, and in this case I think he means she's a better shot with a carbine/rifle, while also taking into account her high proficiency with her signature gun.

    - Lower dodge to 7D. Add missile weapons of 5D.

  • KNO skills

    - No need for archaeology, imho. Add alien species and languages of at least 4D. (In addition to Basic, Sana seems to show fairly fluent understanding of Rodian as well as Huttese, the latter especially so bc she is from Nar Shaddaa). Add survival 4D+1.

  • MEC skills

    - Ok as they are. Good that gunnery is slightly higher than overall piloting. Consider adding specialization at +1D for Volt Cobra / Volt Cobra's transport type.

  • PER skills

    - Lower both bargain and con to 7D, add investigation 5D. Might knock hide and sneak down a pip as well.

  • STR skills

    - Might be Ok as is. I might lower brawling to 6D+2, or make both brawling and climbing/jumping about 6D+1.

  • TEC skills

    - Raise blaster repair to 5D, lower comp prog/repair to 4D+2/5D, add specialization for space transports repair to cover Volt Cobra transport type (or Volt Cobra itself if so inclined) at 6D.


    Add Story Factor to cover Sana's vulnerability to Doctor Aphra as her old flame. Something along the lines of:

    - Old Flame: Although already aggrieved by Doctor Aphra, and rightfully mistrustful of her, Sana Starros nonetheless remains willing to aid Aphra — albeit begrudgingly. Despite doing so being against Sana's better judgement, she continues to give Aphra the benefit of the doubt, due to their past romantic history and perhaps even, Sana's unspoken, but lingering affection.


    - Add specific signature gun, EE-4 carbine rifle. Suggestion is to add +1D "fire control"-like bonus if used two-handed / using second handle for support. (With maybe another minor gain through using scope.)

    - Add grappling hook and climbing gear.

    - Add cloak which grants minor bonus to hide checks. Mask too, if so inclined, though used rarely now.

    - Add Volt Cobra starship.

    - If so inclined, add Scatterblaster .


    - Suggested this elsewhere, but rather than use abbreviations for media type, use full word. You're already going to the trouble of including the full source names, using the full category type would make it much clearer to read and less like a collection of random letters, often dependent on context for understanding. If the statblocks are without a legend/key, it should be clearer at a glance.

    - Indicate differentiation between Doctor Aphra Vol I issue numbers, and Vol II series issue numbers.

Hope this helps.



Last edited by Telsij on Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:44 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:18 pm    Post subject: PEEKPA write-up forthcoming Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:

I am about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through Last Shot, as I'm doing research for my in-depth Peepka write-up for the "Obscure Character Archive." It's going slowly due not only to lack of time, but also due to my not being the biggest fan of DJO's prose. (Especially after finishing Freed's excellent Alphabet Squadron trilogy, Last Shot really suffers by comparison.)

Anyway, when my Peekpa write-up is ready, in maybe a couple/few months time, if you are still working on this sourcebook at that time, then you are welcome to use it, if so inclined.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:
Hope this helps.

Absolutely this helps! Concrete suggestions and justifications. Thank you for taking the time to post them!

Telsij wrote:
I am about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through Last Shot, as I'm doing research for my in-depth Peepka write-up for the "Obscure Character Archive." It's going slowly due not only to lack of time, but also due to my not being the biggest fan of DJO's prose. (Especially after finishing Freed's excellent Alphabet Squadron trilogy, Last Shot really suffers by comparison.)

Yeah, to be honest, the book was hard to get through. I did not like all the time jumping which was further made difficult by having a lot of the same names involved. Made it extremely difficult to keep things in order. That and there are just, well to be honest, dumb and lazy ideas presented in the book. Not thrilled with the author at all. I am looking forward to reading the Alphabet Squadron books.

Telsij wrote:
Anyway, when my Peekpa write-up is ready, in maybe a couple/few months time, if you are still working on this sourcebook at that time, then you are welcome to use it, if so inclined.

I enjoyed the character though she is not developed much. I will definitely be watching for your post on her.

Sana Starros (as of 3 BBY)
Type: Human Con Artist Hustler
Blaster 6D+2, blaster: carbine 8D+2, brawling parry 6D, dodge 7D, melee combat 5D+2, missile weapons 5D, running 4D
Alien species 4D, bureaucracy 5D+1, cultures 4D+1, languages 5D+1, planetary systems 6D, streetwise 7D, survical 4D+1, value 5D, willpower 3D+1
Astrogation 5D+2, beast riding 5D+2, repulsorlift operation 6D+1, space transports 6D+2, space transports: Volt Cobra 8D+2, starship gunnery 7D+1, starship shields 6D+2, swoop operation 5D+2
Bargain 7D, con 7D, forgery 5D, gambling 6D+1, hide 7D, investigation 5D, search 6D, sneak 6D
Brawling 6D+2, climbing/jumping 6D+1
Blaster repair 5D, computer programming/repair 5D, droid programming 5D, droid repair 5D, first aid 5D, repulsorlift repair 5D+1, security 7D, space transport repair 5D, space transport repair: Volt Cobra 6D+2
Story Factors:
Old Flame: Although already aggrieved by Doctor Aphra, and rightfully mistrustful of her, Sana Starros nonetheless remains willing to aid Aphra — albeit begrudgingly. Despite doing so being against Sana's better judgement, she continues to give Aphra the benefit of the doubt, due to their past romantic history and perhaps even, Sana's unspoken, but lingering affection.
Character Points: 12
Force Points: 1
Move: 10
Equipment: EE-4 blaster carbine (5D; telecopic sight, +1D modifier to hit targets 100+ meters away), blaster pistol (4D), grappling hook and 10 meters syntherope, reversible all-weather cloak, Volt Cobra (modified YV-560 Light Freighter), comlink (can remote control the dual laser cannons on the Bolt Cobra), datapad.
Source: Stats by Emperor Ollie and Telsij
Appearances: N. Last Shot, C. Star Wars v2 Annual 4, C. Star Wars v2 4-6,8-12,16-19,22-25, C. The Screaming Citadel 1, C. Star Wars v2 31, C. Doctor Aphra v1 7, C. Star Wars v2 32, C. Doctor Aphra v1 8, C. Star Wars v2 33-34,37, C. Doctor Aphra v1 20-25,30, C. Star Wars v2 55-56,59-61, C. Doctor Aphra v2 6-11,13

06/14/21 Removed camouflage cloak and replaced with all-weather cloak
06/15/21 Added comlink remote control of Volt Cobra dual laser cannons

Volt Cobra
Craft: Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YV-560 Light Freighter
Type: Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 28.1 meters
Skill: Space transports: Volt Cobra
Crew: 1
Passengers: 4
Cargo Capacity: 10 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x8
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 80/2D
Focus: 3/3D
2 Twin Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret (dorsal)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D
Game Notes: The Volt Cobra has four smuggling compartments that can hold a total of 2 metric tons. Sana can remotely control the twin laser cannons. The automated controls have starship gunnery 5D.
Source: Stats by Emperor Ollie with suggestions by Telsij
Appearance: Star Wars v2 Annual 4, AB. Doctor Aphra: An Audiobook Original, C. Star Wars v2 5-6,8-12,16,34,36-37, C. Doctor Aphra v1 21-22,25, C. Star Wars v2 55-56,61, C. Doctor Aphra v2 6-7,9-10

06/14/21 Quad Laser Cannons changed to Twin Laser Cannons
06/14/21 Turret denoted as being dorsal mounted
06/14/21 Laser cannon damage changed to 5D
06/14/21 Scattergun removed
06/15/21 Added Game Notes for remote control of dual laser cannons
Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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Last edited by shootingwomprats on Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:47 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ShootingWomprats wrote:
Concrete suggestions and justifications. Thank you for taking the time to post them!

No worries. Just glad to see the changes incorporated, in order to bring Sana closer to how she appears on the page. Thank you for the co-credit.

Good move making the Volt Cobra +2D over her base skill, and for making the specialization the ship proper vs. the make/model. Tangent but, the way ship specializations are tweaked in later streamlined SWD6 variations like Classic Heroes in similar fashion (+2D w/ signature ship) are a good development toward similar ends.


ShootingWomprats wrote:
Story Factors:

Old Flame: Although already aggrieved by Doctor Aphra, and rightfully mistrustful of her, Sana Starros nonetheless remains willing to aid Aphra — albeit begrudgingly. Despite doing so being against Sana's better judgement, she continues to give Aphra the benefit of the doubt, due to their past romantic history and perhaps even, Sana's unspoken, but lingering affection.

Typo on my part here. Comma should be after the word "history" and not "even."

Should read: "... due to their past romantic history, and perhaps even Sana's unspoken, but lingering affection.

ShootingWomprats wrote:
Equipment: EE-4 blaster carbine (5D; telecopic sight, +1D modifier to hit targets 100+ meters away)

Rather than a bonus granted for the telescopic sight, two-handed use — taking advantage of the EE-4's secondary handle, not unlike a tommy gun — seems more appropriate a source for a modifier, imho.

ShootingWomprats wrote:
reversible all-terrain cloak (+1D modifier to sneak skill checks in ural environs),

I think you might mean "rural" here.

Either way, Sana uses it less for "sneak" purposes than for "hide" purposes. Sana uses the cloak to better disguise/conceal weaponry on her person instead, rather than moving stealthily through a given environment.

ShootingWomprats wrote:
Game Notes: Sana has a scatterblaster installed that she can voice-control using her comlink. The scatterblaster has vehicle blaster 3D. The Volt Cobra has four smuggling compartments that can hold a total of 2 metric tons.

The scatterblaster Sana uses is mobile, rather than installed on the Volt Cobra. For example, in this panel, when in Mos Eisley, Sana stashes the blaster below her cantina table:



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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:
ShootingWomprats wrote:
Concrete suggestions and justifications. Thank you for taking the time to post them!

No worries. Just glad to see the changes incorporated, in order to bring Sana closer to how she appears on the page. Thank you for the co-credit.

You're welcome!

Telsij wrote:
ShootingWomprats wrote:
Equipment: EE-4 blaster carbine (5D; telecopic sight, +1D modifier to hit targets 100+ meters away)

Rather than a bonus granted for the telescopic sight, two-handed use — taking advantage of the EE-4's secondary handle, not unlike a tommy gun — seems more appropriate a source for a modifier, imho.

I feel that carbines require two hands to be wielded effectively. Giving a bonus for using two hands? This is tricky since there are additional rules in place, such as bracing or taking a round to aim. I am not sure that using the weapon two-handed needs a rule. Though I could see a foldable stock giving a +1D modifer. Thoughts?

Telsij wrote:
Either way, Sana uses it less for "sneak" purposes than for "hide" purposes. Sana uses the cloak to better disguise/conceal weaponry on her person instead, rather than moving stealthily through a given environment.

Replace with All-weather cloak.

Telsij wrote:
ShootingWomprats wrote:
Game Notes: Sana has a scatterblaster installed that she can voice-control using her comlink. The scatterblaster has vehicle blaster 3D. The Volt Cobra has four smuggling compartments that can hold a total of 2 metric tons.

The scatterblaster Sana uses is mobile, rather than installed on the Volt Cobra. For example, in this panel, when in Mos Eisley, Sana stashes the blaster below her cantina table: ...

In that case, I don't think this needs to be listed as a standard part of her kit. I thought she also had voice command of guns on her ship as well? Am I remembering that incorrectly?
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One more change re: the Volt Cobra, apart from editing that its scatterblaster is not installed, and is instead a personal piece of equipment Sana has.

shootingwomprats wrote:

2 Quad Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

The comics artwork for the Volt Cobra shows that these are DUAL laser cannons, not quads.

I'd also bring the damage up to *at least* 5D plus, especially as they are the ship's primary weapons and Sana surely had them modded up.

Also worth indicating that both of these are dorsal turrets, as dorsal/ventral positioning can have a direct effect on gameplay if/when opponents try to pull a Wrath of Khan.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:
shootingwomprats wrote:

2 Quad Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

The comics artwork for the Volt Cobra shows that these are DUAL laser cannons, not quads.

I'd also bring the damage up to *at least* 5D plus, especially as they are the ship's primary weapons and Sana surely had them modded up.

Also worth indicating that both of these are dorsal turrets, as dorsal/ventral positioning can have a direct effect on gameplay if/when opponents try to pull a Wrath of Khan.

I agree that it's always good to indicate which side of the ship a turret weapon is located. Two ships playing cat and mouse in a sensor-obscuring nebula probably doesn't happen too often in Star Wars (but it could!). However there are plenty of situations where a ship's orientation at any given point may not make it possible for a ship's weapon to bear on a target. If these situations never occur, then the GM may be guilty of "two dimensional thinking" like Kahn. Space is 3D.

For me, ship weapon location has mattered since the very first SW D6 adventure I ever ran, where the characters on a freighter with only a dorsal turret canon wanted to cover other characters in a city escaping enemies coming in from multiple directions without landing the ship because fighters were on route. The ship didn't have room to do this anywhere but the city's central ground vehicle intersection, and if they had just went in right side up, the ship would have been in the way of the ship's gun to provide suppression fire. So the characters in the ship jury-rigged the repulsorlift to work in the opposite direction, strapped in, and flipped the switch as they flew to the intersection and flopped the ship over to stop and hover a little more than 10 meters off the ground upside down, so they could drop a rope ladder out of the top hatch and the characters who had just escaped from jail could climb up to the ship while the dorsal gun could be used against close enemies (which made them go for cover). Then they blasted off, battled the fighters, and escaped.

It made for an exciting scene, but made me realize that it makes a lot of practical sense for PC ships to have a ventral turret weapon.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fyzen Gor: You have two sets of stats listed, but both are listed as of 10 ABY. Was one set meant for an earlier time?

Sana Starros: You added archaeology - fine. But Telsij made his own stats, as I think I saw in another thread. Are you going to incorporate those into your work, or are you sticking with yours?
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Telsij wrote:
... apart from editing that its scatterblaster is not installed, and is instead a personal piece of equipment Sana has.

Removed the scatterblaster from the Volt Cobra and decided not to put it in her personal equipment as it is not something she would carry on her person. This equipment stored aboard her ship. I supposed I could list it in Game Notes or we can assume the item was bought for a single encounter and left at the scene in the midst of a hasty escape.

Telsij wrote:
The comics artwork for the Volt Cobra shows that these are DUAL laser cannons, not quads.

I have actually seen both twin and quads on the Volt Cobra. Not sure what the citation is. Here is the image. Red circles denote quads, the yellow denote something else. Could be missile launchers. Oddly, I know 1-2 escape pods release from under the sides, but I do not see anything that looks like them.

Telsij wrote:
I'd also bring the damage up to *at least* 5D plus, especially as they are the ship's primary weapons and Sana surely had them modded up.

This is a good idea. The ship is customized and as its a small ship I am sure Sana would have made some upgrades to improve weapon damage.

Telsij wrote:
Also worth indicating that both of these are dorsal turrets, as dorsal/ventral positioning can have a direct effect on gameplay if/when opponents try to pull a Wrath of Khan.

Whill wrote:
For me, ship weapon location has mattered ...

I actually thought about this, but from a mechanical standpoint makes no difference. I like you and Whill take into account gun placement in my space combat as I do not use the 2D suggestion that RAW does, I TRY to have some 3D elements and have it make sense without getting bogged down in the details. I added it in btw.

Forceally wrote:
Fyzen Gor: You have two sets of stats listed, but both are listed as of 10 ABY. Was one set meant for an earlier time?

Good catch, this was supposed to 17 BBY. I have corrected it.

Forceally wrote:
Sana Starros: You added archaeology - fine.

Already removed it.

Forceally wrote:
But Telsij made his own stats, as I think I saw in another thread. Are you going to incorporate those into your work, or are you sticking with yours?

I already posted to this thread the changes. As they may not be complete yet I have not postesd in the Character Stats thread. I plan to though.
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