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MC-13v2 Freighter
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:51 am    Post subject: MC-13v2 Freighter Reply with quote


It is important in my campaigns for PC ships to have a deckplan and an external image. The DeepWater is a Mon Cal class of ship and each ship is an individual work of art. The Stock Ships deckplan and external image for the ship may both represent DeepWaters, but there is no way that they represent the same DeepWater. I originally set out to make a deckplan for a modified DeepWater-class freighter, and ended up creating a new model of Mon Cal freighter with a capsule, deckplan, and stats. This thread was created for the next phase of the project previously discussed here.

Last May an editor worked on my manuscript of the main capsule and deckplan details. With the first editing pass the grammar and diction were greatly improved in many sentences, but the editor had a handful of content issues. The editor didn't always understand what I was going for and suggested revisions that had improved diction but altered the meaning from my intention. The editor also seemed uncomfortable with my interpretations of some vaguely defined items of EU and Canon continuity. The editor stopped having time to work on this and mentioned another issue. I've waited six months so this weekend I decided to proceed to the next phase without further editing. I further tweaked the deckplans to clarify some capsule text the editor found confusing. I implemented a lot of his capsule text edits and came up with my own so I could now bring this to the public think tank of our community. I just wanted to make clear that if any sentences seem clunky, they are most certainly my wording and not the editor's. I tried, but I'm only a math major. The editor takes a lot of pride in his work, so I don't know if he'll want credit in the final product or not. If he does, he has earned it with his first pass alone and he will get it. My current manuscript is about five times better than my first draft, and I am grateful for the help that he was able to provide.

The capsule presumes the reader has read the Stock Ships entry for the DeepWater-class freighter. (Please read or re-read that before reading this.) The capsule establishes a greater context for both ships. Like the Stock Ships DeepWater entry, this capsule refers to the WEG EU Calamari Commercial Expeditionary Service (which I abbreviate "CCES") without going into detail about the nature of this service. My capsule also refers to the Disney SW comic book Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet, which is a big part of the Canon explanation for the origin of the Rebel fleet in RotJ. These things are "trading services". My idea is that they both were government-funded services, perhaps from different legislative acts with some overlapping years of operation, (and one much more funded and successful than the other). They could represent two different strategies of the planet gaining a better foothold in Republic economies. Ultimately though, I don't feel that details of exactly what these two Calamarian trading services are and how they work are really that important. And I made-up a couple StarWarsy technology terms, but it shouldn't be difficult to get their meaning from the name itself and the context.

I have a created a mostly original deckplan using design elements from the DeepWater and other deckplans in Stock Ships. I photoshopped the external image of the DeepWater until the deckplan and external image met in the middle, to a decent degree of personal satisfaction. I took advantage of the external image not showing the bottom of the ship and accounted for stuff under the main deck. This ship is larger than the Millennium Falcon in length, width, and height. Scale disclaimer - I realized late in the deckplan design stage that some things are a little off. It is minor enough to not make me want to fix it all. The rooms are all the right size, but some of the furniture is a little too big. It is sufficient to show you where everything is and what each room has. I would suggest that for your mind's eye, the rooms are a little less crowded than they appear on the deck plan.

Below is the outline of the eventual PDF document. Think of this as an expanded entry of Stock Ships, with deckplan details like for The Long Shot from Classic Campaigns.

MC-13v2 Outline

main capsule & external image

stock deckplan & key (standard)
stock deckplan details (standard)
stock stats (standard w/ escape pod stats + 1e stats)

The Odyssey capsule & external image
The Odyssey deckplan & key
The Odyssey deckplan details
The Odyssey stats (w/ mini-sub and escape pod stats)

stock deckplan & key (passenger variant)
stock deckplan details (passenger variant)
stock stats (passenger variant w/ escape pod stats + 1e stats)

For starters, below this OP I am just posting the main capsule through standard stock stats. Then, it is opened up for your questions, feedback good and bad, etc. This will help me fine tune the material for the eventual PDF release.


Shortcut to a post with a summary of updates made to the next four posts on 12/12/19
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:52 am    Post subject: MC-13v2 ~ Capsule Reply with quote


The MC-13v2 is a successor of the Mon Calamari Shipyards DeepWater-class light freighter. During the waning days of the Republic, the DeepWater was the backbone of the Calamari Commercial Expeditionary Service. However, the rising isolationist sentiments within Quarren populations of Calamari Space soured galactic relations and the CCES was bureaucratically stymied in attempts to establish a presence in Republic trade markets. The DeepWater also suffered from design flaws. It had cargo holds more expansive than some medium freighters, but only enough hauling power to carry 185 tons of cargo. This forced DeepWater captains to leave considerable unused space when carrying all but the lowest density cargos. The DeepWater even failed to live up to its name in two significant ways. The ship's armament was intended to be a pulse laser weapon that is more effective underwater, but the technology had not been perfected by the time this ship went into production. As a result, a normal laser canon was fitted into in the oversized housing of the pulse laser prototype. Furthermore, some submerged DeepWaters suffered catastrophic failures when the shield system was damaged and the hull collapsed. The CCES started to downsize by selling used DeepWaters whenever it needed to show profits. This began the downward spiral of the service. Despite the ship's design flaws, the DeepWater became the bestselling product of the CCES.

To capitalize on the popularity of the flawed DeepWater, Mon Calamari Shipyards produced an improved version of the ship to be sold by the better funded and more successful Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet. The new class of ship had originally been conceived of as a luxury freight and passenger transport, but right before production began it was redesigned as a high powered freighter with special features. The MC-13v2s are not unique works of art like the DeepWater. MC-13v2s are instead a mass-produced class of ship, completely homogenous except for some outer hull cosmetics to retain a modicum of Calamarian artistry. (The hull shape was largely based on the DeepWater's 61S run, but more symmetrical.) The MC-13v2 features a reinforced hull to protect the ship from the pressures of the deep, rather than depending on shields. For subaqueous mode, the shields system instead converts to an energy field that reduces water friction, allowing the MC-13v2 to travel underwater twice as fast as the DeepWater. The ship can safely submerge to a depth of 1 km on standard gravity worlds. The MC-13v2 also features two functional pulse laser weapons that are fully realized for underwater effectiveness. In addition to the landing gear and docking claws standard to most ships, the ship has inflatable puncture-proof pontoons for landing on water. And the MC-13v2's internal environmental system is fully compartmentalized.

The MC-13v2 freighter has a cargo hauling capacity of 370 tons, improved cargo logistics, and a cargo jettison system. The ship's certification to operate in the Republic was initially rejected by the Republic Space Ministry which stated that the cargo jettison system encouraged smuggling. However, they relented and approved the ship after the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet cited a Ministry report which recommended cargo jettison as the best way to survive pirate attacks. The MC-13v2 also has three escape pods.

Sales of the MC-13v2 were slow at first, but Calamari-Republic relations improved dramatically after the election of Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine to Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Due to the series of criminal trials resulting from the Invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation's monopolies were broken, which allowed the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet to establish markets in the Outer Rim and freighters began to return to prominence. MC-13v2 sales skyrocketed and the ship began to appear throughout the Republic.

Calamari Space was initially neutral in the Separatist War but officially sided with Republic when it was uncovered that Quarren isolationists had been secretly supporting the Confederacy. A year after the Clone Wars ended, Dac fought a brief war against the Empire but lost. As a result, the Empire occupied Dac and forced the Calamarians to assist the Imperial war effort. However, the Empire allowed the Mercantile Fleet to continue operating so that Dac could pay "war reparations" to the Empire. With reduced defensive capabilities and Imperial observers on board the ships, the renamed "Mon Cala Imperial Trade Fleet" travels the Empire selling a variety of goods including the MC-13v2.

The MC-13v2 continues to be a popular freighter used by successful companies and tramp captains. The ship is especially prized for its hauling capacity and reinforced hull. Larger species such as Herglics and Wookiees enjoy its roominess. The ship is also popular among smugglers and rebels, but common enough among legitimate freighter captains that criminals can blend in with a large degree of success. The MC-13v2's steep price keeps it from completely dominating the freighter market. A less common passenger variant based on the original MC-13 design, the MC-13v2p, is also available.

The Odyssey, a modified MC-13v2
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:53 am    Post subject: MC-13v2 ~ Stock Deckplan & Key Reply with quote

Stock MC-13v2 Deckplan

Stock MC-13v2 Deckplan Key

1. Bridge
---a. Pilot’s station
---b. Co-Pilot’s station
---c. Auxiliary astrogation/shields station
---d. Auxiliary com-scan/remote gunnery station
2. Fore Airlock
---e. Dorsal hatch (ceiling)/Fore escape pod access (floor)
3. Supply Room
---f. Droid charging station
4. Security/Environment Office
5. Refresher
6. Captain’s Quarters
7. First Mate’s Quarters
8. Common Room
---g. Communications/sensors pod access (floor)
---h. Holotable (ceiling)/Central escape pod access (floor)
9. Galley/Laundry Room (with small table – ceiling)
10. Passengers’ Quarters
11. Aquatic Chamber
---i. Central airlock/Ventral hatch access (floor)
12. Medical Bay
13. Natural Habitat
14. Corridor
---j. Turret access (ceiling and floor)
---k. Emergency blast door
15. Port Escape Pod
16. Port Aft Cargo Bay
17. Port Cargo Airlock (lift in floor)
18. Port Fore Cargo Bay
19. Starboard Fore Cargo Bay
20. Starboard Cargo Airlock (lift in floor)
21. Starboard Aft Cargo Bay
22. Vestibule (entry ramp in floor)
23. Starboard Airlock (with extendable boarding tube)
24. Engine Room
---l. Tools/small parts locker
---f. Droid charging station
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Last edited by Whill on Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:29 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:54 am    Post subject: MC-13v2 ~ Stock Deckplan Key Details Reply with quote

Stock MC-13v2 Deckplan Key Details

1. Bridge: The MC-13v2 has a spacious command center. The entire bridge is covered by a domic viewport reinforced by a dark latticework structure. The viewport is composed of tinted transparisteel which allows light in but not out, so the bridge and its crew cannot be seen from outside the ship. The viewport has an automatically polarizing effect to optimize light intake from every angle, which protects the bridge crew from sudden flashes of bright light.

Both the Pilot and Co-Pilot stations share access to the following functions: 1) powering up and down the ship, 2) activating and deactivating all five drives on the ship, 3) primary piloting and shield operation, 4) assisting the other pilot with piloting and shield operation, 5) accessing com-scan 6) ascertaining system status, damage, and malfunctions. The Pilot's station also has a navicomputer interface, remote access to the pulse laser, and auxiliary access to all Security/Environment Office functions with four monitors to cycle through all the feeds available in the Security Office. The Co-Pilot's station also has the ability to route power and remotely operate the laser cannon. The center of the forward console includes a scomp link interface which allows an astromech droid to operate the vessel if needed (at a -1D penalty for all rolls) or assist a pilot with piloting and shield actions. Although a crew of two is sufficient to effectively run the ship, there are also two auxiliary stations on the bridge. The auxiliary stations are capable of being reconfigured for various limited system control functions. The factory default configurations are the port station with astrogation/shields and the starboard station with com-scan/remote gunnery of both weapons. A crew member can use the port auxiliary station to be one of the two crew members needed for shield operation actions (the other being either the pilot or copilot).

Panels under the consoles can be removed to access systems to effect maintenance and repairs. Close to the forward stations are the navicomputer (port) and flight computer (starboard). Near the auxiliary stations, the the combat shield system and forward projector access is on the port side and the primary inertial compensator access is on the starboard side. On the aft wall port of the door are the fore airlock controls and a security monitor for the airlock. On the aft wall starboard of the door are cabinets with basic tools, fire suppression equipment, and a medpac.

2. Fore Airlock: The room connecting the bridge to the rest of the ship is also an airlock with a dorsal external hatch in the ceiling. This is a floodable airlock capable of vacuum and water transitions. On the wall opposite the Supply Room door, controls operate the airlock, the dorsal hatch (which also has a retractable ladder from the ceiling), and the floor hatch to access the fore escape pod (which can hold four standard-sized persons). Due to this room’s connection to the bridge and escape pod, the airlock feature and dorsal hatch are normally only used in the event of an emergency.

3. Supply Room: This small room has floor-to-ceiling cabinets for holding emergency supplies such as spacesuits, survival gear, food rations, weapons, and fire suppression equipment. There is also a droid charging station. The ceiling panels may be removed to access the Auxiliary Power Generator, and the floor panels may be removed to access the Emergency Power Battery.

4. Security/Environment Office: This room features one long console that extends throughout the fore, port and aft sides of the room. The forward end of the security office features security monitors for nearly every area of the ship (internal and external). There are also controls to lock out the functions of all the other ship work stations, but this requires command codes set by the ship's captain. The middle portion of the room has internal sensor controls and readouts. In addition, all airlocks, external hatches, and internal doors can be opened or closed from here (unlocked, locked from one side, or locked from both sides with command codes). The cargo jettison can also be activated from here. The aft end of the office has the ship's master life support/environmental controls for adjusting artificial gravity settings, and air composition, pressure, and temperature for all areas of the ship. Panels under the consoles as well as in the floor and ceiling can be removed to maintain and repair these systems.

5. Refreshers: There are three refreshers on the ship – One off of the fore airlock, one off of the galley, and one in the captain's quarters. They all have waste collectors and sinks, while the latter two also have showers. The cabinet under the sink holds cleaning supplies. Panels on the wall, floor and ceiling of the refresher off of the fore airlock can be removed to access the water recycling and waste processing systems.

6. Captain's Quarters: The captain's cabin is slightly wider than the passenger quarters, and it is the only one with its own refresher. The captain's bed is slightly wider than the other beds on the ship, but it can be replaced with a standard bunk bed if another crew member needs to double-up with the captain to make more room for more crew and/or passengers in other quarters. There is also a closet, a reclining chair, and a small computer table with limited Security Office function controls. The forward wall near the door has a bridge monitor.

7. First Mate's Quarters: The first mate's cabin is the same size as the captain's except that it does not have its own refresher. These quarters come with a standard bunk bed. The closet in this room is the same size as in the captain's quarters. There is also a computer table with two chairs.

8. Common Room: This room is the ship's main lounge, recreation center, and dining hall. A floor panel outside the door to the First Mate's Quarters can be removed to access the lower sensor pod and communications array for maintenance and repairs. The floor in the center of the room opens up to give access to the central escape pod (which can hold six standard-sized persons). The ceiling above the escape pod access panel holds a repulsorlift holotable which can unfold its legs, lower itself down to the floor, move around the room, and return to its ceiling storage when not in use. With its legs retracted, the holotable sits on the floor and can broadcast life-size holofilms. The holotable can also sit on its side to become a large viewscreen for two-dimensional visual media. The holotable comes with a large library of audios, videos and holos from the Republic and Empire. The four couches and two holochess game tables can slide around the room easily to reconfigure it for various activities. The couches can make a suitable bed for a small person if needed. The seats in the couches can firm up and rise to become more suitable for sitting around the holotable, which can be used to eat meals and have meetings. If four other chairs from the other rooms are added, the holotable can comfortably seat 12 standard-sized beings. The library computer system can be accessed by removing floor panels on the port side of the common room.

9. Galley/Laundry Room: The ship's galley has cabinets with shelves for storage of food and beverages of refrigerated, non-refrigerated, concentrated, and non-concentrated varieties, as well as dishes, utensils, and cooking appliances. Several of the cabinets have turboshelves that can bring items up from an organized storage system underneath the room. There are counters for meal preparation and additional space available from a small repulsor-table that can lower from the ceiling with legs of adjustable height. This room also contains a laundry machine. A refresher is accessible from the starboard fore side of the room. Fire suppression equipment is hanging on the wall by the door from the Common Room. Panels in the floor are removable to conduct repairs or maintain the underdeck storage system.

10. Passengers' Quarters: The passengers' quarters (which can also accommodate additional crewmembers) are not as spacious as the First Mate's cabin. While the bunk beds and computer tables are the same size, the closet is smaller, and there is only a single chair. There is sufficient space to pull in a couch from the common room.

11. Aquatic Chamber: This room can be partially or completely filled with water of customizable salinity, oxygenation, and other factors. This allows many species to use the room for relaxation. Amphibious species can likewise use the room for periodic rehydration. The chamber is suitable for the transportation of fully aquatic species. The Central Airlock connects the aquatic chamber to the ship's common room. A lift in the floor of the room also connects to an external ventral hatch. The airlock is capable of vacuum and water transitions. The controls to operate the airlock are located on both sides of the inner and outer doors. Some MC-13v2 owners of non-amphibious species have converted this luxury into an additional cargo hold (36 cubic meters).

12. Medical Bay: This room has a cabinet for medical supplies, a computer table, a reclining chair of adjustable height, and a medical bed/examination table of adjustable height. There is a diagnostic scanner (which provides a +1D bonus to first aid rolls).

13. Natural Habitat: This is an area dedicated to maintaining the soil, flora, and fauna of a small land-based habitat. While the default mode has a Calamarian island forest setting that includes a pair of small long-lived trees, this area is customizable. It is usable as a garden or as a more natural living space for pets, steeds, or livestock. Some captains have converted this space into an additional cargo hold (22 cubic meters).

14. Corridor: The corridor connects the vestibule, cargo bays, common area, port escape pod and engine room. In the event of a hull breach or pirate boarding party, there are emergency blast doors that can close off the corridor at the outer walls of the Aquatic Chamber and the Natural Habitat, further compartmentalizing the ship if necessary. Outside of the doors to the engine room is a ladder between ceiling and floor hatches that open to access the dorsal and ventral gunnery bays. There is no artificial gravity at all in the ventral bay, so gunners should strap into their station. There is also no gravity under the ceiling and floor hatches, which makes climbing up and down to the dorsal and ventral turrets easy (but can cause a misstep if those walking over floor hatch are not paying attention). The dorsal and ventral shield projectors are accessed in the forward sections of each gunnery bay.

15. Port Escape Pod: This escape pod holds four standard-sized persons.

16. Port and 21. Starboard Aft Cargo Bays: These two smaller cargo bays have a volume of about 48 cubic meters each. All four cargo holds feature an automated cargo handling system consisting of telescoping overhead arms with a crane/grapple system that can move cargo to and from the loading bays, and organize it in the holds. All cargo holds have magnetic and conventional equipment to keep cargo in place. All cargo holds are climate controllable, capable of preserving temperature sensitive cargoes.

17. Port and 20. Starboard Cargo Airlocks: The main feature of these areas are lifts in the floor to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo. These rooms also function as airlocks, which is helpful when cargo has to be loaded or unloaded in inhospitable atmospheres or a vacuum. Additionally, the cargo lift includes a mechanism to jettison cargo. Unlike the other airlocks on the ship, the cargo airlocks are not floodable, but the lifts lower to the surface of water when the ship is in pontoon mode. The controls for the cargo lift and airlock are located at the aftmost section of the inner walls. Controls for the cargo jettison, and additional controls for the cargo lift and airlock, are located near the blast doors in the corridor and the cargo bays. The panels on the aftmost sections of the outer walls can be removed to access the port and starboard shield projectors.

18. Port and 19. Starboard Fore Cargo Bays: The larger cargo bays have a volume of about 58 cubic meters each.

22. Vestibule: The vestibule connects the corridor to the starboard airlock, but the main feature of this area is the entry ramp which lowers on the outer end and extends to the surface underneath the starboard airlock when the ship is grounded. The entry ramp cannot be lowered while the starboard airlock is in use.

23. Starboard Airlock: This is a floodable airlock capable of vacuum and water transitions. When the ship is needed to dock with space stations or other ships in space, there is an extendable boarding tube. This airlock cannot be used when the entry ramp in the vestibule is lowered.

24. Engine Room: The large engine room provides access to the main power generator and all five drives on the ship: the primary and secondary hyperdrives, the sublight drive, the repulsorlift generator, and the submarine drive. The aft combat shield projector, particle shield generator, back-up shield systems, secondary inertial compensator, and secondary com-scan systems are also accessed here. The engineering station provides auxiliary access to many of the same pilot/co-pilot functions on the bridge, such as powering up and down the ship, activating and deactivating the drives, rerouting power, and ascertaining system status, damage, and malfunctions. This station also provides the same auxiliary access to the Security/Environment Office functions as the bridge. Beside the engineering station is a small room with floor-to-ceiling shelving for tools and small replacement parts. There is a scomp link interface at the engineering station on the side by the tool/parts locker. Also, there is a droid charging station in this room.
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Last edited by Whill on Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:45 am; edited 9 times in total
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:54 am    Post subject: MC-13v2 ~ Stats Reply with quote

Stock MC-13v2

Craft: Mon Calamari Shipyards MC-13v2 Deluxe Freighter
Type: Stock Medium Freighter
Scale: Starfighter (6D)
Length: 45 meters

Skill: Space transports or space transports: MC-13v2
Skill, subaqueous mode: Aquatic vehicle operation or space transports: MC-13v2
Crew: 2, gunners: 2, skeleton: 1/+7
Passengers: 10
Small Craft Complement: 

--2 Bobko-Schomburg W4 Multi-environment Escape Crafts
--1 Bobko-Schomburg W6 Multi-environment Escape Craft
Cargo Capacity: 370 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 199,000 (new), 100,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x14

Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 325; 936 kmh
Subaquatic: 65; 187 kmh
Game Notes: When the shield system is not functioning or it is not reconfigured for subaqueous mode, cut the subaquatic move of the vessel in half.
Hull: 5D (The MC-13v2 can safely submerge to a depth of 1 km on standard worlds.)
Shields: 2D (backup: 3D) in space or atmosphere; 0D in subaqueous mode
Game Notes: The MC-13v2 has 3D in backup shields. When a die of shields is lost, the shield operator can attempt to make an Easy starship shields roll. If successful, one of the backup shield dice can be activated to bring the ship back up to 2D in shields. Once all three backup dice are exhausted, the shields can withstand the normal amount of damage and then must be completely overhauled. The backup dice cannot be applied when traveling underwater, and the shields cannot be reconfigured to or from subaqueous mode while underwater. Reconfiguring the shields to or from subaqueous mode is a non-roll action. It cannot be done in a round where shields protect the ship, and the reconfiguration does not go into effect until the start of the following round.

(mode subatmospheric/atmosphere/space/die code)
Passive 750m/1.5km/15/0D
Scan 1.5km/3km/30/2D
Search 3.25km/6.5km/65/2D+2
Focus 250m/500m/5/3D

Game Notes: MC-13v2s have a backup com-scan system. If the primary sensors suite or comm system goes offline, the secondary com-scan system comes online automatically at the start of the following round as long as the ship has power. A pilot or com-scan operator can also make an Easy sensors or communications roll to manually switch to either operational com-scan system, also effective at the start of the following round. The back-up com-scan system has the same ranges, but the Scan, Search, and Focus modes each have a die code of 1D less than the primary system.

--1 Dual Pulse Laser 

--Fire Arc: Turret (Dorsal)

--Crew: 1

--Skill: Starship gunnery

--Fire Control: 2D


----Space: 1-3/12/25

----Atmosphere: 100m-300m/1.2km/2.5km

----Subatmospheric: 50m-150m/600m/1.25km

--Damage: 5D

--Game Notes: There is -1D penalty to attack rolls when firing the dual pulse laser remotely from the bridge. Using the dual pulse laser turret in its gunnery bay provides the option to shift 1D of damage to fire control. When the dual pulse laser is fired underwater, the attack hits at normal difficulty and only loses 1D of damage (as opposed to attacking with normal energy weapons which has a -7 penalty to hit and -2D to damage).

--1 Dual Laser Cannon 

--Fire Arc: Turret (Ventral)

--Crew: 1

--Skill: Starship gunnery

--Fire Control: 2D


----Space: 1-3/12/25

----Atmosphere: 100m-300m/1.2km/2.5km

----Subatmospheric: 50m-150m/600m/1.25km

--Damage: 5D

--Game Notes: There is -1D penalty to attack rolls when firing the dual laser cannon remotely from the bridge. Using the dual laser cannon turret in its gunnery bay provides the option to shift 1D of damage to fire control. When the dual laser cannon is fired underwater, the gunner suffers a -7 penalty to hit and -2D to damage.

Craft: Bobko-Schomburg W4 Multi-environment Escape Craft 

Type: Stock Escape Pod
Scale: Starfighter (6D)
Length: 2.9 meters

Skill: Space transports: Bobko-Schomburg Escape Pod

Crew: 0 (auto-pilot capable) 

Passengers: 4

Cargo Capacity: Emergency gear and supplies
Consumables: 5 days
Cost: 12,000 (new)
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 648 kmh
Subaquatic: 23; 65 kmh

Hull: 2D

(mode subatmospheric/atmosphere/space/die code)
Passive 750m/1.5km/15/0D
Notes: This escape pod can function normally in space, atmospheres, or underwater down to a depth of 100 meters on standard worlds. If launched at a depth further underwater, it is programmed to ascend to the water's surface at maximum speed and designed to resist being completely crushed during this quick burst upward.

Craft: Bobko-Schomburg W6 Multi-environment Escape Craft
Type: Stock Escape Pod

Scale: Starfighter (6D)

Length: 3.6 meters

Skill: Space transports: Bobko-Schomburg Escape Pod
Crew: 0 (auto-pilot capable)
Passengers: 6

Cargo Capacity: Emergency gear and supplies
Consumables: 5 days
Cost: 15,000 (new)
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 648 kmh
Subaquatic: 23; 65 kmh
Hull: 2D

(mode subatmospheric/atmosphere/space/die code)
Passive 750m/1.5km/15/0D
Notes: This escape pod can function normally in space, atmospheres, or underwater down to a depth of 100 meters on standard worlds. If launched at a depth further underwater, it is programmed to ascend to the water's surface at maximum speed. It is designed to resist being completely crushed during this quick burst upward, but damage is likely if launched too deep.

The MC-13v2 deckplan side-by-side with the Stock Ships DeepWater-class and Lando's Falcon deckplans

Sources: Whill, WEG Stock Ships p.61-63, Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 3 — The Burning Seas, Star Wars Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala

STOCK MC-13V2 (First Edition stats)

Craft: Mon Calamari Shipyards MC-13v2 Deluxe Freighter
Type: Stock Medium Freighter
Crew: 2 (minimum)
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 370 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Sublight Speed: 3D
Aquatic Speed Code: 1D+1
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Hull: 5D
..One Dual Laser Canon
..Fire Control: 2D
..Damage: 5D
..Game Notes: When fired underwater, the dual laser cannon's to hit difficulty is increased by one level and there is a -2D penalty to damage.
..One Dual Pulse Laser
..Fire Control: 2D
..Damage: 5D
..Game Notes: When fired underwater, the dual pulse laser hits at normal difficulty and only loses 1D of damage.
..Rating: 2D
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Last edited by Whill on Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:32 pm; edited 38 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 1:51 am    Post subject: Re: MC-13v2 ~ Capsule Reply with quote

My thoughts so far.. I like the backround write up.. Though some of it does depend a little, on the buyers (gamers) knowing the history somewhat of Mon-cal, as expanded on in the cartoons/comics/eu..

Deckplans.. Looks nice.. Though i wonder, since one has to go into another room (through a door), how does it do the 'cargo jettisoning'??

On the crew i think it should have a listing of "Crew 2, gunner 1. Can be operated by 1 at +10.

Other than that, i see nothing else needing to get changed..
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:29 pm    Post subject: Re: MC-13v2 Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Deckplans.. Looks nice..

Thanks! It was a lot of work.

The controls for the cargo lift and airlock are located at the aftmost section of the inner walls. Additional controls are located near the blast doors in the corridor and the cargo bays.
garhkal wrote:
Though i wonder, since one has to go into another room (through a door), how does it do the 'cargo jettisoning'??

This is a good question for two reasons. First of all, there is no mention of the jettison function where I describe the controls for the cargo airlock. The cargo jettison was a late stage addition when I had to come up with something to take up some cargo storage space. I forgot to update the controls statements. And I'm also not really satisfied with the wording of these sentences anyway. The intention was that the controls for the cargo jettison are with the external controls for each cargo airlock, so by the three blast doors going into the cargo airlock (the two cargo bays and the corridor).

The cargo airlock circle is slightly depressed into the floor. That is the cargo airlock floor hatch - Two doors slide apart to open. Under the cargo airlock floor hatch is a tube that wide which goes to an external Ventral Hatch under the ship. The external hatch can either move sideways to open the tube completely, or it can be the cargo lift that can extend further out under the ship and lifts all the way up to the cargo airlock floor.

So how I envision the jettison to work is this. The cargo or items to be jettisoned must be placed on the circle, then you leave the airlock and seal it at the controls by one of the blast doors. If you have time you can suck some of your atmosphere out of the cargo airlock into the ship before jettisoning it, but if you're in a rush then you can jettison the air out with the cargo. When activating the jettison, the artificial gravity plate on the floor hatch turns off a split second before the hatch doors slide open (so the cargo doesn't get caught on the sliding doors) and the external Ventral hatch opens. Then some artificial gravity tech in the tube under the deck yanks hard on the cargo which launches it out. Then everything closes back up.

The cargo jettison can also be activated from the security/environment office and the pilot's station on the bridge, but of course they would still need someone to load the cargo, unless there was cargo already loaded there, which might be a good idea when flying through in pirate infested space.

I'll for sure add the missing info on the controls for the jettison, but I'm open to suggestions of better wording too.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:31 pm    Post subject: Re: MC-13v2 Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
My thoughts so far.. I like the backround write up.. Though some of it does depend a little, on the buyers (gamers) knowing the history somewhat of Mon-cal, as expanded on in the cartoons/comics/eu..

Sure, there are definitely things that could lead to further reading if interested, but ultimately it is all just fluff. The capsule's history of the production of the ship is not really vital for a player who wanted his character to buy an MC-13v2. I originally just set out to make a deckplan for a modified RAW stock DeepWater that will be used in my game. But I realized that there are some really dumb concept elements of the DeepWater, so it evolved into also remaking the stock DeepWater for my SWU. Then I decided that I should just make my ship a separate class of ship, the successor to the DeepWater. That way, anyone could use this ship in their game without it stepping on the personal canon of other GMs who made have already used the DeepWater as is in their campaigns. The MC-13v2's background is tied to the DeepWater background, and expands it to include a greater context for both ships. Kinda like in the real world, my in-universe explanation for the MC-13v2 is based on reactions to the DeepWater flaws.

On the crew i think it should have a listing of "Crew 2, gunner 1. Can be operated by 1 at +10.

I think it is quite a sensible limitation to require two pilots for normal difficulties, and have an added difficulty for only one pilot. This ship is a beast! I never even referred to it as a "light" freighter due to its high cargo capacity and toughness.

I'm sure I considered what you had suggested when designing this ship but, if I recall correctly, I decided it against it. This project sat for five months without me looking at it, and I'm afraid I can't currently remember all of my thought process. I think I just wanted it to be versatile enough that it could be operated by one person, but that was highly unadvisable. The copilot can coordinate with the pilot for movement rolls. I will consider this further.

Other than that, i see nothing else needing to get changed..

You have helped a lot. Thanks. If you think of anything else, please share.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:54 pm    Post subject: Re: MC-13v2 Reply with quote

Whill wrote:

I'll for sure add the missing info on the controls for the jettison, but I'm open to suggestions of better wording too.

How's about this
"Designers of the MC-13v2, put in place defenses against piracy. Over the years, many of them were removed by the empire, except for one.. The ability to shunt cargo from two of the four holds, into the cargo lifts, that then get jettisoned. These were left in place by a number of imperial moffs, as a way, pilots of these freighters, could dump their cargo, to let the pirates take them, while the ship flees. Some pirates though, dislike freighter pilots doing this, and have still shot the ship down though..."

You have helped a lot. Thanks. If you think of anything else, please share.

Will do.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:04 pm    Post subject: Re: MC-13v2 Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
"Designers of the MC-13v2, put in place defenses against piracy. Over the years, many of them were removed by the empire, except for one.. The ability to shunt cargo from two of the four holds, into the cargo lifts, that then get jettisoned. These were left in place by a number of imperial moffs, as a way, pilots of these freighters, could dump their cargo, to let the pirates take them, while the ship flees. Some pirates though, dislike freighter pilots doing this, and have still shot the ship down though..."

I like where your mind is going there. FYI, all four the cargo holds have access to the cargo airlock with lift, and thus the jettison. The white rectangles are blast doors, and there are three of them to each cargo airlock, from both nearby cargo bays and the corridor.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the way i envisioned the jettison, was partially using the ship's momentum as part of it (so thus the forward two holds, dumping into the open airlock, after kicking off artifical gravity in them, would thus allow those holds to dump)..
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
the way i envisioned the jettison, was partially using the ship's momentum as part of it (so thus the forward two holds, dumping into the open airlock, after kicking off artifical gravity in them, would thus allow those holds to dump)..

Yes, cargo jettisoned from the ship would come out with the forward momentum of the ship, but it doesn't matter where the cargo comes from before it is jettisoned. Once it is moved to the cargo airlock floor hatch and stops, it has the exact same momentum as the ship. Then the jettison gives it momentum down out of the ship, and it keeps moving forward with the momentum of the ship at the time it leaves the Ship, while also moving away from the ship.

The gravity isn't turned off in the whole cargo hold. It is only turned off on the circle (cargo airlock floor hatch) right before the hatch opens, or else the cargo floor hatch doors sliding open might move the cargo from the position. The cargo has to be manually moved to the circle and placed there, then whoever does that has to get out of the airlock so they don't take a chance of getting blown out into space. This jettison doesn't dump a whole cargo bay at once. It only dumps what cargo is specifically placed on the circles so only so much can be jettisoned at a time. If you don't have ship hands to maneuver the cargo, you can only jettison whatever you plan ahead and place it on the circle.

I guess I could calculate the total volume that can be safely jettisoned at a time and put that into the capsule. If you try to jettison more than what just fits on the circle, it might work but it might get damaged on the way out. If you are dumping something for pirates, or to get rid of something you plan to come back and retrieve later, it may be important to make sure it doesn't get damaged. If you just have to jettison something and it doesn't matter if it gets damaged, you could fill up the whole cargo airlock and just hope nothing gets stuck in the tube on the way out.

The cargo airlock/jettison was a late stage addition to this ship to take up cargo space because it had so much. I started this ship out as a modified DeepWater so I maintained the ship length of 45 meters. If I had known I was making another class of ship when I started, I probably would have made the ship a little smaller.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One possible option for the main cargo bays would be the Automated Cargo Handling option I included here.

For the purposes of this ship, I picture an overhead crane/grapple system that can move cargo from the loading bays to the cargo bays and vice versa. As envisioned, it takes up 10% of the ship's base Cargo Capacity, but can load and unload cargo at a rate of 1 metric ton per minute. However, I can see a ship with multiple loading and cargo bays being able to increase that rate.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
One possible option for the main cargo bays would be the Automated Cargo Handling option I included here.
    Cargo Handling
    Effect: May automatically load / unload containerized cargo (in barrels or shipping crates) at a rate of 1 metric ton per minute.
    Cost: 10%
    Cargo Capacity Modifier: -10%
    Note: May only be used to load / unload the main hold.
CRMcNeill wrote:
For the purposes of this ship, I picture an overhead crane/grapple system that can move cargo from the loading bays to the cargo bays and vice versa. As envisioned, it takes up 10% of the ship's base Cargo Capacity, but can load and unload cargo at a rate of 1 metric ton per minute. However, I can see a ship with multiple loading and cargo bays being able to increase that rate.

Very interesting. So by automated do you mean that the system is droid-brained (5th degree labor droid) so doesn't need an active operator?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
So by automated do you mean that the system is droid-brained (5th degree labor droid) so doesn't need an active operator?

Correct. It may, however, require some supervision. But give the droid brain a list of cargo crates or pallets (assuming they all have tracking chips or bar codes) with destinations (such as, "move these lots to the loading bay and eject them") and it will do it on its own.
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