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Lodestar-class Star Dreadnought
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Obi-Wan knew that Vader had survived being left for dead on Mustafar. Tatooine may be the planet farthest from the bright center of the universe, but they do still have the holonet and get news from the galaxy, so Obi-Wan had ways to find out things about the universe in his exile. He had to go buy parts for moisture vaporators and other supplies so he would have went into town sometimes. And maybe he did leave the planet and return. Also, by the time of ANH, Tatooine is nominally under the control of the Empire so Obi-Wan could have even seen TIE fighters there. Finally, he may have never seen a TIE before but was familiar enough with starfighter technology to tell there was no hyperdrive on the ship, thus making it a "short range" fighter.

A few of the WEG books state that Tatooine already had its Imperial governor and garrison by the time of 0 BBY. Granted, that's Legends continuity and I haven't heard of that garrison being in canon continuity yet. But we do know that the Empire is tightening its grip in the Outer Rim by the time of ANH.

Hell, Geonosis is right next to Tatooine at only a parsec away and it was fully occupied by the Empire since at least before the end of the Clone Wars and was likely occupied ever since the beginning of the Clone Wars at the Battle of Geonosis. If Geonosis was under the control of the Empire for that long, it wouldn't have taken long for the Empire to occupy Tatooine as well since it was so close by. A staging point that is only 3 light-years away from a target can be a useful thing.

Anyway, my point is, I think Imperial control of Tatooine would be more than just nominal.

As for Whill's last point about being able to tell from the outside if a ship has a hyperdrive or not, I don't think that's correct. Again, this is Legends continuity, but one of the Young Jedi books had Jacen and Jaina find a crashed TIE fighter on Yavin 4 and decide to repair it just to see if they could. They managed to install a hyperdrive on it and the Imperial fighter pilot who had been hiding in the jungle for 20 years stole the ship and was chased by the Millennium Falcon (I think) and they were taken completely by surprise when the TIE fighter suddenly went into hyperspace.

But my point here is, since a hyperdrive is an internal component that is plugged into a ship's engines, you can't tell from the external appearance of a ship whether it's lightspeed-capable or not. It seems more likely to me that Obi-Wan was already familiar with TIE/ln fighters and knew they weren't hyperspace-capable.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was throwing out many possibilities, not stating they are all necessarily true.

You may be right about not being able to tell if a ship as hyperdrive or not by looking at it externally, but I personally wouldn't put a lot of stock in an EU kid's novel from 22 years ago written by the guy who invented the Sun Crusher and a lot of other ridiculous continuity. I actually read that book and went no further in that series.

And I offered possibilities that Obi-Wan had seen TIEs before: He may have left Tatooine and returned (that did occur in the EU), or TIEs may have come to Tatooine. In the EU book Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan went to a bar in a town that had a holonet program. That's where he learned about 'Darth Vader, the mysterious new enforcer of the Emperor', and realized Anakin lived. (He immediately wanted to take Luke and leave Tatooine, but the ghost of Qui-Gon chimed in and talked him out of it, stating that Anakin hated Tatooine so much because of his mother trauma that he would never set foot on it again, or something to that effect.) Obi-Wan could have learned about TIEs in a similar way, or maybe he heard about the freighter pilots talking about them. So many possibilities for how Obi-Wan could know TIEs didn't have hyperdrives. Yes, another possibility would be that TIEs pre-existed the Empire, but that is decidedly not the case according to the current canon. But hey, you can have any reason for your SWU or not even have ANH in your personal canon if you want.

Good point about Geonosis. In canon the first Death Star was actually constructed there from during the Clone Wars until about 10 BBY when it moved to Scarif (presumably after its hyperdrive was operational), so the Empire wouldn't just ignore Tatooine being so close. However I said nominal Imperial control because of Jabba the Hutt, who I've always seen as the de facto ruler of the planet. Jabba is usually described as the most powerful Hutt in the galaxy and he doesn't even live in Hutt Space. But I love the character so much so perhaps I do inflate his importance. I see it as Jabba intentionally having his base of operations outside of Hutt Space to avoid a lot of the machinations of his Hutt rivals, and I see Jabba and the Empire having an arrangement with respect to Tatooine.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
I was throwing out many possibilities, not stating they are all necessarily true.

Duly noted. Yeah, I knew that you were just throwing possibilities out there and some of them seemed exclusive to each other so I knew you weren't saying one or all of them were true. I just wanted to add my two cents about the last possibility. More food for thought.

Whill wrote:
You may be right about not being able to tell if a ship as hyperdrive or not by looking at it externally, but I personally wouldn't put a lot of stock in an EU kid's novel from 22 years ago written by the guy who invented the Sun Crusher and a lot of other ridiculous continuity. I actually read that book and went no further in that series.

Gawds, I remember when that series first started and I thought to myself: "Is this what Star Wars has been reduced to? A bunch of mid-to-low quality kids' books?" Then the first New Jedi Order book came out....

Whill wrote:
And I offered possibilities that Obi-Wan had seen TIEs before: He may have left Tatooine and returned (that did occur in the EU), or TIEs may have come to Tatooine. In the EU book Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan went to a bar in a town that had a holonet program. That's where he learned about 'Darth Vader, the mysterious new enforcer of the Emperor', and realized Anakin lived. (He immediately wanted to take Luke and leave Tatooine, but the ghost of Qui-Gon chimed in and talked him out of it, stating that Anakin hated Tatooine so much because of his mother trauma that he would never set foot on it again, or something to that effect.) Obi-Wan could have learned about TIEs in a similar way, or maybe he heard about the freighter pilots talking about them. So many possibilities for how Obi-Wan could know TIEs didn't have hyperdrives. Yes, another possibility would be that TIEs pre-existed the Empire, but that is decidedly not the case according to the current canon. But hey, you can have any reason for your SWU or not even have ANH in your personal canon if you want.

I remember reading Rise of Darth Vader as well. I particularly remember how shocked Obi-Wan was to find out Darth Vader had survived Mustafar. But yes, you're quite right that there are any number of ways that Obi-Wan could have learned about TIE fighters and their capabilities (and lack of them). He knew that at some point he'd have to go back to the fight, as well as convince Luke to join the fight as well, so it would make sense for Obi-Wan to stay up-to-date on the Empire's weapons and tactics (or as up-to-date as a civilian hiding out on a backwater world could be in a galaxy-spanning totalitarian regime).

Whill wrote:
Good point about Geonosis. In canon the first Death Star was actually constructed there from during the Clone Wars until about 10 BBY when it moved to Scarif (presumably after its hyperdrive was operational), so the Empire wouldn't just ignore Tatooine being so close. However I said nominal Imperial control because of Jabba the Hutt, who I've always seen as the de facto ruler of the planet. Jabba is usually described as the most powerful Hutt in the galaxy and he doesn't even live in Hutt Space. But I love the character so much so perhaps I do inflate his importance. I see it as Jabba intentionally having his base of operations outside of Hutt Space to avoid a lot of the machinations of his Hutt rivals, and I see Jabba and the Empire having an arrangement with respect to Tatooine.

I don't know if Jabba is the de facto ruler of Tatooine, though I could be wrong about that. And it's plainly obvious that Jabba is a very powerful crimelord and the fact that he's established his criminal empire so far outside Hutt Space for decades only highlights that fact. And yes, a "non-aggression pact" of sorts between Jabba and the Empire is entirely plausible.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tatooine had a Hutt crimelord and lot's of smugglers. So Imperial ships with fighters would be seen from time to time. I wouldn't be surprised if the Imperial Garrison had at least two TIE's as a token force.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first thought was always this, even as a kid: Kenobi had enough knowledge about fighters that he could tell it was too small for a hyperdrive. He may have even used the Force to reach out and tussle the craft for a second to see what was going on with it.

But seeing TIE/ln's in the skies above Tatooine seems unlikely, even in populated areas. As far as I know, the Empire had no installations on Tatooine in canon or anywhere else. Or they would have just called the local garrison instead of landing a tracking force. A local garrison would have had personnel who knew the terrain better and had better vehicles than Imperial dewbacks. Specifically regarding why dewbacks would have been seen at the droids' crashed pod and why the Empire found itself in the strange position of deploying them (with Sandtroopers) to their native planet, I found this quote:

"Dewbacks were sold by Rothana Heavy Engineering to be used as mounts by Imperial troops. They were bundled in a herd of six animals and cost 16000 credits."
Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

So basically, that means the dewbacks came from Darth Vader's Star Destroyer or were rented locally, both indicating that there is somewhere between very little and zero Imperial presence on Tatooine.

As far as a governor of Tatooine goes, I doubt there was one (at the time of ANH) in any capacity except name. No governor interested in his own skin or doing real politicking would even bother to land on Tatooine. It's a barren wasteland with a population of less than a billion which is quite lawless in many parts. I would agree that that makes Jabba the "de facto" governor of the planet, though obviously Imperial laws are in place. (Everyone behaves when the Stormtroopers come around.)

Either way Tatooine was obviously never used as a staging point or any kind of strategic location for the Empire. The planet was nearly devoid of infrastructure and would probably have only enough imported goods for the residents of the planet, not for some tens of thousands of Imperials. Despite the proximity to Geonosis, I just find TIE fighters of any species in the skies over Tatooine to be exceedingly unlikely.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm inclined to agree with everything Error said above for Tatooine in my SWU.

ForbinProject wrote:
Tatooine had a Hutt crimelord and lot's of smugglers. So Imperial ships with fighters would be seen from time to time.

There could have been a token Imperial presence on Tatooine, but Hutt crime was allowed to flourish to certain extents throughout the Empire. In light of the prequels I've held that it was partially due to Hutt Space officially siding with the Republic in the Clone Wars (but of course double-dealing with the Separatist in ways Sidious may have been arare of and counted on). Hutt crime may also help justify draconian measures in the Empire. So I see the Empire largely looking the other way with respect to Jabba's smugglers on Tatooine. This would be easy if the Empire only had a nominal control of Tatooine. The Empire planted their flag on Tatooine and had a very minimal presence, but certainly wouldn't waste an entire Imperial garrison on this dust ball.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
There could have been a token Imperial presence on Tatooine, but Hutt crime was allowed to flourish to certain extents throughout the Empire. In light of the prequels I've held that it was partially due to Hutt Space officially siding with the Republic in the Clone Wars (but of course double-dealing with the Separatist in ways Sidious may have been arare of and counted on). Hutt crime may also help justify draconian measures in the Empire. So I see the Empire largely looking the other way with respect to Jabba's smugglers on Tatooine. This would be easy if the Empire only had a nominal control of Tatooine. The Empire planted their flag on Tatooine and had a very minimal presence, but certainly wouldn't waste an entire Imperial garrison on this dust ball.

Which is why I said there would probably be a minimum of two TIE's at any garrison. A token force. And Imp ships would make an appearance from time to time. If only to show the flag.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After all, we see Tie Fighters in Troops... Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone had time to think of whether this ship could be considered well-armed? I have changed the guns around a little bit so it would be good to go here to view the changes. I would like it to be considered well-armed and well-complemented since it is ultimately a fleet carrier/support ship. And I would like it to reliably carry and launch many other craft. As you can see, it is a thick, stocky ship compared to Executor.

Also, I want to say that only 39 were ever commissioned. That number is nothing when considering the numbers made of other ships of similar scale and the hundreds or thousands of sectors the Empire eventually subjugated. All of these required at least an ISD (probably three or more or some larger craft, I would estimate) to watch over and redouble certain local garrisons, and inevitably the need for small fleets of related craft in certain sectors necessitated larger classes. 39 is also a very small number over 15 years, indicating that its versatility or continued presence for coordinated fleet-strikes was only needed at the edge of the Empire, or rarely, where a strong, long-range strike force was needed.

Late in its run, Imperial combat engineers had the idea that if the Lodestar-class craft could be cleared of most of its consumables, walkers, parts/tools, and unneeded craft such as cargo haulers or shuttles, and filled with starfighters and ordnance only instead, it could become a completely self-contained hit-and-run unit. Each could jump in, pour its starfighters and warheads into a target, and once all ordnance was loosed, the fighters which could jump out would, while Command on the Lodestar would be allocating tractor beams to bring in the rest and jump out itself maybe thirty seconds later. The whole operation would take less than fifteen minutes and would leave most targets completely incapacitated. Command would generally leave probes behind to ascertain the true depth of the damage, and if a second strike was needed, the same Lodestar could meet up with its fighters and be completely armed and ready for another sortie in less than one hour.

These strikes were particularly deadly when the Lodestar-class craft was joined by another class of Star Destroyer, particularly Victory I and Victory II on up. There were specially-sanctioned strike forces comprised of one Lodestar, three or more Imperial I/II Star Destroyers, one or two interdictors (Immobilizer 418 cruisers, CC-7700 frigates, or Detainer CC-2200 cruisers, depending on the era), and 3-10 other cruisers, frigates and/or corvettes. Some of these specialized strike forces went on to make names for themselves as having never lost a ship during a confrontation. However, most of these fleets were together for less than three years, as no Imperial capital ship was ever safe from being shuffled around by Imperial Star Fleet Command, which was infamous among Imperial captains for doing just that on an ad hoc basis.

Eventually the class was not as impressive as it had been, as much larger ships had been built, so the decision was made in 6 BBY by Imperial Star Fleet Command to mothball all ships of the Lodestar class and recycle the materials contained therein to lay down keels and provide armor for the much more headline-making Executor class ships. This was completed in late 5 BBY and all personnel had been transferred to new assignments, many of them onto the gradually-growing assignment of the first Death Star or to the Executor-class ships as they slowly took shape in the Imperial shipyards.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you are looking for a Fleet Carrier design, fractalsponge's Impellor-Class Fleet Carrier is just that. It's in the same size range as the previously posted Bellator, but somewhat shorter because of the truncated bow.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
If you are looking for a Fleet Carrier design, fractalsponge's Impellor-Class Fleet Carrier is just that. It's in the same size range as the previously posted Bellator, but somewhat shorter because of the truncated bow.

Slightly off-topic, but I just found fractalsponge's pics of the Black Ice container train...and it's filled with cargo containers in its force fields! I thought because the force fields were spherical, it could only transport liquids such as fuel inside the force fields (which were somehow siphoned into and out of the spheres somehow). I couldn't imagine how the spheres could contain (seemingly unsecured) solid cargo until I saw these pics.

Fractalsponge has done some amazing work on his website.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
If you are looking for a Fleet Carrier design, fractalsponge's Impellor-Class Fleet Carrier is just that. It's in the same size range as the previously posted Bellator, but somewhat shorter because of the truncated bow.

Since I've already gone to the trouble of creating and statting Lodestar-class craft, I'm gonna stick with them. Besides—it was never meant to be a dedicated fleet carrier, it was meant to pull double-duty as sector fleet support and fleet carrier, with the ability to toggle between full fleet carrier and support and repair craft, all while containing the main command elements of the sector fleet.

I do like that art though for the Impellor (weird name, since I know exactly what an impeller is, having worked at two different pet stores when I was a kid. Aquarium filters use impellers.)

Where is the Bellator stuff again? I really would use it, but my fanfic takes place in 10-9 BBY so it wouldn't have been around. All sources for Bellator say that it was around "by 3 ABY" which seems to imply they were being built by 2 ABY. The class seems to have seen the most use under the New Republic. I needed a versatile Imperial ship of the era I mentioned, and I found nothing. So I designed a new ship.

The truth about what we know about the Empire's ships from that era is that we don't know a lot. Not a lot has been written up for that era. After looking for a long time, I came to the conclusion that what is known about the Empire's warships and "ships of the line" from about 19-17 to 5-3 BBY is "very little". We can assume various Star Destroyers (like the Victory series) and certain old designs that were shown in the movies or named in other media (I'm looking at you, Katana Fleet), but there is NOWHERE NEAR the catalogue of capital ships for that era that there is for the Rebellion era. So there is way less to choose from.

EDIT: Also, what is this website Does it talk about Star Destroyers and their histories? A quick overview led me to some strange-looking forums.
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Last edited by Error on Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
If you are looking for a Fleet Carrier design, fractalsponge's Impellor-Class Fleet Carrier is just that. It's in the same size range as the previously posted Bellator, but somewhat shorter because of the truncated bow.

Do you have any stats of this Fleet Carrier?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Impellor: One who drives, forces or urges others to do something.

A much more "Imperial" take on the command ship role...
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Last edited by CRMcNeill on Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

denderan marajain wrote:
CRMcNeill wrote:
If you are looking for a Fleet Carrier design, fractalsponge's Impellor-Class Fleet Carrier is just that. It's in the same size range as the previously posted Bellator, but somewhat shorter because of the truncated bow.

Do you have any stats of this Fleet Carrier?

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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