Error Captain

Joined: 01 May 2005 Posts: 680 Location: Any blackberry patch.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:05 pm Post subject: Azokte iln Sheelal (8-10 min read) |
Azokté iln Sheelal
Character Basics and Stats
Character Name: Azokté iln Sheelal (pronounced (az-ok-tay iln she-lal)
Character Type: Bounty Hunter and Mercenary
Gender/Species: Female/Kaleesh
Homeworld: Kalee
Born: 38 BBY
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 62 kg
Note: Azokté is the eldest daughter of the Kaleesh-turned-cyborg warrior Grievous, who was born Qymaen jai Sheelal.
Physical Description, Mannerisms, and Behavior: The first thing one notices about Azokté is that she often wears her father’s mask. It is still a symbol of rancor and evil, and her main one is notched and scorched from heavy use. If she is wearing the mask along with her trophies and her weaponry, she will have a wide berth.
Azokté is tall for females of her species and has the same reddish-orange skin and the tusks shared by most Kaleesh, though a good 3-4 cm of her left tusk has been broken off. She shares her father’s yellow eye color except for some silver freckles in both of them. Most Kaleesh are into scarification rather than tattooing, and Azokté is no exception. She has scarred hash marks up and down her arms, each of them representing a good, clean kill. She has larger scarifications on her back, torso, and legs, including Kaleesh wards against hidden evils, the elements, and Force-users. Azokté also has a humanoid finger bone piercing her septum, and each of her long, batlike Kaleesh ears have the sharpened teeth of anoobas and vornskrs pushed through them at odd angles.
Azokté keeps twin Lig swords with blue tassels tied to their pommels strapped to her back. They are often poisoned. Her main armament is a large scoped blaster rifle with a 35 cm plasteel bayonet (also potentially poisoned) affixed to it which is slung over her left shoulder. She is also wears oddities taken from hunts past, such as braids, bones, scales, leather of dubious origin, jewelry made of tusks or teeth, and a thong on her belt with half a dozen shrunken alien heads hanging from it. She also tends to take jewelry from her captives and has a large collection of it. Some pieces are large or somewhat famous and are likely worth many credits.
Azokté also wears articles symbolic to the primally spiritual Kaleesh, such as tempered and plated mumuu-bone armor, with a bone kama as well. She also occasionally wears a piece of twine that goes twice around her neck, strung with dozens of small longish bones and dried ears. Because of this, her bone armor, and her bizarre jewelry, she is famous for producing a “not unpleasant rattling” when she moves. This has led to some of her more interesting nicknames.
Attributes and Skills
(The die code in brackets after some skills indicates what the skill can be when all bonuses are applied to it.)
Blaster: 6D+2
Blaster: blaster rifle: 9D
Brawling parry: 5D+1
Dodge: 8D+1
Firearms: 5D+2
Firearms: rifle: 8D+1
Grenade: 7D+2
Melee combat: 8D
Melee combat: bayonet 9D+1
Melee combat: Lig sword: 11D+1 [12D]
Melee parry: 8D+1
Melee parry: Lig sword: 9D+2
Running: 5D+2
Alien species: 5D+1
Cultures: 4D+2
Intimidation: 8D [9D]
Languages: 4D+2
Planetary systems: 6D
Streetwise: 5D+1
Survival: 4D+1
Astrogation: 3D
Beast riding: 5D
Communications: 5D+2
Hover vehicle operation: 3D+2
Repulsorlift operation: 4D+1
Sensors: 6D
Space transports: 6D+1
Starship gunnery: 5D+2
Swoop operation: 4D
Bargain: 8D+1
Bargain: bounty: 9D+2
Con 7D
Forgery: 5D+1
Hide: 6D+2
Investigation: 5D
Persuasion: 6D+2
Persuasion: sexual: 8D
Search: 6D+1
Search: tracking 8D+2
Sneak: 5D+2
Brawling: 7D
Brawling: Teräs Käsi: 11D+2
Climbing: 6D
Jumping: 5D+1
Stamina: 6D+1
Swimming: 4D
Armor repair: 4D+1
Blaster repair: 3D
Computers: 5D+2
Demolitions: 4D+2
First Aid: 3D+1
Melee weapon repair: 4D+2
Melee weapon repair:
Lig sword: 6D
Security: 7D
Move: 11
Force Sensitive? No
Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: 12
Character Points: 16
Languages: Basic, Kaleesh
— Imperial Munitions’ StarAnvil Heavy Blaster Rifle (modified)
(Blaster rifle damage: 5D+2; range: 3-25/50/250; with added 40 cm plasteel bayonet STR+1D+2 [5D]) If the retractable stock and scope are used for one round of aiming, the character receives an additional +1D to his or her Blaster skill for the next round.
— Twin Kaleesh Lig swords* (damage: STR+2D [5D+1]) with 65 cm blue silk tassels tied to their pommels. These tassels are an ancient augmentation to swords (not just the Kaleesh Lig sword), and are designed to fluster and distract opponents (they grant +2p to Azokté’s Melee combat (+1p per sword) when she uses them.
— Five vials of different poisons which she may opt to add to her sword blades before combat.*
— Shoulder-to-hip grenade bandolier, containing three each of the following: Merr-Sonn C-22 Fragmentation Grenade, Caelli-Merced Ice Detonator, C-14A Stun Grenade, and two each of the following: Ion Grenade, BlasTech Nacht-5 Smoke Grenade, and Merr-Sonn G-20 Glop Grenade.
— Duranium mask (+2D vs. energy and +1D+2 vs. physical attacks for entire head; also adds +1D to Intimidation when worn.
— Tempered and plated bone armor; covers her chest, abdomen, back, shoulders, elbows, knees, buttocks, and thighs (+1D+2 vs. energy attacks and +2D vs. physical attacks).
— Armored combat boots; covers her feet, shins, calves, and knees (+2D vs. energy attacks and +1D+2 against physical attacks)
— 15,000 credit stick
* The poisons carried by Azokté to lace her Lig swords blossomed into an entire document on their own, and are detailed in the post below this one.
Other Resources:
- bank account with 24,600,000 credits in it on Mandalore
- lair (Grievous’s old hideout on Vassek)
Special Abilities:
Night Vision: Because of the thermal pits underneath their eyes, Kaleesh can see in the dark. They receive a +2D bonus to any Search rolls made in low-light conditions when other beings begin to become penalized.
Champion of Teräs Käsi*
At the beginning of each combat round (prior to initiative), Azokté may move up to 3D from her Brawling: Teräs Käsi skill to the damage of her attacks using the Teräs Käsi martial art for that round. She is also completely immune to Jedi/Sith mental attacks such as Affect mind.
Keen Sense of Smell: All Kaleesh are born with very sensitive olfactory structures. They receive a +1D bonus to any Search roll involving their sense of smell.
Pheromone Production/Detection: All Kaleesh can produce pheromones at will, which emanate from glands on their bodies. Each pheromone means different things to the Kaleesh as a people (friendship, hunger, love, contempt, anger, relief, etc.), and each Kaleesh has a pheromone “signature”. It is essentially a primitive mode of communication. A Kaleesh can leave a pheromone signature at a particular place that will last their Strength (roll) in standard days. They can also smell the pheromones produced by other organisms, and can, with training, actually “smell the fear” of a human or another species. This trait alone makes them exquisitely suited to the roll of a bounty hunter or the agent of a crime lord. Once a Kaleesh has committed the scent of a given being to memory, he or she gets +2D to Tracking when tracking that individual. Just like animals, a Kaleesh need only smell a garment worn a being within the last month to do this.
* The rules for practitioners of Teräs Käsi may be found in the post below this one.
Game Notes:
Warrior’s Honor: Azokté feels duty-bound as a firstborn Kaleesh to uphold her own personal honor. She offers every healthy captive the chance of single combat with her. During this combat she will fight with her (unpoisoned) Lig swords, and the captive may use whatever weapon they like. If the captive can incapacitate her, he, she, or it is free to go. Although most captives choose to simply yield to her and are taken in and exchanged for credits, some do decide to fight. Azokté always tells entities wishing to contract with her about this rule. Most contract with her anyway, as she has an otherwise flawless record of capture, tact, decorum, and subtlety, the exact qualities required for hunts involving must-be-quiets like political personages, scions of crime families, the superbly wealthy, and Sith lords—in essence, her clientele. She has also hunted the hunters before, but the Guild pretends not to notice because they are mildly creeped out by her as a whole, and because she does not do so frivolously.
Background: Though she had a childhood similar to her peers, during which she mastered both the Lig sword and slugthrower rifle, she had far more expectant eyes on her than any of her friends simply because of her parentage. She eventually left Kalee because when she attained breeding age, her own family—rather than allowing her to determine her own path and develop her own self by herself—attempted to force her instead into continuing the bloodline she had inherited from her father. On Kalee it is the females (or exceptional males, such as Grievous) who carry the bloodline.
Azokté struggled for some time to find work that suited her skill set, which was mainly comprised of prowess in combat with exotic weapons and well-honed cognition. Eventually, various groups within the Galactic criminal underworld became aware that the eldest daughter of Grievous the Jedi slayer had joined the mix. She suddenly became a very sought-after individual. Countless other beings, groups, corporations, and even governments wished to avail themselves of her services, though she had never advertised any expertise as a hired gun, hitman, bounty hunter, mercenary, or any other professional who traded blood for money. Once again, just as on Kalee, she was being chased by self-seeking entities who viewed her as merely a tool for the actuation of their own dour plans.
Despite being a wary quarry, she was eventually tracked down by members of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild and brought in. After she stopped struggling they trained her, most notably in the art of seduction and in the bare-handed martial art of Teräs Käsi, or the “Jedi killer”. Teräs Käsi is what taught her to resist the mental attacks of the Jedi and to overcome their lightsaber attacks as well. She is fully capable of killing an “average” Jedi or Sith, completely sans armament.
Eventually, Azokté became the thrall of a completely unexpected master: greed. In order to feed her lavish want of money, she works as a bounty hunter, mercenary, hired killer, and spy. As long as the compensation is adequate and the risk is manageable, the content of the job is nigh immaterial. She contracts to governmental bodies, individuals, organizations, corporate rivals, and a whole smattering of others. Her connections are wide and deep, and she is capable of calling in favors from some of the highest of the high.
Personality: Azokté is a selfish, self-serving, and self-important being, through and through. She worships success and the credit is her lustrous god. Money has always meant power to the young Kaleesh, and her first tastes of it in quantity completely distorted her morals. She is ostentatious on occasion, even unto extravagance. She is a showoff and a tease, and may even be so bold as to attempt to use her sex appeal against males of other species in order to extract information from them. However, no sexual contact is actually possible due to their vastly different anatomies, but this doesn’t stop her from offering up the implication.
Azokté has no qualms about lying to anyone about anything, particularly if she needs information or wishes to maintain a disguise or other ruse, or if she even simply thinks it would be funny. She is arrogant in her carriage and seems not to even notice those below her in her mental hierarchy of those who matter. Even mid- to high-level crime bosses have had problems with her attitude and negotiation style. Merchants have sought recompense for damage done or business lost, but she will never pay for the swath of destruction she leaves in her wake, and so far no one has had the backbone to come after her with a bill in hand.
Her attitude and sharp tongue have also nearly gotten her killed, particularly near the beginning of her career. At times, it was only the protection of certain invested entities and the influence of high-value clients that stood between her and any one of a number of grisly deaths. But now that she is under the protection of both the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, the Empire, and enough sector governments to matter, she is nearly untouchable. After such an ordeal (nearly getting killed for mouthing off on numerous occasions), most beings would have come away from the experience with at least a pocketful of humility. But for Azokté iln Sheelal, it functioned only as a springboard into notoriety.
Azokté takes a third of her credits up front for a basic bounty hunt or mercenary engagement, and the other two thirds plus an itemized expense list are collected upon delivery. She will not deviate from these rules, and if an agreement cannot be reached she will simply walk away.
Objectives: Azokté has always had two objectives—be a warrior of great prowess, and use just such this prowess to get rich. So far, she has been highly successful in both endeavors.
A Quote: “A quote. From me. Are you kidding?”
Relationships to other Characters: If one or more PC’s encounter Azokté, roll 1D. If the answer is even, she is masked. If it is odd, she is not.
Other characters do not tend to arouse the interest of Azokté. That is, of course, unless they have something she wants or needs, or if the characters appear resident to the upper echelons of Galactic society, and they imply or indicate they may be willing to pay her for violence.
Most times, Azokté is unpleasant to be around, partially since she tends to contribute only half-truths to conversations, in the hope that she might experience some miserable pleasure by making those conversations subtly unpleasant for their other participants. She has no friends to speak of, and she has driven most everyone away who has ever cared about her through either her violence, vainglory, or her vexatious love of money.
Most characters notice her intelligence and perceptiveness right away, and even when she is unarmed and dressed in rural clothing, it is obvious that she is dangerous because of they way she carries herself. It is beyond “exceedingly unlikely” that a typical Player Character would receive a response from Azokté even after addressing her directly and with volume. It is as if she exists in her own galaxy, and in many ways that is exactly the case. _________________ The only words of explanation you need for any concept in the entire Star Wars universe are the words Science Fiction and Space Opera.
Last edited by Error on Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:22 pm; edited 10 times in total |
Error Captain

Joined: 01 May 2005 Posts: 680 Location: Any blackberry patch.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:07 pm Post subject: Azokte's poisons and Teras Kasi hybrid rules |
Some new Poisons (as carried by Azokté iln Sheelal)
— Concentrated Psugor Sap:
This poison comes from the Psugor tree, which only grows on Ruusan and other planets in the Ruusan starsystem, though there have been reports of Psugor groves being found on other worlds in the Teraab and Trax sectors as well. Only ancient specimens (1,000 standard years or older) produce sap toxic enough to make into a concentrated stun poison. (The round after being struck by a blade coated with this poison, the victim takes 8D stun damage vs. his or her Stamina skill. If the poison fails to stun him or her during this first round, an additional 8D stun damage is repeated for a full five rounds thereafter until the victim falls stunned. The stun effect lasts 4D+2 rounds.)
— The Gall of Grand Kalee:
This poison is mix of several botanical compounds taken from roughly a dozen species of flora from the planet Kalee. Due to the highly volatile nature of some of these compounds, only master apothecaries amongst the Kaleesh can create this mixture without inadvertently killing themselves. It is therefore very expensive (and very deadly). (The round after being struck by a blade laced with this poison, an affected being takes 8D poison damage vs. his or her Stamina skill. The next round he or she takes 7D, then 6D, all the way down to 0D in the ninth round.)
— Nexaph Toxin:
Hailing from the former “Circlet of the Tion” (the now-befouled industrial world of Raxus Prime), nexaph toxin is a compound which formed spontaneously somewhere in the last of the planet’s severely contaminated bodies of water. It was first noticed by the Jawas that inhabit the world and who ate the fish they caught in its lakes, and thousands slowly died before the connection was made by the human inhabitants of Raxus Prime that an unknown new toxin in the waters was to blame. (The round after being poisoned by a blade laced with this compound, the affected being’s Stamina skill decreases by one pip per round (though it cannot go beneath the affected being’s species minimum). Additionally, the affected being must also make a Stamina check vs. 3D+2 of poison damage per round. Nexaph toxin cannot be metabolized by most beings—medical assistance of the highest technological level must be sought in order to identify the poison and engineer appropriate antibodies to fight it. Otherwise, the affected being will slowly wither to nothing as his or her Stamina skill is slowly sapped away, rendering the toxin more and more effective as time progresses.)
— Kuati Gilded Viper venom:
This is one of the most dreaded toxic substances among those who have experience with it because it causes permanent paralysis. Kuati vipers are considered among the most venomous snakes known to the Galaxy’s scientific institutes, though they are actually less lethal than some of their cousins. With only a single bite, a mature Kuati Gilded Viper can transmit enough venom to permanently paralyze 200-300 adult beings* However, this venom rarely proves fatal; instead, victims experience permanent paralysis radiating out from the bite or cut which may grow to encompass nearly the entire body of the affected being. (The round after being poisoned with Kuati Gilded Viper venom, the victim must make a Stamina check against heroic difficulty plus an additional 1D. Should he or she fail, that part of his or her body is permanently paralyzed. Each round thereafter, that individual must make another Stamina check vs. difficulty levels that decrease by one level each round (still with an additional 1D added to each of them). For each failure, another part of the victim’s body adjacent to the most recently-paralyzed part also becomes permanently paralyzed. A “part” in this sense is generally a major area, such as an entire limb. This should result in a total of six Stamina checks, and it is not uncommon for such an individual to end up completely paralyzed for the rest of his or her life.)
* Duros and Rodians are completely immune to the effects of Kuati Gilded Viper venom.
— Dianix
Dianix actually began as a pharmaceutical drug intended for anesthetic use. Though it is still used on some worlds as intended, there is also a black-market trade for the compound as it has turned out to be a potent temporary paralytic. A being poisoned by Dianix rolls his or her Stamina vs. 6D the round after infliction; if he or she fails, the affected limb is paralyzed for 2D rounds (note this number). Each round thereafter, the same check is made except vs. 1D less, and for each failure, another adjacent area is temporarily paralyzed until the original result of the duration roll expires.
Teräs Käsi
The ranks of practitioners of Teräs Käsi:
— Student - At the beginning of each combat round (prior to initiative), a Student of Teräs Käsi may move up to 1D from his or her Brawling: Teräs Käsi skill to the damage of his or her attacks using Teräs Käsi for that round. A Student of Teräs Käsi is also immune to Jedi/Sith mental attacks.
— Expert: - At the beginning of each combat round (prior to initiative), an Expert of Teräs Käsi may move up to 2D from his or her Brawling: Teräs Käsi skill to the damage of his or her attacks using Teräs Käsi for that round. An Expert of Teräs Käsi is also immune to Jedi/Sith mental attacks.
— Champion - At the beginning of each combat round (prior to initiative), a Champion of Teräs Käsi may move up to 3D from his or her Brawling: Teräs Käsi skill to the damage of his or her attacks using Teräs Käsi for that round. A Champion of Teräs Käsi is also immune to Jedi/Sith mental attacks.
— Master- At the beginning of each combat round (prior to initiative), a Master of Teräs Käsi may move up to 4D from his or her Brawling: Teräs Käsi skill to the damage of his or her attacks using Teräs Käsi for that round. A Master of Teräs Käsi is also immune to Jedi/Sith mental attacks.
And rules on how to get them:
- To become a Student of Teräs Käsi costs 40 CP and six months of training with either one Master, one Champion, one Expert, or two Students.
- To become a Expert of Teräs Käsi costs 60 CP and six months of training with either one Master, one Champion, or two Experts.
- To become a Champion of Teräs Käsi costs 80 CP and the character must train for six months with either one Master or two Champions.
- To become a Master of Teräs Käsi costs 100 CP and the character must train for either six months with two Masters or one year with one Master. _________________ The only words of explanation you need for any concept in the entire Star Wars universe are the words Science Fiction and Space Opera.
Last edited by Error on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:46 pm; edited 9 times in total |
Error Captain

Joined: 01 May 2005 Posts: 680 Location: Any blackberry patch.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:16 pm Post subject: RE: Jocasta, I need your expertise with something. |
Master Windu,
I have completed the work you requested of me about the Kaleesh, that dreaded droid-abomination General Grievous's species. They have a very unique system on their world, Kalee, of address. The chart I have compiled should assist you in attaining a better understanding it, if and when you visit there, as you specified in your request.
The more traditional among the Kaleesh view prowess in combat, personal honor, and the willingness to expend effort to test individuals to maintain good bloodlines as an individual's only cardinal virtues, though this seems to be slowly changing. They have also developed a comparatively quick system of communicating "where in Kaleesh society a given individual stands", in terms of that Kaleesh's honor, sexual maturity, and breeding status by including a "middle appellation". It is not a middle name, and a Kaleesh's middle appellation may change any number of times throughout his or her life. Here is a short guide to the ones I could find for you (I have omitted those middle appellations you are less than 1% likely to encounter (there are about 8-10 more, but together they only comprise less than 2% of all Kaleesh).
Yours formally and otherwise,
Jocastu Nu
PS: Speaking of bloodlines, the Kaleesh keep complex genealogical records and chart them back thousands of years. Most of this is so that an individual can prove he or she is descended from a particular house or clan or even a particular individual, as descendence from certain parties can confer breeding preference or even prestige upon individuals.
Kaleesh Middle Appellations and their Meanings:
- vun (rhymes with “tune”) — a sexually immature male
- kul (pronounced identically to “cool”) — the middle appellation for a male used when the speaker is unsure of the subject’s status; kul actually means ‘Kaleesh native’
- jai (pronounced “jy”) — an honorable male who has been bred; this is also their form of “Mr.” and tends to be directed at males of all ages and breeding statuses
- jiel (pronounced “jeel”) — an honorable, sexually mature male who has not been bred
- vir (pronounced “veer”) — a dishonored, sexually mature male who has been bred
- ael (pronounced “aye-el”) — a dishonored, sexually mature male who has not been bred
- daat (pronounced “dot”) — a male of any standing or breeding status who is essentially a Kaleesh persona non grata either because his bloodline is considered tainted or he has lost all honor
- kai (pronounced “ky”) — a sexually immature female
- kur (pronounced “ker”) — the middle appellation for a female used when the speaker is unsure of the subject’s status; the “real life” analog is the English “Ms.”
- lij (pronounced identically to “liege”) — an honorable, sexually mature female who has been bred
- nal (rhymes with “wall”) — an honorable, sexually mature female who has not been bred
- dul (pronounced “dool”) — a dishonored, sexually mature female who has been bred
- iln (rhymes with “kiln”) — a dishonored, sexually mature female who has not been bred
- maat (pronounced “mot”) — a female of any standing or breeding status who is essentially a Kaleesh persona non-grata either because her bloodline is considered tainted or she has lost all honor
- dia (pronounced “dy-uh”) — a brood master of either sex, who is honorable but may or may not have been bred
- ixo (pronounced “ik-so”) — the appellation used for a Kaleesh official of any sex, breeding status, or honor, who is an agent of any government body on Kalee; it may be likened most accurately as “officer-agent.”
- ush (rhymes with “cush” as in “cushion”) — a temporary middle appellation for an ambassador, envoy, or attaché or other government representative all the way to heads of governments (confer: Senators) separate of breeding status and even gender
- gnin (rhymes with “pin”) — those unfortunate Kaleesh of any gender are both unable to breed and unable to attain honor; they comprise essentially an untouchable class who are mostly deformed (physically or otherwise); unfortunately the Kaleesh regard such beings as genetic trash and many end up begging in the streets
EDIT: Apparently, I am this bored right now, because none of this really has any game function. Actually, strictly-speaking, that's not true. It would be valuable information for someone who deals with Kaleesh frequently or visits Kalee for any reason. I'm going to fiat this then: a moderate or better Cultures roll would give a character access to this information. _________________ The only words of explanation you need for any concept in the entire Star Wars universe are the words Science Fiction and Space Opera.
Last edited by Error on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total |