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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found mention of Fate Points on this site, which seems to corroborate your memory.

The Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (HTESB), on the other hand, has a decent amount of material in it, but it was written before the Second Edition rules were, and talks about such devices as Fate Points.

I'll have to check my book when I get home. I know it is a softcover. Was there a previous hardcover edition?

Update: pg. 45 of HTESB under Receptive Telepathy

If a character has "Fate Points," he or she is aware when this power is used on them and can choose to resist; characters without "Fate Points" are unaware when this power is used on them (see Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition for more information on Fate and Fate Points).

Also found on pages 47 (Control Mind) and 89 (Ysalamiri).
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RyanDarkstar wrote:
I found mention of Fate Points on this site, which seems to corroborate your memory.

The Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (HTESB), on the other hand, has a decent amount of material in it, but it was written before the Second Edition rules were, and talks about such devices as Fate Points.

I'll have to check my book when I get home. I know it is a softcover. Was there a previous hardback.

All three of the Thrawn trilogy sourcebooks were released in Hardback format first. The compilation sourcebook updated for second edition on the other hand only came in soft back.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Question for you Whill, or anyone else who might know.

Years ago I downloaded a list called the Star Wars Collector's Bible from a site called
In the section listing boxed campaigns they listed "Corporate boxed set". It said it contained a corporate sector player's guide, maps etc. This was listed between the Lords of the Expanse and Darkstryder so it appears they meant it as a seperate and different product. It is stated to be released in 1998 and retailed for 30.00

Does anyone know if this is an actual product?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jawa1138 wrote:
Question for you Whill, or anyone else who might know.

Years ago I downloaded a list called the Star Wars Collector's Bible from a site called

Yes, that was most certainly consulted for my list at the top of this thread, and looks like that may have even been the original basis for my list.

jawa1138 wrote:
In the section listing boxed campaigns they listed "Corporate boxed set". It said it contained a corporate sector player's guide, maps etc. This was listed between the Lords of the Expanse and Darkstryder so it appears they meant it as a seperate and different product. It is stated to be released in 1998 and retailed for 30.00

Does anyone know if this is an actual product?

Notice there is no item # for the "Corporate boxed set". I did consult many other sources and in all my research, I have never had any reason to believe that product was ever actually released. Down at the bottom of that webpage, it also lists Adventure Journals #16 and 17 with release dates. I have personal correspondence from Bucci Retail Group/West End Games Ltd. dated 9/28/99 in response to an inquiry I sent them regarding my unfulfilled Adventure Journal subscription. This is how I found out about the bankruptcy - They informed me in a personalized ink-signed letter that they were not able to issue refunds for the last two issues of my subscription because of it. So I have proof directly from the source that Adventure Journals 16 and 17 were never actually officially released, but sandcrawler lists them anyway. It is likely that the sandcrawler list is based on an older list from the late 90s (before the bankruptcy) that included upcoming publications.

WEG included a print-out of their inventory and stated that as an alternative to providing me with a cash refund, they offered me store credit (for the two unfulfilled issues of the subscription) to purchase anything they had at 60% off retail and free shipping! I was so depressed about the end of WEG Star Wars that I never took advantage of that great deal (and didn't complete my WEG collection until much later through eBay). I still have the entire correspondence from WEG and just double checked - There is no listing for a Corporate Sector boxed set, so I must conclude that it was also a planned product that never got published. Too bad - I think that sounds like it could have been awesome.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I figured as much, every other source I have checked never mentioned it, but nor did they ever mention the Swedish box set versions of the core books, so I hoped perhaps it was just a rare piece that I can set my sights on.

I guess I stick to finding the Masters of the Universe rpg and the other swedish Star Wars box sets as my holy grails.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RyanDarkstar wrote:
I'll have to check my book when I get home. I know it is a softcover. Was there a previous hardcover edition?
jawa1138 wrote:
All three of the Thrawn trilogy sourcebooks were released in Hardback format first. The compilation sourcebook updated for second edition on the other hand only came in soft back.

Thanks, guys. Those page #s in RyanDarkstar's 1e softcover HttE Sb match the page #s in my hardback. I presume his softcover is identical to mine with no Skill Points, Fate Points, Character Points or Force Points in the stat blocks of any characters like mine.

RyanDarkstar wrote:
Update: pg. 45 of HTESB under Receptive Telepathy...

Also found on pages 47 (Control Mind) and 89 (Ysalamiri).

Thanks for pointing these out. I feel less crazy now. Those last two references to Fate Points refer to them as separate points than Force Points, and the 2e update to Ysalamiri in TTT Sb replaces Fate Points in the same sentence with Character Points. Through Google I also found reference to myself referring to Fate Points being listed as Character Points in this book several years ago on the WEG forum. So it seems evident that at one point in 1992 during the development of 2e, Character Points were going to be called Fate Points.

But I thought that I had a printing with "Fate Points" listed in the characters stat blocks themselves. But maybe I was wrong about that.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will skim the Thrawn Trilogy sourcbook tonight and see if it reprinted the fate point reference or if it was updated correctly.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:14 pm    Post subject: Classic Adventure: Tatooine Manhunt Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
1996 Classic Adventures: Volume Three 96-page paperback compiling 3 first edition adventures updated to second edition: Tatooine Manhunt, Riders of the Maelstrom, and Death in the Undercity

Just putting this here for reference...

bradiation wrote:
I just read through the "Tatooine Manhunt" section, and I've noticed that on page 90, it makes reference to a "read aloud" section to be read before players read their scripts, but that that section doesn't actually exist.

Delkarnu wrote:
if it is the "Episode One, the mission begins" page, here goes:

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

    EXTERIOR: SPACECRAFT IN SPACE. The Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless docks with Kwenn Space Station.

    INTERIOR: IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - AUDIENCE CHAMBER. Twin Blast doors slide open, revealing the dark interior of a massive chamber. An Imperial captain stands upon a high platform, flanked by lower officers. Two stormtroopers march in. They drop a manacled prisoner at the feet of Captain Parlan, commander of the warship.
    "The charge," demands Parlan.
    "Piracy, sir," snaps a trooper.
    "Kill the scum," Parlan replies coldly.
    "Wait!" screams the prisoner, "I have something to bargain with. Information important to the Emperor... inexchange for my life."
    Parlan's dead eyes gleam triumphantly. "Go ahead, I'm all ears."
    "Tallon... it concerns Adar Tallon..."
    Parlan listens intently to the pirate's tale, then issues orders. Quietly, Ensign Dana pockets a data storage pad and slips away.
    The commander issues one final order,
    "Lieutenant Voor, send for the bounty hunters."

    Fade to...


1E Adventure Modules
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:40 pm    Post subject: Re: MY STAR WARS D6 COLLECTION LIST Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
My collection above is composed of every item published for 2nd edition and the 1st edition material that was not reproduced for 2nd edition in any form, and all five game system rules releases. For The Star Wars Campaign Pack, Tatooine Manhunt, Strike Force: Shantipole, Starfall and Riders of the Maelstrom, I have the full-color fold-out maps that came with the 1st editions of those. In cases where second edition materials were later compiled for a rerelease, I have the compilations.

That's the defined focus of my collection, but as mentioned here I have a few other things too. For completeness I thought I would add that I've picked up a few more things.

A couple years ago I was reunited with my original copy of The Star Wars Sourcebook after 22 years apart.

I bought the 1e Tramp Freighters for the stuff that was left out of the second edition. I picked up a second copy of the 2e Tramp Freighters because my original has a little writing in it and it isn't in good condition, but I'm keeping my original copy too because I am planning to run the Minos Cluster Campaign again and not wearing out my new unvandalized copy. And even though I have The Star Wars Planets Collection which includes all three Planets of the Galaxy volumes, I also picked up a Volume 3 since I am planning to include the Elrood sector in my Minos Cluster Campaign and it is easier to reference the single-volume book than the big compilation that includes the two other volumes I don't need for this campaign.

I also bought FFG's Star Wars RPG 30th Anniversary Set that includes reproductions of the original WEG 1e core rule book and sourcebook. I sealed my originals in plastic, but I still have them in my collection.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill, congratulation for having such a magnificent collection. I have spent few years on collecting WEG supplements and did not even reach half of your collection. The thing I am interested in - as a GM what is your favorite adventure supplement?
One additional remark - to a large extent WEG owes the SW mood to Allen Nunis graphics. Are there any information why he ceased to create graphics for later supplements? He would make Rules of Engagement a lot better than it is – I decided not to buy it due the style of the graphics.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This week I repurchased the 1e adventure module Riders of the Maelstrom. When I got the 2e republication of this adventure in Classic Adventures: Volume Three, I didn't look at it closely to realize that the 2e version leaves a lot of stuff out. I got rid of the module except I kept the fold-out color map of the Kuari Princess. Now when I wanted to have the 1e module again, it was kind of expensive until I found one on eBay that was sold without the map I already had, so now I have another copy of the module. (Maybe it is even my original copy that I had sold without the map – I don't have any way to confirm that since I never wrote in it.)

Ten-20-Three wrote:
Whill, congratulation for having such a magnificent collection. I have spent few years on collecting WEG supplements and did not even reach half of your collection. The thing I am interested in - as a GM what is your favorite adventure supplement?

Thanks. If I absolutely had to pick a favorite adventure, I'd probably go with Tatooine Manhunt, the original SW adventure module. If you can get past there being another aging Republic hero that hid on Tatooine, it's a lot of fun.

Ten-20-Three wrote:
One additional remark - to a large extent WEG owes the SW mood to Allen Nunis graphics. Are there any information why he ceased to create graphics for later supplements? He would make Rules of Engagement a lot better than it is – I decided not to buy it due the style of the graphics.

I can't answer your question about Allen Nunis. I'm not a fan of his. I'm a Mike Vilardi man all the way.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seconded on Mike Vilardi's art. I appreciate Allen Nunis' contribution to the old WEG books, but the much cleaner feel of Vilardi's art always seemed superior to me.

I got to thinking about my collection recently, and not for good reasons. My hometown was recently struck by a pretty severe wildfire that burned into the western suburbs before the wind shifted. Over a thousand homes burned to the ground, and the fire has burned nearly 200,000 acres in the last two weeks. I was out of town the night of the worst of it, and had to describe to family members what items I wished to save as they prepped to evacuate, and there was no way I could ask them to evacuate my books collection. Out of everything I could've lost, that's what figured most prominently in my mind.

Fortunately, the fire lines stopped a couple miles west of my home, and we never had to actually evacuate, so for now, the danger is past.

As far as my collection itself, it's easier for me to list what books I don't have:
    Galaxy Guides 1, 3 & 5
    The Introductory Adventure Game
    Miniature Battles & Imperial Entanglements
    The Solitaire Adventures (Imperial Double Cross, Jedi's Honor & Scoundrel's Luck)
I didn't bother with the Galaxy Guides because, IMO, they're duplicates of information found in the Movie Trilogy Sourcebooks, and I'm more interested in the information than simply owning the book.

Everything else has a 2E emphasis; if something was available in 1E and 2E, I bought the 2E version. The major exception was a 1E copy of Tramp Freighters, which I bought specifically because there was critical information removed from the 2E version that could still be found in the 1E copy.

At the moment, I'm considering expanding my copy of the core 1E books; I already have the 1E Rulebook and the Rules Companion, and I'd like to add 1E copies of the Star Wars, Alliance and Imperial Sourcebooks to that.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm so glad to hear your home is out of danger! My wife's aunt, uncle and cousins saw the fire from their backyard before they evacuated, but thankfully the fire department successfully stopped its spread in that direction so their neighborhood was spared.

CRMcNeill wrote:
As far as my collection itself, it's easier for me to list what books I don't have:
    Galaxy Guides 1, 3 & 5
    The Introductory Adventure Game
    Miniature Battles & Imperial Entanglements
    The Solitaire Adventures (Imperial Double Cross, Jedi's Honor & Scoundrel's Luck)

I highly recommend the IAG. It is such a neat box set with all kinds of goodies easily usable with 2e.

Just for clarification, Imperial Double Cross is an actual solitaire adventure, but the other two books are only straight "choose your own adventure" books with no game mechanics or dice rolling. I haven't tried Scoundrel's Luck but Jedi's Honor sucked and I would not recommend it.

CRMcNeill wrote:
I didn't bother with the Galaxy Guides because, IMO, they're duplicates of information found in the Movie Trilogy Sourcebooks, and I'm more interested in the information than simply owning the book.

Everything else has a 2E emphasis; if something was available in 1E and 2E, I bought the 2E version. The major exception was a 1E copy of Tramp Freighters, which I bought specifically because there was critical information removed from the 2E version that could still be found in the 1E copy.

At the moment, I'm considering expanding my copy of the core 1E books; I already have the 1E Rulebook and the Rules Companion, and I'd like to add 1E copies of the Star Wars, Alliance and Imperial Sourcebooks to that.

Information-wise, the 1e Star Wars, Alliance, and Imperial sourcebooks are nearly identical to the 2e versions. I wouldn't bother with them. I only got a copy of the 1e SW Sb again out of nostalgia of it being one of the first two books that I bought (together) for the game in 1987, and because the 1e copy I just happened to find in a store 22 years after getting rid of mine happened to be my original personal copy! I just couldn't pass up that serendipity. But if you never had the 1e Sb and don't play 1e, I wouldn't recommend it if you already have the 2e version.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
I'm so glad to hear your home is out of danger! My wife's aunt, uncle and cousins saw the fire from their backyard before they evacuated, but thankfully the fire department successfully stopped its spread in that direction so their neighborhood was spared.

Wow. Didn't know you had people so close. What neighborhood did they live in?

I highly recommend the IAG. It is such a neat box set with all kinds of goodies easily usable with 2e.

Thanks. I recall skimming through it, and rather liked the simplified Sensor mechanic in particular.

EDIT: Just did a price search. The two copies I could find were ~$150 on Amazon and $80 on eBay. It may have to wait...

Just for clarification, Imperial Double Cross is an actual solitaire adventure, but the other two books are only straight "choose your own adventure" books with no game mechanics or dice rolling. I haven't tried Scoundrel's Luck but Jedi's Honor sucked and I would not recommend it.

Thanks for the heads up. I had no real interest in them anyway, so it's nice to have that reinforcement.

Information-wise, the 1e Star Wars, Alliance, and Imperial sourcebooks are nearly identical to the 2e versions. I wouldn't bother with them. I only got a copy of the 1e SW Sb again out of nostalgia of it being one of the first two books that I bought (together) for the game in 1987, and because the 1e copy I just happened to find in a store 22 years after getting rid of mine happened to be my original personal copy! I just couldn't pass up that serendipity. But if you never had the 1e Sb and don't play 1e, I wouldn't recommend it if you already have the 2e version.

My interest was more in the vein of an idle collector's urge, on the off chance I felt like playing a 1E game. Just to have the three core sourcebooks as part of a basic 1E set.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
Didn't know you had people so close. What neighborhood did they live in?

They are not close to you, but the California wild fires in general made me think of them. They are down in Alpine, east of San Diego near I-8, and their fire was back on July 6th. I guess I spoke too soon - there was one house in their neighborhood destroyed, only two doors down from them. My wife also has a grandmother, and another uncle, aunt, and cousins that all live in the general San Diego area.
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