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Mustafar (Canon+)
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:46 pm    Post subject: Mustafar (Canon+) Reply with quote


A small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant.

A fiery volcanic world where lava was mined like a precious natural resource, Mustafar often served as a place to dispose of unwanted evidence, a quality which drew Black Sun to the planet. It also drew the Sith: it was on Mustafar that Darth Maul began his Sith training. Mustafar also served as the last capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and was the site of the Separatists' downfall, an event that shaped galactic history. In a duel that followed, Darth Vader fought his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and lost, as a result of which he was forced to wear dark armor for the rest of his life.

Mustafar was a very young and volatile world, torn apart by opposing gravitational forces of the gas giants Jestefad and Lefrani, with the former being the closer of the two. Astride thick-skinned lava fleas, the native Mustafarians leapt across the lava fields to mine the planet's unique and valuable minerals present in the lava.

The intense geological activity creates natural scanning interference that has kept prying eyes away from Mustafar for most of its history.

The Mustafarians oversaw the mining facilities constructed by the Techno Union on the planet.

Early History
Once a lush green world, Mustafar was home to a Jedi Enclave built around 5300 BBY. Jedi Master Chu-Gon Dar, an individual whose mastery of physical Force was unmatched, also lived there. He created a unique Force-sensitive object while on the planet known as the Chu-Gon Dar cube which was used to both channel and manipulate the physical Force to alter the physical properties of an item placed inside it. However, in 3996 BBY, the resurgent Sith wished to exterminate the Jedi, and so a climactic battle took place on the planet. This battle was so intense that one of the nearby gas giants was pulled into its current location by the Force, starting the gravitational tug-of-war. The environmental hazards caused by this forced the Jedi to abandon their temples on the planet. This caused all knowledge of Chu-Gon's cube to be lost. Mustafar would also be the home of the Force organization the Blackguard.

Mustafar was home to two variants of sentient Mustafarians—the northern Mustafarians, who were tall and thin, and the southern Mustafarians, who were short and squat. Centuries ago, a cataclysmic eruption destroyed all Mustafarian settlements except for Fralideja.

Clone Wars
At the time of the Clone Wars, the Techno Union had owned Mustafar since c. 300 BBY, harvesting minerals and energy from the 800-degree-hot lava. It was comparatively cool compared to most other lava due to the unusual mineral allotropes that became molten at a lower temperature. Regardless, the lava could only safely be mined when a repulsor field was placed to repress any eruptions and deflect heat away from those harvesting it.

But the Techno Union wasn't the only corporate power interested in Mustafar. Before the Clone Wars started, Damask Holdings maintained a facility on the planet, in a structure previously owned by Boss Cabra, Vigo of Black Sun. There, the Nightbrother child who would become Darth Maul was trained by Darth Sidious so that he could serve the purpose of the Sith Lord and his secret Master, Darth Plagueis.

During the early years of the war, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in his guise as Darth Sidious, tasked the Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane with kidnapping Force-sensitive children and taking them to the Damask Holdings facility on the planet, where he could turn them into a cadre of Force–wielding spies for the Galactic Empire. The plot was scuttled by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

At some point prior to the second year of the war, Black Sun, under the leadership of Xomit Grunseit, moved its headquarters to a fortress on Mustafar. Death Watch, together with their new allies Darth Maul and Savage Opress, arrived in the Black Sun complex with an offer of allegiance. When Grunseit refused, Opress murdered all the members of his cabal, making Captain of the Guard Ziton Moj leader of the syndicate.

The main Separatist stronghold was located in a massive industrial complex located on a fiery cliff bracketed by two huge lava flows. Collection arms mined lava from the area, while durable industrial droids worked further afield. Within this facility lay a Separatist command center, one of the most secure bunkers in the galaxy.

Toward the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine would continue to have a vested interest in the planet, ordering General Grievous to move the Separatist Council there near the end of the war, apparently for their own safety, but in reality to gather them together so that Skywalker, newly anointed as Darth Vader, Palpatine's new apprentice, could kill them all, and deactivate the droid armies, bringing about the end of the war. Shortly afterwards, a duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader would also take place on the lava planet. During the duel, the controls to the mining complex were destroyed and the repulsor fields dropped, allowing the violent lava eruptions to overwhelm the complex.

Vader suffered grievous injuries, including the loss of his remaining limbs, and the searing of his lungs, when he attempted to jump to higher ground from a platform on the lava river, only to be immobilized by Kenobi. He was later rescued by Emperor Palpatine, who brought him back to Coruscant, where he was rebuilt into the feared cyborg executor of the Emperor at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. It was also on this planet, immediately prior to the Kenobi/Vader confrontation, that Lord Vader, who, unknown to Padmé Amidala, was no longer the man she had married, Force choked the pregnant Senator of Naboo into unconsciousness. This would eventually contribute to the causes of her death, alongside the loss of will she suffered, as well as her broken heart.

Imperial Era
After the destruction of the Separatist Council and the Imperialization of the Techno Union, Mustafar was largely forgotten, until a Separatist stalwart, the fugitive Geonosian Gizor Dellso, holed up on Mustafar during the early days of the Galactic Empire and re-activated an independent battle droid factory, intending to rebuild the Confederacy's previous military strength.

From 18 BBY to 12 BBY, he constructed a small army and a flotilla of warships above the planet, and got the support of several fellow Geonosians. One year later, the situation had been required by the attention of the loyal 501st Legion of stormtroopers to storm the planet. At the battle's end, with the droid schematics destroyed and Dellso eliminated, the base was annihilated in a massive orbital strike from Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, which resulted in the fall of the Geonosian Industries, along with the fragmentation of the Separatist holdouts.

At some point, Mensix Corp established the Mensix Mining Facility, built to replace the previously destroyed Klegger Corp Mining Facility complex.

Four years before the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial fleet was stationed above Mustafar commanded by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin aboard his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer the Sovereign. During the mission to rescue Kanan Jarrus, the Sovereign was destroyed during Kanan Jarrus' and the Inquisitor's duel after his lightsaber was cut in two by Jarrus and fell into the ship's power core, sending it falling towards the lava fields below.

Galactic Civil War
Prior the time the Death Star plans were stolen, Twi'lek mercenary Rianna Saren and Zeeo were sent to gather Intel on current Imperial operations and sabotage the Mirkanite Mining Facility.

The mission was successful as the duo narrowly escaped from Imperial soldiers and a squadron of TIE fighters.

After the destruction of the first Death Star, it was rumored that several would-be Jedi found their way to the legendary world of Mustafar, and were apparently guided on their path to Knighthood by the spectral form of Obi-Wan Kenobi. A disturbance caused by a gathering of dark side energy drew Kenobi's spirit to the planet. Other explorers at the time apparently encountered the ancient assassin droid HK-47 along with an ancient Hammerhead-class cruiser

The Sith Lord X1, formerly a clone trooper, had made Mustafar his base of operations sometime during the New Republic era. X2 found his brother on Mustafar and led New Republic troops in a battle. After a fight over the planet, X2 and his troops descended to the planet's surface. X2 destroyed his brother's cloning lab, and the two brothers dueled, ending with the death of X1.

At sometime during 137 ABY, Mustafar came under the control of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

Name: Mustafar
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Atravis
System: Mustafar
Sun(s): Priate
Trade Route(s): Tosste Spurr
Orbital Position: 3
Moon(s): -
Length of Day: 36 hours
Length of Year: 412 standard days
Starport(s): Limited

Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Searing
Atmosphere: Type II
Hydrosphere: None (35% lava covered)
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Wasteland, volcanoes, lava rivers, mountains, caves
Points of Interest: Klegger Corp Mining Facility, Damask Holdings Mustafar accounting facility, Black Sun fortress, Berken's Flow, Tulrus Island, Burning Plains, Smoking Forest, Crystal Flats, Mensix Mining Facility, Jedi Enclave, Southern Jedi ruins
Native Flora: -
Native Fauna: Blistmok, Kubaza beetle, She Kar, Tulrus, Xandank

Native Species: Northern Mustafarians, Southern Mustafarians
Immigrated Species: Skakoans, Falleen, Humans
Population: 20,000 (95% Mustafarians, 3% Skakoan, 2% other)
Languages: Mustafarian
Government: Corporate (Techno Union)
Tech Level: Space
Planet Function: Mining, raw materials
Major Cities: Fralideja (capital)
Major Exports: Processed ores, Mirkanite
Major Imports: Foodstuff, tehcnology, water
Affiliation: Mustafarians, Jedi Order, Techno Union, Damask Holdings, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Geonosian Industries, Separatist holdouts, Gizor Dellso, Galactic Empire, Imperial Remnant, X1's faction, New Republic, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire

Source: +Oliver Queen

Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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Last edited by shootingwomprats on Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:01 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:48 am    Post subject: Re: Mustafar (Star Wars Rebels) Reply with quote

I'm a little confused by this one. The write-up seems to include EU ("Legends") continuity which is no longer considered canon in the SW Rebels continuity. Was +Oliver Queen's intent to represent an amalgamation of the two universes? This would also seem to apply to other write-ups you've posted.

Also, the planet was merely floating in the background of the space action in the Rebels season finale so hardly warrants a "(Star Wars Rebels)" designation, IMO.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Mustafar (Star Wars Rebels) Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
I'm a little confused by this one. The write-up seems to include EU ("Legends") continuity which is no longer considered canon in the SW Rebels continuity. Was +Oliver Queen's intent to represent an amalgamation of the two universes? This would also seem to apply to other write-ups you've posted.

I had been just grabbing the Legends fluff text from Wookieepedia. I have made no attempt to fold Legends with Canon, at this time. I am sort of on the fence on which to use. Since the SWD6 stuff is now almost all considered Legends do I make write-ups for stuff in two parts? One for Legends and one for Canon? This seems a little silly. I am open to suggestions from people. Btw, the sourcebook continues quite quickly and should be ready in a few weeks. Not sure, I might pass it on to others to give it the REUP treatment. I would do it, but unfortunately I am still down to the crappy family computer.

Also, the planet was merely floating in the background of the space action in the Rebels season finale so hardly warrants a "(Star Wars Rebels)" designation, IMO.

I considered this as well. In the last episode they never make it to planet and it is seen in space, hanging in front of the gas giant Jestefad. So does this really constitute the need for a planet write-up? I still wonder if I should include it just look should I include Boz Pity and Mourn? If I remember correctly it was only mentioned and may have been the planet they tried to escape from TIE fighters on. It can be inferred it was the planet Boz Pity, but it looked lot like Lothal. But then again, with the reused animation models throughout SWRe a lot of things are actually the same thing when they are supposed to be different.

Moving along, do I include Stygeon Prime? All they did was go to The Spire. Do I include Garel? All they did was fly to the starport, steal some crates then fly away.

I suppose it comes down to if that location could be expanded on to have further adventures. For example, Mustafar is included because it could be expanded on for that episode but also has a seed from the episode. Grand Moff Tarkin talks about sending Kanan to Mustafar and that everyone who goes there confesses. It is also stated its the place Jedi go to die. This all sort of suggests there is at least a penal colony of some sort there and that there may be facilities specifically designed for the incarceration, torture and turning of Jedi and by association any Force Sensitive.

Again, it comes down to usefulness and applicability. I am open to suggestions of what to include. At this time this is what will be included:

Boz Pity & Mourn
Fort Anaxes
Stygeon Prime

I am not including Arkanis since it was only mentioned. I am on the fence over Lasan as well. Lets see, Mandalore is mentioned as well by Sabine. Upon checking this out it has significantly changed as well.

I am thinking I will probably use the canon versions. If SWD6 is to continue, I would think that information as it changes should be updated to reflect his new information. Thoughts and criticisms of this?
Don Diestler
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Mustafar (Star Wars Rebels) Reply with quote

Personally, my RPG SWU is an amalgamation of the films, with some but not all C-canon, some but not all non-film story group canon, and some of my own invention.

shootingwomprats wrote:
I had been just grabbing the Legends fluff text from Wookieepedia. I have made no attempt to fold Legends with Canon, at this time. I am sort of on the fence on which to use. Since the SWD6 stuff is now almost all considered Legends do I make write-ups for stuff in two parts? One for Legends and one for Canon? This seems a little silly. I am open to suggestions from people...

I am thinking I will probably use the canon versions. If SWD6 is to continue, I would think that information as it changes should be updated to reflect his new information. Thoughts and criticisms of this?

How your Rebels material will be used, and what Rebels and story group canon continuity even means for the game is up to each GM. The films and TCW are both Legends and Canon, but Rebels is only Canon. So when Rebels uses an aspect of Legends continuity it becomes both, but Legends continuity that is not used in canon works is not canon.

For that reason, it makes the most sense for the fluff text of your Rebels sourcebook to only use Canon fluff. You can still use Wookieepedia, just click on the Canon tab and use that. That's just my suggestion, but I admit I'll download your sourcebook and save it regardless of which way you go.
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