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Star Wars: Underworld Rising
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:09 am    Post subject: Star Wars: Underworld Rising Reply with quote

For two years the Clone Wars have ravaged the civilized galaxy. With the authorities distracted, especially the Jedi Knights, criminal networks have thrived.

A dozen years ago a zabrak named Maul cut the head off of Black Sun, assassinating all nine vigos and the underboss. Everyone thought the largest criminal organization in the core worlds was dealt a mortal wound that day, but they recovered, and with the Jedi distracted by the Confederacy, they have grown.

The Hutts have vied with the Republic for control of the galaxy for millenia. Thier neutrality in the Clone Wars has granted their worlds unparalleled safety during the last two years. More and more, former citizens of the Republic and the Confederacy are flocking to Hutt worlds for safety from the war and low taxes.

Both organizations influence is growing. Now the expansion region and mid rim of the slice are under contention. Sitting in the middle of known space is the world Daalang. The ebbs and flows of hyperspace makes her the crossroads of the galaxy. More spice flows through Daalang than all the other worlds combined and neither Black Sun nor the Hutts have a significant presence there.

Daalang's underworld is dominated by the Sithspawn, a former pirate chief, The Blue Devil, a criminal mastermind, and the Holocron, an infochant who seems to know everything worth knowing. They will not give up their territory without a fight.

Today three beings come to Daalang, a black ops mercenary with a large bounty on his head, an outlaw medic, and a gunrunner.



This is a thread for my players to post their adventures, and in doing so, earn in game bonuses. Today is the day!
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Joined: 23 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:49 pm    Post subject: Avvers frist mission Reply with quote

Mission log 2 years into the clone wars-

“I really don’t know why I am doing these any more. Sighs. It’s not like I am leading missions any more. But let me back up and start from the top. Slugo called and said he had a priority mission for me and my team. Normally it is an easy quick one shot with my sniper blaster and we are done. Something had me on edge about this mission, so we meet up at the normal spot to talk over the details about the mission. I guess the hit this time is some no name general, DoDonna, we are to listen to the convo record it and send it back. Then kill him if we can. . Apparently he pissed the huts off or pissed someone off. I don’t really care; I just want the money so maybe just maybe I can pay off this bounty on me. So apparently this general is on a moon called Spike’s Moon. My team and I head out to the moon to scout it out. I take my “friends” a barbell and blood carver. We have done missions before they are ok to work with the Barabel can and does get annoying at times.

We arrive on this planet and right off the rip I hate it here. It smells like flowers and happiness and blah blah blah. Everyone is happy and they wave and smile. These people have no clue what it means to be at war apparently. After roaming around in the streets we come across the hotel DoDonna is staying at. I send the Blood carver up to the room Slugo rented for us, and I send the barbell to scout out to see if we can get some back up supplies. OH! I forgot. Some reason Slugo doesn’t want us to kill who DoDonna is meeting. That was weird to me, normally we just blast the guy or blow the room make it look like an accident and walk away. But he ties our hands this time for some stupid reason.

I find a nice grass area to set up shop and I comlink in to my Blood carver friend to see if he can see me, and of course it wouldn’t be that easy the rooms are on the other side of the hotel, Away from my nice grassy area with the great view of the hotel windows, A prefect shooting spot. Another sigh. So we regroup up in the hotel room the Barabel could not find any kind of supplies, it’s like these people live in a fantasy world! Don’t they know that it is a galaxy at war! I mean come on not even a hold out pistol lying around! We bug the room the meeting is going to take place; you know the normal standard stuff. I go out to scout the hotel and leave my team in the room.

I find a good spot to “hide” in plain sight. I comlink into my team and we all start talking about what is going on in the hall way and the other room DoDonna is meeting in. DoDonna shows up with a bunch of republic guards and enters the room. Nothing really happens they are talking about nothing so I wait wondering if this meeting will ever take place. Then I see a Wookiee get off the turbolift with his team and they are wearing Slugos patches! Unreal! This freekn slug sent in another freekn team because he didn’t think we could get it done. I talk softly to my team back in forth letting them know what is going on in the hall way. The second Slugo team enters the room and they start their meeting right off the rip. DoDonna apparently wants them to recuse some kids. Who really cares? My mind races trying to figure out how to kill DoDonna and not hurt the second team, gods forbid if I piss off the slug. We all may work for Slugo but that’s no reason to kill them…yet… The door opens and out walks DoDonna and Slugo's second team. I growl quietly, freekn kidnappers always getting in the way. I tell my team it is time to act on the fly. I send the Barbell after them in the turbolift just so we can keep eyes on them. The blood carver comes with me, we both run down the stairs waiting for them to exit the turbolift. I hear the barbell talking stupidly about fighting a Wookie. Sometimes I wish he would so he would get his head caved in and I can find a new explosives guy.

As we are running down the stairs I get my own head smashed by something. Trust your team always. Freekn rookie move! I wake up in my Naboo fighter tied up disarmed. The only thing I have left is my knife I keep hidden for this very reason. I am very very angry at this point. These morons are going to ruin our pay day for some reason. The Barbell stands in front of the fighter smirking at me. I don’t waste any time and I bash my head against the firing trigger trying to get some sort of shot off killing this pain in my @$$. I get a few off but doesn’t look like it did any damage to him. I use my tentacles to wake up my artoo unit and blast of ship off form a cold start. Badddddddd move on my part. But I was able to get away from these back stabbers.

My engines start to fail and I need to land finding a dock that was not crowded. I find one with a shuttle ship in it. I tell my Artoo to fix whatever is wrong with the damn ship so we can get out of here in a pinch. I open my cockpit and jump out and what do you know I landed right where I needed to! Maybe there is this force thing these Jedi talk about all the time. I landed in DoDonna's launch pad. I am able to sweet talk my way out of the ropes my ever so faithful team put me in carefully. I use one of my tentacles to slowly lift my knife out of my boot and stab one of Dodona’s guards. He drops instantly. I run after DoDonna picking up the drop blaster from his murdered guard and I start firing at him. I hit his other guard and at least knocked him out. I couldn’t tell from where I was. All I know is he stopped shooting at me. Good enough for me. I shoot at Dodona and keep missing. Dodona gets into his ship at takes off. I run back to mine yelling at my artoo unit to fire it up and get ready to take off once I am in the cockpit. He beeps at me. I hope he realizes I never know what the hell he is saying. I get to my craft and take after Dodona. I get close to him and start firing with my lasers trying to kill him or at least make his ship crash. I keep hitting his ship but not doing any damage. I see the lights start flickering and I keep firing. My artoo unit keeps trying to jam any coms coming from DoDonna's ship but I’m pretty sure he keeps failing. Stupid artoo unit. DoDonna’s ship starts to fall and starts to smoke. And I grin happy that I am going to be able to finally complete my mission. Then the dumb @$$ behind me starts freeking out. I turn my scanners on and see that the coward launched his fighters from his republic cruiser. I get off one more good round of shots as DoDonna’s ship starts to fall then I start taking fire from behind me. Two naboo fighters come out of nowhere and start lighting me up! Gods I hate these guys! They chirp in on my radio and tell me the bounty went up on my head and they would like to collect, I laugh at them and turn my ship around and start shooting at them. Of course I didn’t hit anything but that is all well and good because then they start hitting me. My shields fail and I am taking damage. Lots of damage. Looks like this stupid happy moon is going to finally learn what war is about. I grin and attempt to steer my craft towards some very large and very tall buildings. I take another round of hits and listen to my artoo unit scream as his head is blown off. I wonder what he said. Ouch maybe? Doubt it; at least I don’t have to listen to his insistent beeping any more. I punch out of my fighter right before it crashes threw a few blocks of buildings and such. I laugh to myself no more flower smell! After my seat lands I take off trying to find somewhere to lay low for a while. I am able to rob a few people and take some credits. I book a transport to Daalang.
I lay low there for a while visiting some shady places getting some Intel on the planet. You know the normal stuff a black op does when his team betrays him and leaving him for broke. Sigh. I go to a bar and put out some feelers saying I’m looking for a new identity. I am then told I should see The Oak. I think to my self sounds like a tree guy. I hope this dud isn’t crazy. I set up a meet with the “Oak” guy. A few days later I am finally able to meet him. He is in a war with some lizard people. I hope he realizes that I don’t care about them or his little turf war he has going on. I just want to get some new ids and get off this rock.

That’s enough for now. Ill update this log later. Still kinda clueless on why I am doing these I have nowhere to send them."
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Joined: 23 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:33 pm    Post subject: Avvers mission Reply with quote

This report is as fallows two days from my last. Here goes nothing.* lights up a smoke*

“So I put out some feelers and finally able to get a solid answer on whom I need to talk to. As I said in my last report it is a guy named “The Oak”. I spend a few days “collecting” some money from some people on the streets. I was able to secure a room for free! That was kinda cool. I didn’t kill the people owning it I just kinda, you know, tied them up, and left them in the closet. See I’m not such a heartless b@st@rd* after all! They are like pets kinda. I take them out walk them feed them. I am actually kinda nice to them. Don’t ask me why but I was. Humans are kinda gross though always having to “use” the bathroom. No idea what that is about. And I’m sure I don’t wanna know. But I like my pets for now.*laughs* I have always wanted a human pet. But I digress, back to the story. After taking up shop in this apartment I cruse around the holonet and find out why my bounty went up. It turns out that the generals daughter I slept with then, well you know, got pregos, decided to make himself king. King of all Permian’s, unreal, not only that he decided to unite with the Confederacy of planets. Leaving the republic that has stood for over 1000 years is kinda stupid in my point of view. Why try to fix something if it isn’t broke. So in his rise to power he pretty much killed off anyone who stood in his way and anyone who humiliated him in the past, hence why my ever so faithful and trusting team betrayed me to collect my bounty.

So after a few hours of playing house with my human pets I grow bored and head out to see if I can get in contact with The Oak. I find the Dug that told me he could get me in contact with him and we talk. He agrees to take me to the Oak now, and seems to be gitty about it. I had no clue Dugs could get gitty. We show up at this house looking thing that is kinda run down and kinda beat up. The house has definitely seen some better days then today. We talk in and there are Dugs freekn every where I stuff a tentacle down the back of my shirt and boot holding onto my knife ready to attempt to stab anyone if they get to close. These things smell horrid to. Almost makes me wish they vest Spikes moon so they smell like they had taken a shower. Keyword almost. I wait in like a waiting room with a bunch of Dugs all kinda growling at me, my escort relieves me of my blaster rifle and hold out pistol that was mysteriously donated to me by a passing patrol. I think to myself such a wonderful fight those two tried to put up.

I enter the room and meet the Oak. I look around the room trying to figure out why a random tree is in the house we are in. I look at all the Dugs trying to figure out if this was some sort of joke or if they were playing me. The tree in the middle of the room swings around in his chair and scares the ever living Gods out of me. He smiles in his barky smiling way and asks what it is he can do for me. I tell him I need new ids to get off this planet no questions asked. He gives me some out of the world price to be able to pull that off. I try to talk him down on the price be the seams pretty firm on the price. So then I offer him a choice to hire me or I was going to kill his little Dug crew he has working for him. I hear behind me two of the Dugs are trying to be quiet and making their way behind my back. The Oak starts to laugh and says he knows who it is I am; apparently I am one of the most wanted Permian in the galaxy. Well I kinda like to know who the other one is. I whip my knife out of my boot with my tentacle and throw it in my hand and attempt to step one of his Dugs showing the Oak I mean business. The Dug I stab takes a lash and goes away then I get jumped by the two behind me. I try to stab one of them but I missed. I never miss! Because I missed I suffer for it. The two Dugs behind me stab me with their vibrio blades. One knicks me the other stabs me deep. My head explodes in pain and confusion. The two dugs drop me to the ground and climb on top of me pinning me down as I bleed out. I gasp for breath freeking out feeling my life blood slowly draining out of my side. I offer a silent prayer to my gods knowing I am going to be with them soon.

Then the next then I hear is a huge explosion in the front of the house. A blank walks through the door taking two dugs in his hands and smashing them together muttering to himself “Spanish inquisition time”. I’m not 100 % on what he said since I was too busy trying to keep my blood from escaping my body. It has been a long long time since I was this close to death. I am really not a huge fan of it. Then for some reason a Wookiee climbs threw the door also screaming in Wookie about something. God Wookiee can be annoying. Why can’t they speck in basically like everyone else in the universe. The blank takes the two dugs that are on top of me and smashes their heads together and drops them on me. The breath is taken form me as these two drop on me. I reach out to grab the blanks ankle but I miss and the Wookiee sees me on the ground. The Oak tells everyone to stop fighting and relax a little. Mainly the Whale and the Wookie. I gasp for breath and my vision starts to go dark as I see the Whale talking with the Oak and the Wookie comes over and takes pity on me and helps to stop my bleeding and patches me up. I guess Wookies aren’t all that bad. The Wookie plops me into a chair and I kinda just sit there hating life and everything to do with existing. So I do the only thing possible that I can and pass out. When I come to I see the Wookie pick up and throw the Oak into a wall, only problem is that the Oak goes through the wall. Not really sure what happened but the Oak picks himself up off the ground with a huge smile and says ok you all will get what you want. But it is going to take time. Then he asks us if we would like to make a few credits while we wait for him to handle our problems. Like I said I am kinda battling death right now because I have lost so much blood so I’m pretty sure id agree to anything at this point in time.

The Wookie and the whale take me along with them and I kinda lead them to my apartment with my pets in in it so we and rest and plan out what our next move is going to be. After a few days I’m rested up and death has lost yet another battle with me. I guess during the planning this out the Wookie and the Whale find out the place where are supposed to go the Whale has the inside scoop. This is awesome because that is going to make our lives a whole hell of a lot easier. So the plan is we are going to sweet talk our way in find our way to some spice the Oak said he is entitled to take it and go back to the Oaks. Drop it off He pays us for doing the dirty work and he is going to get us our stuff.

OH! I found out what the hell is going on also. Apparently the Wookie lost his wallet…. I didn’t know Wookies had wallets or pockets to put wallets into, but he lost his wallet and the Oak knows the Dug that took it. The Whale has a ship and it has been impounded for some reason or another, and the Oak is able to get the impound tag lifted on it. Maybe once we finish this thing for the Oak and I get my ids the Whale can give me a lift off this rock.

We arm up and I see the Wookie has some explosives. I look over them and tell him I should take some of these incase we use them and I will be able to use them properly. Not like the random bag of whatever the hell he used to scare the crap outta everyone at the Oaks place. He agrees then sells me the stuff. He obviously had noooooooo idea what it was he had. So I was able to talk his price down and get the s*** for dirt cheap. Oh best part I got him to agree to not be paid until after we get paid from the Oak. *laughs* stupid Wookies! So we head out to go talk to the Whales contact on the other side of town. The Whale gets a call from his contact and we tell him that the Oak is unguarded basically because we took out all his Dugs. The Whales contact likes this and runs to tell his boss. The Contact comes back and tells us to beat feet out of there because he is sending his goons to “take care of” Oak. Somehow I don’t think they are going to fair very well. I mean I saw this guy get thrown through a wall and he brushed it off like it was nothing. Good luck Lizard guys! This works out for us because now there is going to be barely anyone there to defend the spice we are going to strangely acquire. Yes I mean steal… we are going to steal form this guy to give it to someone else. Or maybe we will give to Oak. We really haven’t decided yet. Not going to lie to you… whoever you are… I think I’m going to like working with this group.

We get close to this place and I already see a problem. Somehow some way I have a really good feeling that this is not going to go well, or as easy as we planned. There are too many “fellow” lizards running around. And the Wookie really doesn’t seem to like them….. Great... that’s all we need is this mushroom going off and getting us killed. Or worse! Me stabbed again. I really didn’t like it the last time I really don’t want it to happen again. The Whale gets us inside the building and we start nosing around looking for the right stairwell. We find it; luck would have it there was only one stairwell being guarded. The Whale walks up to the guard and tries to talk his way threw and it does not work. So what does he do he has a smile then grabs both of the lizard guys heads and smashed them together. They fall to the ground completely limp. Note to self, stay out of the Whales reach. We drag the bodies down the stair well a little thumping their heads off the stairs. We reach a ramp and we see row after row of hovercrafts. I mean seriously not all of them have to have spice in them. Too bad we didn’t have more guys in on this or we could steal them all! That be a nice pay day.

The Whale talks to some more of the lizards and we get sent to the front of the garage we are in, to talk to some other guy. Apparently he is in charge down here and knew nothing of us coming. Weird. Maybe the whale should have smashed his head. You would think with this much spice sitting in hovercrafts that we would have been shot on sight because well you know; we are not supposed to be down here. If I ever become a crime lord and some moron is walking around where he is not supposed to be, my guys better blast him or they will be blasted. The whale starts talking to mushroom number 2 and he starts getting mouthy. Mushroom number two turns to the Wookiee and starts giving him a whole bunch of s***. I knew this was going to be bad. The Wookie then pretty much attempts to tear the lizard in half and that is when the shooting starts. I am able to stab and kill one of the guys in the group and the Whale crushes two other guys heads, then feels the need to have to step on them as laser blasts are flying around. Maybe working with these guys is not such a good idea after all. The Wookie then picks up his dead guy and uses him as a shield as he start running at another group throwing grenade after grenade at different groups coming at him. For someone who has no idea on how to use explosives he sure is killing a lot of them. I take my baster rifle and start capping the lizards that are trying to shoot the Whale. I kill a few of them the others stop shooting. I look over at the Wookie to see if he has blown himself up yet, and no such luck. Now he is using his meat shield to charge the people spilling out of the turbolift. I figure now is a good time to start high jacking some spice and get the hell out of dodge. I yell in my comlink that we all have hoping the Wookie and Whale hear me to jump in a hovercraft make sure it has spice in it and get the hell out of here. I jump into the first one I find seeing it is latterly stocked up; I start the ship up and take off. I bang off the sides of the building as I take off, but who cares I am not hear for the ship I’m here for what is inside the ship. Traveling through town I see the Whale behind me in a crashed up ship as well. I don’t see the Wookie. Freak hairy pain in the @$$ where the hell is he?! I slow down a little and float along and then I see his ship come screaming around a corner and bounces off a building or two… maybe three… I don’t think he has missed a building yet all…

We get back to Oaks place and it is latterly littered with dead Dugs and dead Lizards. Everywhere we float over them and I grin maybe the tree man didn’t make it after all! We go around a corner and standing next to the hole in his office acting like nothing happened, inspecting it like he was going to by curtains for it or something! Good gods this guy is tuff. He sees us and shows us the way to his underground garage. We park the banged up hovercrafts, well I park mine the other guys kind of just float into a wall and the wall stops them from moving. The Oak tells us he is impressed and is amazing with how much we were able to take from the lizards. He kindly asks for help to remove the dead so the wrong questions aren’t asked about what happened here. As we work on clearing the dead he tells us that he will sell the spice as soon as he can and get us our money. Oh he also has another job lined up for us to. He tells us to come back tomorrow to talk about the details. So we all leave and go to where ever. I go to my apartment and take the pets out for a walk and watering. Humans they are so weird to me some times.”

End of report at this time.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Some introductions are in order.

Avver is a Permian black ops mercenary, formerly in the service of Sluggo the Hutt.

Carn is a Wookiee outlaw medic, also formerly in the service of Sluggo the Hutt.

The Herglic gunrunner has changed his name repeatedly, from Willie to Shamu, and I'll have to check his character sheet to see what he decided on, assuming he hasn't changed it again. I should just call him Flipper and be done with it. He is being hunted by Boba Fett. Boba Fett is about 14 right now.

Our next session is March 21st. Anyone posting more of the story from their character's point of view will get in game rewards.

Comments are welcome.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


After many missed sessions due to Real life, the game should finally be getting into its second session on 11/7
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