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Ruminations on a true 3rd edition
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:06 pm    Post subject: Ruminations on a true 3rd edition Reply with quote

klhaviation wrote:
But, if there is any one out there who wants to hack away at it, our resources (our text/tables and opinions) are available.

Okay, so after trying to suppress this for months since I first heard about a 3rd edition, I figured I'd at least commit my thoughts to text on the subject.

A long drive from work and a big boost to my self confidence has me thinking I'm superman so let me at least try to get these thoughts out and get some feedback.
Obviously nothing here is final but I just am big-picturing what a 3rd edition would look like in terms of what changes I would make.

Basic Mechanics:

As much as I like a success based system (aka shadowrun etc) for its speed, I don't want to lose the flavor of 1st & 2nd edition. A transition to successes is a bridge too far I think. So I would want to keep the dice mechanic the same. I would also stay with the Attribute/Skills system and the 6 base attributes.

I WOULD change the force system, but we'll save that for discussion of the Force.

Skills: I've posted a number of times how I would tweak the skill list and stay relatively close to the existing system (indeed, this is much how my house rules work) That said, given a clean slate I would add SKILL GROUPINGS. I'm not sure I've worked all the kinks out of this system, it might look something like this: Marksmanship would encompass all the various marksmanship & gunnery skills. Piloting would include all the various piloting skills. Hard Sciences would include all the various skills like Physics, chemistry. Social Interaction might include Con, Bargain, Interrogation, Cultures, Bureaucracy. Athletics would include Dance, Dodge, Swimming, Climbing & Jumping, etc. A secondary function of these skills would allow expertise in one area to grant you very small bonuses in other areas. (You can leverage knowledge of physics to perform a chemistry task. You can leverage your knowledge of cons to help you in your bargaining) The primary function will be covered when we get to Advantage/Disadvantage & Feat systems.

I'm also still mulling the piloting skill breakout. Dogfighting might become a separate skill (possibly an advanced skill) It would likely share a skill family with all other piloting skills, but would only be useful in ships & vehicles that have the Dogfighter keyword (see below) Dogfighting specifically would probably require that the vehicle can fly upside down at a minimum. (So landspeeders would not be able to dogfight, but the M. Falcon might and so would a airspeeder, but a Star Destroyer would not)

Armor will probably subtract from the damage roll rather than add to the defense roll. Mechanically it made sense in 1st edition (+1D is a bigger deal than -1D when dice roll comparisons must be multiplicative as in 1st edition) With 2nd (and 3rd) edition being straight numerical succeed by X additive there is not much difference between adding +1D to Star, and Subtracting -1d to the damage. the result is slightly fewer dice rolled

I REALLY want to figure out a way to do movement better. I've always hated 2nd edition's handling of movement. I'm considering borrowing from 1st Edition rules companion rules on movement where you can make up to 4 movement actions in a turn and each is up to your base move speed.

General I'm strongly leaning to a keyword system for weapons and equipment. Certain actions would be available to weapons with certain keywords in addition to their weapon class. Example: a Blastech A280 might have the class: Rifle and the keywords: Energy Weapon, 2 Handed, Scoped, Bulky, Loud

Certain actions would be available to you in combat based on the keywords. (example: Scoped weapons might allow you to take an additional +1D when using a prep round to shoot) . Armor would finally get a clear line about what sorts of things it gets to use +1D or +2D vs.

Hold out weapons and some sporting blasters might get Concealable keywords. Verpine Shattergun might get a Fragile keyword.

Part of this is to get players & Characters to use something other the weapon with the best stats and to give some more variety other than Range/Damage/Fire Rate.

Similarly vehicles & possibly weapons will also have a keyword system. Some types of actions may only be available to certain types of vehicles.

Advantages & Disadvantages

The Advantages/Disadvantages system would also serve as a way of leveling out PC races with strong special abilities (Verpine or Slussi skill bonuses, Natural armor, etc)

It would also allow for greater character customization. Star Wars characters tend to be piles of attributes & skills. I think finding additional ways to customize a character will make them overall stronger and more personal. (I'm a big fan of those moments when my character does something that no one else in the party could pull off)

not a whole lot to say here, these would sometimes be available at character creation, other times they could be bought for character points or even assigned by the GM as a story consequence. The nice thing here is that they can reference the Skill Families. So a Natural Athlete might get a +2 to all rolls in the Athletics skill family)

There really HAS to be options for force gifted individuals. its overdetermined in a number of places that Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker & Jaina Solo are gifted pilots in part due to their force sensitivity, Leia's skill as a diplomat Jacen's Solo's gift with life, Cilghal had a gift for healing, other Jedi were unable to use telekinesis to any degree.

The Force I'm pretty sold on moving to a single Force attribute. I still want to keep Control/Sense/Alter as skills (perhaps as Advanced skills or something. This part is most fuzzy in my mind, I have an idea, but not sure exactly how to implement it.)

I'm considering making bowcasters do 4D Energy damage and 3D physical (2 separate rolls, not additive) There has to be SOME advantage to using them, because they're pretty well inferior to blasters in every other way.
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some interesting ideas here, aegisflashfire!
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Additional thoughts:

I like the skill challenge mechanic as a tool to get players into the storytelling. I'll probably include it as an optional tool for GM's. I've been meaning to use it again, I liked how it came out.

RE: Hasted actions.

for those that remember the 1st Edition, there was an option to take a 1D penalty to your die rolls in a round to 'haste' an action.

I'm mulling returning to that system (or something like it). It allowed a character with cruddy initiative to take an action just with a penalty.
I think 1D wasn't harsh enough a penalty, so maybe a 2D penalty instead. I donno on that one.

I also think Initiative will likely go to one roll per encounter rather than re-rolling every round. Possibly with a re-roll if the person rolling for a side is taken out.
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the skill groups, how's about taking a page out of Shadowrun? Have it where skill groups put all those skills at the group level, but you can't spec, nor can they be say 3d-4d higher than the base attribute. If you just take the skill itself though, it can go higher than that AND you can spec in that skill.

Sort of
Hand to hand combat
Melee parry
brawl parry

Personal ranged weapons
pulse wave

Heavy personal ranged weapons
missile launcher
grenade launcher
heavy blasters
vehicle blasters
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:12 pm    Post subject: Brainstorming the keyword list Reply with quote

these can be characteristics of the item OR a status effect on the item

dogfighter - vehicles capable of moving in and out through a combat zone, performing advanced dogfighting techniques.
bomber - capable of making bombing runs
strafer - capable of making strafing runs
cumbersome -
unstable - vulnerable to attacks which unbalance them. (Wheelbike, AT-ST/AT-AT)
armored - occupants ignore external damage less than heavy
fully enclosed- occupants cannot be targeted from the outside
partially enclosed- to-hit penalty against occupants, occupants can return fire with hand weapons
automated - not under a character's direct control
Euclidian - limited to 2 dimensional motion (does not preclude jumps)
unique build - difficult to find parts for, difficult to upgrade
customizable - easy to adapt new equipment in
finicky - prone to particular failures, doesn't like being modified
atmospheric- capable of atmospheric travel
vacuum - capable of travel in a vacuum
submarine - capable of travel under water
aquatic - capable of travel on the water


bulky : cannot be used to parry
automatic: capable of using Suppressive fire action
hold-out: Implies concealable, +5 bonus to hide skill
concealable: may be hidden on your person using the hide skill opposed by search
discrete: May be declared as out of sight, and thus not given as part of a character description
fragile: roll only 1d for strength when damaged
delicate: automatic 1 for strength when damaged
robust: double strength roll when damaged
scoped: add an additional +1D when taking a round to aim
magnified: Reduce ranges beyond medium by 1 step when an additional round is taken to aim
energy weapon:
physical weapon
powered weapon: Typically I see this coming into play in situations where an energy dampening field is in place or someone is scanning for power sources
Area of Effect:
single use - expended after use
one hand - requires only one hand to use and operate
two handed - requires 2 hands to use
unbalanced - +5 penalty to hit with when used as melee weapon, -5 penalty when used to parry
precise -
loud - various bonuses for detecting a weapon shot, various penalties if you're playing a species with sensitive ears
quiet - various penalties for detecting a weapon shot
silent - cannot be heard
suppressed - penalty to locate shooter visually
recoilless - reduced penalties for autofire
balanced - no penalties for use as a melee weapon even if improvised
intimidating - bonus to intimidation rolls

unpowered -
heavy - will probalby impose movement penalties
restrictive - typically used with armor (though I can see it for a heavy equipment pack, etc) would handle the 1D dex penalty for most tasks (though i'm considering removing it for marksmanship skills and other fine manipulations since those arent really restricted by armor)
odoriferous - bonus to detecting with scent, potential penalties for those with sensitive noses
loud -

Stationary: +10 to hit stationary targets
immobilized: Imply Stationary,
tiny: -5 penalty to hit tiny targets
large: +5 bonus to hit large targets
huge: +10 bonus to hit huge targets
gargantuan: +15 bonus to hit gargantuan targets
Blinded: +5 bonus to hit blinded targets, +20 penalty for someone/thing blinded to hit anything else

(the idea here is that I can have a character scale monster that's the size of a house, (easier to hit) but you don't have to sweat scales. These penalties would all be within a scale range.

This gives a significant bonus to say, an A-Wing or a Fanblade fighter compared to say a Toscan or Skipray which will both be starfighters & dogfighters, but the tiny vessels are harder to target.

Another example might be a Corellian Gunboat (tiny capital ship) vs a Star Destroyer (Huge capital ship) vs. a Super Star Destroyer (gargantuan capital ship) Its obviously much easier to hit the SSD than the gunboat.

I'm thinking scales will ignore size (thus a starfighter targeting a SSD isn't working any harder to target it than a corvette)

I might do away with a couple of scales (the scale conversion chart is sometimes confusing anyway)
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast

Last edited by aegisflashfire on Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:27 am; edited 5 times in total
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really cool stuff here. Definately a departure from traditional d6, but a good one. I think this has a lot of promise.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My group would be really hesitant to ever change, but I have to agree that you've got a lot of really good ideas here, aegis.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I welcome any keywords people want to suggest.

More brainstorming:
Personal skills family:

Observation skills family:

Athletics skill family:

Shooting skill family:
Marksmanship- skills
Gunnery skills

Piloting skill family:
Repulsorlift operation
Starship piloting
ground vehicle operation
aquatic vehicle operation

Operator skill family
Droid programming
Computer programming
Shield operation

Hard sciences skill family
Scholar: Chemistry
Scholar: Physics
Scholar: Mathematics

Social sciences skill family
Scholar: History
Scholar: Psychology

Life sciences skill family
First Aid
Alien Species
Scholar: Biology
Scholar: Botany

Financial skill family

Engineering skill family:
Droid Repair
Computer Programming/Repair
various repair skills[/b]
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Check out the MegaTraveller skill list if you have access to it, its probably listed on the web. There are a lot of good skills and keywords. Their task system is akin to skill chalkanges too, you might want to check it out for inspiration.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Considering the following rule:

Characters may move up to 4 times in a round at up to their base move speed. Doing so each time is a single action. Each move after the 1st adds 1D to the difficulty to hit the target. (instead of adding dice to blaster skill MFTAS will simply ignore movement associated targeting penalties)
This would generally offset most of the penalty for moving all out and dodging. (if I make 4 run actions and a dodge, I take 5 actions total for -4D, but because 4 of those were move actions I get +3D to dodge, meaning even running all out, I only lose 1D net), but still pretty much precludes any other actions (I'm taking a 4D penalty to any other skill roll I want to make)

Also considering turning partial dodges/parries/ into always beneficial (in part to avoid the ridiculous situation where you're better off not trying to parry a weapon that has a high difficulty.) Perhaps as partial dodge will only be 50% effective (half die roll, round down)

This will likely result in slightly higher average to-hit difficulty in any given situation, but I suspect it will be offset by a slightly higher attack skills from skill families and advantage/disadvantage system.
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Makes sense but it will increase the workload on the gm. Half penalties get crunchy when you factor in pips. A lot of mechanical consessions are made with the core rules, but they do make it simplet. I would keep in mind simplicity for cinematic gameplay.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd strictly do half-after roll. (or could do half the number of dice round down. So 6D - 7D+2 = 3D)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Considering using tactics to replace perception to determine initiative.
GM of Falling Star: D6 Star Wars Campaign Podcast
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will you choose an individual initiative order, or simply opposing side order. Individual initiative order really complicates the combat rules (well, not complicates, but they require a lot of rewriting)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

aegisflashfire wrote:
Considering using tactics to replace perception to determine initiative.

One concern I'd have with that is that it would really emphasize Tactics over other skills. I mean, I guess Dodge in this game is pretty much a prerequisite (at least I'd highly recommend it for most PCs), but to me I'd rather keep Tactics something that only some characters are really good at (like Thrawn). Combat is common enough that - if this change were made - I'd imagine most PCs would start boosting their Tactics skill.

Now if you were to have it where the appropriate Tactics could be used in lieu of Perception in space battles, that would make more sense to me.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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