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Besk'ar Armor
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
Wow too many D&D suggestions. How about ... the GM says ... it don't fit?

Because it's armor. You can ALWAYS find an armor smith who can work it. Can they work it proficiently, as would a Mando? Maybe. Will it cost the character out the @$$? You betcha. Will the character have the $$ to get it done? Depends; might be a plot hook (or several, depending on how they come across the credits to see it done).

Even ill-fitting armor can provide SOME resistance; so simply saying "It don't fit" doesn't necessarily cut it.

As for Boba the WEG material I've seen, or perhaps that mixed with comic material...I read that Fett killed Jodo Kast, who'd had a set of Mando armor VERY similar to Fett's own, and had been even taking contracts as though he WERE Fett. Boba killed him and took his armor. I don't have the stats in front of me, but I'd think that Fett's armor would have had better stats than Kasts's...but since Fett IS a Mando, he'd have the connections to get it not only custom-fitted to himself, but also improved to his own exacting standards.

I could easily see a Mando booby-trapping his armor, and providing either a certain family member (or several), or a brother-in-arms the means for disabling the traps so the armor could be collected for a next of kin, or other designated recipient.
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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not to argue or anything but I am sorry I just don't see someone booby trapping their armor. I mean seriously. It really seems like a munchkin kind of move. I don't think that special forces or Seal Team 6 guys are going around booby trapping their field armor. Just seems, sorta odd.
Don Diestler
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
Not to argue or anything but I am sorry I just don't see someone booby trapping their armor. I mean seriously. It really seems like a munchkin kind of move. I don't think that special forces or Seal Team 6 guys are going around booby trapping their field armor. Just seems, sorta odd.

It's kind of a different thing, IMO. Special Forces/Seals/Force Recon/ any other special operations kind of unit in today's military all have equipment that, for all intents and purposes, is somewhat readily available, if not on the black market.

Mandalorian armor, on the other hand, is RARE in the galaxy. Usually, it's custom-fitted to a specific individual, who is almost exclusively a member of a group of warriors who are very close-lipped about EVERYTHING about their culture, where outsiders are concerned. Although they consider themselves practically invincible, the intelligent part of their brain tells them they could possibly die. They figure they have a responsibility in death, as in life, to protect the Mando culture and way of life...especially their tech and everything surrounding beskar. . That would necessitate booby-trapping their armor so it doesn't fall into some outsider's hands.
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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again, I do not wish to be contrary but I do not think you will find an example of any Mandalorians doing what your suggesting. Even in the book about their culture written by Karen Travis, the authority on Mandalorians, there is no such example. I cannot think of a an example. Not in the comics, literature or media. In the end its up to the GM and the player. Again, it just doesn't make sense even for an item that is rare. Regardless of it being rare, its a tool and is used as such. It is something that the wearer must have absolute confidence in as well as easily use. The thing about booby traps is they work both ways. What if the owning Mandalorian screws up or a family member or close associate accidentally sets it off? A battle breaks and the Mandalorian needs to quickly put on his armor, oh wait, I have this semi-sophisticated doomsday booby trap I need to make sure is disabled before I put my armor on ... oh what there is a bad guy ... oh damn I been shot ... I am dead ... oh poop!.
Don Diestler
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think you're being contrary at all. You're saying what you think, as am I.

There might not be any examples out there of the booby-trap idea. Firstly, I'm not the one who mentioned it; I merely gave my opinion on why that *might* be feasible.

As for how it might backfire, I personally see it as ruling on Batman drawing an item, ANY item, from his Utility Belt. This is a piece of equipment with which he has drilled MERCILESSLY. He's trained with it, designed it, and knows it INTIMATELY. In game terms, this is an action for which no die roll is EVER required, because of his training with said item. I would rule that a Mando would never have to roll to successfully disarm a booby trap on his own armor, because most likely, he DESIGNED THE THING. It's his own invention, which makes him the resident expert. Even if he had to have an expert in explosives (or whatever medium) help him actually implement it, the individual warrior designed it himself, and therefore would be able to do it drunk, half asleep, and in the middle of a lightfight.
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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
What if the owning Mandalorian screws up or a family member or close associate accidentally sets it off? A battle breaks and the Mandalorian needs to quickly put on his armor, oh wait, I have this semi-sophisticated doomsday booby trap I need to make sure is disabled before I put my armor on ...

Ooo... good point.
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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about this one? Per the "damaged armor" rules R&E 95 there is an additional chance that whatever boobytrap would be set off. I mean if the armor is hit hard enough to cause it damage it is indeed possible that other stuff happens. In fact it makes perfect sense that if an armor has built-in stuff (macrobinoculars, comm system, etc) that if they are hit for a certain amount of damage the GM rolls for an affected system. Well, that boobytrap would be one of those systems.

Again, just making points that there is a reason that even in real life people do not do this. In fact think about it this, does anyone strap a bomb to their car to protect it from thieves? No.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:


Again, just making points that there is a reason that even in real life people do not do this. In fact think about it this, does anyone strap a bomb to their car to protect it from thieves? No

I agree with you on the we don't booby trap armor. However (and I'm playing Devil's advocate at least a little), I know first hand that bad guys will use body armor and equipment as bate for a booby trap.

From that, the armor may not have a self destruct (you car with a bomb as an antitheft tool), but it may have a nasty surprise for someone looting the body or steeling the armor. Do you trust that armor laying in the corner all nice and easy to pick up? Was it left there in a hurry or .... was it placed there on top of a pressure release trigger?

Plus, one of my favorite SciFi books is "Armor" and it revolves around a helmet of a powered armor suite that only the owner can wear. Anyone else gets their head crushed if they put the helmet on.

Of course, there are (and should be) ways to defeat the anti theft device. Make the player work for that armor ... did they roll high enough on their security & power armor repair skills ????? are you sure ???? do you want to CP that roll??? (especially if Harris is any where near) Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In my long-running supers campaign, it's been quite common for players with Iron Man-type armor to either design a booby trap, or have some other complex code that locks it down if someone else (like a hostile) commandeers it.

Not a 'realistic' example, I know, but...
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In all fairness, Mandalorians are not running around in Iron Man armor. They are running around in armor made or laced with a unique alloy. I think people keep forgetting this fact. It would be like someone placing a sophisticated security system in their nicest three piece suit.
Don Diestler
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can see the argument for not having a booby trap, at least, a deadly one. I could, however, see the owner putting in place some kind of immobilizing trap; not only would it provide the possibility of capturing the mook who tried to take it, it might also provide the owner the opportunity to turn the tables and relieve the would-be thief of his gear. Plus, there wouldn't be the chance of a run-in with local law enforcement because of a death.

Sure, there'd still be the chance of a misfire of the device, but at least it wouldn't be fatal to the owner.
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am laughing myself silly. Seriously. Just toss a car boot on the armor or a club and call it locked down =)
Don Diestler
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
I am laughing myself silly. Seriously. Just toss a car boot on the armor or a club and call it locked down =)

The CLUB!!!



This armor protected by VIPER. If you touch it, it will explode!!!

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally I think the trapped armor comes from the fact that most Mandelorian armor is not just the "steel", but all the gadgets that come on the inside (atmosphere, radar, explosives, etc, etc). So when your armor is worth more than most junk freighters... you might want to protect that asset Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Plus, boobytrapped armor may not be realistic, but this is Star Wars. I get regularly reminded that reality and Star Wars do not always go hand in hand, and this is no different.
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