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Monday Night - Google-+ Game
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:47 am    Post subject: Re: Akeyro Sarkin's Log Reply with quote

cfaulk13 wrote:

I Akeyro Sarkin, have decided it would be beneficial for me to begin chronicling my assignments with my comrades. ...

Upon landing, I decided to go pick up some hair care supplies, make up and other beauty products. I figured it would be useful for my Barber Shop that I hope to open once the Empire has fallen. That, and I would be able to do some disguises for my friends if need be with those supplies. ... .

When I arrived, a kind, young, aquatic looking woman helped me get my supplies and chatted with me. I think she winked at me a few times, I've really been getting luckily with the ladies lately. ...,

, but I think he'll warm up to the fact that he finally looks like he has some taste. He's my best friend and all but that man has no sense of style. ...

. Hopefully I can convince Elo to start waxing his head. He could use a bit of flare and I think Duros women like that? Hell if I know.

Shocked Very Happy Laughing

Toooo funny and it fits you two perfectly! It's great to have a look at the game from a different angle!

Oh by the way, welcome to the pit!
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, it's been awhile since I've posted in the Pit. When Akeyro feels ready, he'll talk about his near death experience on that ship. Also how he scored with those Zabrak girls at the track haha. That ego, and that style of his.
May the Schwartz be with you
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Baniss Locke

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:03 am    Post subject: Raye's After Action Report... (do we need a translator) Reply with quote

Awright geeezzaa! After Acshun Repawt:

Video Log: Unknown

This latest inciden' on da planet in sector (omitted) planet (omitted). It 'as come ter da notice ov certain individuals what we are now wan'ed blokes by da Empire. The boun'y placed on us is 20000 credits alive. When reviewin' da contract da person who put aaaht da contract is unknown. Since I 'ave been only one mission wiv da rest ov da indivduals listed; (omitted) i' is safe ter assume what i' was da freak wiv da lightwhip.
Gawdon Bennet! As per protocol wiv da assignmun's given. I'll be behind da group fer da next mission as an auxiliary unit. In case me slicin' capabilities are needed. I just 'ope no one blurts aaaht da fact we are wan'ed criminals. But, 'ey we are gon'a The Wheel. Casinos gamblin' an' gorgeous women. What could go wrong. OK?

Gawdon Bennet! The weapons I am bringin' ter da stashun are me stun grenade an' blaster pistol. I enjoy 'avin' most ov electronic equipmen' back in'er da state what i' was when I joined dis outfit. Mawer so ter da poin' when i was wiv deese guys. Thuff me experience in da field 'as gone up I wish ter do some work where I don't worry abaaaht someone blowin' up da damn ship.

Personal Note:

I don't feel sorry fer da circumstances I was put in'er. In retrospect I did what was necessary ter ensure what no one on da team was seriously injured awer taken alive. If me 'andler gives me @$$ chewin' because I may 'ave been overzealous i' was just because I used as a stress relief. Ever since Roosterbeega planet fngs 'ave never been da same. I get chills around deese inquisitors an' imperials, an' not da nawmal ones yew get from plastic boys. Like some evil comin' in an' 'ryin' ter take 'old ov me., innit.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see Raye's view added to the mix. (and to see you here on the Pit)

The more voices on the missions the better. I hate it sounding like the "Harris" show, so add in all you want to!

Have a good one & see you Monday
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:03 pm    Post subject: The Wheel cont. Reply with quote

We finalized our plan to capture the Imperial and I headed back to the Casino with Reedo. I was tasked with getting in good with the twi'lek female bartender, in hopes that I would be allowed to go take a drink to our mark. Reedo introduced me to her and it all went pretty well. She was pretty, despite lacking horns, and was quite friendly. I know that's part of the job description of a bartender but she seemed receptive to me which made the job easier. A mechanic ,Crale, that worked for the station came up to the bar shortly after I made friends with the bartender.We chatted for a while and it was all around quite pleasant. After a bit of time I got a call about our target leaving the casino, so I tipped the bartender and left the casino. Crale went with me, impressed by my eloquence and class no doubt. Turned out that he was a rebellion sympathizer and decided to join myself and my comrades. We found out that our mark was heading back to his hotel, Elo and I got a room so we could have a legitimate reason of being there and the others shortly followed. After some more planning, Crale and I went to go get a laundry cart so we could transport our target's unconscious body around the hotel with minimal suspect. Evidently the hotel employed Ugnaughts as some of their backroom workers. After a small bit of resistance that was staved off through a couple credits, Crale and I made it back to the room. Through some shenanigans that did not involve me on top of the naked bartender, we got our target. Unfortunately the heat were on us and we had to make a hasty escape back to the ship. Crale and the bartender went off first and eventually Crale caught back up with us, without the bartender. Hopefully he will be able to survive blue balls. When we got back to the ship, there was this damned bounty hunter and some of his pleasure droids. I really hate Bounty Hunters. He introduced himself as Crommie or some stupid name like that and proceeded to show how big his reproductive organs were by shooting at us with his Compensater Rifle. He got a good shot off on Harris, killed Torin and nearly killed Elo. The Hutt-Spawn got a shot off at me but it was impotent like the Bounty Hunter it came from. I made it to the cockpit and got us off the planet. Through some expert piloting and astrogation skills, I got us all out of there. I'm so glad my buddy Elo survived, without him things wouldn't be the same. But did he really have to get that outfit I got him ruined like that?
May the Schwartz be with you
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Addendum: The botched makeup job done on Whilkret had nothing to do with my beautician skills and I curse any who dare claim otherwise.
May the Schwartz be with you
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The plan continues to fall apart, but then … nope still falls apart

Harris hurries back to the ship for the 'war counsel' with his team mates and give them his idea on how to salvage the mission. On the surface it is simple enough.

First, the target may not actually remember Harris' faces (the planet they were on required a breath filter so at least part of Harris' face was covered.

Second, a simple holonet news search, plus what Harris remembers from ransacking the target's office and living quarters can give the team enough info to throw together a plausible story. (With this, Raye quickly goes to work getting the needed facts to base the team's lie on)

Third, Harris, as the team medic, needs to make two kinds of drugs. 1st something to make the target nauseous and need to go to the refreshor (2 doses of that). 2nd a drug to put the target on the edge of consciousness (3 doses). This way the first drug can be used to get the target into a more quiet area so the second drug can be used. Then the team can escort their 'stumbling drunk friend' out to their ship.

Harris will act as an Imperial trooper that had been in the target's unit some five or so years ago. The cover story to be that the target had corrected an award that ended up setting 'Pvt DeBeau - Harris newly assumed cover' up for success. For which now SFC DeBeau will want to thank the target and buy him a drink. Sadly, this will also require Harris to trust Akeyero to give him a good hair cut and shave so that he will look like an Imperial Army Non com who is on leave. A simple thing to do, that Akeyero almost fails.

Elo, will be the back up to Harris on spotting the target and delivering the second drug. Or if things don't work then follow the target so that someone else can deliver the extra dose of the first drug in the target's drink where ever he ends up.

Akeyero & Raye will be in the bar to deliver the first drug into the target's drink, and then run cover with floor security as the target is escorted back to the ship. That, or be the ones to deliver the drug into his drink where ever he goes.

Such an easy plan with a back up … However … the best laid plan (as we will soon see).

Everyone agrees to the plan, understands their part and think it will work. After this Harris goes off to buy the supplies he will need to cook the drugs (also using it as a chance to stock up on some good inexpensive cigars, scotch rum and other sundry things a SOF guy needs to be happy). Then Harris swings by the reception desk to set the plan in motion, Asking the receptionist to give Commander Whilkret a note that he (as DeBeau) owes the commander a friendly drink and where to find him. Unfortunately, the receptionist was cold and less than helpful (Harris thinking to himself, what should I expect, my bad luck and Murphy) but it is the best that can be done so Harris hopes for the best. Then he sets to work making the various drugs.

Once Harris has finished making the first drug and is close to being finished with the second, the others spread out to their places (except for Elo who will be carrying the second dose of the second drug). While Akeyero is at the bar chatting with (and leering at the Twi lek bartender) ends up striking up a conversation with a mechanic contracted to work on 'The Wheel'. (Fortunately, over time and reading between the lines in their conversation he is a Rebel sympathizer and wants to join the Rebellion and get off the space station. Yes it was the easiest/best way to quickly introduce him as a new player into our party). However, the new addition, Crale, also enjoyed the scenery of the bartender and the two slowly forgot their primary reason for being at the bar …

After some time (Harris was almost to the point of calling it quits and giving up ever having a chance at the target) the target, by random luck, walks past the bar. Harris' perception and focus on the mission allows him to see the commander in time to act. Harris jumps up hurries out the door and calls out to his 'old OIC'.

Commander Whilkret stops and turns and has a confused look on his face as he sees a smiling face headed toward him. A quick abridged story about a lowly trooper back in the 209th security battalion (a unit the Commander had be in 5 - 7 years ago) who's career had changed and improved after Whilkret had reworked an inadequate award packet. Unfortunately, he had no clue to who this SFC DeBeau was, but the story did sound convincing. As a good Commander, Whilkret smiles and nods for a few seconds and turns to leave, but the SFC, on the edge of being annoying, asks for the honor of buying one round as thanks. Remembering his duty as an officer to at times humor the lowly enlisted members who serve (or may serve again) under his leadership, Commander Whilkret agrees. The two go into the bar and order their preferred adult beverage.

Harris, keeping the conversation going about his newest posting in the 'White Omega' as one of the younger SFCs to serve as the security section leader. How it is all because of the packet Whilkret had corrected because of the 1SG's lax and lazy write up. The two drink their beverages and Harris happily shakes the commander's hand as he turns to leave.

Through this whole time the team members at the bar had been completely clueless … missing Harris's leaving the bar, returning with the target, and keeping the target sold on his story. They being too enthralled with their conversation and the looks of the bar tender. Luckily, Elo had noticed and kept his eye on the target as he left the bar. Harris hurries out of the bar to help Elo keep the target in site (and hoping against hope that the team members at the bar had in fact delivered the drug into the target's drink but he hadn't noticed it, or that the drug was just taking a little longer to hit the target than he had figured). He is finally able to get the rest of the team's attention letting them know that the plan had yet again gone sideways. The rest finally hurry out of the bar to start to keep track of the target.

Harris and Elo watch and the completely healthy Whilkret is met by a currier and 2 strong men/guards (though not official uniformed wheel security guarda). He then goes to the cashiers window and cashes out a large stack of chips and is then escorted out of the casino. The team spreads out and follows the target (Akeyero and his new friend, Crale, take the time to cash in the chips he had won the day before). He ends up at club called '43 below' named due to its location 43 levels below the 0 level of the space station. Elo, follows the target into the club (which turned out to be less seedy than Harris expected) while Harris and then Raye spread out to watch any exits from the club. Elo watches as the target gives a note to the bartender and then goes to the door behind the stage. The bartender nods to the bouncer who then kindly opens the door and lets the Commander go to the back room. Eventually Akeyero and his friend arrived and the friend, with his mechanic ties and contacts, pulls up the schematic of the club. Seeing that the only back entrance into the building was a supply drop off and tras pick up area Harris relaxes and the team all go into the club.

For the next hours the team blends into the club's crowd and watches the back door. Eventually, the bar tender boxes up more bottles to take back to the back room. Then after some more hours the door opens and 3 laughing smiling successful gamblers, including the target, come out of the back room followed by a disgruntled failed card player. As the 3 gamblers in a good mood belly up to the bar laughing as their 4th gambler is escorted from the club due to his attitude and annoyance at apparently loosing more than he should have, an unnoticed figure leaves the shadows of the club's wall and walks up to the commander (Even at this little glance we can see this guy is not to be trifled with, his physique and bearing let everyone know he isn't a push over and the fact that he was able to avoid us seeing him for the hours we had been in the club meant he had some street skills to boot). After delivering his message to the commander he leaves the bar.

Commander Whilkret, now a little less jovial, finishes his drink and then heads out of the club. We inturn follow him out, taking care to spread out and not be noticeable as people following a mark. The commander heads back to his hotel, nods to the receptionist and then head to the lifts. Elo, thinking quickly goes up and buys a room for the night. Akeyero then walks up to his Duro friend and makes a comment that leads the receptionist to leap to an inappropriate assumption … Harris uses her look to feed into a conversation that keeps her from putting 2 & 2 together on them all being 1 group and then buys a room for 3 days for him and his 2 other ship mates. Thanking the receptionist the rest of the party heads up to their room.

The team links up in the larger room and begins to plan (yet again). Raye with Crale's help slices into the hotel system. Find out the target's room and also find out that his eating and room service history is completely random, so noooooo using that as a cover. Raye then hacks into the hotel security and puts the cameras on the target's floor into a loop. The plan is now decided. Raye with the best security, will pick the lock and open the door. Harris with the best sneak will go in and deliver the second drug. Akeyero and Crale, who are using his maintenance credential to go down to the hotel's infrastructure level to grab a laundry cart, will push the captured target back to the team's room. Raye and Harris will sweep the room for anything that Rebel Intel can use.

After a bit of time enough for Harris to believe the target could shower, crawl into bed and fall asleep, the team heads out. Raye easily picks the lock and gets the door open. Harris hesitates before opening it to listen for any noise that would let them know the target was not asleep like Harris hoped. Hearing nothing out of place, Harris slides into the dark room. He is able to quietly navigate his way to the bed side and realizes … there are 2 bodies in the bed … Harris forces himself to relax, think, let his senses adjust to the dark room and then sense which body asleep on the bed was the bigger (therefore male, therefore the target). For once (in this accursed mission) luck is with him and he easily figures out which body is his target *** one of those feast or famine rolls Harris is famous for ***. He quietly leans over and delivers the drug.

The drowsy Imperial commander reacts, half awake he sets up and in his surprise curses. Harris swings to knock the target out (instead of waiting as the drug's effects slowly overwhelm the target) but misses *** now to the famine roll again***. Then before the target can get his feet under him, Harris jabs out and makes contact right on the button, knocking Whilkret out cold. However, by now the bed's second occupant is awake and screaming. Akeyero was the next to react and is on top of the form trying to cover her mouth and quiet her. However, his wandering hands find out she is in fact a she, a Twi lek and as nude as the day she was born. After a few seconds, he finally gets her mouth covered and quiets her. By now Raye and the other team member is in the room and shutting the door. Then on come the lights.

Of course Akeyero and his friend are paying attention to the nude hominoid standing there and as such they are the first to realize they know her … the bartender they had spent the early evening leering at and chatting up. After a bit, Akeyero remembers that he does in fact have some manners so offers her her cloths, but the two keep their eyes on her (just to make sure she doesn't try something funny I'm sure). Harris and Raye send this time to truss up and gage the unconscious target and get him ready to dump into the laundry cart. They then quickly sweep the room for anything valuable to the rebellion and also the commander's cloths.

Now what to do with the female Twi lek … knock her out, Harris frowns, stun her, Harris frowns even deeper at that, drug her like the commander and leave her there. Harris shrugs his shoulder at that and reaches for the second dose. However, she speaks up "Just take me with you, … Please …" The 4 look at each other and then her, no one can quickly argue why not to, so after she quickly dresses the whole party of them leave the room and head back to the party's room where Elo is nervously waiting and keeping an eye out.

A quick make up attempt by Akeyero (to help hid Commander's whilkret's identity) goes horribly wrong. What was meant to be a look like he had had a rough night and maybe took a hit in a bar fight ends up looking like someone that went 5 round with a rabid wookie. But, no time to fix it. The team's newest 2 members (the Twi lek and Crale) go down to the lobby first to make sure it is clear while Elo calls for a cab, Akeyero & Harris get ready to stumble along with the drunken and battered target, and Raye grabs the last of our gear. However …

In the lobby, the hotel manager, a Wheel security section leader and 3 armed and armored security troops are standing at the reception desk. The hotel manager looks up and see the two and yells "that's them, you to stay right there". The two sprint toward the door and a second later are calling the party to warn them. The three security troops are fast on their heels and take a chance at firing a few blast at them (hitting a pile of luggage and a few walls but nothing else). The rest of the party looks around the room, a back way out, nope, the lifts, nope they will be shut off and we'll be stuck in a box, soooo down the stairs. The 4, plus the drugged target, make it down the stairs and half way across the lobby before the security leader notices them and calls out (however, there were no other troops to chase). so the group makes it out into the crowds without issue. Quickly they get a transport tube and head toward their ship. Calling Crale on the way to set a link up. However, the Twi lek had been separated from him and there was no way to contact her.

The party now head off to the ship and are happy to see it, with Torrin and Reedo waiting at the ramp for the party. As the group heads across the landing bay, a blaster shot rings out and Torrin drops. A quick look to the side of the bay shows the party the figure from the club in heavy modified armor and a smoking heavy blaster rifle. Also 4 battle droids step out of the shadow. The new threat smiles and says something Harris isn't paying attention to, but he does here the Inquisitor's name, worth a lot of credits, and you can do this easy or hard. Harris isn't listening or caring. He is think only, get the mission over, get the target aboard and get out of here. Harris then pushes Raye away from Wilkret, nods at Akeyero (Raye and Akeyero had been carrying him) and the two take off. Crale pulls a hold out blaster and fires, which at this range is completely ineffective. The bounty hunter says that he isn't concerned with him (being new to the tem) so he should go. He then levels his rifle at the party one more time and fires. Raye, as he begins to run is knocked back to his heels but recovers and is now sprinting toward the ship. Elo and Crale are already off and running. Now the battle bots begin to move and spread out to keep the party from trying to run for an exit (and begin to fire at the party at random).

Now, with the fastest party members approaching the ship ramp, another blast leaps from the rifle and Harris is hit hard. He grunts grits his teeth and keep running with the weight of the target between him and Akeyero . Now Crale is aboard and running looking for the team's blaster carbines to begin to return fire. Raye grabs Torrin's now lifeless body and drags him up the ramp. Elo is headed up the ramp when Harris grits and hears another blaster report. He looks in horror as it passes just over his head and impacts on Elo's shoulder dropping him there into a twitching mass of Duro flesh. Now Harris and Akeyero are on the ramp, Harris pushes the target and Akeyero the rest of the way up the ramp and grabs the hurt and bleeding Elo to pull him up the ramp as someone hits the close button. Before the ramp fully closes one last blaster bolt slams into the edge of the ramp next to Harris' head, but the team (except for the twi lek ) is aboard and Akeyero is in the cockpit lifting off. Akeyero sees this newest bounty hunter now hunting the team (what we have now 2 veteran bounty hunters and 2 inquisitors hunting us) smile wave and blow him a kiss, then the flying turtle is up and away.

Immediately, space control is call for the ship to return and shut down, as the magnetic shielding begins to power up (trying to capture the ship before it is out of range. Akeyero is able to get the ship through the shielding with little damage (little if you count our long rang antenna being ripped off the ship). Now the ship's warning Claxton's go off warning Akeyero that tractor beams are begin to track on the fleeing ship. A few expert moves puts a luxury shuttle between the ship and the tractor beams allowing the team another chance to escape. Now 2 corvettes begin to rack toward our escape route as Akeyero begins to try and calculate the jump to hyperspace. Again expert flying by Akeyero leaves the team an opening to escape. However, one corvette's crew has its own experts and they somehow squeeze extra surprising speed out of their craft to cut off our escape. Akeyero again gets more out of the flying turtle than expected and then makes the jump into hyperspace. However, the jump isn't clean, something is wrong …

Mean while, Raye and Harris begin to work on Elo, who is soon stabilized, the two work on each other's less critical wounds. Harris then sets guard on the target, who slowly begins to recover from the drugs.

Soon the ship comes out of hyperspace, nowhere near where Akeyero expected, and the crew (Akeyero , Crale, and Raye) begin to categorize the damage, make repairs, and check to make sure the ship didn't have a tracking beacon. After 12ish hours, the repairs are complete, and the ship limps through the teams normal 3 micro jumps to hide it's trail and then a final jump back to the base.

Now to unload the captured commander, get professional medical help for Elo, and figure out w
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:21 pm    Post subject: Re: The Wheel cont. Reply with quote

cfaulk13 wrote:

.... Through some shenanigans that did not involve me on top of the naked bartender, we got our target. ...

cfaulk13 wrote:

The botched makeup job done on Whilkret had nothing to do with my beautician skills and I curse any who dare claim otherwise

Shocked Surprised Laughing

Are you sure about those 2 quotes Wink
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My personal record is entirely accurate and factual. Also, I need to check and make sure my "Gamera" designation of the side of the ship was not damaged.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I assume the "w" was supposed to be "wtf"?
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

or "why I haven't given Akeyro Sarkin all of my money because he is clearly the main character".
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After spending a few weeks recovering from the last mission - Elo getting a new arm to replace the one all but blown off by the bounty hunter at the end of our escape from the wheel, the rest of us supporting (read making fun of him in a completely friendly way) him and working to repair the damaged 'Flying Turtle' Crale taking the lead on the repairs - we were called into a conference room down the hall from the base CO's office. In the room stood the CO, the XO (A wookie scared from a fire and with a prosthetic jaw and computerized voice modulator which allows him to speak in common which we still find a little unsettling) and a new officer, the Rebel Intelligence Officer - a squid head - who has been assigned the mission to exploit the fruits of the team's recent missions.

First, the team was given various appropriate awards earned from our previous missions. However, these awards were sealed due to the classified nature of the missions. However, at the least Sgt Harris felt that the team was truly being noticed by command for all the dangers they have undertaken over the last few months.

Then, to the business of the day, another follow up mission resulting from the information from Commander Whilkret's family journals and then from the integration of the commander himself. Even with him there in the flesh, there are still holes in the information that rebel intel needs filled. The next best source for this information is felt to be the research material from the 'Hammer head' archeologist we had (with a significant misadventure and series of unfortunate events) broken out of the Inquisitor's prison.

What does this mean for the team, break into said prison and retrieve the research material … The thought of which causes half the team to grown and Raye even to bang his head on the desk a few times trying to banish the horrid memories that spring to mind at the mention of the prison. However, for once Rebel Intel has actually came through for us. We have an 'aerial' photograph of the prison and surrounding area - taken from a freighter as it passed by the moon prison in high orbit, a timing window for the flight that allows us to use the moon's rotation and alignment with the other 2 moons to mask us from sensors, an area that should be safe to land in close to an older abandoned section of the prison, and the Intel's belief that there will be an air intake and exchanger located somewhere in the abandoned prison. Additionally, the team will receive specialized training (2 team members to get demo training and 2 to be trained on industrial tools (a ramped up jack hammer). Harris and Akeyro jump at the chance to blow things up, Raye and Crale step up to receive the other training. Then we are asked if we have any questions or concerns.

Harris speaks up first, "Our ship, it's transponder is marked as being associated with either the rebellion or at the least with criminal activities. We'll be picked up the second we come out of hyper space". Momentary silence covers the room and then 2 options, use a new clean freighter, or switch out transponders. The team after reviewing the long list of damage to the beloved Turtle regretfully decide to use a different freighter. The team then puts together a list of equipment needs/wants, some of which Harris' supply friend will be able to fill some of which will take a little time.

The team then splits up, Harris and Akeyro gleefully playing with det cord, fuses and high explosives - a skill that Akeyro easily picks up, Raye and Crale going to learn how to mechanically make big rocks into little rocks, Reedo and Elo to begin to move the gear needed for the mission from supply & the team's beloved, but much abused, 'flying turtle' to the new freighter.

After the training and mission prep is over, the team makes an easy jump into hyper space and then after an uneventful flight back into real space. The team then finds themselves in the flight path to the Imperial supply station over which the Inquisitor's moon prison orbits. With a breath and hope for luck, the team puts the Rebel Intel plan to the test. The cover to get them into the area, the clean ship, and then the insertion window to avoid detection, all depend on the reliability of the Rebellion plan (which up to this point the team has come to doubt). However, this doubt, for once, was baseless. The team is able to make it into the system without raising any red flags, use the moons' shadows to mask their flight, and even find a place to touch down that at least partially covers their barrowed freighter.

As the team prepares the gear to disembark, Harris takes a good 10 - 15 min to check the landing site looking for any tracks or sign that the landing site isn't as safe as it first appeared. Finding only a few game trails and old sign of passage, He calls the party saying all clear, and makes mental notes on the sign so that he can check the landing site when they return (if times permits) to see if the landing site has been compromised. Once this is finished the team moves out.

However, no one is sure which building to check first. After a bit of whispered debate, the first building to search is picked. Reedo leads out, alert looking for ambush and Harris covers rear security and is almost as alert as Reedo in the point. The first building is searched and results in finding a collapsed lower floor with more debris than the team could hope to move. The team then moves toward the second building, but Harris hears something. The skitter of clawed feet from above them and behind them. A quick coms lets everyone know that the team isn't alone.

The second building is carefully searched, and the team hears echoes of hooting/chattering and a rhythmic thumping (making the team think of warning drums passing information through the 'abandoned' prison. However, Crale - having a helmet with coms link that the team 'acquired' when they last escaped the prison - checks to see if there is an alert in the Inquisitor's new section of the prison. Nothing out of the ordinary is heard, so the team moves on and finds an old iron door. The door is rusted and takes muscle to force, noisily, open. The screech of the rusted hinges causes more hooting and 'drumming' so the team hurries through the door and then puts their shoulder into the door to close and lock it. The team then finds a long winding stair case going down to the darkness below.

At the foot of the stairs there is a large open storage room full of old, time ravaged furniture left to rot and decay. At the far end of the room the wall is covered with new concrete. This leads to quick smiles from the team thinking their luck was continuing to improve (with them finding the area that will lead to the air intake. Raye and Crale quickly set to work with the excavator, trying to break a hole into the cemented wall. Reedo and Harris move back up the stairs to covered the door (hearing more of the hooting/chattering. Elo and Akyero cover the 2 working with the jack hammer.

Surprisingly quickly, the 2 working on the wall have a hole punched through it. Crale pulls off his breath mask to smell the air coming from the hole, Fresh and cool and breathable (with pressure blowing out of the hole). More proof that it is what they were looking for. This redoubles their effort to knock a bigger hole into the wall (avoiding using the high explosives in Akeyro and Harris' rucks due to the noise). Again, the hole expands faster than anyone expected. However, the team's luck was not holding …

On the stairs, Reedo & Harris see light glowing through the cracks around the above closed door, and hear more of the clawed feet skittering around the door. But, the call is made that the hole is big enough … Harris jogs down the stairs while Reedo covers the door. At the feet of the stairs Harris turns and clears Reedo to move. As Reedo runs, the door is torn from its frame! Two large wolf-like beast leap through the now open door snarling and bristling. They see Reedo below them and go silent and bound after him. Harris calmly lifts the blaster and fires at the lead wolfling, barley grazing it but forcing it to slow. Then as Reedo runs by sprinting toward the hole, Harris fires again, hitting the now lead wolfling in the hind quarters spinning it around. ( shot good enough to hurt the snarling beast, but not put it down completely). Harris then turns and runs to the hole.

Reedo makes it to the hole (the rest of the team had already wiggled through to safety on the other side) and turns to cover Harris - who feels the rapidly approaching wolfling right behind him. Reedo makes a shot into the dark (hoping to hit the wolfling and not Harris) but misses everything except the far wall. Harris makes it to the hole and leaps through, and turns to help his friend through after him. However, there is no time. The wolfling is on Reedo before he can make it into the hole. Reedo is able to dodge the snarling beast's first lunge and then move back to gain room to use his blaster. Before the beast can leap a second time, Reedo pulls the trigger. A second later, a heap of twitching wolfling lays at his feet. Reedo then jumps into the hole and is pulled through by Harris.

Harris and Reedo tell the team to turn off all the glow lights and be quiet, then set listening at the hole. Scuffled feet steps and whimpering followed by more hooting/chattering. Harris holds his breath and prepared to shoot whatever next comes through the hole, but noting appears. After a bit, whatever is on the other side of the hole retreats back toward the distant stairs.

The team then move off into what eventually becomes clear as being a cave/catacomb complex. As they move into the maze like complex Raye fires into the wall to mark their passage. Harris quickly stops that and uses a chunk of chalk like rock to more quietly mark the route the team takes. After an extended time (no one remembers to check their watch to keep track of the time) the team comes out into an open room with moist dripping walls and a pool. On the far side, a large 35 x 70 meter steel wall with 2 huge fans (30 meter diameter) set into the wall. Exactly what the team was looking for the air exchanger! However, the maintenance access door that they expected to find was not to be seen.

Now, what to do, throw a rock, noooo, wedge it with a boulder, again no, blast it, but the blasters are strong enough to dent it. Blow it with the explosives, that will be a bit loud … and sure to set of some type of security alarm. Again, push a boulder up into it …. As the debate goes on, Reedo eventually gets annoyed and tosses a rock completely through the fan … Sooooo time it and try and run through the slowish moving blades is possible ... Reedo watches the rotating blades and counts the timing off, then runs …

After his second step, his boot looses traction and he begins to stumble and twist. Luckily his twisting puts him at an angle with the descending fan blade that knocks him back out of the fan without doing any real damage to him *** Yes he rolled a Harris and had to blow CPs to soak the damage or he'd have been one squished …. **** But, even with the failed try, trying to run the gauntlet of the fan blades is still the best option. Crale, knowing that it will be critical that a maintenance expert be on the other side to slow the fan down so that the rest of the team can safely cross, steps up. Again, 3, 2, 1, and off he goes. Sadly, again, a misstep is made in the crossing and Crale goes down. However, unlike Reedo, he is able to trip turn and slide out the other side of the fan instead of being knocked backwards out the way he entered. *** Yes, he too rolled a Harris *** As the team gasped and then cheered to see him trip and fall out the other side, Elo chimes in and says it is all Karma for the 2 of them making fun of his new, slightly off colored in Elo's eyes, arm.

After a quick check to make sure he was still alive, Crale steps up to the fans' control panel … only to see a heavy duty security device on the controls. Someone that has the skills to break open a lock is needed. Harris turns and looks at Raye and smiles to say, 'You're up, … you ready .., the count is 3 seconds past when the blade crosses its apex, and watch the 2nd & 3rd step, it's slick'. Raye, grumbles about throwing rocks or using a bolder again, but after a second or 2 accepts his fate.

Raye is able to get the timing down and clear the slick spot on the fan's floor to make it clear to the other side. Now time to break open the lock. After a good 5 min, he is finally able to open it. Now time for Crale to work his magic. Click here, turn this knob to there and the fan slows down to a safer speed. Then the rest of the team, one after another, stumbles their way through the fan *** of the 4 of us remaining to go through the fan, all but 1 rolled low and had to use at least 1 CP to make it through even with the fans slowed down to a 'safe' speed.

The team now takes a breather to get ready for the real dangerous part of the mission, moving through an Inquisitor's prison …
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

Forgive all spelling errors.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lurker, awesome, totally awesome write-up. It reads great. In fact, if the actual adventure ran half as good as you wrote it up, then I was being very hard on myself the other night when I felt as though my game was not where I thought it should have been. As always, I hope everyone had plenty of times to shine, throw dice, add to the narrative and most of all have fun!

I am so very happy with my Monday night group. We have run quite a few adventures over the last few weeks and looks as though we will continue playing many more. After this adventure will have to see if I am running another one or if someone else is going to step in and run a side-trek.

Have to see what happens. Again, just a fantastic job!
Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep, another amazingly awesome write-up!

Awhile back, SWR gave us the following:

shootingwomprats wrote:
Akeyro Sarkin (iktochi): Rebel Alliance Freighter Captain
Elo Thannik (duros): Freelance Crewer: pilot/astrogator/techie
Harris Er-Geron (human): ‘SpecForce’ Medic
Raye Ode’nu, (human): Slicer
Reedo (rodian): Hired Gun

Any chance we could get a description of the new people?

I don't think there's ever been a group that has rolled so many 'Harris'' before! Wink
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only new character at this time is:

Crale Rayley: ex-Pirates Mate now working for the rebellion.
Don Diestler
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The D6 Podcast
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