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Monday Night - Google-+ Game
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great stuff, guys! And the demolition derby type race sounds like a great deal of fun, too! 8)
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rest & relaxation that was NOT either! Part 2

Ok, I have a little more time to write up a better 'write up' for the part 2 of the adventure. (I am using the excuse that I have to prep my classroom for the next 3 days of testing on the cadets. Anyone that knows me would know my class was ready before I left for Christmas break

Akeyero, Harris & Reedo, after some whispered comments between themselves, follow the smooth talking human towards the repulsor lifts. Akeyro, flush with wine and the two cutties on his shoulders and completely full of himself, was happily talking sponsorship and possible costs/profit margins, Harris - always cautious - reminding them they had a cargo to deliver in the near future (the whole thing was catching me off guard, and that was the best lie I could think of the get us away from this …) and Reedo - always impulsive - was happy to go along with what ever happened. However, things took a change once they were in the lift, sans the 2 cutties who to that point were attached to Akeyro by the strong lure of easy money.

Onas turns to the 3 and point blank says he knows we are part of the Rebellion, that there is a bounty out on them. It had just been announced 3 short hours ago. Also, he knew we were in need of repairs to our ship in order to leave the planet "Why else would you risk you lives in that derby!". Finally, he would help us repair our ship if we would help him … Harris was taken aback and speechless for a few moments. However, he and Akeyero started speaking over each other in an attempt to gain control of the situation. Unfortunately, both had different ideas on what the end result should be. Eventually Harris, so out of his depth on this and just wanting the team to quietly escape the planet, stepped back and gave his friend Akeyero the lead on this.

Onas, says he simply wants a good introduction to the Rebellion and to help them/us as an experienced spacer and smuggler. Also, he had contacts that would give us news on which sectors the Imperials were heavily patrolling and which were easier to sneak through. Furthermore, He said he had the material we need to fix our crippled ship. Eventually, despite Harris' whispered warnings, the team agrees. Onas says, "I have to sweep my ship to make sure it is still secure and no one is monitoring it. Meet me at landing platform 98 W in 45 minutes". Then he steps off the lift and is gone.

Harris, being Harris, has a bad feeling about the situation. As such, he goes to a landing platform overlooking Onas' ship and slinks into the shadow. First watching the platform below for anything to justify his caution and then watching the nearby landing platforms for any sign of an ambush. Reedo, being loyal to his new found friend, steps into the shadows behind Harris, watching his back and giving him the cover that Harris had provided during the derby. Akeyero, still thirsty and enamorious, head back to the post race party to sample a bit more wine, re attach the cutties to his shoulders, and acquire Harris a bottle of decent wine so he could pay off a couple of friendly favors that Harris had asked from the Rebel Base's supply Lt.

Harris and Reedo watched the below platform, seeing on older shuttle in the fore of the platform and an 'Interceptor' type ship on the aft of the platform (A platform large enough to land a full cruiser on, so these 2 smaller ships could easily fit with enough room for 1 more ship to spare). The only movement was a repair bot moving around under the 'Interceptor'. On the other platforms, they were either empty, or had freighters on them with the requisite droids moving boxes and freight to and fro. Nothing to make Harris' caution justified, but also nothing to lessen his caution!

Mean while on the team's 'turtle' ship (Sorry guys, I can't remember what we have named her). Raye, and Torrin, ran panting up the ships platform. Things had gone badly for them at the end of the race. Raye had been spotted by a team of bounty hunters and he, being the only team member at the time that knew they were wanted, got Torrin (our own bounty hunter) to follow him. A few failed attempts to lose the bounty hunters (one including Raye using a confetti bomb to distract the dogged bounty hunters) ended with the 2 team mates sprinting towards the repulsor lifts and dodging fire from the bounty hunters' only blaster armed member.

Torrin quickly searched the ship to see if anyone had snuck aboard during the race and Raye prepared his newel acquired reusable stun grenade to fire if anyone followed them up the ramp. Then the 2 sat silently in the shadows of the interior of their beloved turtle ship. 5, 10 15 minutes pass with nothing, then. "You, we know you are on there. Come out and we won't hurt you. We just need to talk" after that is repeated some 3 or 4 times the two then here "Fine, have it your way" and steps on the platform. Then zzzzzzip Boom as the stun grenade detonates. After a few seconds, the two began to head down the ramp to begin to loot (or disarm) the stunned and helpless bodies. However, they foolishly forgot to actually look at the bottom of the ramp to make sure it was clear. Unsurprisingly, it was not, the 4th, and blaster armed, bounty hunter had wisely let the three less armed peers go up the ramp as he stayed behind/below to give them cover. Needless to say, he quickly began to fire up at the two who just as quickly began to fire back down on the lone bounty hunter. After a tense few seconds of blaster bolts whizzing by, the bounty hunter was stunned and knocked unconscious. Raye and Torrin soon had the four bounty hunters aboard and stunned and helpless. They buttoned up the hatch and began to try and figure out what to do. Ideas from simply tying them up to throwing them off the landing platform (letting them fall the some odd 300 meters) were argued. *** Sadly, just then Sam had to drop out so Torrin switched from an active participant to a mindless NPC, which had unforeseen consequences on the party as you will soon see.

Just then, Harris called over the com link. Warning the two aboard the ship that there was a bounty out (Harris didn’t know they already knew so I had to role play it that way) for the team so they need to be careful and secure the ship. Raye answer that they knew the bounty was out for them and that they had already ran into a group of bounty hunters. However, everything was under control at the ship. Harris then briefed them on the possible assistance they could receive, but also his misgivings on the situation. He then asked Raye to prepare the ship for an emergency flight (as best as the stricken ship could fly at any rate) and to be ready to be a back up if the meeting with the smuggler went sideways. Harris then signed off and waited out the last 15 min until it was time for the meeting.

Sadly, over those 15 min, Raye decided there was no safe way for him to secure the bounty hunters (who had now been repeatedly shot with the blaster sat on stun. Sooooo, he then took the bounty hunters’ own vibro-knives, took the bounty hunters, and cut off their hands. Then seeing the mess as the bounty hunters began to bleed out he quickly attempted to use Harris’ med bag and first aid packs to stop the bleeding. Two of the bounty hunters were ‘lucky’ enough to have their stumps stop bleeding enough to save their lives. The other two continued to bleed inform of the now panicking slicer. Raye then decides to use the exhaust manifolds of the ship’s engine as it slowly coughed to life as a cauterizing tool. This, though brutal, saved the two bounty hunters lives. Then, after again stun blasting two bounty hunters, he decides to question (read beat) the reaming two bounty hunters. “Who sent you”, “where is your ship” “how did you find us”. Received answers like “No one, we saw your bounty” “We don’t have a ship, we live here” “We saw you after you bounty was transmitted”. Raye, didn’t believe the first one, so a bit more pistol whipping and then another round of stun blasts. The second conscious bounty hunter soon answered the same question the same was, so Raye was finally convinced and decided not to beat this handless bounty hunter, but he did stun blast him and his peers again for good measure. Eventually, Raye decided to attempt to clean up the mess, dispose of the hands and finish doing his best to prep the ship for flight.

Mean while, the time has come for the rest of the party to meet with their supposed benefactor. However, Harris still smelling a trap, decided that he and Reedo should stay in the over watch position while Akeyero made the meeting.

Akeyero boldly walked out on the platform, saw the two ships on it, and saw the smuggler in the shuttle wave at him to come over. The smuggler began to make polite ‘small talk’ and showed Akeyero the bottles of the compound needed to recoat and shied the rebel ship’s power supply. He motioned for him to come up and get them while he got the nav computer data about ‘less known’ routs. Akeyero happily complies and goes up the shuttles ramp.
The trap is sprung!

Before Harris could warn his friend no to go up the ramp or go in the shuttle, the ramp is up and the door slams shut. Harris spends a second cursing and then sprints to the repulsor lifts to head down to the platform with Reedo close on his heels.

The smuggler turns and laughs at the surprised Akeyero as the shuttles engines spin to life. He then begins to talk, “It is too bad that only one of you came aboard. Oh well I’ll still get partial payment ... You know, someone is willing to pay for you dead even if the bounty states alive only. I wonder who could want you dead that much, and have enough power to go over an Imperial bounty?”

Akeyero leaps at the ‘smuggler’ only to pass through the life like hologram. Realizing his predicament, Akeyero jumps to the flight controls to shut down the engines ... nothing. The controls have been overridden. He then runs franticly around the shuttle looking for ways to escape, as the now bodiless voice mocks him at every turn. “Get in the escape pod, no I’m still on the landing platform that wouldn’t work. Knock out a window, nothing to break it with. Open the ramp, no it is closed and locked”. Then something that might work, launch the escape pod, then brace the opening long enough so he can jump out! He pulls the escape pod eject and .... Nothing. The pod had been welded to the super structure of the shuttle!

By now, the shuttle has finished spinning to life and begins to lift off the platform. Just as Harris and Reedo get out on the platform. Harris sprints across the platform towards the interceptor left on the platform. Assuming that it is the real ship of the ‘smuggler’s’ and hoping to find away into it to turn off whatever control it had on the shuttle. However, and the two ran towards the ship, the repair bot working under it turned and warned them they did not have clearance to approach the ship and to turn away. Harris, more worried about his friend than a repair bot sprint on. However, this sprint ended when the robot dropped the tools it had and it’s right hand retracted to open a large bore blaster barrel!

Aboard the now rising shuttle, the bounty hunter told Akeyero that he would simply fly up to the outer edged of the planet’s atmosphere, then cut the shuttle’s engines and let gravity take care of the rest. Akeyero then blasted the holographic projector to silence the annoying voice. He then went to work saving his own life. Precious seconds few by as the shuttle climbed. Akeyero finally found the control box that had been spliced in to over ride all of the shuttle controls functions. However, poor luck *** Repeatedly rolled low rolls and 1s in the wild dice, Yes he was rolling Harris’ a lot, but not taking it as graceful as I tend to **** left him with a bloody hand, which hampered the rest of the attempts to rewire the controls and the realization that each and every function had been rewired one wire at a time. Soooooo no easy fix, a repair for every function of flight control had to be made. Cut splice twist cap, cut splice twist cap, rinse, repeat as needed.

On the landing platform, the ‘repair’ bot began to blast away at the two rebels. Luckily, both quick enough on their feet to remain unharmed. Then Harris fires back (amazingly before Reedo even draws his blaster) which focuses the combat droid’s further attacks on him. Harris yells at Reedo to go and find a way to open the Interceptor while he keeps “MR. Clanky” busy. More shots and more good dodges, but Harris’ hits do little to no damage to the blasted thing. Then ... a hit and Harris is stunned. Harris back petals more now (realizing how over my head I am in a 1 on 1 shoot out with just a regular little blaster) more pin pricks on “Mr. Clanky” and dodges by Harris. Then ... another hit and Harris is hit hard, but still in the fight.

Raye, hearing the combat over Harris’ com link decides to try and fly the turtle ship despite his inexperience at flying or driving any form of transportation. Luckily, he gets the stricken ship to lift up and slowly climb up (Key word is SLOWLY) toward Harris and Reedo.

Cut splice twist cap, that should do it, Akeyero jumps up into the pilot’s seat and grabs the flight controls and pushes down .... too energetically. The blue of the sky is replaced by brown of the planet and gleam of the recently departed landing platform. Then, the shuttle’s engines roar to full power. Sending the panicking rebel toward certain death *** Yes another poor roll with a 1 in the wild dice ***. Akeyero quickly corrects the fight path, just in time to keep from crashing into the landing platform. However, he realizes he has to rewire the thruster and engine controls and do it quickly (Before the shuttle impacts the protective dome/shield over the inhabited part of the planet). Now again, Cut splice twist cap ....

Harris, continues to blast away, and even hits it hard enough to blow off an arm! Sadly, not the arm firing big red bolts of death out, and avoiding more of its shots. But his wounds are begun to slow him down. Reedo, in the mean time has done everything he can to gain entry into the interceptor. To no avail. A cursed blaster shot at the control panel does little damage and has no effect, so time for him to take out his frustration on the robot blasting away at his new favorite Human friend. Heavy blaster in one hand, a spanner dropped by the robot in another Reedo turns and jumps into action. With super human/alien (well you get my point) he sprints and leaps in front of the combat robot, pours shot after shot into the robot, and finally blasts through the chest of the armored clanking monstrosity! Harris stumbles over to his comrade in arms and the tow silently try to figure out what to do next. Just as Raye brings the team’s ship in line to land on the platform. Reedo and Harris stumble out of the way and Raye touches the ship down. Harris immediately yells over the com link for Raye to grab his slicer gear and crack open the door to the interceptor! As Raye begins to run down the ramp, he sees just how banged up Harris is and grabs a first aid bag to toss to the two rebels on the platform. He then gets to work cracking open the bounty hunters ship.

Cut splice twist cap, Akeyero, still cursing his cut and bloody hand, his luck, and bounty hunters, jumps up to see the fast approaching edge of the shield dome. He again yanks on the flight controls to avoid crashing and begins to power back the shuttle’s engines. Amazingly, it worked ! he begins to fly the shuttle burning off the excessive speed the long full burn of the shuttles engines had built up.

Reedo, being quicker on his feet than his friend, grabbed the first aid kit and went to work, poorly went to work on the injured Harris. A good shot and speeder driver he might be, but a medic he isn’t! Harris, yells and curses his friend as he does more harm than good and wastes a med kit. Harris, through gritted teat, tells Reedo to go cover Raye incase the Interceptor ahs any more tricks like the discussed combat bot. Then Harris stumbles up the ramp to grab his precious med bag mumbling things about “physician heal thyself, because no one else knows what they are doing!” Then he notices the smeared blood, tracks it to the handless and repeatedly stunned bounty hunters ... A gasp, and forgetting about his wounds, he sets to work doing what he can on the four abused creatures lying on the floor.

Raye, slowly begins to crack his way into the interceptor, but then somehow sets off a flag in the ships security system. A heart beat later, he is turned and gone. Leaving a surprised Reedo standing alone on the landing platform. Raye runs on to the team ship, but Harris is too busy giving pain shots, starting Ivs, redressing and bandaging stumps to realize he isn’t alone.

Reedo turns to follow the now fled Raye shrugging his shoulders as to why the slicer would run away like he did just in time to watch Akeyero make a perfect landing between the Interceptor and the rebel’s Turtle ship. Akeyero, frustrated that no one on the team had helped him in his time of need see Reedo eyes wide in surprise and then smiling and waving up at the rebel he thought would be killed despite the team’s best efforts. This softens Akeyero’s wrath to a degree, but he still mutters about kicking Torrin in his ‘soft’ place just for being a bounty hunter, and then the engines, lights and all shuttle functions shut down. Fortunately, this mass shutdown included the platform locking mechanism which hisses pops and opens, freeing Akeyero for the oh so close death trap he had blundered into.

Akeyero grabs the two canisters needed to complete the ships repair and begins to leave the shuttle, then once his feet touch the landing platform he calmly puts the canisters down, yells and spins around unloading his blaster pistol into the interior of the shuttle. Once his pent up rage is released he again picks up the canisters, and heads toward his beloved turtle ship to begin the repairs. Reedo, being Reedo, watches all of the shrugs his shoulders, nods, and smiles as he follows Akeyero aboard their ship.

Both pass through the ship not noticing Harris quickly working at what he is best at, Raye mumbling unheard explanations, and 4 unconscious but tended to handless bounty hunters. Akeyero set to work making the repairs, knowing it is a slow and precise job and knowing Reedo’s impatience, and tells Reedo that he can handle it and doesn’t need help. Plus, he needs a little ‘alone time’ to get his anger under control. Reedo, again shrugs and sets of to see if Harris has finished giving himself first aid. He then notices the carnage and the tortured bounty hunters.

Reedo leaps across the commons area, where Harris had set up a hasty first aid station, throws Raye to the ground, and begins to pummel him. Raye, knowing he was truly in the wrong balls up and takes his beating. After 30 seconds, give or take, Reedo pulls out his blaster, shoots Raye in the leg and storms off. Harris moves over to work on the wound, but the look in his eyes tells Raye that he would be none too gentle as he did his job this time. Raye cursing under his breath grab the med kit and limps off to do his best and treat his wound.

The rebels then feel their ship shutter and shake as the interceptor lifts off, but having nothing that can do about it, settle into their own individual thoughts. Soon, about 30 minutes later, Akeyero comes out of the engine room hoping his repairs were sufficient to bring his beloved ship back to full life. He begins the pre flight checks and powers up the craft which hums happily to life. Then he, gives the warning to the crew that they were taking off and getting away from this cursed planet.

The flight had no issues (the crew brought up shields to full power to keep the electromagnetic anomalies from again stripping their ship’s power house shielding. They then begin their journey back to their base, making their normal multiple jumps to ensure no one followed them back to their base. However, on one of the last jumps, when they came out of real space, they received a prerecorded transmition from Dax Thorn (the real name of the bounty hunter who had nearly killed Akeyero) complementing them on being so resourceful, and warning them that next time he would not …

When the team arrived back to their Rebel base, they briefed the CO who was shocked to find he now had 4 handless bounty hunters to deal with. The rebel med staff on base said they could replace the hands with simple claws, but Reedo and Harris refused to accept that. They both gave the medics over 7k credits to pay for decent usable hands. Once the bounty hunters were set with working hands, they took them via generic freight hollers to an undisclosed neutral planet, gave them some basic equipment back, and 250 credit each. Then they both said to the effect that this wrong was not theirs and they would never do such a dishonorable thing, and this was all they could do to make the wrong as right as possible. The 4 agreed and understood, and said that they would not again hunt the party until 30 standard days had passed.

Now Harris, with a bottle of decent wine in hand head off to pay a favor or 3 back to his supply officer friend and tell her that if she ever has the chance to take R & R leave with his team … avoid it !!!! it is NOT relaxing or restful!

SWR, great write up, it's good to hear the story from another perspective! especially one form our derby! I boloed a few shots, but boy all & all we pulled of some amazing shots and driving!
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow! What a story! Some questions:

Is Raye a player character? Did he get Dark side points for chopping off the bounty hunters' hands?

What species are the character? I'm picturing Harris as a human, and Reedo as a Rodian. It might be nice to have somebody list what players are what characters (like Harris = lurker).

Great write-up; thanks so much for sharing it with us! 8)
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Akeyro Sarkin (iktochi): Rebel Alliance Freighter Captain
Elo Thannik (duros): Freelance Crewer: pilot/astrogator/techie
Harris Er-Geron (human): ‘SpecForce’ Medic
Raye Ode’nu, (human): Slicer
Reedo (rodian): Hired Gun

Raye is a player character and had been warned his actions would probably be worthy of a DSP. In my game I use a variation called Corruption. In fact because he is Force Sensitive I gave him 2 Corruption and the other who is not Force Sensitive was also given 1 Corruption.

If you would like to look at the Corruption Rules, click the link.
Don Diestler
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice! Thanks, swr!
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not a problem, let me know what you think of the Corruption rules. They will both be rolling vs their Corruption at the beginning of the next adventure.

Raye 3D+2 opposed roll 2D
Torin 2D+1 opposed roll 1D

0-3 ... Nothing happens (feelings of guilt, remorse, bad nightmares, etc).
4-8 ... Feelings of euphoria, delusions of grandeur, numb to consequences of actions, etc.
9-12 ... Roll 1 (m)inor personality trait (TotJ p.144).
13-15 .. Roll 1 (M)ajor Personality trait (TotJ p.144).
16+ ... Consumed by the Dark Side, roll 1 (M)ajor and 1 (m)inor personality trait (TotJ p.144).
Don Diestler
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Elo was absent this last mission as I'm his player and I ran the adventure.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What did Torin do to earn a dsp?

My computer failed late at night, so I missed the end (and Raye's excessive brutality).

Also, me = Torin Sunfell, human bounty hunter.
"I still wouldn't have a roll for it - but that's just how I roll."
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I may hav e been in error because I have no idea when you left. I blanketed you because I thought you had some part in it. If you did not, then no Corruption point for you Smile
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

right on. Thanks. I was a bit surprised to see what Raye had done. That's rather brutal.
"I still wouldn't have a roll for it - but that's just how I roll."
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dromdarr_Alark wrote:
right on. Thanks. I was a bit surprised to see what Raye had done. That's rather brutal.

Rgr that, they had to tell me to hush and mute my mike a few times because I kept saying "Noooooooooo, you can't do that! We ARE the good guys!!!"

Oh Yeah, SWR, I'm requesting rebel command send a good psych doc to work with Raye. Harris is assuming he is getting a bad case of PTSD, or is becoming unstable because of his 'death stick' habit from back in the day. Someone needs to help him get back to center and be more stable.
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, for those of you looking forward to my weekly updates, last night was a bust game wise. Due to sickness, work, etc etc etc, we only had 2 to 3 players last night. With that, no game ...

However, it wasn't a complete waste of time. We had a good BS session, and then had a couple of people pop in who had hadn't played d6. So we got to talk to them about how easy the game was, the flow and flavor of our game etc.

Now, 6 day until the game kicks off again!
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A mission that is more relaxing than our RnR (but one that is ohhhhhh so frustrating)

After a few weeks to recover from the misadventures on our R&R leave, and to make a few simple supply runs for our rebel base, we were called into the CO's office

He was flustered and his office was more cluttered than we had ever seen it before. (Thus, letting Harris know that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we are not aware of which bodes ill for the missions that will be headed our way in the future). We were given a hasty mission briefing and then hurried off to get the time critical mission going.

It sounds so simple from the briefing … "Remember Commander Wilkret (at which name Harris turns white, remembering the botched mission, cutting his hand and bleeding all over the commander's bed, and then having to shoot his - and the team's - way out from the commander, his security troops and an Inquisitor strong enough to hold a space shuttle stationary with the force). Intel has been poring through the family journals your team stole. They have come up with some good intel, but there are references in it that they can't crack. One mainly being 'the cloak'. Intel needs the info and the commander has it. You are to go and bring him backs ASAP. Fortunately, we have word he is at "The Wheel" taking some R&R so he will not be protected by his base's security and troops. Go there, grab him, and bring him back" (implying unharmed so intel can use him).

The team hurries of to grab their gear and start a simple kidnapping of an Imperial base commander. As Harris grabs the last few boxes of equipment 'set aside' by Sgt Sarghan – the supply sergeant he has became friends with over the last few months (the good wine finally paid off a bit), Elo pulls up all the info on 'The Wheel'. It boils down to being a large space station in neutral space that focuses on the drunken debauchery entertainment of the galaxy's peoples. It is known for being a gambling hub with over 100 casinos all focused on different forms of chance. Whether it is cards, dices, random chance machines, or sports and even gladiatorial combat (it isn't clear whether it is to defeat or to death, but Harris does not want to find that little fact out especially first hand) if you have the credits to risk there is a place somewhere on the "Wheel" for you to risk it. Furthermore, it is ran by a retired senator best known for his corruption and willingness to be bought. Finally there is the associated organized crime ring associates that supply the debauchery and drugs that give the space station its well earned “Sodom and Gomorrah” reputation.

All of this makes Harris a bit apprehensive. Though he did grow up in the shadow of good Corelian society, he NEVER considered gambling and all the other debauched pastimes that go along with gambling as worth his time. However, on the up side for the mission, though the station his predominantly human, it by no means is xenophobic and sentient species, as long as they have the credits to spend and gamble with, are welcome on the station. This meant that at least the whole team would be fairly free to move throughout the station, especially … who continually bragged about his skill at cards. As for having credits to spend, we were released 20k credits to fund our cover and our mission. So at least Harris wouldn’t have to be to one at the sabacc table putting his famous bad luck to the test!

For once, the flight goes without issues and the team arrives at the station with no problem (except having 2 of the team members not in the game and only have at best a nucleus of a plan to go with). The team elects to buy a privet docking station (knowing that they will have to somehow get the Imperial Commander aboard and will need to have as few prying eyes as possible). The team then disembarks and goes their separate ways to gain needed intelligence.

For the next 6ish hours the team works at different angles trying to find their target, figure out how to grab him, get intel on the station (wait staff, security, schedules etc etc etc) and work out a more solid plan. Luckily, Reedo makes a friend with a bar tender who will be an asset in the future (up to a point). Elo does find out the commander is on the station and using his name instead of an alias. Akeyro gets a chance to buy items that will help if we need to disguise someone. He then notices Elo, in his normal flight engineer’s coveralls and forcibly takes him to buy some appropriate cloths. Then Akeyro takes some time to et his face seen around the card table (winning enough to double the 500 credits he started gambling with). Sadly, Harris, no matter what he tried to do to find a weakness in security or even trying for something as simple as getting a change of clothes to fit in with the wait staff or other casino workers, has no luck. I see that the security is tight and triple checked, staff are watched like a hawk and without security badges and proper IDs they do not come close to the customers. For Harris to be successful he needs to steal the wait staff clothing, forge an ID and get a real security scan card. All of which are well outside of any of his skills.

Harris, with slumped shoulders, begins to head back toward the teams ship, knowing that all in all they did not have enough information to have even a chance at success. Cursing the fact that the team's slicer and bounty hunter were both MIA. Any idea Harris had hinged on slicing the computer, defeating security, and conning any number of people, all of which none of the current team members had significant skills in. He might be able to handle the conning, but the fact that the last time that he had seen Commander Wilkret he had been doing his level best to shoot him (and his Inquisitor friend) while the commander yelled for security and watched as the Inquisitor whipped aside the blaster bolts. The fact that they could not stop Harris from jumping aboard the stolen shuttle and then watch the shuttle blast away at the base's ATC tower was sure to keep Harris' face in the commander's most hated memories. None of which made Harris a good choice at conning the commander.

However, as Harris returned to the ship an idea began to brew, it still required slicing, conning etc, but at a lower risk that the other plans … By the time he made it back to the ship, he wasn't in a good mood by any means, but he had hope that there was a fighting chance to succeed.
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

Forgive all spelling errors.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:49 am    Post subject: Akeyro Sarkin's Log Reply with quote

I Akeyro Sarkin, have decided it would be beneficial for me to begin chronicling my assignments with my comrades. The debacle of trying to get some RnR has given me a hatred of Bounty Hunters and that planet in general. Maybe I'll go back and write about that when it's not so fresh in my mind. Anyway, my comrades and I have landed on the station referred to as "The Wheel". Honestly it's kind of a lame name but hey, there is a lot of money flowing here so what do I know. Upon landing, I decided to go pick up some hair care supplies, make up and other beauty products. I figured it would be useful for my Barber Shop that I hope to open once the Empire has fallen. That, and I would be able to do some disguises for my friends if need be with those supplies. Luckily my best friend Elo was able to point me in the right direction. I made sure to be dressed to the nine's to be able to fit in with the local populous more. When I arrived, a kind, young, aquatic looking woman helped me get my supplies and chatted with me. I think she winked at me a few times, I've really been getting luckily with the ladies lately. After getting my supplies, I met with my friends and formulated a plan to kidnap our target. After we chose our plan, I decided to take Elo to get some better clothes so he wouldn't stick out so much. I took him to a nice boutique and helped him pick out some stylish clothes. He wasn't too fond of the clothes, but I think he'll warm up to the fact that he finally looks like he has some taste. He's my best friend and all but that man has no sense of style. Anyway, after that it was decided to have me be the one to get into the Sabacc scene in the most high-end casino. I spent about an hour at the table, doubled my money and I think successfully networked with the people I played with. They seem like nice guys and this has been really fun for me so far. Hopefully I can convince Elo to start waxing his head. He could use a bit of flare and I think Duros women like that? Hell if I know.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great stuff, both of you! And welcome, cfaulk13! Very Happy
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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