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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14292 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:59 pm Post subject: |
I've actually found its rare a DM who actually uses that rule for missiles.. _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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Methedor Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 24 Sep 2012 Posts: 110 Location: Zeltros
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:24 pm Post subject: |
shootingwomprats wrote: | Thing about missiles is that they almost NEVER hit. a typical starship moves at 6+ (yes there are those at 5 or lower but not many). Even an ISD moves at 6 and a TIE fighter at 10.
If you refer to R&E p.127 "Missiles, Bombs and Proton Torpedoes" you will see that a ship traveling at 5 increases difficulty +15 and 6 to +20. Making the average Difficulty to even hit another ship at Easy: 23 (8+15), 28 (13+15), Moderate: 28 (13+15), 33 (13+20), and Difficult: 31 (18+15), 38 (18+20).
These base numbers make it nearly impossible to hit anything with missile weapons. Take into account that its a single use weapon, meaning it does not keep trying to acquire target after it is fired. So there are some serious issues to be considered besides "can I shoot a missile down". |
I thought the difficulty increase was to hit (shoot) the missle based on realative speeds not target a moving object. Have I miss interpreted the rule all this time? |
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shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:14 pm Post subject: |
R&E, p.127 "Their difficulty numbers are modified by how fast the target is moving." _________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |
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shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

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Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:26 pm Post subject: |
I personally think that missile weapons need to be revamped. _________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |
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atgxtg Rear Admiral

Joined: 22 Mar 2009 Posts: 2460
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:35 pm Post subject: |
I don't have a problem with the increased difficulties for moving targets.
Scaling modifiers usually offset the increased difficulty for hitting a moving capital ship, and ion guns, combat damage and maneuvering tend to slow down the starfighters. In our campaigns we've seen quite a few fighters that are dead in space eat a pair of missiles.
I'm not sure if the modifier should apply to "dogfight" missiles though. |
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Naaman Vice Admiral

Joined: 29 Jul 2011 Posts: 3190
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:36 pm Post subject: |
Seems like a house rule for missile lock is in order. |
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Naaman Vice Admiral

Joined: 29 Jul 2011 Posts: 3190
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:08 pm Post subject: |
So how about this: an attacker may attempt to establish misile lock by making a scanners roll. He may add the weapon system's fire control dice to the roll. The defender opposes with a piloting roll (I'm thinking this will be an additional action, not a reaction). If the attacker wins, missile lock is established.
Once fired, a missile with a good lock will continue to pursue its target for x number of rounds. Missiles have a maneuverability of (y) dice and may add their fire control to their roll. A missile travels at a speed of 16 space units.
Let x = some number depending on the weapon.
Let y = some other number depending on the weapon and GMs preferences.
Discuss! |
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shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

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Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:35 am Post subject: |
One thing I will point out about the weapon lock, for a person to shake it I think would require a full dodge, not a reactive dodge. Sensor Ops + Fire Control resisted by Range or Full Dodge. Target lock requires two successful lock rolls over the course of two turns. At the end of the second turn the missile launches.
At this time it becomes a separate piece on the board. That is, if its a line of sight or homing missile. If it is a remote targeting missile then the operators skill is used.
Since the missile only needs to chase the target and get close enough I suggest using ramming rules.
Treat the missile as moving at a set speed so that Terrain factors can easily be calculated. Give it a speed, Maneuverability die code, and a piloting dice code. I would set its initiative at a static amount, say 20.
Now you must decide does it ram and blow up or does it explode by proximity. I have not figured all of this out as of yet, but I am leaning towards using a modified version of the ramming rules and grenade rules.
These mechanics can be used quite easily to model missiles. _________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |
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Naaman Vice Admiral

Joined: 29 Jul 2011 Posts: 3190
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:27 am Post subject: |
Very nice! Requiring full dodge, though, would mean you'd have to "know" when your opponent was going to shoot. Maybe, if its going to be two rounds to establish lock, only require the second one to be full dodge. |
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shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

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Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:29 am Post subject: |
In the movies when you see a plane being locked on to, they do nothing but attempt to break the lock. To me this is definitely more a full dodge then reactive. _________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |
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entropy Lieutenant

Joined: 13 Jul 2005 Posts: 81 Location: Wisconsin
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:05 pm Post subject: dodging tracking missiles |
I don't think I've seen it used, but Pirates and Privateers p47 has stats for "smart" and "savant" missiles which use a droid brain to continue tracking a target on a miss (or presumably when firing at something beyond long range).
There's a little more detail in the second edition of the Imperial Sourcebook on p122 for the PLX-2 portable missile launcher. This is character scale, but it wouldn't be much of a stretch to use these rules on starships. Either way, though, at 4D tracking, the missile is going to need to be very lucky or aiming for something that can't dodge effectively.
There was some discussion earlier about shooting down missiles. I'm pretty sure RAW doesn't allow for that unless:
a. the first attack roll missed, and the missile can re-acquire a target
b. the missile is being fired at a longer range than its speed per round
Most missiles aren't capable of these options, though.
For house rules, my 2 credits:
Acquiring missile lock before firing is a separate action. Firing must be done by the same entity (Han can't get the lock and have Chewie fire, even if they both can control the same weapon). If the target takes an action after missile lock is acquired, but before the missile is fired, he may declare a full action (not a reaction) to avoid missile lock with whatever skill he uses to dodge.
If no missile lock is achieved, but the initial attack roll misses by 10 or less, a smart missile gets a lock.
Missiles can continue to track their target for a set number of rounds (I'm thinking 10) by rolling their fire control as a normal attack. If this misses by more than 10, the target is lost. Make this roll every round, even if not in range, to find out if the missile loses it's target.
As far as shooting down an incoming missile:
Missiles cannot be shot down the round they're fired unless:
a. the missile is slow enough that it won't hit the target in 1 round, or
b. the target declared an action (not a reaction) to fire on the missile before the missile was launched. He could have guessed at the tactic, or sensors could have detected missile lock.
Additionally, the missile must be within the target's firing arc at some point in the round. I would probably set a to-hit difficulty based on the size and speed of the missile, maybe in the 25-35 range. A dodge roll for the missile doesn't make sense, but it's not going to be an easy shot. |
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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14292 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:50 pm Post subject: |
shootingwomprats wrote: | I personally think that missile weapons need to be revamped. |
To be honest with their short as heck range (even at long, most other weapons are at short or barely into medium), and that speed mod (If the dm actually RUNS it with the rule as written), its rare as heck to see anyone take them. They are not worth it.
shootingwomprats wrote: | One thing I will point out about the weapon lock, for a person to shake it I think would require a full dodge, not a reactive dodge. Sensor Ops + Fire Control resisted by Range or Full Dodge. Target lock requires two successful lock rolls over the course of two turns. At the end of the second turn the missile launches.
I like this rule.. but i might add in sensor jamming/ECM effects into the 'dodge roll' to get out of a sensor lock.
shootingwomprats wrote: |
Now you must decide does it ram and blow up or does it explode by proximity. I have not figured all of this out as of yet, but I am leaning towards using a modified version of the ramming rules and grenade rules.
These mechanics can be used quite easily to model missiles. |
From most every novel i have read, they can be set for either impact, or prox detonation. _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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Naaman Vice Admiral

Joined: 29 Jul 2011 Posts: 3190
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:28 pm Post subject: |
shootingwomprats wrote: | In the movies when you see a plane being locked on to, they do nothing but attempt to break the lock. To me this is definitely more a full dodge then reactive. |
Yes, which is why Id say the second one should be full dodge, or else you'd have to give te defender "notice" so that he can declare a full dodge on his next turn. If full dodge is required immediately, since his turn already passed, he can't full dodge, thus guaranteeing missile lock, or at least rendering the first round of rolls a mere formality with no actual effect on the final outcome. |
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Esoomian High Admiral

Joined: 29 Oct 2003 Posts: 6207 Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:19 pm Post subject: |
In the novels I have read the dogfighting and the like acted as a dodge when attempting to get a missile lock. Just because it isn't your shot they're dodging doesn't mean they're moving any less erratically or more predictably. That said I remember one novel where the target was being chased and could choose to either keep dodging to prevent missile lock or fly nice and steady in order to make the jump to light speed so I think their definitely should be some sort of cost to shaking missile lock but I think any dodge being made (for whatever reason) should still make it harder for someone to get a lock on them. _________________ Don't waste money on expensive binoculars.
Simply stand closer to the object you wish to view. |
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atgxtg Rear Admiral

Joined: 22 Mar 2009 Posts: 2460
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:07 am Post subject: |
I don't think the defender should hHAVE to do a full dodge. I think the reason why the characters do so is becuase a missle hit on a starfighter is pretty much an autokill and a full dodgeit is far more likely to succeed than a reaction dodge. |
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