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Looking for a Template - Heavy Gunner
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again that is assuming the DM allows you just to purchase things from the books with out thought to what they are. Anyone imo wanting to get coyonite armor has to
A) locate a coyonite,
B) Challenge him to hand to hand combat

I agree, you need a backstory reason that will have in game ramifications to have coynite armor. However, I'm a sneaky GM and if my character wants Coynite armor and doesn't specify how they got it in their back story then I'll be happy to create a situation to further the adventure based off your possession of coynite armor.

Slight correction. Most machine gunners of heavy weapons use either a kneeling position, or sitting position. Prone is for using medium machine guns or rifles with a bipod.

I was thinking of the Browning M2 when I wrote this, but even a SAW or a 1919 tend to be built to use a tripod or bipod. All of these guns can be fired from the shoulder on the move, but they aren't built for that. If you'e got the opportunity to plan the attack a "Heavy Weapons Guy" would be in a defensible position with excellent cover where he has a field of fire that covers a majority of the battlefield.

However, most games tend to play out more like the movie Commando. It's fun, it's exciting and reality takes a backseat, as it should.

That's assuming the DM allows you to set up a customized template. Also that set up has used 13d+2 of the pc's starting dice allocation, so his mech, tech and know will be something like 1d+1, 1d and 2d.

Yup. And it makes you heavily specialized as a ground combatant. You'll be the ultimate ground combat munchkin power-gamer. Which in turn makes it very expensive to improve your ground combat skills. The system balances itself, which is pretty cool.

However, when I'm a player and my GM doesn't know the game as well as I do I tend to exploit every loophole I can find.

My only barabel character had these stats:


I used two starting skill dice to boost his Blaster Repair to 2D and his starship gunnery to 3D and the rest went to sneak, search and combat skills. One of the most fun characters I ever played.

I killed a fellow PC by hitting him with my tail because he had finally annoyed my character too much. I didn't mean to kill him, and I did everything I could to save him with my 1D of First Aid...

The obnoxious part of the story is that I used up four character points in two First Aid rolls and got him to a hospital and into a bacta tank. The NPC doctor announced he was stabilized and should be fine in a week at the end of the adventure. Unbeknownst to me, between adventures the other player decided he wanted to try a new character. I walk into the next session and find out I did kill him. I'm still annoyed by that. I may powergame and munchkin like crazy when I do character creation, but I also get into the role. So for the rest of the game my character was depressed during most of his free time for killing his friend.

Ral_Brelt, I agree. I like to scale my adventures to fit my players. the only problem I have is when one of the characters in the adventure is a min-maxing powergamer (like me) and everyone else is average. It makes it challenging to balance combat situations for the group.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, if you want a horribly unbalanced, min-maxable alien race that is just not fair to play against, make an Ewok.

Home Planet: Forest Moon of Endor
Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Skill Bonus: At the time the character is created only, the
character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the hide, search
and sneak skills.

Skill Limits: Beginning characters may not place any skill
dice in any vehicle (other than glider) or starship operations
or repair skills.
Smell: Ewoks have a highly developed sense of smell, getting
a +1D bonus to their search skill when tracking by scent.
This ability may not be improved.
Story Factors:
Protectiveness: Most human adults will feel unusually
protective of Ewoks, wanting to protect them like young
children. Because of this, Humans can also be very
condescending to Ewoks. Ewoks, however, are mature and
inquisitive - and unusually tolerant of the Human attitude.
Move: 7/9
Size: 1 meter tall

My Ewok character had 4D+2 in PER & DEX. Then I abused this special ability:

Skill Bonus: At the time the character is created only, the
character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the hide, search
and sneak skills.

So six of my starting skill dice went to Hide, search and sneak, which made my starting perception stat look like this:

PER 4D+2
Hide 8D+2
Search 8D+2
Sneak 8D+2

I was known as the Ewok Ninja.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kytross wrote:
Again that is assuming the DM allows you just to purchase things from the books with out thought to what they are. Anyone imo wanting to get coyonite armor has to
A) locate a coyonite,
B) Challenge him to hand to hand combat

I agree, you need a backstory reason that will have in game ramifications to have coynite armor. However, I'm a sneaky GM and if my character wants Coynite armor and doesn't specify how they got it in their back story then I'll be happy to create a situation to further the adventure based off your possession of coynite armor.

Yup. I remember one pc who scavenged them off a dead coyonite's hide after finding a battle site before anyone else.. Several months later he is on planet and comes face to face with 8 coyonites ALL asking him (in their language) what his liniage is (ie who he fought, when etc) to prove he 'earned the right to the armor. When he failed to even succeed on the language roll to figure out what they were saying combat ensued.
Kytross wrote:

Yup. And it makes you heavily specialized as a ground combatant. You'll be the ultimate ground combat munchkin power-gamer. Which in turn makes it very expensive to improve your ground combat skills. The system balances itself, which is pretty cool.

In some respects yes. BUt the level of enemy skill the DM needs to toss at this one pc to provide a challenge for him will more than likely kill the others, unless he goes "All softy softy" and only has them target just the HWS..

Kytross wrote:

the only problem I have is when one of the characters in the adventure is a min-maxing powergamer (like me) and everyone else is average. It makes it challenging to balance combat situations for the group.

One of the most obvious instances of that "One munchkin" ruining it for the rest is when i had a home game and i was new to being a DM for SW. I didn't have a good enough grasp on the force rules, and he 'levelled' in his powers quickly to the point i had to compensate by tossing so many enemies at the group just so he would not 'wipe the floor with them, the others felt so 'ground down', we almost had a player revolt on my hands..
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of the most obvious instances of that "One munchkin" ruining it for the rest is when i had a home game and i was new to being a DM for SW. I didn't have a good enough grasp on the force rules, and he 'levelled' in his powers quickly to the point i had to compensate by tossing so many enemies at the group just so he would not 'wipe the floor with them, the others felt so 'ground down', we almost had a player revolt on my hands..

This has happened to me, both as a player and as a GM. One of the best ways I found to handle this as a GM is by throwing the group into situations where the munchkin is not proficient. In this case space combat or chase scenes. When I'm writing out the scenes for the adventure I try to give each character the spotlight once. The Munchkin only gets to use his ground combat proficiency once an adventure and when he does I let him glory in it. Called shots, taking on a dozen mook pirates by himself and just being a whirling dervish of destruction, ending with a one-on-one boss fight with the big bad's dragon. Or something similar.

As a player I often found reasons to separate myself from the rest of the group during ground combat so it's easier on the GM. At least with new GMs, or GMs that are new to me. I've got one of my oldest friends running the group I'm in now and he's nothing short of amazing at balancing group encounters so all of us have something to do.

Next SW game I play in I'm definitely making a munchkin pilot. Probably a Duros. Someone who is barely competent outside of the cockpit and nothing short of amazing inside the cockpit. So Wash from Firefly.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fun discussion. We've got a Barabel in our group right now, and he's the most powerful in ground combat (him and the Jedi). When we get to space, though, he sucks.

Ral_Brelt wrote:
Maybe their group plays an OP campaign. He may be making this new char to hop in with 60 to 80 cp chars.

Just curious about what everyone else's experience is with this. Is 60-80 Character Points a lot for characters?

Our campaign is just over a year old, we only play once a month, and most of my characters have around 100 CPs. Of course, some of those have been spent to stay alive, or to improve skills.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That all depends on how often you play. Take my current pc in sparks.
Currently i have earned around 1000cp or so for this character in game.. but when i play 8 slots a convention, 2 times a year + other CP awards (author a module gets you 10, edit gets you 9, each slot gm'ed gets 1) those all add up as well.
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That was a from the cuff number, with a bit of decade plus old memory. In short I've no idea if that's powerful or whatnot, just where I recall my crew being and we were all very good at what we did. My pilot would intentionally make things harder on himself to show off often.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been researching this topic. What I have found.

D6. The only thing official that comes close is the SpecForce Heavy Weapons template from Rules of Engagement.

D20. I have found no single class that encompasses the build you want. I have found 1-2 builds that get you a kickass character that uses heavy weapons. I believe both of these required at least 8th level.

Other: I did see some write-ups of different troops from during the Clone Wars, referencing quite often Shocktroopers. This information was not game related in any way and was taken from sources such as: the animated series, video games and the like.

I know that others probably have greater knowledge of the game and a better memory as well, but in all my time, I have never seen an official template as you suggest.

With that being said, I am sure there are advanced NPCs or "wish" characters that people have posted. If so, please keep in mind that these are advanced characters and do not represent a starting template.

Now with all this information, I am still a bit confused. If your GM will allow a template, no matter is source (as I already stated, it does not exist as an official template) then why not just go and make the template and be done with it?

Human, male
DEXTERITY 4D: Blaster, Blaster Artillery, Dodge, Grenade, Melee Combat *, Thrown Weapons
KNOWLEDGE 2D+1: Intimidation, Survival, Tactics
MECHANICAL 2D: Repulsorlift Ops
PERCEPTION 3D+2: Command, Hide, Search, Sneak
STRENGTH 3D+1: Brawling **, Stamina, Swimming
TECHNICAL 2D+2: Armour Repair, Blaster Repair, First Aid, Security

* in my games I combine melee combat and melee parry into one skill
** in my games I combine brawling and brawling parry into one skill

Suggested Specializations: Blaster: heavy rotary blaster, Thrown Weapons: grenades, Blaster Repair: heavy blaster weapons

Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D, 3-7/25/50), heavy rotary blaster with energy backpack (4D speeder scale [6D character], 3-25/50/200, cannot effectively be shot if moving faster than cautious [-1D Cruising, -2D High Speed]), (2) fragmentation grenades (R: 3-7/20/10, BR: 0-2/4/6/10, D: 5D/4D/3D/2D, (1) smoke grenade (3-7/20/40, treat as very thick smoke [R&E93] in a 10m area, lasts 2-6 rounds), (1) thermal detonator (R: 3-4/7/12, BR: 0-2/8/12/20, D: 10D/8D/5D/2D), commlink (50k), commando armor (+2D vs energy, +2 vs physical, comes with many pockets).

Heavy Rotary Blaster Hip Mount and Sling: +2D stabilization bonus.

There you go. One, uber, combat crazy, OP template I would never let a player in my game ever have. But it's yours.
Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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