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Esoomian High Admiral

Joined: 29 Oct 2003 Posts: 6207 Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:43 pm Post subject: |
Tiny follows helping where he can. _________________ Don't waste money on expensive binoculars.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:35 am Post subject: |
The Duo go about on a walk, looking for deadwood to use as firewood. after about 20 minutes they find a large downed tree. With the assistance of Rownn, they cut out a notch to allow Tiny to put it under his arm and help drag it back to the campsite. Once returned Rownn moves to start cutting the tree with his saber when Saba says <<Only cut off enough to star the fire, we can use this as part of your training.>>
Rownn does as asked and Saba helps start the fire. Once the fire is going Saba says <<Lift the tree with the Force>> _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:16 am Post subject: |
Rownn looks to the tree and his expression shifts momentarily, flashing oh no... He looks at the tree, considering his difficulty with cobble sized rocks for a moment, then sets his jaw in determination. His feet spread to a wider stance and he extends his left hand towards the tree and concentrates on lifting the tree. _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:09 am Post subject: |
Rownn attempts to move the tree but not even one of the dead branches twitches at his attempt. Saba says disappointingly <<I see where the bulk of your work needs to be done. Cut the tree in half and try again.>>
This goes on for some time as Rownn continues to cut it in half again and again. after cutting it in half 11 times the small piece of stump he has weighs a measly 2kg from the 2 tonne log they hauled back. On the bright side he has made good headway on cutting fire-wood.
<<Good. You will have to practice this much while you are away on your mission. Now while keeping it gripped with your mind cut it in half again. Do not let either part fall to the ground.>> _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:20 am Post subject: |
His expression somewhat disappointed, Rownn nods. He lifts the small hunk of wood again, hovering it at about shoulder level and uses his lightsaber to cut it in half... _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:55 am Post subject: |
Rownn lifts the blocks of wood and concentrates on the Force. He half expects them both to fall but he quickly pushes those thoughts out of his minds and sets it to succeed at the task given. He cuts it in half and quickly shifts his mental grip to grab the two new sized pieces and they both stay aloft with only a minor dip. <<Very good>> she says <<Cut one of them again, holding all three aloft>>. Rownn attempts this but this time he looses his concentration and all three fall to the ground.
She moves to cut off another chunk about the size of Rownns previous hump of wood <<Again>> she says floating it toward him. Rownn takes the object in the Force an attempts the procedure again with much of the same result. They continue this procedure over and over again until the tree is completely cut into small sized firewood. Most of the time Rownn is unable to hold onto both, some of the time he can maintain his grip on one part. He knows that he could easily maintain his grip on one part but that is not the point of the exercise and he does not cheat. Maybe once did he manage to keep all three pieces aloft
<<That is a good way to practice your focus on the world around you, and altering it with the Force. Some Jedi have a constructed a series of remotes with magnetic attachments. Once triggered, the magnets will disengage at random intervals and your goal is to keep all aloft until all are separated. If you have technical expertise then you can construct such a device so you dont have to keep finding dead trees. I hear they dont like to grow in space>> she says as she starts hissing and her shoulders shake as if laughing. She continues after a moment <<Completing a puzzle, or any fine motor skills are also good. A loop of wire that is part of a circuit attached to a larger loop A break in the circuit means the light does not come on. the goal is to move the loop around the larger circuit with more twists and turns, when the smaller loop touches the larger loop the circuit is completed and the light turns on. Any of these child games are good practice for you in the use of the Force. Practice it as many times as you can until we meet next. While you are meditating it would be useful to keep a single pen aloft the entire time.>>
She looks over at their pile of dead wood and says <<Now stack them all nicely, using only the Force. If you need to cut a piece, you must levitate your lightsaber and use it to cut that way.>> She places herself between Rownn and Tiny to ensure that if he does loose control she is able to better protect the bystander. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:04 pm Post subject: |
The relative lack of success has stolen the joy Rownn had been feeling having succeeded in the more mental exercises earlier in the day, and he almost looks on the task as punishment for his failures. Even so, he approaches the task with determination, if not joy, and begins the long procedure of stacking the wood. _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:47 pm Post subject: |
Rownn spends the better part of two hours concentrating on the wood, stacking it neatly. A few times due to a lapse in concentration he drops a piece knocking over a chunk of his pile. He continues working without complaint until it is done. Even Tiny is starting to feel sorry for the Wookie. When the task is done Rownn feels exhausted, and working on a good sized headache. Just as he turns to his new master to announce his completion of the task he sees her gesture toward the pile and hears the tell tale sign of the wood pieces falling over and scattering again. <<Again>> she simply says stone faced. Rownn can tell she is not angry at his progress, but knows she is going to be a harsh master when it comes to his weaknesses. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:30 pm Post subject: |
Rownn takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, rubs his temples a moment, and turns back to the toppled pile, squares his shoulders and begins again. _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:50 pm Post subject: |
Rownn works duteously, fighting through his increasing headache. To make matters worse Saba started taking logs from the pile - sloppily causing falls - to feed the fire as needed. At least he doesnt need to re-cut any blocks this time around, but the difficulty concentrating and the over 24 hours since he last slept takes its tole. Half way through he realizes he doesnt need to stand and sits in front of the pile as he builds it in an effort to conserve his energy. He is just placing the last block as the sun starts to rise. As he finishes he takes a deep breath before standing and hoping that Saba does not make him do it again. Luckily she seems pleased as she says "You may make it az my apprentice after all. You have the will required." Rownn notices that she spoke in common which made him realize that he did not concentrate on the translation power as his mind is quite tired. She tosses Rownn an bandanna and says "You will wear thiz. Go out hunting with Tiny and come back with breakfazt" not giving him a chance to rest. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:02 pm Post subject: |
His eyes bleary, Rownn catches the bandana, and, looking quizzical, ties it around his forehead, "Yes, Master." He looks towards Tiny, and standing, says "Let's go." _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:06 pm Post subject: |
Rownn turns to move away then finds falling to the ground, directly into his nice neatly stacked pile of wood. "On your eyez Jedi. You will have to re-ztak thoze when you get back too." she says hissing. Rownn is not sure if the hissing is a scolding sound, or a laughing sound. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Ankhanu Vice Admiral

Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 3089 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm Post subject: |
Grimacing from the pain of the fall, and the prospects of restacking the wood, Rownn pushes himself up, "Oh..." With a look of mild concern, he lowers the bandana from his head to his eyes, and tightens it, blocking out his vision.
He takes a moment to calm his mind, so many tired, jumbled thoughts and emotions coursing through it, and draws on the Force to sense the world around him. He lets the ripples and eddies of the Force pass through his consciousness as they're altered by the life around him to help guide his motion and to, hopefully, detect his prey... As his awareness expands, he senses only Tiny and Saba... and he remembers that the power he is tapping only works to detect sentient beings!! (OOC - Life Detection)
With a snarl of displeasure, he lets the power go, and attempts another tack, again drawing the Force about him. He uses the Force to augment his own senses (OOC - Magnify Senses), using his senses of hearing and smell to guide him. Making some tentative first steps, Rownn pays close attention to how sounds return to his ears and using his memory of the layout of the area they're standing in, assesses his ability to gauge distances and obstacles. After a moment of testing, a stubbed toe or two, Rownn sighs, and gestures towards Tiny, "Let's move," and begins moving slowly into the forest, hands slightly outstretched... _________________ Hotaru no Hishou; a messageboard about games, friends and nothing at all.
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Esoomian High Admiral

Joined: 29 Oct 2003 Posts: 6207 Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:12 pm Post subject: |
Tiny follows, keeping his eyes open for something eddible. Prefering fruit rather than hunting for something given he's been awake all night and has no working arms. _________________ Don't waste money on expensive binoculars.
Simply stand closer to the object you wish to view. |
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:55 pm Post subject: |
Rownn opens himself up to the Force, enhancing his hearing. He can hear everything going on around him, Tiny's heart beat, the sound of the rabbits running through the forest. The sounds of the bugs calling to other bugs, the sounds of bird's mating calls. After a few moments of concentrating and filtering of sounds he hears a decent sized animal about 2-3 kilometers in *that* direction. He walks off in that direction with Tiny in tow before he very distinctly hears the sound of his toe catching on a root and the sound of him hitting the ground. Unfortunately his sense of smell and sound are not helping him navigate the forest. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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