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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:44 pm Post subject: |
"It didnt cost them nearly enough," Anala says with a little more venom than she intends, "I dont think the task force did enough damage to know it, but while on planet, I did my part," She searches his gaze for a second before continuing, "I never heard how many of the dead they were able to recover." |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:52 pm Post subject: |
Garolf leans back in his chair, contemplating what he's being told and his own experiences and training. Experiences both against the Empire and the Vong. Veterans aren't born, their made in the crucible. The problem is that the crucible may be different for everyone. And it certainly has been different for her.
"Are you an animal, Lt.?" _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:57 pm Post subject: |
Raising a single eyebrow, "Define animal?" |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:13 am Post subject: |
"Someone who stops being a sentient being once the fighting starts, who acts purely and solely on instinct, never thinks. Someone who just lashes out in an attempt to inflict damage and may not be able to see any difference between friend and foe alike," Garolf says. "It is one thing to act instinctively in battle, there is nothing wrong with that. Instinct can save your life, it can also get you killed. But someone who is not an animal tempers instinct with thought, who may try to think tactically or at least think in terms of ways to handle the enemy. Where as an animal may just lash out uncontrolably, someone not an animal may try to take out valueable targets to destroy enemy morale."
Garolf contemplates his own words in relations to these Vong.
"I wonder if these scarheads can have their morale shattered. They seem more likely to act as animals in battle, but their not. They clearly think, clearly go for targets they consider strong. Perhaps targets they view as the most dangerous to them. Jedi in particular. Their more monsters than animals, waging war and slaughtering the innocent as they do. But are we to be like them? Or are we to retain our, to use a humancentric term, humanity?"
Garolf looks over the file again, somewhat concerned.
"According to your file it says you spent the past couple of months undergoing physcologial treatment for your experinces with the Vong. Is that something that I should be concerned with? The doctors cleared you but sometimes these things run a bit deeper than they may realize. Will it be causing you problems?" _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:53 am Post subject: |
Anala seems to think about his words before she opens her mouth to reply, "I knew what I was doing. I stayed alive because I was careful and smart and a little bit lucky. If I'd have been on pure animal instinct, I wouldnt have lived long enough to be saved." She stops and seems to search for the right words as she continues, "Instinct is a good thing, it protects us from things that would harm us. But you cant let instinct control you."
Meeting his gaze evenly, "Thats the thing that sets us apart from the Vong. They have given up their instinct in favor of animal aggression. And more importantly, they have abandoned their humanity. I dont know what we have to do to win this war, but we cant become like them to win. Whats the point of destroying one monster if all you do is create another one that is every bit as terrible?"
Anala's gaze falters at mention of her psychological treatment. "I'd been with the 87th for a long time. They were my friends, . . . my family. I took their loss hard." With more confidence that she feels, she continues, "I'll never forget what happened, and I'll never stop missing the people I lost. But I also understand that the best way I can honor their memory is to keep doing my job to the best of my ability." |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:10 am Post subject: |
"The death's of friends and teammates is something you never truely get used to," Garolf says, his voice becoming far away as if he's remembering something. "It's sometimes worse when you hold them in your arms with them pleading for you not to let them die and you know there's nothing you can do for them. But you learn to accept it, otherwise it'll eat you alive and make you useless to anyone.
"I don't think you're useless to anyone, Lt., I think you're determined. It's understandable, you lost your teammates, your family, and you want to honor them. It's something I can sympathize with. Even in this war I've already lost beings I consider friends. The scarheads don't seem to understand what honor means. Just look at Ithor, they proved there they didn't give poodoo about honor. Just murder. The entire planet laid to waste to satisfy their thirst for destruction. Just as the Empire did to Alderaan."
Garolf stares at Anala, contemplating her for a couple of minutes. She's here because someone decided she should be. And she does have knowledge of the Vong that could be helpful to the team. But he is concerned for her as well. Finally he nods.
"Well we don't really have much choice, do we. You've been assigned to this team and you've already said you'll preform to the best of your ability. I suppose that means you have a new family now, though it may be some time before you warm up to us and vice versa.
"I'm not going to blow smoke up your exhuast port, kid. We can be a handful. And I myself have recently been involved in a friendly fire incident which I was cleared of by inquiry. I'll be up front with you about that, better you learn about it now than later. It was unintentional, but I did shoot a member of this team in the recent fighting on Perconia. That may cause some tension within this team. Actually, I expect it will and I don't blame the individual if they detest me for it. I want you to know about this so you know what your getting into with us.
"But we do try to assist each other in battle even if some of us may argue and fight between missions. Some of that is myself, old prejudices die hard or not at all. I'm sure there will be some that take quite a liking to you and want to be your friend. Just remember that when we're not around anyone else the team is a bit informal. Considering how we were formed having someone barking orders just wasn't in the sabbac deck. Bit of a mixed bag, Jedi, military personnel, and civilians, certainly means if the ranking officers expected to always be saluted and had the others obeying orders we most likely have been disobeyed. Around folks not on the team it's certainly one thing to go by the book, but we operate more as a rogue unit and playing by the book isn't always the best way to get things done. And besides, my personal rule number one, beat the poodoo out of the first person who says to go by the book."
Garolf gives her a smile as he says the last part. He'd picked it up from some of his own instructors and commanders who knew that those who operated strictly by the book weren't always the best soldiers in the field. And sometimes you might find yourself in a situation not laid out in the book and then the by the book types could freeze in the face of such a situation.
"Is there anything you need to know?" _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:23 am Post subject: |
Thinking about the friendly fire incedent, a faint smile begins to creap onto her face. "One big happy dysfunctional family." Anala's expression turning serious again before she continues, "Every good soldier knows that the mission has to come before any personal feeling. And like you said, it might take a while for the rest of the team to warm to me, and vice versa. But I can give you my word, I will do my part to stop the Vong."
"As for doing things by the book. One of the first things I was told when my infiltration training started 'the book is going to get you killed. that dosnt mean you forget what you've been taught up to this point, but you need to know when, and how to think outside the box.'"
Anala fidgets in her seat a little, "I cant think of anything else I need to know at the moment, but I'd like to reserve the right to ask later if I can think of anything. In the meantime, I've been idle for far too long, is there anything you need from me?" |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:38 pm Post subject: |
"Perhaps preformance on the shooting range and in hand to hand, but that can be demonstrated after meeting with the team if you would prefer," Garolf says. _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:47 pm Post subject: |
Surprise registers on her face for a second before a smile starts to tug at the corners of her lips, she blirts out, "There's a firing range on the Salve?" Continuing in a much more reserved tone, "Performance evaluation? I'd enjoy that." |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:31 pm Post subject: |
"Performance on the shooting range and in hand to hand," Garolf repeats himself. "It's something we weren't given a chance to do before the teams first mission, on top of that the scarheads attacked shortly after the briefing. We have a little time, hopefully, before the team departs for our mission so we can see what you're capable of." _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:06 pm Post subject: |
"I wont dissapoint." Anala makes it a statement. |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:04 am Post subject: |
"We'll see," Garolf responds. "Do you wish to meet the rest of the team before we see about your preformace or shall we go to the firing range or the gym first?" _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:23 am Post subject: |
"We'll see?" Anala gives a look of mock shock, "Lets go hit the gym and firing range first. Once you have a chance to evaluate my performance, then I can meet the rest of the team." Meeting his gaze, a single eyebrow arches, "No sense meeting the team until my commanding officer is confident in my ability." |
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vong Jedi

Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 6699 Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:08 am Post subject: |
Garolf nods and says "Follow me" as he stands up. He leads the new recruit through the ship to the firing range. He knows the path well as he has been spending a lot of time there to give himself confidence in his abilities after the incident on the planet below.
Garolf acquires a training rife and blaster for her to test with. She seems very comfortable with the weapons, scoring just one point higher then Garolf personal best with a blaster. Using the rifle provided she is no better then with the blaster provided. Garolf can easily see with her stance and the way she both holds, and sites the Rifle that she has been trained to use a sniper rifle. Upon Garolf suggestion, Anala has a go with her issued Sniper Rifle. While only 10-20% better on the closer targets, she is significantly improved on the further targets. That being said, her scores are quite high compared to the standard pass grades, and even for most aboard the ship. Garolf is better then she is at close range, and they are about equal, Garolf edging out by a smidgen on the further ranges. Garolf knows that she would be better if the firing range were any longer.
ooc: Since this is a Neb B cruiser, one of the walkways along the spine can be closed between 0200 and 0400 for the purpose of opening a firing range to allow people to practice their long range shots.
Feel free to RP the results of this test while we wait for Hellcat to let me know how he wants to test your Melee combat. _________________ The Vong have Arrived
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:35 am Post subject: |
Once at the firing range, Anala finds herself relaxing. To anyone looking, its obvious that she enjoys firing the blasters as she works her way through the weapons provided. While she's good with a pistol and rifle, she dosnt truly excell until she has a sniper rifle in her hands. Accuracy before speed, she thinks to herself as she starts squeezing off rounds with the sniper rifle. As quickly as she is able, she burns through a clip, her shots alternating randomly between the targets positioned down the narrow firing range. Standing, she looks at Garolf, guaging his reaction to her performance. |
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