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Your Opinion On why firearms become obsolete
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Same distance from both? Either subsonic rounds were in the M-4's or you were too close to hear the sonic boom if they were regular rounds.

And, just to be nit-picky, they are not silencers, they are suppressors. They even have a suppressor for the Barrett- but it doesn't make it silent.

Any firearm with supersonic ammunition (most calibers) cannot be "silenced". The sound can be reduced, but not negated- it is impossible. Subsonic rounds, on the other hand, can be drastically reduced, but still not "silenced".
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Then pray tell explain how i can stand 30 ft from a firing line (iraq) where reg 9mm pistols were being shot, and i heard their cracks clearly, but when the spec force team with their silenced M4s went up, i could not hear a d*mn peep from the weapons?
You're being nice to the Spec Force guys and not offending them, otherwise who knows what they'll do to you in your sleep? Razz
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
thedemonapostle wrote:
2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

this is a huge hollywood myth. but it could be used by devious gm's to mess with their players.

see here for a bit on silencers.suppressors

Then pray tell explain how i can stand 30 ft from a firing line (iraq) where reg 9mm pistols were being shot, and i heard their cracks clearly, but when the spec force team with their silenced M4s went up, i could not hear a d*mn peep from the weapons?

Background noice?

Using subsonic ammo guns can become pretty quite, but not hearing anything at 30 feet?

Same weapon, three different kinds of ammo..
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:
2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

this is a huge hollywood myth. but it could be used by devious gm's to mess with their players.

see here for a bit on silencers.suppressors

Here is an actual mp5 with the integral silencer

Pretty quite, but you still hear the gun..
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ray wrote:
...One musket ball could go through, what, four, five men standing in line...
Mustket ball? Shocked Wah!? Confused Reference please?

garhkal wrote:
Then pray tell explain how i can stand 30 ft from a firing line (iraq) where reg 9mm pistols were being shot, and i heard their cracks clearly, but when the spec force team with their silenced M4s went up, i could not hear a d*mn peep from the weapons?
You were temporarily deafened by the previous reports? Razz
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:

besides myself, does anyone else have any real/in-depth/extensive experience with real world weapons? (firearms/blades/explosives/pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon) video games does not count. i ask because im curious as to what your opinion might be in this topic of discussion.

Firearms and explosive experience for me. I've already put in my two bits.
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Fallon Kell

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
Ray wrote:
...One musket ball could go through, what, four, five men standing in line...
Mustket ball? Shocked Wah!? Confused Reference please?

You know, the big muskets that have wheels... Laughing
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jmanski wrote:
Same distance from both? Either subsonic rounds were in the M-4's or you were too close to hear the sonic boom if they were regular rounds.

I actually moved closer (23ft away was where the safety ropes were) to get a better look in....

As to the rounds.. not sure.

You were temporarily deafened by the previous reports? Razz

Lol.. I have known some who did get deafened by their neighbour shooting a 9mm on the range.. but those dumb a%%es forgot their hearing pro..
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

one thing i have yet to see folks chime in about is the effectiveness of a firearm within its ranges.

everyone seems to think that blasters have better ranges until you actually look at them. for example the longest ranged blaster i can find is a sporting sniper blaster and most heavy repeating blasters. and that's only out to 500 meters on the long range. an m-40a5 has an effective range of 900m. the firearm equivalent of a heavy repeating blaster is probably an m-2 machine gun. and it has an effective range of 1,800m.

also, where are all the star wars blaster shotguns? closest i can find is the BlasTech Firespray DL-87 and that seems to suck...
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:
everyone seems to think that blasters have better ranges...
I don't think that anyone thinks that. Shocked Whatever gave you that idea?

The Deck Sweeper is effective, it's just not deadly. Personally I don't want shot gun blasters and wouldn't allow the Deck Sweeper. It is far too ugly and inelegant for my taste. Besides, if I want a shotgun like effect then I use a Golan Arms flechette launcher.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
Ray wrote:
...One musket ball could go through, what, four, five men standing in line...
Mustket ball? Shocked Wah!? Confused Reference please?
Ah, not five people. Misremembered my references.

I've heard of rare instances where a 7.92mm Mauser did that, the musket ball could go through more than one person.

First read those in Deadlands: Hell on Earth (Of all places), and I can honestly see Space Soliders being passed these cards and nodding as they go off to war, "Good orders."
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't read that as a problem that literally occurred, just as a way of reinforcing not to march too close together. Similarly I don't think muskets and whistles amongst Rogers Rangers are equally clean.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:
one thing i have yet to see folks chime in about is the effectiveness of a firearm within its ranges.

everyone seems to think that blasters have better ranges until you actually look at them. for example the longest ranged blaster i can find is a sporting sniper blaster and most heavy repeating blasters. and that's only out to 500 meters on the long range. an m-40a5 has an effective range of 900m. the firearm equivalent of a heavy repeating blaster is probably an m-2 machine gun. and it has an effective range of 1,800m.

also, where are all the star wars blaster shotguns? closest i can find is the BlasTech Firespray DL-87 and that seems to suck...

But long range may not be maximum effective range. The range bands are for the possibility of hitting, not how far the weapon can shoot. So if you took a real world sniper rifle that can reach out to 1,000m, you couldn't hit anything at that range without a scope and time to aim. With iron sights in normal combat your range is probably about.... 300m, just like a blaster rifle.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But long range may not be maximum effective range. The range bands are for the possibility of hitting, not how far the weapon can shoot. So if you took a real world sniper rifle that can reach out to 1,000m, you couldn't hit anything at that range without a scope and time to aim. With iron sights in normal combat your range is probably about.... 300m, just like a blaster rifle.

anyone thats been through the us army can tell ya that during basic rifle marksmanship, your shooting your m-4/m-16 at targets out to 300 meters with iron sights. the m68 close combat optic thats commonly used provides 0 magnification. the m-16 rifle has a maximum effective range for a point target(single individual) of 550 meters, and an area target(large target) of 800 meters.

heres a video of guy using an 81 old Schmit-Rubin k31 rifle using iron sights and shooting at targets 1000 yards away.

granted he doesnt hit every time, but think of what a modern rifle's accuracy would be at those ranges.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SMLE and Kra98Ks typically hit at some insane ranges even today in Canada.

After the war, I remember hearing of Uncles that would shoot Olives off a fence at 100 yards.

Of course, they were the scary guys back in the war that showed up in base, dropped off some dogtags and recon, grabbed some ammo and grub, then went back out. Sometimes not saying a word.
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