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Matthias777 Commodore

Joined: 08 Aug 2007 Posts: 1835 Location: North Carolina, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:20 pm Post subject: |
[OOC: Haha, thanks! Kage is proving to be the most fun character I've played, methinks.]
Kage finishes logging the explanation for the engine warm-up with starport control, hoping he worded it in such a way that would help Bri'tan avoid a fine for violating proper protocol.
As Bri'tan enters the cockpit, the little droid ignores him at first, continuing to run diagnostics on the ship to see what needs attending to next. Swiveling his dark grey dome around to look at his master, Kage beeps a halfhearted chastisement for the state of the cargo holds, tendering a request that the Bith make an effort to organize the mess on the off chance that they do actually find a job. After Bri'tan is finished looking through today's charter/cargo postings, that is. It's Coruscant; there has to be at least ONE job in the postings that they can take and make a modest profit. As he rotates his dome back to the controls before him, Kage voices his hopes that it's a cargo run; charters are such a pain.
His tone softening a little, Kage suggests that Bri'tan purchase some fresh food for the Nerf's galley, as the condensed proteins in the ship's newly replenished stores are little more than tasteless sustenance for the vast majority of organics.
[OOC: Knowledge 1D (come on, wild die!) for the explanation to starport control, Technical/Space Transports Repair 5D to diagnose the next most pressing issue with the Nerf.] _________________ Arek | Kage |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:10 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | (OOC: Epic post! By far the best laugh I've had in days!) |
(ooc - Agreed! The dynamic between these two has already had me cracking up several times. As far as the costs go, I'll give you the consumables stocked up at full and say you spent money from your last job to do that. We can use those numbers on the overhaul and the docking fees, those of which you haven't paid for yet. Would it be helpful to post something like a budget or balance for the ship?) |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:25 pm Post subject: |
Bri'tan completes his call after learning that each roll of wire is 68 credits, but the delivery free to get there in an hour is 14 credits a roll, totaling 164.
He quickly checks the sensors and looks out the viewport, noticing zero smokers in each case.
He then turns toward Kage in time to hear him express his hopes both for a cargo run and also better food.
Kage powers down the ship and sends off his explanation to the starport control. He receives the following reply: "Your message has been received and will be handled in order of both priority and order received. Thank you for your patience." |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:51 pm Post subject: |
Feeling a sense of dread spread through his ample bulk, he reaches over and seals the bridge bulkhead, locking it from the inside before turning to his console again. He starts mumbling in Kage's general direction as he accesses the ships computer "Kage, I dont see you eating a lot of the food around here, so let me decide what I'll eat. Besides, when I go cheap, I can buy more of it." As he talks, his fingers dance over the controls, scanning the inside of the ship for lifeforms. Without missing a beat, he continues talking, "Superconducting Wire will be delivered within the hour." His voice trails off as the results of his scan start to appear.
(OOC: Yes, a budget sheet for the Greased Nerf would be great!
So, provisions are paid, but docking fees & hyperdrive overhaul still need to be paid?
Since Bri'tan has Space Transport Repair 6D, can we save some money by doing it our selves?) |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:56 pm Post subject: |
Bri'tan's sense of dread subsides as the scan reports no extra life forms on board the Greased Nerf, but then his paranoia kicks in and he wonders where exactly those two life forms could be.
(ooc - Docking fees will need to be paid. Overhaul is at your discretion - kind of like a tune-up on the car. Kage is recommending one after three more jumps, but in theory you could push it farther than that. And yes, you could save some by doing the work yourself.) |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:34 pm Post subject: |
Pausing for a moment, he checks the consol again to be sure before turning the scanners towards the outside of the ships hull for a detailed scan.
(OOC: So the fees wont be too bad then. Just 1,350 credits in docking fees for now?
Bri'tan has a Space Transport Repair at 6D, and Kage isnt too shabby in that department either if I remember correctly. We'll probably look for everything we need for the hyperdrive after our next jump and do it ourselves.) |
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Matthias777 Commodore

Joined: 08 Aug 2007 Posts: 1835 Location: North Carolina, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:44 pm Post subject: |
Kage silently rotates his dome to fix Bri'tan with a mechanical stare for a few seconds, then returns his photoreceptors to the diagnostic readouts in front of him. He had only been trying to be nice. So much for that. Bri'tan would probably change his tune the first time he went to prepare a meal in the galley; not that protein bars and dehydrated food packs were all that appealing to organics to begin with, but Kage had had the galley restocked with the healthiest (and consequently, the least tasty) options available. Bri'tan could talk all he wanted about him being the one to decide what he ate, but Kage was the one who provided the options. If the little astromech had possessed an organic mouth, he would have smirked.
Now, what did he need to get to work on next?
[OOC: Yeah, Kage has everything under Technical at 5D, so between the two of them they should be able to do literally any maintenance required. Fairly quickly, even. We could save 30-60% by cutting out labor costs on any given task, obviously that percentage will vary based on what it is. Is anyone else looking at the text in the WEG material on this? I'm a little confused on the section titled "Standard Maintenance and Restocking"; do the restocking costs cover the "standard maintenance package", or just "standard restock"? There aren't separate costs listed for the standard maintenance package, so I think that's the case, so we could even save money there by doing all that ourselves. The only way that even halfway makes sense, though, is if you make the credit worth more than today's U.S. dollar (which it should be; I've always been of the opinion that 1 credit = $1.00US from 1977 (~$3.74US in 2011). I feel like I'm rambling about something that's probably really boring to everyone else, but ask me about it in the OOC thread or PM me and I'll explain further if anyone's wants me to. I know most people feel that number-crunching makes things less fun/cinematic; I'd be happy to do keep track of things, though (maybe on my character sheet post or in the "Ships, vehicles and whatever else you may use or run into." thread).
Anyway, what needs working on next?] _________________ Arek | Kage |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:48 pm Post subject: |
( OOC - I will post on the fees etc, in the OOC thread soon and we can get all that figured out.)
Bri'tan glances quickly and refocuses the scanners on the area around the ship, and recoils slightly as he notices that there are suddenly three life forms located just outside the docking bay.
Kage finishes glancing at the diagnostic readout and begins prioritizing the work that needed to be done. Aside from cleaning up the cargo bays, perhaps the next thing would be to test the life-support systems on the ship and recalibrate them if necessary. |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:23 pm Post subject: |
Activating the shipwide speakers, he smiles to himself, "Kage! It looks like my company is back. Get to the Engineering Section and rout the power flow into the ship's hull, I'll power it up on my end once you're done." Bri'tan turns to the ship's computers and starts rerouting some systems and shutting down others others to protect them when he electrifies the ships hull. (Computer Program/Repair 6D or Space Transport Repair 6D) I'll teach you guys to mess with my ship! |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:59 pm Post subject: |
Bri'tan finishes rerouting the power to the appropriate systems and waits on a reply from Kage. He also notices that none of the three life forms has entered the docking bay area. |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:32 pm Post subject: |
With a sense of satisfaciton, Bri'tan cracks his knuckles while waiting for Kage's reply. Turning his attention back to the scanners, he does his best to learn more about the individuals waiting outside the hangar. I bet they're going to be dumb enough to walk right up and expect us to answer when they knock, . . . |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:38 pm Post subject: |
Bri'tan, temporarily forgetting that Kage hadn't responded, plays with the sensors and learns that only two of the life-forms are humanoid. The third was perhaps some kind of animal. |
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Matthias777 Commodore

Joined: 08 Aug 2007 Posts: 1835 Location: North Carolina, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:54 am Post subject: |
Kage has barely made it out of the cockpit before Bri'tan's voice rings out through the loudspeakers. Hearing his command, Kage lets loose a tone that is perhaps a little more jubilant than sane, and kicks it into high gear. Finally, Bri'tan was going to let him test out his mynock-cooker! For weeks he'd been begging the Bith to let him just run the power from the ray shields into the hull every now and then to make sure they hadn't picked up any parasites. The little astromech quickly sets to work, practically quivering with excitement. _________________ Arek | Kage |
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Guardian_A Commodore

Joined: 24 May 2011 Posts: 1654 Location: South Dakota, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:28 am Post subject: |
Maybe Kage's mynock-cooker will be worth the trouble after all. With a hand on the power switch, Bri'tan watches for the three individuals to approach. At least Deadeye isnt with them this time. He muses, reaching for the switch a moment before they can reach the hull. |
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Wisconsin Wookie Line Captain

Joined: 25 May 2011 Posts: 936 Location: WI
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:38 am Post subject: |
(OOC - Bri'tan and Kage will now be moved to the Main IC Thread.) |
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