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Pivotal Events of the Destiny Era
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:00 am    Post subject: Pivotal Events of the Destiny Era Reply with quote

Thought I'd share some of the pivotal events that flesh out my proposed Destiny Era (1000 ABY):

The Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship Between the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Galactic Empire (138 ABY)

The Anti-Sith Crusade (138-150 ABY)

The Mon Calamari-Quarren Civil War (153 ABY–157 ABY)

The Indentured Species Rebellion/Fall of Hutt Space (302-307 ABY)

Foundation of the Alliance of Outer Rim Worlds (307 ABY)

Establishment of the Galactic Federation (410 ABY)

More to come. But I will elaborate on each of these events to explain them.

Last edited by dhawk on Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Anti-Sith Crusade (138 ABY – 150 ABY): The poisoning of Dac by the Sith resulted in that world’s complete loss of non-sentient life, while only 20% of the Mon Calamari and Quarren people managed to escape off-world (with the assistance of the Galactic Alliance), and an even smaller percentage of Whaladons. This horrible event became the rallying cry of those opposed to the One-Sith, uniting the Galactic Alliance remnant, the Empire under Roan Fel’s leadership, and the New Jedi Order, as well as other factions, to include the Hutt clans following Da Soocha’s poisoning.

The death of Darth Krayt at the hands of Cade Skywalker had indeed splintered the One Sith into factional warfare, weakening them for their opponents. But for some, this was not enough, and one Jedi, a Mon Calamari expatriate from Dac, decided to take this matter into his own hands.

Orron had been taken into the fold of the New Jedi Order when he was very young. He continued to communicate with his friends and family while training at the Temple on Ossus. He was regarded as patient, wise, and strong in the Force, and advanced quickly in his studies. By the time of the fallout between the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi, Orron had already been knighted and was on the verge of taking his first student. Fortunately for Orron, he had been among those evacuated during the Sith’s assault on Ossus, the very one that resulted in the death of Master Kol Skywalker and pushed the New Jedi Order underground.

Over the next seven years, Orron became a Jedi Master, and worked to train new students, while at the same time working for the Council to undermine the One Sith. He had observed the return of the Cade Skywalker and his proposal to assassinate Darth Krayt. Master Orron was staunchly opposed to such a plan that would undermine the principles and the ideals of the Jedi. Until, of course, word was received that Dac was poisoned by the One Sith.

The deaths of his entire family and the majority of his friends weighed heavily on Master Orron, and he withdrew for several weeks to meditate. Surely it was not the intent of the Living Force that his homeworld be subjected to total genocide. But no matter how he contemplated it, the bitter truth was evident: the Sith had deliberately poisoned Dac and slew billions of his people. And the Order at large had been unable to prevent it.

Master Orron resolved that the Sith must be eradicated. It was his belief that it was the duty of not only the New Jedi Order, but the galaxy at large, to ensure this. He chose to leave the Jedi Order to exact this plan. As he traveled from world to world, he sought the help of those around him. Mon Calamari expatriates, veterans of the Sith-Imperial War, Galactic Alliance troops, and even disillusioned Jedi joined Master Orron’s crusade. The state of fragmentation of the Galactic Alliance also enabled the assistance of the GA Fleet, whose leadership had been inspired by Master Orron’s cause. Unlike his predecessors, he also enlisted the aid of the galactic underworld, placing bounties on the heads of known or suspected Sith. As a result, thousands of Sith and their allies were tracked and hunted down, and sites across the galaxy devoted to the study of Sith teachings were destroyed, along with their works.

After twelve years of both open and clandestine war against the remnants of the One Sith, the Anti-Sith Crusade culminated in the event known as the Glassing of Korriban. Over two days, Korriban was subjected to prolonged orbital bombardment by the Galactic Alliance 2nd Outer Rim Fleet, which first targeted historically-significant sites such as the Valley of the Dark Lords and the Ruins of the Sith Academy, then turned to any standing facility and/or ruin/archeological site. While many across the galaxy welcomed this event, the High Council of the New Jedi Order condemned the Glassing, namely at the sheer level of destruction and callous loss of life. Much like Revan in the distant past, they ordered that Orron be brought before them for trial for his renegade actions.

Unlike Revan, however, Master Orron returned to the Council for trial and judgment. While he was steadfast in his ideology, the crusade had taken a horrible toll on him. Upon reflection, he noticed his own behaviors had begun to mirror those of the Sith. Justifications of defending sapients and bringing peace to the galaxy at large had enabled him to exact destruction and suffering against his foes. Orron could no longer rule out that he had been tainted by his experience. The High Council ruled that Orron be stripped of his Master status and effectively exiled from the Order. Orron agreed, and disappeared into the galaxy.

Rumors persist to this day that chapters devoted to Master Orron’s vision are scattered across the galaxy, maintaining vigilance should the Sith ever rise again.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship Between the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Galactic Empire (138 ABY): Following the death of Darth Krayt and the recapture of Coruscant from the One Sith, Admiral Gar Stazi, appointed as temporary Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance remnant, and Emperor Roan Fel III met in a series of high level meetings now regarded as the Galactic Accords. The Accords outlined and ratified a treaty between the Galactic Alliance and the Galactic Empire which would establish post-war borders as well as set a lasting peace between the two powers.

Written in this were several lasting compromises: Coruscant would remain the capital for the Galactic Empire; the Galactic Alliance would be permitted to reclaim systems lost to the Empire during the Sith-Imperial War, with exception to worlds established in the Deep Core linked to Coruscant; the Galactic Alliance would be permitted to establish a new capital within its borders; both the Galactic Alliance and the Empire would remain neutral in the affairs of the New Jedi Order, and neither power would be authorized to receive aid from the New Jedi Order for use against each other; in the event either power were to reform/establish a new government, the subsequent government of either power would recognize and follow the treaty.

To this day, the Treaty remains the de facto guide-line between the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Empire regarding diplomatic and military relations.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Mon Calamari-Quarren Civil War (153 ABY – 157 ABY): In spite of the Anti-Sith Crusade and the near-eradication of the Sith and its artifacts, the survivors of Dac and the generation born shortly after sought those responsible for the poisoning of their homeworld. A growing faction of Mon Calamari suggested that the leadership of the Quarren were implicit in the subjugation of Dac by the Empire, which was in-turn taken over by the One Sith. They argued that the Quarren did little in response to the subsequent slavery of the Mon Calamari to build Imperial warships or the decimation order decreed by Darth Krayt following the theft of the Imperious. Appeals to the fracturing Galactic Alliance government to launch an investigation amounted to little; the galactic government was shackled in problems of its own.

Expatriates who returned from Orron’s Anti-Sith Crusade found the recently settled colonies of Dac survivors aligned in three different camps: those who blamed the Sith, those who blamed the Mon Calamari for rebellious behavior under the One Sith-ruled Empire, and those who blamed the Quarren for treason against the people of Dac. While many of them attempted to abstain from the situation, many more found themselves in opposing camps. Several of the expatriates took leadership of the rival factions, and with that, brought their military expertise. An already dire situation slowly grew into a powder keg.

The New Foamwander colony became the site of the pinnacle incident that launched both species into civil war: Rival protests by both Quarren and Mon Calamari escalated to the point of violence; it had not been established who had fired the first shot, but the end result was staggering: 302 Mon Calamari dead, along with 283 Quarren, with hundreds more wounded. The colonial government officially split, and the settlements devolved into factional battlefields.

Assets of both the Mon Calamari and the Quarren were converted to warfare; the Mon Calamari devoted their shipbuilding capability to manufacturing warships and weaponry, while the Quarren used their expertise of demolitions and mining for terrorism. Covertly, the Quarren sought the aid of the Hutts to purchase black market weaponry, as well as capital ships and starfighters to augment their space forces.

Four years of warfare exhausted the resources of both sides, without any significant gains, and claimed the lives of some twelve million Mon Calamari and Quarren. The leaders of both factions were eventually drawn to the negotiation tables for a cease-fire. No real results came out of the talks at first, until a mysterious set of recordings was found by the High Council of the New Jedi Order from the late Master Orron, and given to both sides during meditation. The recordings were privy only to the Mon Calamari and Quarren representatives, and there is much speculation as to what Orron’s words contained. But what is known is that a compromise was reached between the two species of Dac that resulted in a formal peace treaty. More speculation is raised when mentioning the correlation between Orron’s recordings and the Cleansing of Dac.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Establishment of the Galactic Federation (410 ABY): While the treaty brokered between Chief of State Gar Stazi and the Emperor Roan Fel III defined the boundaries of the two largest galactic powers, the impact on the internal structure of the Galactic Alliance was largely insubstantial. The defeat of the Galactic Alliance at the hands of the Empire in 130 ABY had broken the faith of its citizens. Coruscant remained in the possession of the Empire as its capital, a role once reserved for not only the Galactic Alliance, but every galactic government that had stood. On top of this, centuries of status quo and inefficiency continued to plague the Alliance, while the Empire and the fledgling Alliance of Outer Rim Worlds continued to strengthen and grow.

Frustration grew among member worlds as piracy rose due to insufficient patrols, prolonged degradation of taxpayer funded services continued with few viable solutions (such as the HoloNet), and inter-system disputes brought to the attention of the Judicial Branch went unanswered. In addition, elections were widely-viewed as futile, as Senators served terms far longer than intended, and incumbents were fueled by credits originating from lobbyists. However, few worlds wished to strike it out as independent, or even less preferable, join the Empire. Dissatisfaction with elected government resulted in a broad reform movement that rocked the Galactic Alliance government.

In 405 ABY, the Federal Reform Party took power in a landslide victory, dethroning both the Core and Rim Factions. Under the newly-elected leadership of Chief of State Jan Olmens, a restructuring of the Galactic Alliance began, starting with the creation of a new Federal Constitution. Frequent elections coupled with shorter term limits would remove much of the stagnation that plagued the federal system, while a proportionally-measured “checks and balances” system remove dominance of one branch of government over another. Military forces would be placed under the civilian control of the Chief of State, with chain of commands streamlined to remove excess bureaucracy. Departments would receive an appropriate level of autonomy to keep basic and advanced services available and well-maintained.

All branches of the military were reorganized into the Galactic Federation Defense Force (the Army, Navy, SpecForces, and Starfighter Corps), while newer departments were established to oversee vital services (Department of the HoloNet, Federation Scout and Survey Services). Like its predecessors, the Federation would remain uninvolved with the internal affairs of the Bureau of Ships and Services.

The Galactic Federation selected several candidate worlds, ranging from the Core to the Outer Rim, to establish its capital. Of those, Corellia was chosen, primarily due to the world’s heritage that cherished liberty of the individual, and its staunch defense of the right of freedom for others.

On Month 1, Day 1 of 410 ABY, the reorganization was officially-declared complete and the Galactic Federation was formally-established. Symbolically, as her last act of office, Chief of State Olmens re-ratified the Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship with the Empire.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Foundation of the Alliance of Outer Rim Worlds (307 ABY): Following the Great Release by the Hutts, the newly-liberated worlds of Kintan, Klatooine, and Vodran banded together into a temporary alliance known as the Free Systems Confederation, which served the basic principle of common defense, especially in light of possible Hutt retribution. But the species of these three worlds did not imagine that their success would catch on throughout the rest of Hutt Space. Other planets systematically broke away from Hutt influence, bolstered by the success of the three species formerly enslaved under the Treaty of Vontor. Over the course of two standard years, nearly all of the inhabited systems in Hutt Space had joined the Free Systems Confederation, leaving only a token few systems left in the Hutts’ dominion, namely Nal Hutta and its moon Nar Shaddaa.

A significant distance away in the same region, a second separatist movement had taken hold. Fierce competition between Kuat, Fondor, Corellia, Dac and Rendili left Sluis Van in a desperate situation. The Empire had invested much of its warship construction contracting with Kuat Drive Yards, while Corellia and Dac cornered the market with the Galactic Alliance for supplying its own capital warships. Fondor remained a key refurbishment and construction yard, while Rendili remained a strong second-tier company. These developments left Sluis Van virtually without contracts, and the planet grew strapped financially. The planet’s senator appealed to the High Court for a government accountability investigation on the defense contracting process to no avail. Other worlds shared Sluis Van’s fortune and concern; the Galactic Alliance Senate had effectively distanced itself from the Outer Rim, focusing its presence in choice regions such as the Core and the Colonies.

Before long, several of these worlds declared independence from the Galactic Alliance and established a loose system of government to provide for the common defense and regulate goods and services of its members. This became the Alliance of Outer Rim Worlds, which was initially comprised of Sluis Van, Bespin, Eriadu, Elrood, Atravis, Svivren, Christophsis, Vaathkree, Rothana, and Ryloth.

Like the Free Systems Confederation, the Outer Rim Alliance soon swelled with new members, many of them formally-independent or dissatisfied worlds of the Galactic Alliance. Reaching common ground with the previous independence movement established, the two factions merged in 311 ABY, significantly enlarging the Outer Rim Alliance to encompass most of the Outer Rim Territories. The new government selected Bespin as its capital, a modern symbol of vision, determination, and prosperity.

While the Galactic Alliance was too preoccupied with its internal affairs to mount any significant opposition to the new movement, the Galactic Empire begin to cast a wary eye on this faction, fearing the movement might catch sway in its own territory.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay an utterly fantastic start. Where is the rest of it after 2+ years? Did you ever run it? Even as intellectual exercise this is some good stuff.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love it! I want to use this on my timeline for my game universe. I love the detail and political intrigue you added in to the descriptions. I almost felt like I was reading a timeline from Wookieepedia.
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