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What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E?
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:31 pm    Post subject: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

For me..

Once characters hit the 6D to 8D skill level nothing seems to be a challenge.
Grevious has to have something like 20D in lightsaber skill to be a threat as he is shown in the films to the Jedi.
Clone troopers killing Jedi during order 66? Unlikely using WEG core rules..
Actions in rounds take so dang long!
Force powers that take multiple actions..
Character Points are used for buffs and upgrades
Wookiee getting shot by blasters and shrugging it off
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

at least in combat 8D+ is where things get interesting with multiple extra actions being doable.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:56 am    Post subject: Re: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

worfbacca wrote:
For me..

Once characters hit the 6D to 8D skill level nothing seems to be a challenge.
Grevious has to have something like 20D in lightsaber skill to be a threat as he is shown in the films to the Jedi.
Clone troopers killing Jedi during order 66? Unlikely using WEG core rules..
Actions in rounds take so dang long!
Force powers that take multiple actions..
Character Points are used for buffs and upgrades
Wookiee getting shot by blasters and shrugging it off

Clone troopers killing the jedi, imo was because NOT MANY OF THEM had danger sense up at that time..

Why do you dislike force powers needing multiple powers to kick in?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Modeling things we see in movies
Well, we can not really judge too much based on movies.
Heroes and villains have plot armor and super abilities - until the story says they no longer do. We can't always judge them for games.

This thread
First of all - I am not sure this thread is a productive one - unless we are going to use it as a discussion regarding house rules or productive points for dealing with perceived deficits in the system. I mean, this is a forum about a game that people love -

That and - well - to be honest, this topic can be a bit ....contentious ... as at times it seems some folks get very passionate about our beloved d6 game.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my days playing d6 in the mid to late 90s, and heck, even after that. I am even playing it today (well, last friday...) - but even I recognize that some of my fondness for the past is based upon either nostalgia, or fondness for the enjoyment had with friends, and not necessarily with the mechanics of said system.

I mean - many folks objectively do find deficiencies - hence the very robust house rules here on the pit.

House Rules - a Positive View on things to Change
Now, for a positive spin on things, here are some of the changes I am doing in my game, for my house rules.....

* Attributes and Skills: I have tweaked min a bit, more in line with later versions of D6 (mine are from d6 adventure) as I felt that Mech, Tech and Strength did not fit my vision. On skills - like many others - I reduced mine - from over 100, to 48.

* Scales: All over the place in D6- awesome idea, some wonky implementation - like many others, I redid my scales.

* Terminology: So, am I stunned, or am I stunned from stun damage? What? Is it really difficult, or a Moderate Difficulty? I cleaned up a lot of terms (Shaken is my term for the condition Stun), and generally codified a lot of terminology, to make referring to them a lot easier, and it enables consistency in things.

* The Force: Oh boy. Tons of house rules and options out there. I went with a Force Attribute, with Control, Sense and Alter skills under it.

* Force Powers: Many of them - merged and simplified - they are now advanced skills - with simplified and streamlined techniques unlocked under them (similar to martial arts as described in reup).

* Power Curve for force powers: In RAW, lower level Force Users pretty much can't do a lot (even that is generous). I adjusted the power curve, but lowered the starting point - so now, lower level force users can actually use them, but higher level do not dominate.

* Teamwork: Other than the overly complex command skill (IMHO), there are not options for characters helping characters. I made simplified rules on characters assisting others - including options for more narrative approaches.

* Lack of actions for high end non force users: I added advanced skills and other options for characters who were not jedi/combat orientated to do things - from intimidating others, distracting them, boosting allies etc.

* Repair: too many charts - simplified and unified the repair charts. One chart - with variations listed where it matters - did not need a chart for everything.

* Dark side: I overhauled the system to reflect my players and my perceptions of force user behavior (i.e. jedi or no longer paladins). Mine was inspired by the Morality system in FFG's Force and Destiny (don't care for the game overall - but they have in my opinion the best take on the dark side I have ever seen).

* Background Options; Too clunky - promotes min maxing - I use a narrative based system that is inherently balanced, inspired by MythicD6

That is enough for now....

Love my d6 - so much so, it was the system of choice for our new campaign. I think the core is great, but a bit rough here and there. Just like many others here (with a very active house rules forum) I found a lot of things I wanted to tweak.

Just like some others - my house rules section started to get big.
So, I have been basically just making a new book (this was a foolish notion - really). It is about halfway done, formatting and editing takes a long time - even when done with house rules decisions (and those take time too!).
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Working on massive House Rules document - pretty much a new book. Will post soon....
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:52 am    Post subject: Love it Reply with quote

I love the D6 WEG System and the Last Unicorn Game D6 system. I remember them with fondness. I’ve been working on my own core book of a hybrid system trying to take both of what I loved from both systems and implement something new - but I do like finding what else might have bothered people.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:14 am    Post subject: Re: Love it Reply with quote

worfbacca wrote:
I love the D6 WEG System and the Last Unicorn Game D6 system.

Someone made a Role Playing Game of The Last Unicorn using D6? I kinda need to see that to see how they approached it. Do you have any links to related material?
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:03 am    Post subject: Re: Love it Reply with quote

KageRyu wrote:
worfbacca wrote:
I love the D6 WEG System and the Last Unicorn Game D6 system.

Someone made a Role Playing Game of The Last Unicorn using D6? I kinda need to see that to see how they approached it. Do you have any links to related material?

LOL, no. He's referring to the Star Trek RPG made by Last Unicorn Games (LUG). The game uses d6s, but it is not accurate to call it the 'LUG D6 system.' It's actually called the ICON System. It is a d6-based pool system against difficulty set by the GM. Attributes and skills are just flat numbers. The basic formula for tests is to roll a number of d6s equal to your attribute, but only the highest die is counted. After adding the skill to the attribute roll result, the total is compared to a difficulty. The system requires that one of the dice be different to denote a Drama die. If the result of this die is either a 1 or a 6, this determines that the outcome was either extremely good (6) or extremely tragic (1).

So there definitely are some similarities to D6. A good friend of mine who is well versed in that game and D6 says conversion between systems is very easy.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:02 pm    Post subject: Re: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Clone troopers killing the jedi, imo was because NOT MANY OF THEM had danger sense up at that time..

This. (There's also some stuff in the EU about how the clones had no ill will or malice for the Jedi, and how the constant war and pall of the Dark Side had dulled their senses - up to you as GM as to whether or not you'd give a modifier to danger sense in that case, but you'd certainly have some justification.)

Combat sense would have been focused on other enemies at the time, also dulling perception elsewhere, as per the description.

It also gets difficult to parry multiple blaster bolts if the GM doesn't have the clones combine fire; same goes for absorb/dissipate if a Jedi takes multiple hits. And if your Jedi doesn't have time to activate lightsaber combat, they're in even more trouble.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:25 pm    Post subject: ICON system D6 Reply with quote

One of the things I like in our converted system that we adopted from the LUG Icon d6 system was how someone that was rated as legendary skilled (12D+ WEG - level 6 in ICon) in something wanted to accomplish a difficult or nearly impossible task has to use a force point, character points or roll a 6 on the destiny. It means hard things are actually a challenge.
That’s correct about a character rolls an attribute dice pool takes the highest die and adds the skill level for the end result. A six on the destiny lets you add the next highest die. Any additional 6’s add a plus one to the result. Force points allow them to also add the next highest die, character points add a +1 result. I’ll share the core book with people soon. I’d love feedback.

Easy 0-2
Routine 3-5
Moderate 6-8
Challenging 9-11
Difficult 12-14
Nearly Impossible 15+
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:35 pm    Post subject: Re: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

fogger1138 wrote:
garhkal wrote:
Clone troopers killing the jedi, imo was because NOT MANY OF THEM had danger sense up at that time..

This. (There's also some stuff in the EU about how the clones had no ill will or malice for the Jedi, and how the constant war and pall of the Dark Side had dulled their senses - up to you as GM as to whether or not you'd give a modifier to danger sense in that case, but you'd certainly have some justification.)

Combat sense would have been focused on other enemies at the time, also dulling perception elsewhere, as per the description.

It also gets difficult to parry multiple blaster bolts if the GM doesn't have the clones combine fire; same goes for absorb/dissipate if a Jedi takes multiple hits. And if your Jedi doesn't have time to activate lightsaber combat, they're in even more trouble.

As we saw on screen, only a FEW of the jedi masters, DID seem to 'sense it'. Ki-an mundi and That one in the speeder bike.. The rest seemed to get surprised, while with Ki, he just got Overwhelmed with shots..
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Getting a bit off topic here, but since fogger and garhkal commented on the subject, I thought I'd chime in too:

During the Clone Wars, the troopers fought beside the Jedi for years, establishing camaraderie and rapport between the two. Many Jedi were friends (or at least friendly) with their troops. Not to mention that the clones turned on the Jedi as a result of the bio-chips implanted in their brains, which is essentially the biological equivalent of hidden programming. With both factors in play, it's hardly any wonder that so many Jedi were taken by surprise, even with the famed Jedi danger sense as a factor.

In the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, it's mentioned that there are two ways to kill a Jedi: either lull him into a false sense of security or overwhelm him with numbers. With Order 66, Darth Sidious did both at once.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:27 pm    Post subject: Re: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
As we saw on screen, only a FEW of the jedi masters, DID seem to 'sense it'. Ki-an mundi and That one in the speeder bike.. The rest seemed to get surprised, while with Ki, he just got Overwhelmed with shots..

Yeah, I actually thought that the execution of Order 66 was one of the things in the prequels that fit nicely with the WEG ruleset.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Love it Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
KageRyu wrote:
worfbacca wrote:
I love the D6 WEG System and the Last Unicorn Game D6 system.

Someone made a Role Playing Game of The Last Unicorn using D6? I kinda need to see that to see how they approached it. Do you have any links to related material?

LOL, no. He's referring to the Star Trek RPG made by Last Unicorn Games (LUG). The game uses d6s, but it is not accurate to call it the 'LUG D6 system.' It's actually called the ICON System. It is a d6-based pool system against difficulty set by the GM. Attributes and skills are just flat numbers. The basic formula for tests is to roll a number of d6s equal to your attribute, but only the highest die is counted. After adding the skill to the attribute roll result, the total is compared to a difficulty. The system requires that one of the dice be different to denote a Drama die. If the result of this die is either a 1 or a 6, this determines that the outcome was either extremely good (6) or extremely tragic (1).

So there definitely are some similarities to D6. A good friend of mine who is well versed in that game and D6 says conversion between systems is very easy.

I must admit, now I am somewhat disappointed. I was looking foreward to being able to play out epic Unicorn battles - with the horns making lightsaber sounds as they clashed.
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Love it Reply with quote

KageRyu wrote:
I must admit, now I am somewhat disappointed. I was looking forward to being able to play out epic Unicorn battles - with the horns making lightsaber sounds as they clashed.

There's a solution, Kage! Just design a new Star Wars Unicorn-based species using the D6 rules! Cool

Of course, there's the whole problem of how they'll be able to fly a light freighter without opposable thumbs. Or fit into the cockpit of a starfighter. Or work a datapad. Or fit in a turbolift. Or disguise themselves as Imperial stormtroopers. Or ride in an escape pod. Or use a blaster. Or....
Sutehp's RPG Goodies
Only some of it is for D6 Star Wars.
Just repurchased the X-Wing and Tie Fighter flight sim games. I forgot how much I missed them.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:29 pm    Post subject: Re: What do you not like about WEG 2nd Edition R&E? Reply with quote

worfbacca wrote:

Wookiee getting shot by blasters and shrugging it off

I was rewatching The Book of Boba Fett today (I know, I know) and laughed as Black Krrsantan shrugged off repeated blaster hits.

I know people don't like this about Wookiees in R&E but it seemed fitting for his character, at least.
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