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The Planet Valanz
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:32 am    Post subject: The Planet Valanz Reply with quote


Description and Background

Valanz (sometimes called "Valance") is an ocean world with a pleasant, temperate climate. Originally settled about 150 years ago, several island ‘clusters’ contain nominally independent colonies of mostly humans, with a scattering of aliens. The first settlers took entire islands for themselves, and today many islands remain wholly owned and inhabited by one family or person. Several towns grew on the larger islands, the largest being Teriabeel Urban on Oderail Island in the Teriabeel Cluster.

The human population found Valanz an easy place to live. The oceans teemed with life, as did the mountainous, jungle isiands upon the shores of which they settled. Rich berries and fruits, plus spice roots and sheaf-nuts, added further variety and flavour to an already varied seafood diet. Certain clusters, those in the warm equatorial regions, became vacation resorts, providing peace and beauty for rich, off-worlders. Other equatorial island clusters became idyllic places for the elderly rich to settle in their retirement.

Some clusters, however, were not so rich. These provided a local source of servants and domestic staff, technicians and guards, although the majority of such personnel have always been sourced from off-world. As not all the locals found such employment, discontent grew. The planet's holovid nets showed stories about the idle rich, which along with the sight of island-hopping vacationers, explorers and pleasure cruisers, were constant reminders of the large gap in wealth distribution. Gangs of youths, calling themselves "rage-pirates", began to go on sprees or violence and robbery, attacking sea-going yachts and raiding secluded pleasure islands.

Keen to maintain the planet's good reputation, the hoteliers and owners of the resort clusters began to upgrade their security arrangements and increase the size of their guard contingents. Everything was kept discreet, of course, with hidden monitors and sensor arrays, plus remote operated defensive perimeters etc. These developments allowed the rich inhabitants to gain the advantage over the marauding rage-pirates, most of whom consisted of disorganised gangs of chaotic youths out for a bout of violent fun and drunken distraction.

The more cohesive wealthy island clusters, including Teriabeel, raised small forces of off-world mercenaries, and jointly took direct control of the worst offending island communities (for example, Sailles and Sinalin), establishing martial rule over them. This time of conquest corresponded with the establishment of Palpatine's Empire. Strict restrictions were imposed on the defeated clusters, aimed at preventing any further piratical atrocities. The military-police imprisoned the worst offenders and shipped the rest off-world to be forcibly conscripted into the rapidly growing Imperial military (then hungry for recruits) or to be contracted into virtual slavery.

Valanz returned to peaceful times, at least on the surface. As with the Empire at large, the discontented were kept in check through oppressive policing and the constant threat of force. Although the mercenary forces were reduced in size (the dismissed members often also heading off to join the ranks of the Imperial Army), they were not entirely disbanded. Most of the victorious clusters’ inhabitants could easily forget the recent troubles, and live peaceful and tranquil lives once more. The community of Teriabeel, the richest of the island cluster nations, entered a brief "golden age". Having re-established peace upon the planet, the people of the Teriabeel cluster turned to spiritual pursuits and enlightenment, and several peaceful, religious ‘cults’ came into existence.

Valanz became perceived by many as a paradise, a place where the ‘right sort of people’ could contemplate the mysteries of the universe and the gift of self-awareness. Robed thinkers can eat juicy berries and fruit picked from the expansive gardens and lightly cooked fish taken fresh from the sea and ponds, then bask in the sun on their shore-line verandas, whilst engaged in dreamy philosophical conversations with fellow cult members, or meditating calmly. Rich off-worlders continued arriving to spend their last years on Valanz, now seeing it as a place where they could prepare their spirits for the unknown journey ahead of them, and not just a place or natural beauty.

This was the time of the Teriabeel cluster's heyday, during the mayorship of Antonio Damarn. A tangible peace seemed to have settled, and to their eyes their continued intervention in Sailles and Sinalin took the form of an enlightened f but strict, fatherly protectorship. Indeed, they considered that the people of the conquered clusters were now doing better for themselves, with better schools, hospitals and other facilities. Some of the conquered did indeed see the Teriabeel rulers as wise guardians, who were driven to a war of conquest simply to save the conquered from themselves! Such members of the conquered peoples embraced the new ideas and cults of their apparently spiritual rulers. Yet many rulers could not help but retain a degree of arrogance, assuming they knew best all the time, and that their ways were always an improvement over what came before. For example, even the Sailles’ dialect was to be got rid of through an education policy to this effect written into the law.

Valanz's ruling cluster governments became a fine example of a law-abiding subject system of the Empire. The remaining disaffected elements of the conquered island clusters came to see their rulers as a part of the Empire's tyranny - an easy mistake to make when one’s siblings or children had been forcibly drafted into the Empire's forces. Disaffection never quite vanished, it just went underground. The new youth, diminished in number, did not become rage-pirates like their older siblings had been, but instead adopted a form of sabotage, in which they damaged property and pride. They considered their acts of sabotage as an expression of their independence and pride, especially when they could fool their supposedly ‘wise’ rulers. Some proclaimed they were part of the Rebellion against Emperor Palpatine's rule (what with the planetary rulers content to be a part of the Empire). A faction amongst them when much further than sabotage, however, and became full-blown terrorists!

This terrorist faction considered their actions heroic. A fairly common method was to masquerade as respectful servants and employees, even for many months, and then perform some awful, sudden, explosive deed. It was exactly this sort of activity that led to the assassination of Mayor Antonio's wife. A terrorist, working for one of the ruling families of Teriabeel and intending to kill the mayor himself, bungled his attack, killing the Mayor's wife and some servants instead. The mayor became so enraged by this awful act, that he gathered the last remaining ("elite" ] units of Teriabeel's mercenary force, plus enlisted the aid of a small, newly arrived, Imperial garrison, and went on a rampage through the Sailles cluster. Many citizens of Sailles died in that terrible assault, though hardly any of them could have been considered combatants. It was a massacre, brought about by an enraged, grieving mayor whose sight had succumbed to hatred at the death of his wife. After the carnage, Mayor Antonio knew he could no longer retain the title of mayor and left Teriabeei.

Subsequently, the Imperial presence was stepped up on Valanz, and all elements claiming to serve the Rebel Alliance were destroyed (and more). The rich continued to live there, but now they were surrounded by a growing cadre of imperial military types, including retired as well as active soldiers.

Recent developments on Valanz...

Then the second Death Star was destroyed and the Empire’s hold was shattered. Yet although Valanz declared itself politically independent of any of the warring galactic factions, Imperial and ex- Imperial elements remained on Valanz, happy to remain in such a place, becoming accepted as local forces and citizens. Valanz was a comfortable place, attractive enough even to lure Imperials away from other allegiances. Perhaps many decided thus: "We were ordered here to guard and police Valanz, so we will continue to do so."

These ex-Imperial personnel thought of themselves a continuing part of the Imperial military order, but a part that had been forced by circumstances into political isolation. If the ‘proper’ Imperial authorities were to order something else, then they would most likely have complied. But no-such proper authorities came forward, and they were never so ordered. Valanz became an independent system, looking after itself with small forces equipped and organised in an Imperial manner. It's wealth, its attractiveness to off worlders, took the form not of resources, but of its environment, thus while the various galactic combatant factions primarily sought wealth (mineral and agricultural products, technological goods and recruits) then Valanz was of little interest to them.

Then, several years after the New Republic had established itself as the major power in the galaxy, the ex-Mayor of Teriabeel cluster Antonio Damarn, returned. He was now in command of his own fleet, with the rank of Commodore (or ‘System's Admiral’), and an imperial Warlord in his own right. He had come back to conquer his homeworld. The military elements which remained on Valanz soon realised that they could not stand against Commodore Damarn's forces, and nor did many amongst them wish to do so. The people of Teriabeel quickly learned that they had never officially legally dismissed him as mayor. Damarn claimed what was his through might and (dubious) right, and Valanz fell under his power. He then set about improving its defence and turning the system into a useful force support depot (for maintenance and supply) for his fleet. He also began the process of converting the planet into a productive agricultural world. Island by island, the poorer clusters were remolded into ocean harvesting facilities, sporting trawler harbours, processing factories and storehouses. Meanwhile the rich inhabitants - many still being religious ‘cultists’ - of the wealthy island clusters were gifted various positions of responsibility and given various tasks and duties for the wide variety of new schemes and operations. They managed planetside production while their young were enlisted for military service or trained as technical support personnel. A few, the most cunning of the ‘cult-sages’, travelled off-world to become part of the group of advisers supporting ‘Comoros’ (Commodore-Mayor Supreme) Damarn.

To follow, Information on Commodore Damarn and his fleet ...
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Xain Arke
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New stuff Smile

Don't have time to read it now, but when I can I will.

Just wanted to say though, it looks great and your hand drawn maps are always so neatly drawn and interesting to look at.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very cool! Enjoy the idea of the place. Reminds me of the planet with private floating islands for rich members of government from Firefly, except without flying islands.

Thanks for taking the time to share with us!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks fellers.

Here's some of the rest that I have, regarding Commodore Damarn and his forces ...


Antonio Damarn
After the carnage Antonio brought about as Mayor of Teriabeel Cluster on Valanz, in revenge for his wife's assassination, he knew he could no longer retain the title of mayor. In Teriabeel that role was as much a ‘spiritual’ one as a secular one! Still driven by misplaced anger at the Rebel Alliance, he left Teriabeei to join the Officer Corps of a newly raised Imperial Fleet. He was one of the oldest of the volunteer officer-trainees.

The terrorists who killed his wife had claimed allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, and Antonio made it his life work to crush this rebellion (which he saw as being against law, order and proper respect for authority an nobility). He rose quickly in the ranks, not only through bravery, loyalty and ability, but because he was fanatically committed to the cause. He pushed those he commanded further than other officers would, taking more casualties than most but balancing those losses with substantial victories and consistent results. His natural intelligence was in no way diminished by his anger, instead being wholly focused on the fight. With luck on his side, he survived his victorious battles and rose quickly in the ranks. (Most officers tended not see such risky method of advancement as a sensible way to make career progress!) By the time of the Battle of Endor and the death of the Emperor Palpatine, Antonio held the rank of ‘Systems Admiral’ (aka Commodore) in command of an augmented and enlarged Systems Force, sometimes referred to as Damarn’s ‘Fleet’ due to its proven effectiveness.

At the time of the Battle of Endor, Commodore Damarn was operating in the farthest reaches of the Mid Rim region, involved in S&D missions against elements of the Rebel Alliance operating in the vicinity. When he learned of the emperor’s death, Damarn consolidated his forces and improved his hold over the approximately 60 systems he guarded, augmenting the bases which had previously simply provided standard support for his fleet. Almost immediately he became involved in squabbles with neighbouring imperial commanders who either did not trust each other or refused to obey orders from certain command chains. Damarn’s own men remained very loyal to him. Soon, however reluctantly, he had to accept he had become little more than a warlord, his forces being incrementally chipped away at over time.

Things continued like this until Damarn was approached by a potential supplier of arms. During the negotiations to make a new contact, involving careful diplomacy and intelligence gathering, Damarn realised that there was a great and mysterious ‘power’ behind this new opportunity – either a group or even an individual. That power secretly pulled the strings of a huge variety of companies, system governments and even military forces. Damarn kept this realisation to himself but dropped hints which he hoped would reach the ears of the mysterious leader(s). Eventually, Damarn was brought before the strange alien he came to know only as ‘Jool’.

Damarn quickly decided that Jool filled the gap the emperor had left. Jool promised an extreme level of order, permeating all aspects of galactic life, as well as the recognition and reward of the “elite” such as great thinkers like Damarn, and had already initiated a glorious, complex yet realistic, galaxy-spanning plan of conquest and control penetrating deeper than ever before. Damarn recognised Jool’s genius and quickly learned he must be wealthy beyond belief and already far more powerful than anyone guessed. Here was a leader who could put into effect sweeping changes and offered his sufficiently worthy lieutenants the chance to obtain barely imaginable power. The mass rabble and rout of sentient beings would be forged into disciplined order, fashioned into productive servants who would efficiently carry out the commands of those few god-like beings who, through ‘true intelligence’, genuinely merited a life of power.

The prospect and such a ‘perfect’ galaxy fascinated Damarn’s ‘philosophical mind. No more would wars spring from the animal-motivation of the masses, or from the greed and pride of leaders no better than the howling rabble they led. No more would those who truly deserved life risk having it taken from them by the thoughtless violence of thugs who knew no better. In the new, all-encompassing hierarchy everything would be ordered and in its proper place, thus maximising the ability and potential of the elite commanders.

And so Damarn believed he had found a very worthy successor to the Emperor. Once again, he would be able to commit his forces against the rebel scum without worrying about which Imperial commanders he ought to ally with or obey – there would be only Jool’s authority. Meanwhile, he would have access to the resources and intelligence a great military commander should have. His damaged force could be revitalised and made effective again, perhaps more effective than it had ever been. And once victory was achieved, he would become one of the new gods.

The planet Valanz was to become a part of the grand strategy and was gifted to Damarn as a base and a source of both imperial-trained troops and personnel as well as new recruits. Damarn had asked for the planet and his wish was granted. Ruling Valanz meant he regained all he had possessed before, retained his fleet and knew that his power and authority would only grow.

All this was just the beginning. The galaxy is big, and there is plenty of it to share out. Jool promises vast wealth and power to those who joined him as gods.

Damarn's Officers

Damarn's flagship is the Flames of Death, an Imperial Class Star Destroyer, which makes up the first attack line of his prime battle squadron, "Reprisal". Damarn commands this squadron directly, although the flagship itself is commanded by an adjutant captain of the line called Captain Hytreug.

Battle Squadron Warhawk is commanded by Commander Jaxliir and Light Squadron Rathnat by Lieutenant-Commander Pyther. Several captains are ranked below them, and the commodore and his commanders each have a cadre of staff officers (adjutant captains (second-in-commands), captains, lieutenants, etc).

Damarn’s ‘Fleet’

This was originally a System Superiority Force consisting of three battle squadrons and a light squadron, all full strength, with three Imperial Class Star Destroyers and a total strength of 92 ships. Battle losses mean it has been reduced in size, although replacements have been obtained occasionally, mainly by completing construction of semi -built vessels at a damaged bit functional ‘deepdock’ shipyard, but also through the capture, capitulation or volunteering of others. The fleet’s current strength is 72 capital (proper) vessels - although almost 100 would be classed as capital based on power output – and is organised into two battle squadrons and a reduced strength light squadron. Damarn still commands three Star Destroyers, one of which is the smaller Victory Class.

Battle Squadron Reprisal (Commodore Damarn)

First attack line:
Imperial Class Star Destroyer ‘The Flames of Death’ (Cpt. Hytreug)

Second Attack Line:
1 Strike Cruiser (med)
2 Dreadnought Cruisers (hvy)

Third Attack Line:
2 Strike Cruisers (med)
2 Carrack Cruisers (lt)

Pursuit Line:
2 Carrack Cruisers (lt)
3 Bayonet Cruisers
1 Correllian Corvette
1 Lancer Frigate

Battle Squadron Warhawk (Commander Jaxliir)

First attack line:
Imperial Class Star Destroyer ‘The Blood Channel’
(Cpt. huft)

Second Attack Line:
1 Strike Cruiser (med)
1 Dreadnought Cruiser (hvy)

Third Attack Line:
3 Strike Cruisers (med)
1 Carrack Cruisers (lt)

Pursuit Line:
4 Carrack Cruisers (lt)
3 Bayonet Cruisers

Light Squadron Rathnat (Commander Jaxliir)

First attack line:
Victory Class Star Destroyer ‘The Battle Howl’ (Lt Commander. Pyther)

Second Attack Line:
2 Strike Cruisers (med)
2 Strike Cruisers (lt)

Skirmish Line:
2 Escort Carriers (2 Tie Wings)
3 Lancer Frigates
15 Skipray Blastboats
3 Bayonet Cruisers

Pursuit Line:
1 Interdictor Cruiser
2 Carrack Cruisers

Force Support
53 vessels, various sizes
- 4 Star Galleon Transport Frigates
- 12 Escort Carriers
- 37 Corvettes, Assault Shuttles, Lambda Shuttles, etc

Force Tech. Services
5 Lancer Frigates (escorts)
4 EvaKmar KDY Transports
2 Escort Carriers (Modified)

I will put up Damarn's NPC sheet later (it is in handwritten form! Gah!)
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Xain Arke
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is really great work StarPadre, detailed and so full of interesting locations and events. A whole campaign could be run just on this world and never get boring.

I especially like the time and effort you put into what I guess is the main antagonist, Commodore Damarn and his fleet.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Commodore Damarn was indeed one main antagonist, certainly in 'practical' terms. The real antagonist was 'Jool', although the PCs never really knew that!

I have put up the planet Odun now, and you will see that there are some similar themes. Except this time the mysterious leader is 'Carrad'. There was, of course, a campaign reason for this.

These worlds are from my general campaign background, and were put together in the hope that as the scenarios were played, the player characters would start to piece things together and begin to investigate more freely and creatively, rather than just follow the orders they were given, to achieve the mission goals their officers desired.

Putting up one of the actual adventures would be a major endeavor, but it might be worth it just in case someone else can get some use out of it.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:56 pm    Post subject: terrific! Reply with quote

I really like the way this planet works, as a kind of microcosm for shifting viewpoints and larger historical currents over the imperial era, their outcome personified in Antonio Damarn.

There's something especially plausible in the way the weathy "hippies" of Valanz fall in with the empire kind of incidentally, rather than purposefully sharing a single ideology all at once they come to similar methods, and thence alleigance, simply by both ending up in the business of repressing dissent - it makes your galaxy feel a little larger, richer and more varied.

I also really like all the visual materials you assembled, the mixed media approach of typed text, printouts and marker pens may come about from simple practicality, but to me it also looks really cool.
"Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. [...] Remember this. Try."
The Trail of Political Consciousness, Karis Nemik
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice place. Though it makes me wonder, why such a place, has such a high level defensive force?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Nice place. Though it makes me wonder, why such a place, has such a high level defensive force?

from the looks of their posting history StarPadre might not be around much at the moment. I hope they're doing well! We can spectulate for ourselves though, and maybe extrapolate useful ideas for other planets too. Here's my pitch:

The mentioned discovery date for Valanz - about 150 years ago, so very roughly circa 150 BBY - makes approximate sense I think with latter days of the current canon expansion era of the high republic (500-100 BBY), so we can imagine upper class yuppie/hippie types feeling flush from wealth flowing into the core, and wanting somewhere rareified and serene to spend it.

This puts it possibly past the known and corporate-controlled expansion regions into the mid or outer rim. Even in the mid rim I think its mentioned that pirate activity isn't uncommon off the beaten track, so even before the collapse of the high republic you'd probably want some muscle if you could afford it, and these folks definitely could. It's hard to think about oneness and enlightenment when you're worrying about unfriendly cruisers looming in the sky overhead.

As the republic deteriorated bit by bit they'd need to look after themselves more and more, and there'd be a growing pool of people prepared to sell violent services on the private market. Bounty hunters and their ilk didn't spring into being with the empire after all, its been a dangerous galaxy out there for a long time. Especially since the nobles of Valanz were setting up their economy as a resort planet and creating a disaffected service underclass they needed to be able to promise security from both external and internal threats as well as comfort.

Then, as it became a minor battleground in the imperial era that would only serve to formalise and reinforce its security arrangements into a semi-official military sponsored by the empire, ready for Damarn to come home and bolster it even further.
"Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. [...] Remember this. Try."
The Trail of Political Consciousness, Karis Nemik
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