Inquisitor1138 Captain
Joined: 28 Nov 2021 Posts: 612 Location: Hoth. Or Ilum...
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:16 pm Post subject: ((WiP draft 0.0)) |
((WiP draft 0.0))
❄ Darth Thanachron, Lord of the Sith ❄; the Liche
Type: Grand Jedi Master/ Sith Lord
Age: unknown
Height: 1.9 meters
Affiliation: New Sith Empire
Era: Draggulch Period
Born: Prior to 2100 BBY/-2081 EY/2081 BEY
Ascension: Prior to 2000 BBY/-1981 EY/1981 BEY/
Death: 1300 BBY, by combined might of Grey Jedi Lord {{{}}} Kylix, Jedi Master {{{}}} Sigil, and Darth Omega (Omega Sigil)
Archaic weapons 7D, Dodge 9D+1, lightsaber 13D+2, melee combat 11D+2, melee parry 11D+2, running 7D, vehicle blasters 3D+1
Alien species 12D+2, bureaucracy 7D+2, Bureaucracy; Sith Empire 14D, culture 10D, intimidation 13D, languages 13D, military history 11D, planetary systems 13D+1, planetary systems: Coruscant 10D, scholar: archaic library systems 11D, scholar; arcane technologies 13D+2, scholar: Dark Side lore 16D, scholar; Holocrons 13D+2, scholar: Jedi lore 14D, scholar: Sith lore 18D, scholar; The Force 13D+2, survival 9D+1, value 10D+1, willpower 13D+2
Astrogation 7D, beast riding 6D+2, ground vehicle operation 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 6D, space transports 6D, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery 5D,
starship shields 5D,
Bargain 9D+1, command 11D+2, con 10D, gambling 8D+1, hide 11D, investigation 11D+2, persuasion 11D, search 9D+1, sneak 10D+2
Brawling 8D, climbing/jumping 7D+1, lifting 7D, stamina 9D, swimming 5D
Archaic Computer programming/repair 6D, Computer programming/repair 5D, droid programming 4D, First aid 6D+2, Holocron repair 13D+2, lightsaber repair 9D+2, , security 8D
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control: 17D+2, Sense: 18D+2, Alter: 19D
Force Powers:
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentrate, control pain, detoxify poison*, emptiness, enhance attribute*, force of will, hibernation trance, rage, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, short term memory enhancement*
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, sense Force potential, sense path
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy accelerate healing, control pain, detoxify poison*, enhance attribute*, hibernation trance, rage, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, short-term memory enhancement*
Sense: Combat sense*, danger sense*, instinctive astrogation**, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, sense path**
Alter: Injure/kill, Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Farseeing*, lightsaber combat, projective telepathy
Control and Alter: Accelerate another’s healing, control another’s pain*, enhance another’s attribute, feed on Dark Side**, Force lightning*, inflict pain*, return another to consciousness
Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind, control mind, control minds, create Force storms, doppelgänger, drain life essence, enhanced coordination*, Feed on the Living, Force-Necromancy, Force-Necrosis, ???, Force Storm Mastery, Possession, telekinetic kill*, transfer life
Sense and Alter: Dim other's senses<
* This power is described in the Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
** This power is described in Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
Force-sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 35
Dark Side Points: 55
Character Points: 66
Move: 10
Equipment: Lightsaber (5D Damage), Short lightsaber (4D), dark robes, Bone cane, {x} _________________ Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.
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Count Dooku: Your swords, please. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor. |