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Passive Skills..
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:15 pm    Post subject: Passive Skills.. Reply with quote

I have recently been looking into passive skills and how to apply the concept to SWD6.

I see a difference in a deliberate "dodge/avoid" and a instictive reaction or an active "notice" versus simply noticing something, like when you enter a room and all of a sudden there is a vase of flowers on the table, you notice this immately and automatically unelss you are somehow distracted.

So to me a passive Notice is different than someon "trying to" notice.

How to do this I am not sure of yet, but I am working on a Static Value system rolled at the beginning of each day or what not.

For the passive notice I have decided to do it as easy as using the PERCEPTION attribute value, rolling this and applying this number as the static value for the day, adding or subtracting depending on various factors and even skill synergy.

For a Passive Dodge, I see the scenario that I am not trying to avoid the falling branch, I notice it and react immiately I may not succeed or I may succeed, I still did not make a conscoius decition to try and avoid it, I reacted.

I see this to be both a Perception and a Dexterity related reaction and would
give a static as above value on your reaction time and thus your "dodge/avoid" based on PER+DEX/2 where you Add the dice and divide by 2 and ADD any pip for +4
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The game already has that. For "passive' detection, just use PER. For Actively trying to notice something, roll Search.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Passive Skills.. Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
The game already has that. For "passive' detection, just use PER. For Actively trying to notice something, roll Search.

garhkal, that's how I handle it too, but in R&E RAW they changed that...

Mamatried wrote:
I have recently been looking into passive skills and how to apply the concept to SWD6.

I see a difference in a deliberate "dodge/avoid" and a instictive reaction or an active "notice" versus simply noticing something, like when you enter a room and all of a sudden there is a vase of flowers on the table, you notice this immately and automatically unelss you are somehow distracted.

So to me a passive Notice is different than someon "trying to" notice.

How to do this I am not sure of yet, but I am working on a Static Value system rolled at the beginning of each day or what not.

For the passive notice I have decided to do it as easy as using the PERCEPTION attribute value, rolling this and applying this number as the static value for the day, adding or subtracting depending on various factors and even skill synergy.

For a Passive Dodge, I see the scenario that I am not trying to avoid the falling branch, I notice it and react immiately I may not succeed or I may succeed, I still did not make a conscoius decition to try and avoid it, I reacted.

I see this to be both a Perception and a Dexterity related reaction and would
give a static as above value on your reaction time and thus your "dodge/avoid" based on PER+DEX/2 where you Add the dice and divide by 2 and ADD any pip for +4

As far as Perception goes, see this post which breaks down the two ways the RAW game line has handled it (and collects the RAW rules texts). 1e, Blue Vader, and D6 Space all have passive awareness as base Perception, while active awareness is the search skill only. R&E added passive awareness to search. But mysteriously, this is the one change from Blue Vader to R&E that was not noted in the 2e Rules Upgrade, and D6 Space decidedly returned to the original model. It's almost as if it was a mistake that just creeped into R&E.

I'm fine with the original model as active searching should have a greater chance of passively noticing something if someone is good at searching for things (raised skill).

As far as dodge goes, the RAW history is touched on here since reaction rules are intertwined with the combat round which changed for every single sub-edition of the game.

I don't think "passive dodge" is really a thing, or I at least wouldn't use that term for it. In R&E we ended up with full reactions that seem to represent the character making themselves harder to hit in general and not a reaction to each attack, so maybe that is what you are going for in general by saying "passive". However, in R&E RAW, normal reactions only start as reacting to a specific attack because the roll applies to all attacks of that type for the rest of the round, thus taking on a more "full" aspect. This was implemented to not nickel and dime a character with MAPs.

When proposing house rules you have to first understand the RAW you are house-ruling. I wanted to add the RAW perspective to the discussion because it wasn't clear in the OP that it was understood RAW already addressed these things, and what exactly would be house-ruled. Of course, you can still alter RAW however you like, but when proposing house rules it should include a comparison to RAW and address what you feel about RAW is deficient, thus addressing why you feel RAW should be changed. Thanks.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2021
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill covered already the points in the game already representing this, but I wanted to add in that later editions of d6 (space, adventure etc.) had an optional rule to improve passive defense.

Optional Defense Modifier
For every 2D in Agility or Dodge above 4D (round up), a character
receives a +1 to her passive defense value. This modifier does not affect
the character’s active defense total. For every 2D in acrobatics above 4D
(round up), a character receives a +1 to her active or passive defense value
for attacks at Short range or greater. Every six ranks in a Skill Bonus or
Increased Attribute Special Ability that affects Agility, dodge, or acrobatics
provides a +1 bonus, as specified for the skill in question.

Example: A character with 4D in Agility gets no bonus, while a
character with 7D in acrobatics has a +2 bonus

In this context, the "Active defense" is when you dodge....passive is when you don't take a dodge action.

I found it when doing research on my houserules, but decided to not include it.
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't realize that the passive 'looking' was added to the search skill in the R&E..
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
I didn't realize that the passive 'looking' was added to the search skill in the R&E..

We talked about it in 2022: Passive Physical Awareness.
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Last edited by Whill on Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Completely forgot that thread.... Though my stance from it remains.. Per for passive, search for active. BUT your speed should limit how you can use search, based on the vader cover blue book, not R&E where they seemed to remove that part.
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