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Zabrak (species stats for RAW and my system)
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:42 am    Post subject: Zabrak (species stats for RAW and my system) Reply with quote

I was originally going to save this to include my updated Zabrak stats in a bigger thread I've been working on called "Saving Darth Maul," but then I thought it would make sense to post this first.

Keep in mind that in my system, there is no "+6D" rule for PCs, so PCs of all species, regardless of average NPC attribute dice totals, will have exactly 18D. So species can be unequal as they should be but PCs are balanced. And Zabrak fluff describes them as pretty meta so I don't think this is too OP. They are a hardy species.

In my game, all playable species have about a net "+4D" worth of special abilities (at least applicable to PCs of that species, but most abilities of most species are applicable to all characters of that species). That means an attempt was made to 'equate' the species abilities package to 4D in skill dice bonuses. Of course some abilities don't easily translate to skill dice so there is some judgement involved. Game balance is an art, not an exact science. Balance is the goal and the GM is the ultimate factor in not letting any species' PCs become greater than other species' PCs in abilities.

Immediately below are Zabrak stats for use with 2e RAW...


    Singular: Zabrak
    Adjective: zabrakian
    Language: Zabraki
    Homeworlds: Iridonia and several other major colonies
    Species Type: near-humans
    Size: 1.8 / 1.5-2.1 meters
    Move: 11/13
    Average Total ATTRIBUTE DICE: 14D
          AVERAGE    MIN/MAX
      DEX:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      KNO:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      MEC:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      PER:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      STR:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      TEC:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1

    Male Characters: All male Zabrak characters receive a +2 bonus to all lifting rolls. Male Zabrak PCs suffer a -2 penalty to one of the following Perception skills, to be chosen by the player during character generation: command, con, bargain, gambling, or persuasion.
    Resilient and Resolute: All Zabrak characters receive a +2 bonus to all survival, willpower, and stamina checks.
    Damage Resistance: Zabrak have two hearts and other physiological redundancies. This provides a +1 bonus to all damage resistance rolls. A Zabrak character who is mortally wounded may attempt to self-stabilize by making a Difficult stamina check as a free action once per round. Another character may also attempt to stabilize the Zabrak at the same time. Once stabilized by either method, the Zabrak character will survive if they receive successful medical intervention within two hours. With GM discretion, a Zabrak character who is killed may spend a Force Point to postpone death. This use of a Force Point is considered unheroic. Instead of dying, the Zabrak character becomes mortally wounded. If the Zabrak survives, the character will be maimed with a permanent injury, the specifics and effects of which to be determined by the GM.
    Healing Factor: Zabrak possess a large degree of organ regeneration, and all healing times for Zabrak characters are halved (bacta tank, surgery recovery, or natural healing). Zabrak characters also receive a +2 bonus to all healing rolls.

I have always said that the game system does not have to interpret every single instance that appears in the films because the game system was not made to simulate the film - It was made to facilitate gaming groups creating new stories that seem like they could take place in the same universe. But since Maul's survival of TPM seems so outrageous, I think in this case the game rules actually help accept what happens in the films.

I obviously made Zabrak abilities with Maul in mind, so that he could survive to eventually appear at the end of Solo with a mechanical bottom-half of his body. These Zabrak stats alone don't save Maul, but it makes it possible for other factors not mentioned here to lead to his survival. I was inspired by the Severe Injuries optional rule in R&E where an attacker who scores a kill result can choose to maim instead, but in this case it is the Zabrak character who was attacked that can save themselves like that. In my interpretation, Maul getting cut in half by Obi-Wan was a kill result, but he spent the FP to push it up to mortally wounded. (I see Maul remaining conscious as the use of a Force power I don't have to account for here, but the fact that he was still conscious has he fell down the reactor shaft is a sign that he was still alive.) Then Maul would just need to self-stabilize his mortally wounded status (or be stabilized by someone else) presuming he survived the fall without further injury. Then he would have two hours to get medical intervention to live. (Stabilized mortally wounded Zabrak characters get double the normal time to survive). I would say Maul's permanent injury is -2D on all Force skill rolls due to the fact of having no biological legs (a lot less total midi-chlorians in his body), in addition to whatever complications come with having cybernetic legs. More details on Maul are coming in the future. I put "GM discretion" into the rule because some things may actually be impossible to survive by any stretch of the imagination.

And before anyone says (like I used to say) this still doesn't work because people just can't survive being cut in half at the waist, I spent a night researching that a while back. It is very rare but there actually have been several cases of real humans on Earth surviving being cut in half at the waist. I do not recommend doing this research as it was disgusting to even read about these, and seeing even blurred images of the injuries made me queasy. But survival is possible in real life. So I figure with a lightsaber that cauterized the wound to prevent bleeding out, Maul being a near-human with superior physiology that has organ redundancies and regeneration, and some other factors that worked out just right, it is not impossible for Maul to survive.

Anyway, any thoughts on the new Zabrak stats?

7/21 EDITED the above stats slightly from original post as indicated in the thread below.
1/22 EDITED this post to add the below version of the stats for my system...


    Singular: Zabrak
    Adjective: zabrakian
    Language: Zabraki
    Homeworlds: Iridonia and several other major colonies
    Species Type: near-humans (genetically engineered species)
    Size: 1.8 / 1.5-2.1 meters
    Move: 11/13
    Average Total ATTRIBUTE DICE: 14D
          AVERAGE    MIN/MAX
      DEX:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      KNO:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      MEC:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      PER:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      STR:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      TEC:   2D+1   1D+1/4D+1
      FOR:   0D     0D/3D

    Male Characters: All male Zabrak characters receive a +2 bonus to all lifting/exertion rolls. Male Zabrak PCs suffer a -2 penalty to one of the following Perception skills, to be chosen by the player during character generation: command/leadership, con/deception, bargaining, gaming/gambling, or persuasion/charm.
    Resilient and Resolute: All Zabrak characters receive a +2 bonus to all survival, willpower, and stamina/endurance checks.
    Damage Resistance: Zabrak have two hearts and other physiological redundancies. This provides a +1 bonus to all damage resistance rolls. A Zabrak character who is mortally wounded may attempt to self-stabilize by making a Difficult stamina/endurance check as a free action once per round. Another character may also attempt to stabilize the Zabrak at the same time. Once stabilized by either method, the Zabrak character will survive if they receive successful medical intervention within two hours. With GM discretion, a Zabrak character who is killed may spend a Force Point to postpone death. This use of a Force Point is considered unheroic. Instead of dying, the Zabrak character becomes mortally wounded. If the Zabrak survives, the character will be maimed with a permanent injury, the specifics and effects of which to be determined by the GM.
    Healing Factor: Zabrak possess a large degree of organ regeneration, and all healing times for Zabrak characters are halved (bacta tank, surgery recovery, or natural healing).

Jump to this post for some brief commentary on the stats for my system.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only thing i see wrong, is if they 'spend the FP to stop dying, but are just mortally wounded. WHO is going to then stop them 'bleeding out in 2d6 rounds, making them die anyway? OR does that spending of the FP, to shift to 'mortally wounded with the maim', eliminate that needing to roll each round??
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
The only thing i see wrong, is if they 'spend the FP to stop dying, but are just mortally wounded. WHO is going to then stop them 'bleeding out in 2d6 rounds, making them die anyway? OR does that spending of the FP, to shift to 'mortally wounded with the maim', eliminate that needing to roll each round??

WHO is whomever is there to save them, but I think you missed part of it. The sentences before the killed/FP part say that mortally wounded Zabrak can self-stabilize if they make a stamina roll (they can try once per round). And once stabilized (by themselves or someone else using first aid), then they get an extra hour than other characters, so they get two hours instead of one. If they don't get medical intervention in 2 hours, they die.

So the mortally wounded stabilize exceptions apply to both the Zabrak getting directly mortally wounded, or if they get "killed" and spend the FP to get bumped up to mortally wounded. So if the Zabrak has no FP when they get killed, they are dead. If the GM rules there is no way they could have possibly survived whatever happened to them, they are dead. If there is no one to save them when they are mortally wounded (stabilized) for 2 hours, they are dead.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like thism but wanted to ask, if this was meant to "explain" ro give rules allowing for Maul to survive, would this then be considered a trait only for Dathomirian Zabrak, since we have no such extremes seen with other Zabrak
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
I like thism but wanted to ask, if this was meant to "explain" ro give rules allowing for Maul to survive, would this then be considered a trait only for Dathomirian Zabrak, since we have no such extremes seen with other Zabrak

Good question. "Dathomirian" is confusing term because it means different things in Legends and Canon. In Legends, Dathomirians are a near-human "hybrid" species that arose from a population of male Zabraks mating with human females. In canon, Dathomirians are a certain race of Zabraks. In both versions, Dathomirian males have horns and females don't. Non-Dathomirian Zabrak females have horns, so in canon Dathomirian Zabrak are the only female Zabrak females that don't have horns. It doesn't make sense to me that the females of one race of Zabraks would not have horns while the rest do. Out of the two interpretations, the Legends version makes more sense to me personally: Dathomirians are technically a different near-human species (not exactly Human or Zabrak), and the horns are on the Y chromosome. That alone doesn't explain the genetics of Zabrak females that do have horns, but at least Dathomirian females being different is because they are a separate species this way.

To answer your question, no I was not thinking this was only for Dathomirians, of either interpretation. I first made this for my game, and then made a RAW version to share here (which I think only has some Perception skill name differences). In my SWU, there is a planet named Dathomir because Maul said it in Solo. But in my SWU, the Force definitely does not work like magic, so that throws out a lot of Dathomir that we have seen in The Courtship of Princess Leia and TCW. But I really don't have anything against there being a Zabrak-Human hybrid species, especially on a planet that Maul was based on 10 years before ANH.

Maul (and the Zabrak Jedi Master in TMP) started out being Iridonian, then the species became Zabrak and Iridonia was the original homeworld of the Zabrak who had many colonies. Then TCW added-Maul's mother and brother, and made them all Dathomirians, which Legends and later Canon interpreted differently. Maul and all Zabraks were already near-humans, so I don't see the need to "dilute" their alieness with more humanity. So I split the difference between them all. In my SWU, Maul is half-Zabrak/half-Dathomirian (full-blooded Zabrak father from Iridonia, Dathomirian mother), and since Dathomirians are a Zabrak-Human hybrid species, that makes Maul 75% Zabrak and 25% human, genetically. I haven't statted out Dathomirians (or Maul), but I would at give Maul my Zabrak special abilities and call it a day.

So my intention for this is all Zabraks, but if you want to use this and want to apply it to Dathomirians (however you define them), go for it. I don't have any problem with Maul being the only example of the Damage Resistance ability for the killed and mortally wounded rules. We have species stats based on less. Based on the species fluff, my original Special Abilities for them was +1D to survival, willpower, and stamina, plus a 1D bonus to skill allocation dice in char gen. What I've added to help explain Maul's return in the films really fits right in with the original stats concept. And I'm not done explaining Maul, but what's in this thread is already better than TCW's weak explanation: extreme hatred.

And the other thing to consider for this rule is, in the game it never has to be as extreme as getting cut in half. Maul's specific death was a scripted event with a specific real world motivation (so fans would not expect him to come back in the remaining prequels), and his return is a scripted return with specific real world motivation (to give the cartoon fans more Maul). In the RPG, the GM has the die code results before describing the specific outcome. If a killed result for a Zabrak character comes out of the dice and the GM wants the character to have a chance to come back, the GM shouldn't tell the players that his body broke in half. The GM has some control over the specifics. But if the Zabrak character survives, they will be maimed with some permanent injury, so the GM should consider that when describing their injury. As I pointed out before, in rare cases normal humans have survived being cut in half in the real world, so Maul being an extreme example of this Zabrak ability is ok because he's Maul.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kinda reminds me of the anatomy of Klingons from Star Trek. In particular:
    There was a great deal more multiple redundancy in their organs, a principle they called brak'lul. This allowed Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle. They had twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight-chambered heart, three lungs, two urinary tracts, and even redundant neural function as well as multiple stomachs. Some geneticists believed that the extra organs, notably the third lung, evolved to give Klingons greater stamina on the battlefield.

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How does the Stabilization rule work with Hibernation Trance? I'm looking at this primarily from the specific scenario of Darth Maul, so is it conceivable that he stabilized, remote activated some sort of backup agent to come retrieve him, then went into a hibernation trance to stop the clock until he could be taken to a medical facility?
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
garhkal wrote:
The only thing i see wrong, is if they 'spend the FP to stop dying, but are just mortally wounded. WHO is going to then stop them 'bleeding out in 2d6 rounds, making them die anyway? OR does that spending of the FP, to shift to 'mortally wounded with the maim', eliminate that needing to roll each round??

WHO is whomever is there to save them, but I think you missed part of it. The sentences before the killed/FP part say that mortally wounded Zabrak can self-stabilize if they make a stamina roll (they can try once per round). .

So can they pop off another FP (or use CP) on that stabilization roll? If so, having it only be a difficult (16-20), isn't that high of a marker to reach...
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could the extreme hatered be "he used the force to stabilize himself"
he then used the force for things like healing and the through the force built his new metal legs....

I love the write up on this Zabrak version and will most use it in my own games.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like it. I'll be using it from now on. Might even start rolling up some Zabraks for future games!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Whill wrote:
...mortally wounded Zabrak can self-stabilize if they make a stamina roll (they can try once per round). .

So can they pop off another FP (or use CP) on that stabilization roll?

I never thought about that. At least CPs, yes. I'm not sure about spending an FP. Maybe FP to stabilize should be yes if went straight to mortally wounded, and no if coming to mortally wounded from being killed and spending the FP. That seems fair. It further differentiates the two ways to get mortally wounded.

garhkal wrote:
...If so, having it only be a difficult (16-20), isn't that high of a marker to reach...

I see, you are asking from the perspective of, isn't this too easy? Especially since they get they get a +2 to all stamina rolls, and they get to to keep trying to stabilize every round until they do? I don't think it's too easy, but I'm not an evil GM. I want the character to have a good chance to survive, just not be automatic survival. You won't want to hear that I also adopted the D6 Space rule for the mortally wounded dice roll every round to being the character Strength instead of a flat 2D. Your average PC has a 3D strength so in my game most PCs of any species have more chances to be stabilized than in RAW.

Mortally wounded doesn't even come up that often in my game though. It's better to avoid getting hit in the first place since my damage system is overall more deadly than RAW. The biggest benefit from that paragraph will be the +1 to all damage resistance rolls. Zabrak characters will be using that every time they take damage. That will help prevent mortally wounded and killed from even coming up in the first place.

Yes, Zabrak characters in my game have little additional means to survive things other characters don't have, but there is a cost. If they get killed they have to spend an FP they will not get back at the end of the adventure just to get up to mortally wounded. If they do have CPs and want to make sure they stabilize before they die, they should spend the CPs.

And keep in mind, without the Force, at most they can give themselves two hours. If there is no one there to save them, they die anyway. So these abilities don't matter much if they are alone. I guess I should also add to the rule that if you are mortally wounded after boosting up from killed and you take more damage, then they are dead with no further option for FPs. For Maul, I already worked out that there is a depth of water at the bottom the reactor shaft, so he didn't go splat...
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
How does the Stabilization rule work with Hibernation Trance? I'm looking at this primarily from the specific scenario of Darth Maul, so is it conceivable that he stabilized, remote activated some sort of backup agent to come retrieve him, then went into a hibernation trance to stop the clock until he could be taken to a medical facility?

I hadn't thought much about Force powers in conjunction with this. I wanted to get something down for all Zabrak partially as a species basis for Maul's survival (which definitely requires more than just this). The Force is bonus on top.

A Zabrak character who is killed is unconscious - If the PC has an FP, it is the player choosing to spend an FP or not, which is choosing to try to save the PC or let him die. I don't think a PC has to be conscious for that player decision. And then the self-stabilizing their mortal wound is an automatic reaction of their body, so that doesn't need character consciousness either. The Hibernation Trance power description doesn't say they can't do it wounded, but it does state that when the character enters the trance, they have to declare what specific stimuli or criteria be met for them to come out of the trance. This seems like the power's intention is that it must be a conscious declaration when entering the trance. As written, I would interpret that that the power could not be activated while the character is unconscious. Also, even if you could activate this power unconsciously, you can do nothing but heal while in the trance. I don't view Maul's injury as anything that he could heal from because he lost everything below his waist.

External intervention is absolutely required to save Maul. There will be someone that saves his top-half from the waters at the bottom of the reactor shaft. Who that is, why they are there, and what their motivations are will be part of the story I'm working on. Maul's survival will be prose, not an RPG scenario. I'm more concerned with verisimilitude with the Star Wars films since not everything that happens in them has to be translated into game terms. I just thought since Maul's survival is such a huge leap of credulity, it could help me to get something down for the species in general and put it in game terms. Your citation of the Memory Alpha article above about Klingons is definitely applicable to my concept of Zabraks.

After the initial shock of Maul's return in Solo wore off, my reaction for the game was to simply remove Zabraks as a playable species and decide not use them as NPCs in my game. But then after the conclusion of the DT and my self-emancipation from canon post-RotJ continuity, I started thinking about my post-RotJ game setting again and how I would replace the DT in my SWU. I realized that Solo left a lot of things unresolved that could be addressed, such as Crimson Dawn, the Cloud Riders, Qi'ra and Han, Maul's mission to find all those responsible for Dryden's death, etc. I thought Maul would just be a great major villain, so to establish that I really had to come up with a way to save Maul from his apparent death in TPM that works for me. Saving Maul means Zabrak are back in as a PC species.

Mamatried wrote:
Could the extreme hatered be "he used the force to stabilize himself"
he then used the force for things like healing and the through the force built his new metal legs....

Hatred certainly could be Maul's motivation, but hatred itself doesn't explain anything. And Maul using the Force to "build" the metal spider legs he first appeared with in TCW certainly would be consistent with the way the Force works in TCW, where the Force (especially but not completely the Dark Side) is basically fantasy magic. But I personally don't think the Force should be able to build complex cybernetics and self-install them into someone. If that works for you, great. I think that's silly. IMO, I have a totally better explanation for Maul's survival coming down the pipeline.

Maul at the end of Solo seems like the same character from TPM, but Maul from TCW and Rebels is very different. Cartoon Maul is totally insane, so his appearance in Solo (which takes place in between) just does not jive with those. I think I can even go as far as saying the film Maul (the real Maul) was also cloned, and the clone "Mauul" was the basis of the crazy-Maul in TCW and Rebels (who died in Rebels). And that allows for the real Maul to survive through the classic films to the post-RotJ galaxy.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is also the Remain Conscious Force Power, although it would require some tweaking to fit a "dead" Zabrak. A normal Zabrak would certainly be knocked unconscious by such extreme damage, but a Zabrak Sith Adept spending FPs and/or DSPs could potentially pull it off.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well under my rules a killed Zabrak can become mortally wounded with the FP expenditure. The Remain Conscious Force power can be used for mortally wounded, but the purpose of using it is to get one chance to consciously use another Force powers like Control Pain that you can't use unconsciously. That would be an option for a Force-sensitive Zabrak, and per RAW if successful at Control Pain they can get up and act like they are not wounded. However, mortally wounded is still mortally wounded even if the character can't feel the pain. That would mean they still have a countdown to death, and the Zabrak self-stabilization could still be needed to set that clock to two hours.

Maul controlling pain wouldn't allow him to "get up" because Maul had no lower body so he couldn't get up at all. But he definitely was still conscious as he fell down, so I think Maul used the Force to remain conscious. If he controlled pain for his one conscious action then he could stay conscious, and maybe he did end up using his arms to swim and/or climb.

But the Zabrak rules work as they do with or without the Force. The Force certainly can help you more than just being Zabrak.

Mamatried wrote:
I love the write up on this Zabrak version and will most use it in my own games.
Raven Redstar wrote:
I like it. I'll be using it from now on. Might even start rolling up some Zabraks for future games!

Glad you like it. Thanks for the feedback, guys!
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