Whill Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)
Joined: 14 Apr 2008 Posts: 10451 Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:42 pm Post subject: One-Zee |
FA-series Production History
SoroSuub Corporation's FA-series of third degree droids have an unusual production history.
100 years before the rise of the Empire, SoroSuub Corporation produced a line of successful lifelike droids for Sullustans, and had dreams of expanding the market to other species. None of the initial alien models took off, so with the last of its R&D budget for the 10-year project, SoroSuub's droid division reprogrammed its FA-0 nanny droid with an expanded memory and replaced its Sullustanlike covering with a humanlike one. The FA-1 was released as a general nanny droid marketed to humans, and sales were poor at first. It was believed that the attempted simulation of humanlike appearance and texture was simply too creepy for most humans to accept. Production almost ceased within the droid's first year when it began to become popular among some noble families of the Tapani sector. Over the next few years the trend spread to affluent families throughout the Republic, but the FA-1 only had a niche market and the fad for lifelike Sullustan droids abruptly ended, so SoroSuub's droid division was on the verge of being permanently shut down. As a last-ditch effort to save it, SoroSuub made some minor aesthetic alterations to the FA-1's humanlike coverings and quadrupled its price. This long shot paid off. The new, expensive FA-1 quickly became the nanny droid of choice among the wealthy elite human families of the galaxy. There were better nanny droids on the market for lower prices, but the FA-1 became a status symbol among the richest humans of the Republic. The padded simulated human coverings of the droid tended to deteriorate after a few years, so SoroSuub made quite a business out of overpriced "skin" variations and replacements for a time.
The FA-1 was a well-designed droid that readily accepted additional programming. Many human families with FA-1 droids found that the children were emotionally attached to their nannies, so many FA-1s continued service as more general servants to assist with the care of the household or become servants of the children as they grew older. After a popular murder mystery holofilm portrayed an FA-1 droid as the killer, humanlike coverings suddenly fell out of favor. The metal structure of the droid became the accepted appearance, although most FA-1s caring for infants still wore fancy soft padding on the torso and arms. SoroSuub won a defamation lawsuit against the holostudio and invested the winnings into producing two new FA-series models which used the same body as the FA-1, and marketed all three of them to all species. The FA-2 was a general servant droid, and the FA-3 was a valet droid. For decades, all three of these FA models were popular among affluent families of many species, with individual droids sometimes serving multiple generations. The FA-4 pilot droid was a lower-priced variation of the valet droid that fulfilled many government contracts. With the wider success of the FA-4, the final years of the Republic saw the FA-5 valet droid, the first in the series with a more humanoid body shape. All FA droid models continued to be produced under the Empire, but due to a variety of factors they saw a decline in popularity. They continued to maintain their strongest presence in wealthy and formally wealthy families.
One-Zee, Count Dooku's personal assistant
A Quote: "Your duel with Master Yoda sounds most harrowing, indeed. My olfactory sensors detect that your Sith undergarments needs laundered again, my lord. As soon as we make the jump to lightspeed, I shall draw your bath. I am happy to report that I was successful in removing the stain from your exquisite pajama pants, sir."
Type: Modified SoroSuub FA-1 Nanny Droid
Blaster 4D, blaster artillery 4D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, melee combat 4D, melee parry 4D, missile weapons 4D, pick pocket 5D, rolling 4D, thrown weapons 4D, vehicle blasters 4D
Alien species 3D+2, alien species: Aqualish 4D, alien species: Geonosians 4D, alien species: humans 5D, alien species: Kaleesh 4D, alien species: Koorivar 4D, alien species: Muun 4D, alien species: Neimoidians 4D, alien species: Quarren 4D, alien species: Sullustan 4D, bureaucracy 4D, bureaucracy: Serenno government 5D, bureaucracy: CIS 6D, business 3D, business: CIS 4D, cultures 4D, cultures: Serenno nobility 5D, cultures: Sith 4D+1, languages 5D, law enforcement 3D, law enforcement: CIS 3D+2, law enforcement: Coruscant 3D+1, law enforcement: Serenno 3D+2, planetary systems 4D+1, planetary systems: Coruscant 4D+2, planetary systems: Serenno 5D, scholar 4D, scholar: child care 5D, streetwise 4D+1, streetwise: CIS 4D+2, streetwise: Coruscant 5D, streetwise: Serenno 4D+2, survival 4D, tactics 5D, value 4D, value: droids 5D, value: Serenno 4D+1, value: starships 4D+1, willpower 5D
Astrogation 5D, communications 4D, repulsorlift operations 5D, sensors 4D, space transports 5D, space transports: solar sailer 6D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 5D
Bargain 3D, command 4D, con 5D, forgery 5D, gambling 3D, hide 5D, investigation 4D, persuasion 3D, search 5D, sneak 5D
Brawling 4D, lifting 3D, stamina 3D
Computer programming/repair 6D, demolitions 3D, droid programming 6D, droid repair 6D, first aid 5D, repulsorlift repair 4D+1, security 5D, space transports repair 5D, space transports repair: solar sailer 6D, starship weapon repair 4D
Gender Identity: Female
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 10
Move: 7
Size: 1.3 meters tall
Equipped With:
- Tread locomotion system (magnetic)
- Two manipulator arms
- Human-standard sensory receptors (with enhanced hearing and nightvision)
- Astrogation buffer (stores 10 hyperjumps)
- Hidden power transfer/scomp-link
- Vocabulator
- Language fluencies: Droidspeak (including the Dookie dialect), Galactic Standard (Basic), Aqualish, Geonosian, Kaleesh, Sith, Sullustan
Capsule: FA-1-Z-23 was purchased new by the royal family of Serenno when Countess Anya was pregnant with her first child. After Ramil was born, the droid was satisfied to fulfill her programming. As the baby grew older, he became increasingly difficult to manage, driving her to experience the emotions of annoyance and frustration.
Two years after Ramil was born, the Countess gave birth to a second son. When baby Dooku was first presented to the droid, the boy fussed and wailed. Then Ramil lit the droid's humanlike covering on fire. The droid was not seriously damaged but the skin was destroyed. Countess Anya found that Baby Dooku was content with FA-1-Z-23 without the human skin, so they never replaced it.
Baby Dooku was the complete opposite of his older brother Ramil, who continued to torment her in any way he could. FA-1-Z-23 experienced joy in taking care of her little "Dookie" who was almost always pleasant with her and clearly preferred the droid over his own mother. Whenever little Dookie would get a little fussy with FA-1-Z-23, she found that he was pacified by lullabies in Droidspeak. Little Dookie was an unusually advanced baby who early on spoke his first words, "One-Zee", clearly referring to FA-1-Z-23. Otherwise, what little Dookie's parents thought was baby gibberish, One-Zee knew was actually a form of Droidspeak that only she fully understood. One-Zee realized little Dookie's Force-sensitivity but attempted to keep it secret. Ramil witnessed a "Force occurrence" and One-Zee tried to keep him quiet about it, but Ramil told his father. Force-sensitivity was unheard of in House Serenno genealogy but Count Gora had little Dookie's Midi-chlorian count tested. When the results indicated a high degree of Force potential, Gora contacted the Jedi Order to come retrieve "the little freak".
One-Zee entered into a depression at the loss of her little Dookie. She hoped she would be sold but Countess Anya became pregnant again. One-Zee cared for the normal baby girl Jenza, which helped her feel she was serving her programmed purpose, but Ramil's tortures grew worse as he aged, including physical abuse of the droid from the sadistic boy.
When the children no longer needed a nanny, One-Zee was relieved to be put into storage, but the power down command failed. She activated the droid management droid who performed a diagnostic on her. Due to damage she had received from Ramil's abuse, power down commands, restraining bolts, and conventional memory wipes no longer worked on her. However she could not be fixed without being rebooted, and if she ever ran out of power, all her memories would be erased. She realized that even if she forgot all of the abuse she had received, she would also lose all the wonderful memories of her little Dookie. And when she was revived and repaired she would still belong to the same family, so she would likely have to care for Ramil's children some day. One-Zee decided to secretly always keep herself charged. She used a restraining bolt to take control of the droid manager and made him install computer/droid programming skillware into her, then she altered the droid manager's memories of that.
Many years later, after Countess Anya had died and the House Serenno manor experienced some renovations and expansions, One-Zee was forced to begin overriding the security systems and sneak around at night draining power from other droids. This secret existence lead her to discover that more FA-series models had been released and these newer droids were in the manor's droid pool. She gave herself FA-2 and FA-3 programming before Ramil's wife Kostanza gave birth to their son, Adan. One-Zee then resumed her nanny droid role. Kostanza and Adan were kind to her, and Ramil no longer tormented her. When Adan no longer needed a nanny and One-Zee faced being put into storage again, she realized Count Gora was abusive to Kostanza and Adan. Resuming her secret night existence, she began plotting against him. When Ramil, Kostanza and Adan were traveling the galaxy, One-Zee programmed a chef droid to poison Gora and make it look like an accident. One-Zee revealed to Gora that she was his killer right before he died. Ramil became Count.
Some years later, One-Zee observed a security recording of Count Ramil being abusive to Kostanza and Adan, but Ramil had discovered the security system being sliced and began investigating it. One-Zee drained the power of FA-4-1-Z20 (Ramil's personal pilot droid) and traded a damaged hatch of hers with his before assuming his identity. While Ramil traced the security breach back to droid storage, One-Zee convinced Kostanza and Adan to leave Serenno with her and they escaped on Count Gora's interstellar sloop. Ramil destroyed the FA-4 droid he thought was One-Zee. At that moment, a transmission was broadcast to the galaxy of the recordings showing Count Ramil abusing his family and destroying the droid. The queen of Alderaan offered asylum to Kostanza and Adan. Kostanza accepted. The Jedi Master Dooku soon resigned from the Jedi Order and returned to Serenno to kill his brother and assume the title of Count of Serenno. One-Zee then returned to Serenno and was joyously reunited with her Dookie. After she filled him in on all the House Serenno history she was aware of while he had been in the Jedi Order, he powered her down and had her properly repaired, so that she would have no memory of the abuses she had suffered or the murder of Count Gora. Dooku provided new programming, as well as having her identity reprogrammed so that when she rebooted, she would believe that she was an FA-4 droid with additional programming that had just gotten a mind wipe.
One-Zee became Count Dookie's pilot, administrative assistant, trusted confidant, and caregiver. As big Dookie grew even older, he needed more personal care, which One-Zee was quite pleased to provide. She cleaned his clothes, changed him, bathed him, dressed him, fed him, burped him, and sang Droidspeak lullabies to put him to sleep. One-Zee was a chief architect of the Separatist Alliance and the operational commander of its droid army until General Grievous officially assumed that position. One-Zee was one of the only beings in the galaxy with knowledge Sith operations.
In the Battle of Coruscant at the end of the Clone War, One-Zee's beloved big Dookie was killed by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. One-Zee survived the crash landing of the Invisible Hand with only minor damage, and sneaked her way to the secret Sith hideout in the nearby industrial district to report to big Dookie's master, Darth Sidious. She was pleased to later learn that Lord Sidious' new apprentice, Darth Vader, had avenged big Dookie's death by killing Anakin Skywalker and many other Jedi. Lord Sidious restored One-Zee's missing memories which big Dookie had saved, and assigned her to be the nanny of Force-sensitive toddlers...
Sources: Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Wookieepedia, Rancor Pit Galaxy Guide: Attack of the Clones (p.55), Rancor Pit Droids Stats (p.22, 54), Rancor Pit Starship Stats: Revised and Expanded (Censored Edition p.311).
FA-series Production History by Whill.
One-Zee Stats by Whill.
One-Zee Capsule text by Whill, based on concepts by Whill and Whill Jr. _________________ *
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Last edited by Whill on Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:32 pm; edited 2 times in total |