Stule Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 25 May 2005 Posts: 119
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:32 am Post subject: Two Weapon Fighting |
I was trying so hard to make rules that were complicated (I used to play way too much D20), when the simplest rule worked the best.
Two Weapon Fighting.
When attacking with two weapons, you gain a -1D penalty to your off-hand, but you get to attack twice on your declaration turn.
Melee 8D
Announces 4 Actions (4 attacks).
1st Round: 1 Attack 5D, 1 Attack at 4D,
2nd Round: 1 Attack 5D, 1 Attack 4D,
That is pretty easy!
Thanks to Kage for helping me figure that out.
Sorry to tie up the boards! |
KageRyu Commodore

Joined: 06 Jul 2005 Posts: 1391 Location: Lost in the cracks
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:12 pm Post subject: Re: Two Weapon Fighting |
Sorry to post twice, but brought this quote over here from the other thread so we'd have a seperate thread about 2-handed. I had to revisit this idead due to the recent surge in action heros post 90's having 2 guns, 2 swords, etc...
Stule wrote: | So I was thinking of changing the off hand to -1D for main and -2D for off.
What do you think?
Should it only be -1D or -2D for the off hand, and should there be a penalty for the main, like -1D? |
I always assign a -1D penalty for off handed use (even if it's the only hand being used, like due to injury). I am still fairly sure I read it somewhere, though now I am not sure which book, or if it was official rules or under some character or weapon description. Still trying to find it (I have too many books to comb through). But, yeah, that's how I do it for 2 weapons: -1D main hand (from extra action) -2D for offhand (extra action penalty and off hand penalty cummulative). I only apply the off-hand penalty once though. So, 2 attack with both weapons (4 actions) is -3D main hand, -4D off hand.
Stule wrote: | Wait a sec....
Is this what your talking about?
Should it that your main has no penalties, and -1D for Off.
Then if a person declares 4 attacks and he has an 8D Melee it would look like this:
Melee 8D with two swords
Main: 2 Attacks at 5D
Off: 2 Attacks at 4D
The attacks would be made in 2 rounds.
1st action: 2 Attacks (5D, 4D)
2nd Action: 2 Attacks (5D, 4D)
Is this what you mean? |
Yup, that's exactly it.
I am also working on some special rules for 2 handed melee weapons that are a little different. Those base rules work great for blaster pistols and slugthrowers. But, certain other options become available with melee/lightsaber.
Here's a few ideas for 2 melee/lightsaber use, lemme know what you think:
• A character using 2 melee weapons can get +1D to parry (seems kinda weak with the -2D for off-hand + multi-action I think?)
• A character using 2 melee weapons may decalre a FULL MELEE PARRY with one weapon, but still attack with the other. This counts as a multiple skill use (I think with the multi-action and off-handed penalties this would be balanced to some degree?)
I'm leaning to the second one. Basically, one weapon is used for nothing but defence. Fighting someone with 2-swords is really tricky. And it seems more cinematic to me.
Also, I did like the Idea of the Advanced skill for Dual Weapon combat. I would modify it though, so it didn't negate the penalties, but the extra dice from the advanced skill being added to your weapon skill certainly would help offset the penalties and make you better at it? Also, the fact that it would be a skill covering dual wielding everything from blasters to lightsabers, it deffinately warrents the advanced skill cost. |