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A whole slew of them...
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:55 am    Post subject: A whole slew of them... Reply with quote

This is about whether (if the below happened while you were the GM) would you award a DSP (or more)...

WARNING LONG! (to make it easier, i will make each one in quote marks)

The rebel (or even fringer, BUT NOT imperial aligned) Party is making a raid on the imps. They split up into 2 packs of 3, (left and right flank). 2 of the members on the left (or right, does not matter) make one of their hit and fade attacks, but actually get whammped on, with 1 dying, and the other 2 getting knocked out AND bleeding (eg for D6 mortally wounded). The other group either sees or hears this, but is too far away to help at this time.
The Imperials (or what ever bad guy group, comes over the comlink/loudspeaker and makes it known to the rest of the rebs that if they give themselves up Immediately, then they guarantee medical treatment for their fallen comrades. They either refuse or flat out flee, which condemns the MW comrades to death.

(not mine, first one)
Recently in a D20 SW:RPG game I was playing my character a level 4 soldier/ level 2 Jedi Guardian was on a mission. During that mission the GM saw to it that I got.. not 1.. not 2.. but 8 Dark Side points... (DSP = Dark Side Points)

His logic:
1. I sealed 3 people in a steel crate with my lightsaber after I had knocked them out with a stun grenade...
= 3 DSP, they did not have any air and died.
2. Entering a facility, I opened a door to find an enemy communications center with 4 technicians right at the console. Panicked I ran to them with 2 light sabers ignited, but that was the end of my action.. On their action they turned to face me but did not surrender. Fearing they were going to hit an alarm, I killed all 4 with my lightsaber.
= 5 DSP.. 1 for each kill = 4 + 1 for the carnage.
(next of mine)
Party is split into 3 groups, 4 on one ship, 2 on another and 5 on the third.
Those on ship 3, somehow get a Dark Jedi on board (using the force to travel there… a home made force power). He is whopping up on them good, when the pilot of that ship calls to the other 2 ships, to destroy his (hoping it will also kill the DJ).
Will the gunners on the other ship get a DSP for killing the other occupants on that ship?

(not mine)
Say Joe Jedi is fighting evil bob. The fight moves into a city, and evil bob takes up position inside someone’s house. Joe Jedi, is now out of force points, so calls on the dark side, and hurls in fire/explosives/thermal detonators (etc), KNOWING that innocents inside will die. But when questioned, he simply responds "well if they did not wish to die, they should not have let in the bad guy" OR "if they did not wish to die, they should have vacated their house"...

Now, besides the DSP for calling on the dark side, would he get another for the deaths of innocents?
More than one??

(not mine, but a good one)
PC’s are breaking into a speeder sales lot to steal an astromech Droid. The R2 unit is borderline stolen property – some swoopers found it in an abandoned warehouse and took it, selling it to the owner of the speeder lot. They didn’t know the Droid belonged to the PC’s contact that had gone missing.
Anyway, the Jedi uses his Handle Animal skill (enhanced with force abilities) to distract the equivalent of guard dogs, luring them to the other end of the lot. The other PC’s cut through the fence and try to break into the shed to free the Droid.
Now, there’s a mouse Droid patrolling the lot that spots this going on and signals the guard dogs to come running. The Jedi, seeing the game is up, races back to help. Battle ensues. One of the guard dogs is pretty badly mauling a PC Droid (out of vitality and down to wounds) when the Jedi gets there. The Jedi charges forward and kills the dog.
Now, I didn’t give a DSP, my reasoning being the Jedi was acting to defend an ally. There didn’t appear to be any alternative – the dog was going to continue attacking the Droid until it was destroyed unless he killed it.
I think it was borderline, though. First, he was acting with aggression by charging (“Anger, Fear, Aggression, the Dark Side are they” as Yoda said). Second, he was killing a living creature (part of the Force) to protect a non-living entity (not part of the Force). Third, the Jedi came from a pacifist society that abhors violence.

What do people think? I issued a warning to the Jedi that the behavior was borderline.

Also, what about the theft of the Droid? Isn’t theft a product of greed, and greed is a dark side emotion?

Terrorist/bad-guy/bounty hunter holding hostage, with a heavily modified heavy blaster pistol/sawn off shot gun WHAT EVER! to hostages head. Party tries to do something. Gets to a 'stalemate', when one of the party, who is either a low powered Jedi or just someone force sensitive, tries something, which forces the BG to shoot and kill the hostage.
Checking out the situation, further, they find out the hostage was a pregnant woman with triplets, and that the BG WOULD Have surrendered, if negotiated with. SO the hostage need not have died...

(again not mine)
The group were trying to liberate Wookie slaves from a small Imperial research station. Things were going badly, in the end only the Jedi was standing. However things weren’t hot for the Imperials either, they were stuck in their base with their communication equipment down and their Storm trooper detachment wiped out.
The officer charged out and tried to deal with the Jedi, he was clearly failing and raised his hands. He made an offer, if the Jedi didn’t leave now all the Wookie captives would be killed. The Jedi, under the impression that the Imperial had to give some form of order or activate a device to kill the captives, leapt forward and killed him with a single swing of his saber.
This is killing a surrendered opponent in cold blood that would normally be rewarded with a DSP.
However the player was trying to save the Wookies (as it happened he didn’t, the Imperial Doctor in the base was watching and killed them herself). He didn’t just charge in there and kill him, his thought process (said out loud) was that it was usually wrong to kill the Imperial but that he had to do it to save the captives. He deliberated and then choose his course of action.

(another one not mine)
1.Party investigates this landing beacon of a suspicious company on a backwater world.
2.Party hasn’t been able to contact the company's base on planet.
3.Sensing equipment tampering, 6 company security guards and 2 techs approach the beacon.
4.Party hides in jungle foliage and divides for flanking maneuver.
5.PC team 1 fumbles hide and attracts 3 guards.
6.Guards open fire in hopes of scaring off native predators.
7.PC team 1 attacks guards. 1guard killed, 2 surrender
8. PC team 2, still hidden well, notices other 3 guards and techs withdrawing during team 1's fight.
8.5. My Soldier player tells me he going to get those last 3 guards and declares using a Force point. His girlfriend, another player, warns him of Dark side. He's like "Yeah." Devious grin.
9. Level 9 Soldier PC, non-Force Sensitive with 2 DSPs already, spends a Force point to attack the fleeing 3 guards with their techs. He uses auto fire and Heroic surge, with the high rolled Force point bonus succeeds in killing the 3 guards fleeing flat-footed within one round.
My reaction as GM: Gave the soldier one DSP per guard.

(another one not mine, but regarding a whole team)
First off 3 PCs stop a imperial officer from getting blown away. 2 PCs go off to collect reward while 2 branch off and rob store. 2 robbing PCs stun the clerk and begin to rob. The other 2 come back and join them. Clerk wakes up and calls police. A 'customer' comes in and, hearing sirens, tells them to follow him fast. They don't. A ST pulls up on a speeder and they kill him. They flee and kill 3 police. 2 ST come into store and they stun one, kill the other. Then a Defel Scoundrel has his R2 chop off the head of the stunned ST.
Now I am wanting to give only 2 of them DSP, the one that thought of robbing the store and the one that killed the stunned ST. However they say either the WHOLE party gets one or none of them. Thoughts?

(yet another one not mine, but a thought infecting one)
I have a friend who was GM for a little game he made up. One of our Jedi (who is anal about the force try to be all goody Jedi all the time) was fighting a guy who had disarmed him. The guy gets knocked down and the Jedi uses move object to get his Saber then puts it on the guys back and turns it on.

Our GM said "well, ya killed him. and you get a DS point" this kind of made him upset. (his first one) HE said something about how obi-wan killed the creature in EPII like that and he did not get a DSP. Though that ended when I ask how he knew that.
I thought the point was justified. Seemed like that was a bit aggressive and maybe some anger. I had given some to a guy for acts like that. I just thought I would se what other GM's think about his call.

(should be the last of those not mine)
Is it considered Dark side to be nasty to and destroy a Droid, or is a Droid just a complicated calculator?
Two examples?
1. Jedi full of rage destroys a harmless Droid?
My opinion: DSP for the rage, not for attacking the Droid.
2. Calm Jedi takes a 1st degree Droid apart because he needs the parts.
My opinion: No DSP, the Droid was just tech.

(well, I thought it was…. But this is, and it is also not mine)
My character is a Padawan and my friends character is his master.
long story short. My character was stunned and my characters master used my as a human shield to protect him from a stun bolt (which worked I might add). Isn't this a little on the Dark Side?
Any opinions?

(Next to last, one of mine… Has 2 parts)
A Jedi and bounty hunter (the Jedi wearing coyonite armor, and the hunter wearing his armor) are playing the roles of 2 hunters looking out for a mark. It was part of their cover story for the module I ran at Gencon.

While waltzing around, I had 2 bounty hunters jump them, using Stun batons, after matching the Jedi wearing his VERY noticable armor. 1st round was surprise, but the Jedi, made a good enough perception roll I allowed him to make a defensive parry. Both got hit, but suffered only stuns. 2nd round- they lost init, and the 2 hunters paired off, 1 on 1. Still using their stun batons (which do both physical damage, str+1, and stun damage - 6d stunning), they manage to deliver another stun result to the Jedi, and wound the B-hunter in the leg. The Jedi at this time, says he will spend a force point, whip out this lightsaber and chop them down, dead in their tracks....

At this remark, I let him know if he does that, he will get a DSP. My reasoning - 1) as a Jedi he should look for other options to halt the combat before killing an opponent, and 2) they were using NON-Lethal means, stun batons, on the players.

He argued with me, for almost half an hour, that his actions would not warrant a DSP. I held to my thought point. WE both agreed to refer it to a head judge. He looked at the situation, and sided with the player, but did give me the heads up, that surrendering was a free action, so the sisters (the npc bounty hunters), did just that. They saw the Jedi whip out his light saber, and immediately dropped their weapon. The Jedi, then said he was holding off attacking them. I said
"as you hesitate, you see fear and understanding in their eyes, as they turn around to run away/flee."
He then immediately said he will cut them down, (chopping the legs off)no warning or anything. TO this I also warned him he would get a DSP. Again we were at an impasse, and I was again over-ruled by a head judge.

Later on, during a little down period, i got the player to the side, to explain my reasoning, and likened what he did to the following situation:
Party of players has to flee a planet cause one (or more) of the players in the party does something illegal, and gets the police/security on their tail. In space, the cops using their fighters shoot with ION CANNONS only at the parties ship, to disable, and the players use a proton torp to blast them away. Overwhelming Deadly force versus someone using non lethal force.
He still is un-repentant, and says if it was him in that situation, hell yes he would blow anyone away. It didn't matter the morals behind it. someone was shooting at him, he would kill them. No qualms, no quarter..........

(lastly, one of mine)
Players are on a rebel planet undergoing a 'king of the hill' paintball/laser tag type training mission (stun weapons only), when the Imps come a-calling. They also are only (at first) using stun bolts, but DO have a heavy e-web set up. Their orders are simple, show up in force and get the party to surrender. If they don't after a few rounds, open up with the E-web on 1 of the players, to show them they are capable of being killed. One player, a smuggler, gets shot with the e-web and goes down to incap. Imp commander has his other 24 troops hold fire, while he offers the rest of the rebels the chance to surrender.

All the players start to give up, but one inquires how many DSPs he would receive if he was to spend a FP, call upon the dark side, and using his 4x speed, zoom behind the imp's line, take over the e-web and blast them all in the back, NO warning, No mercy.
(Additional information!)
Firstly, there were Other teams (4) on the planet who were converging on their position, and from the time they would have been captured, to getting to the half way point to the stormies shuttle, 2 of those 4 would have staged an attack freeing them (IT IS NOT IN THE MODULE THAT WAY, but the head judge and author of the module said to make it so, IF the party gets captured.
Secondly, while yes, it is war, shooting people in the back, to my mind is still a no no. Which is what he would have done. NOW, if he did just grab the E-web and hold it on the captain, telling him to have his troops surrender, and the captain didn't, then he shoots him, I would have not had a problem with that.
and lastly, the player even agreed to the fact he would be getting additional dark side points, from doing what he did, he was just asking me how many i felt he would get. It was kind of a hypothetical, but he decided not to do it, after finding out how many he would get.

Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!

Last edited by garhkal on Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for the DSP's:

The crate - it was wrong, and they died. A jedi should be vigiliant and aware of the consequences of all actions. Not sure how DPS's are dished out in D20, but yes this could be one in D6. If it was truely a accidental oversight on your part in every way and you were unaware of the consequences of your actions you might get away with it.....might.

The tec room - definatly dark side. You acted on emotion, death or no death you were doomed to walk a dark path when you acted on your emotions. Panik comes from fear and fear leads to the dark side. Still, don't understand the system of how many get dished for what.

It depends on who's firing the weapons. In WEG if the gunner is non-force sensitive, no; force sensitive - not if it is truely for the greater good or they can justify and rationalize it; a jedi - yes unless they are unaware of what's happening.

Calling on the dark side is always dark side - no excuses. Yes, it's two different acts. Murder of innocents and calling on the dark side. (Normally in WEG most people limit it to one a scene, but in this case one for the scene, one for the act of calling on the dark side.)

Cultural wrongs and DSP's are not the same. If he was acting on emotion, yes. Was there truely no other alternative? Could he not have used another force ability? I would have created a distraction (think Obi-Wan on the death star when the stormtrooper look for the noise.) After all, the dog shouldn't fear an incapacitated droid.

The Jedi should have used legal channels. Like explain to the new owner what had happened and re-embursed him for the droid or created a deal to either retrieve old data / purchase it. Things like this should come before theft....unless there's a really good reason.

It depends on what could have been done. Did you have time to react better? Could you have dropped your weapons and exchanged yourself willingly as a hostage during the negotiations? Or did this whole scene happen in two rounds? If you knew the other PC was about to pull a stunt that treatened her life and did nothing, yes.

Anytime the Jedi are faced with overwhellming odds or threats against innocents they always surrended in the movies. Why? Because an opportunity will present itself for them to save everyone without risking their lives. Killing in cold blood is bad, especially when there are options. Allowing the wookies to die due to reckless actions is no better.


The PC's should never tell the GM how things are going to be in a demand style fashion. Who gets DSP and when really depends on their connection to the force. The closer the connection the easier it is to fall astray.

The PC killed dishonarbly...not good.....not good at all. Some situational information could make a difference, sounds dark to me though.

Only when enraged.

Not nice, but so long as the master knew it was stun and no harm could come to you; not really. Unless he acted on an emotion. He should have just dodged.

I disagree with the judge, but your playing WotC - it's a combat gave they probably go easy on the Jedi.

For WEG I would say two. One for the scene and one for the calling on the dark side.
Luke, I am your father.
That's impossible!
And Leia is your sister!
That's improbable?
And the Empire will be destroyed by..EWOKS!
That's...highly unlikely.
The Force? Bacteria called midichlorians.
If you don’t take this seriously I'm out.

Last edited by Endwyn on Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, that IS a lot....

1) Rebel party on SD leaving the wounded behind: 0 DSP. The Empire guarantees their wounded companions medical treatment? A few things wrong with that... first, it's the Empire making the guarantee. Second, even if they live they'll likely be tortured for information, then executed for defying the empire (along with anyone who surrendered).

2) Locked in a crate: 0 or 1 DSP. Maybe you should have thought of air holes, but if he was going to be awarding DSPs for something like that he should have casually reminded you about something like that, or described the crate in such a way that you would know it didn't have any airflow. If you actually intended to kill them by suffocating them, I'd say one DSP would be good enough.
Killing Technicians: 0 DSP. The way you describe it, it was a matter of self defense. They didn't surrender and they're hostile. You have the rest of the party to think about. I think the GM wanted them to sound the alarm, so he penalized you for foiling that.
Gunners/Self Sacrifice: 0 DSP. It's not as simple as 'he told me to kill him, so it's justified'. There was a reasonable expectation that none of the occupants of that ship would have survived (expect the Dark Jedi who would have then killed the others), AND there was permission/self sacrifice involved. The one who gave the order to fire at the expense of his life should get a FP or a few even (still dies, but...). Nobody else gets a DSP.

3) Joe v. Bob: 2-7 DSP (or instant fall) Of course a DSP is gained for calling on the dark side. Apart from that, Joe is a Jedi. He has a responsibility to protect the lives of those innocents. DSP for Joe and tell him to re-read the jedi rules if he wants to play a Jedi as his next character.

4) Dead Dog, Stolen Droid: 0 DSP. The Jedi was not acting with aggression, he had to move to the dog to attack the dog to save the droid, and droids with personalities are 'people' too. If anything, as the droid has no means of defending itself, the Jedi is responsible for defending it. As the Jedi came from a pacifist society... don't know why he has a lightsaber. He should have found a more creative/in character solution and I might dock him bonus CPs at the end of the game, but DSP? No. As for the stolen droid... Probably no DSP. I'm sure many Jedi Masters would consider it an object lesson in the dangers of dealing in stolen property. Additionally, if there was some need for this droid for the 'greater good' commandeering it is not wrong. If the act was totally capricious and the innocent owner suffered harm because of it, I might give one DSP.

5) Hostage situation: 0 DSP. You really run a gruesome game, doncha? Wink But! In this case, hindsight is 20/20. They didn't know the guy would negotiate (he might just as well have killed the hostage after getting what he wanted). They didn't know about the triplets (I guess it wasn't an obvious stage of pregnancy?) and they can only act on what they know. The Jedi, by trying to save the hostage, was doing what was required of him/her as a Jedi. Perhaps use of the Force might have provided better insight into the situation, but the inexperienced force user might not have known or might not have been able to do anything along those lines.

6) Imperial Bargain: 0 DSP. The Imperial officer didn't offer a deal, he made a threat. A deal would have been 'If you leave now you can take the wookies with you and we'll let you walk'. Even then, it's the empire that's being dealt with. Any deal is likely a trap. Sure there are some who'd hold up their end of the bargain, but you can't be sure which ones will or won't. To accept the deal would have been to fail the wookies and to fail his friends who sacrificed themselves to rescue them. Also, he spoke his reasoning aloud; he thought that the wookies would be saved by his actions.

7) Ambush: 1 DSP. The enemies are fleeing and weren't aggressive to begin with. Letting them go would have resulted in no consequences for the party. Letting them go was merely a matter of remaining hidden. A force point is used. The player is forewarned of DSPs. The player is amused by the prospect of DSPs.

8 ) GTA: Mos Eisley: This is already a dark side campaign, DSPs irrelevant/not evil enough to warrant DSPs. And furthermore, an R2 unit has life preservation programming and couldn't be ordered to remove the head of a stunned stormtrooper. The defel would have to do it himself. I'd probably dump a player group like this, or at the very least change the characters/campaign.

9) Anger?: 0-1 DSP: Just looking at the given text, no DSPs. They're in a fight situation, both disarmed, one gets their weapon back and ends the fight. The player in question has a history for tending toward the light side. If I were there, I might have called it differently, depending on how the player RP'd. If he was clearly acting out of anger, DSP him, but also give him bonus CPs for portraying that anger. I would have liked to see him not activate the saber, but instead just have it at his back, then either let the other guy pick up his weapon, or end the fight with the other guy's surrender... however, there's no guarantee he would surrender and letting him get his weapon could turn out badly, so no DSP for not acting the way I would have liked.

10) Some droids are calculators. Some droids have personalities.
Rage against the machine: 1 DSP. I agree, acting on rage is dark side.
Please don't deactivate me: 1 DSP, maybe 0. Droids blur the line on definitions like 'machine' and 'person'. Isaac Asimov has a lot to say on the topic. In any case, in Star Wars, droids are treated like people. Unless the droid somehow consented to this operation and there was a good reason for it, the player gets a DSP. Being calm about taking an unwilling person apart for spare parts only makes the act more disgusting in a lot of ways.

11) Meat Shield: 0 DSP. The character really wasn't hurt or in any danger he wasn't in already. The master is more responsible for the safety of the pupil having used him like this.

12) Lethal Counterforce: 0 DSP. The bounty hunters attacked the players. They used stun batons because they needed to capture their victims live for whoever posted the bounty. Whoever posted the bounty does not have the characters' best interests in mind and would likely have harmed them further. They may not be killing him, but they're setting him up to die later, so it's practially the same. The Jedi isn't obligated to save people who are trying to kill him, it's just nice.
Attack on Fleeing: 1 DSP. Head judge was flat out wrong. The fight was over, the hunters had surrendered and were no longer aggressive and no longer their enemies. All the Jedi has to do is let them go and everyone walks away, which any Jedi should consider the best case scenario.
Additional: The player in question should get a reduced reward at the end of the game. You don't argue with the GM, ESPECIALLY in a convention setting with other players waiting, the GM put a lot of effort into preparting and the GM was nice enough to gave you warnings on your actions. Whining to the head judge was disgraceful. Also, the player in question didn't care about the morals behind the action. This is completely out of character for someone playing as a Jedi and very bad roleplaying.

13) E-Web Takeover: 0 DSP. The player in question cannot both call on the dark side and spend an FP. Calling on the dark side grants an FP which must be used immediately. Only one FP can be spent. Whether or not the Imps offered them a chance to surrender is irrelevant... as in previous cases with Imperials, you can bet that they're going to torture/kill you later. The motives of the Imperials are irrelevant as the players can't know that information. The players didn't know they would be rescued, so that information is also not relevant. The main issue you might disagree with here is shooting the guy in the back, but the Imps are the aggressors and that action would save the rest of the team and it's not really shooting him in the back if he starts from in front. The idea to confiscate the E-Web would have been good, but it's just something the player didn't think of. If you'd wanted it to go that way, you might have recommended it then, but even if he refuses the combat situation is continuous.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm only going to tackle a couple of them, as my time is short. I'll attempt more later.

1. (I believe we already discussed this one in private, but my opinion still stands). No DSP. You can't trust the Empire to honor what they offer, and giving up will surely doom everyone, not just those that are down and dying.

2. Crate. Silly oversight, but I'd probably give a Jedi 1 DSP. If the Jedi was alien, however, like a Givin, I wouldn't give any DSP, as such a character might not realistically think of things like "breathing" when doing such a thing.

3. Facility. Depends on the mood of the Jedi. Trying for stealth, and everyone is an "enemy", then I'd say no DSP. Just wanting to "kill sumthin'", then 1 DSP for the whole shebang.

4. Ships. No DSP. It should be a moral dilemma, for sure, but I wouldn't give any DSP for something that one PC is requesting of another in order to further the side of good.

5. I think we talked about this one as well, and besides the 1 DSP for the "calling the Dark Side", I would also give another DSP for chucking explosives in and killing innocents. In addition, I would also require TWO rolls to see of the character turns to the Dark Side.

6. Droid/Dog. No DSP

7. If an attempt at negotiations was made, and didn't work, and then Jedi attempted something non-hostile to foil the bad guy, I would not give out a DSP, not even with a pregnant lady. If Jedi decides to "screw the negotiations" and does something cocky and the hostage dies, then 1 DSP. The fact the lady is pregnant is irrelevant.

That's all I have time for now. More later.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The rebel (or even fringer, BUT NOT imperial aligned) Party is making a raid on the imps. They split up into 2 packs of 3, (left and right flank). 2 of the members on the left (or right, does not matter) make one of their hit and fade attacks, but actually get whammped on, with 1 dying, and the other 2 getting knocked out AND bleeding (eg for D6 mortally wounded). The other group either sees or hears this, but is too far away to help at this time.
The Imperials (or what ever bad guy group, comes over the comlink/loudspeaker and makes it known to the rest of the rebs that if they give themselves up Immediately, then they guarantee medical treatment for their fallen comrades. They either refuse or flat out flee, which condemns the MW comrades to death.

No DSP. Can't trust the Imperials. This is not a situation where the outcome is clear, and there is no gaurantee that surrender was the best option.

(not mine, first one)
Recently in a D20 SW:RPG game I was playing my character a level 4 soldier/ level 2 Jedi Guardian was on a mission. During that mission the GM saw to it that I got.. not 1.. not 2.. but 8 Dark Side points... (DSP = Dark Side Points)

His logic:
1. I sealed 3 people in a steel crate with my lightsaber after I had knocked them out with a stun grenade...
= 3 DSP, they did not have any air and died.
2. Entering a facility, I opened a door to find an enemy communications center with 4 technicians right at the console. Panicked I ran to them with 2 light sabers ignited, but that was the end of my action.. On their action they turned to face me but did not surrender. Fearing they were going to hit an alarm, I killed all 4 with my lightsaber.
= 5 DSP.. 1 for each kill = 4 + 1 for the carnage.

In D6 it would be 4 DSPs followed by an immediate roll to see if he didn't turn.

Party is split into 3 groups, 4 on one ship, 2 on another and 5 on the third.
Those on ship 3, somehow get a Dark Jedi on board (using the force to travel there… a home made force power). He is whopping up on them good, when the pilot of that ship calls to the other 2 ships, to destroy his (hoping it will also kill the DJ).
Will the gunners on the other ship get a DSP for killing the other occupants on that ship?

Just dumb... might be worth a few posthumous Force Points. The ships that fire get no DSPs, they did as told and have no information that it is a bad idea.

(not mine)
Say Joe Jedi is fighting evil bob. The fight moves into a city, and evil bob takes up position inside someone’s house. Joe Jedi, is now out of force points, so calls on the dark side, and hurls in fire/explosives/thermal detonators (etc), KNOWING that innocents inside will die. But when questioned, he simply responds "well if they did not wish to die, they should not have let in the bad guy" OR "if they did not wish to die, they should have vacated their house"...

Now, besides the DSP for calling on the dark side, would he get another for the deaths of innocents?
More than one??

Those reasons are senseless. They did not let him in, and had no idea the Jedi was going to torch their home. Just torching their home was bad enough. 3 DSPs followed by an immediate roll.

(not mine, but a good one)
PC’s are breaking into a speeder sales lot to steal an astromech Droid. The R2 unit is borderline stolen property – some swoopers found it in an abandoned warehouse and took it, selling it to the owner of the speeder lot. They didn’t know the Droid belonged to the PC’s contact that had gone missing.
Anyway, the Jedi uses his Handle Animal skill (enhanced with force abilities) to distract the equivalent of guard dogs, luring them to the other end of the lot. The other PC’s cut through the fence and try to break into the shed to free the Droid.
Now, there’s a mouse Droid patrolling the lot that spots this going on and signals the guard dogs to come running. The Jedi, seeing the game is up, races back to help. Battle ensues. One of the guard dogs is pretty badly mauling a PC Droid (out of vitality and down to wounds) when the Jedi gets there. The Jedi charges forward and kills the dog.
Now, I didn’t give a DSP, my reasoning being the Jedi was acting to defend an ally. There didn’t appear to be any alternative – the dog was going to continue attacking the Droid until it was destroyed unless he killed it.
I think it was borderline, though. First, he was acting with aggression by charging (“Anger, Fear, Aggression, the Dark Side are they” as Yoda said). Second, he was killing a living creature (part of the Force) to protect a non-living entity (not part of the Force). Third, the Jedi came from a pacifist society that abhors violence.

What do people think? I issued a warning to the Jedi that the behavior was borderline.

He killed the animal for breaking equipment. Did he have no force power to stop it? His society only has to do with role-playing the character's mindset, but in the actual consequences I would say the act was self serving, and certainly borderline. If he had an alternative available, than why not use it.

Terrorist/bad-guy/bounty hunter holding hostage, with a heavily modified heavy blaster pistol/sawn off shot gun WHAT EVER! to hostages head. Party tries to do something. Gets to a 'stalemate', when one of the party, who is either a low powered Jedi or just someone force sensitive, tries something, which forces the BG to shoot and kill the hostage.
Checking out the situation, further, they find out the hostage was a pregnant woman with triplets, and that the BG WOULD Have surrendered, if negotiated with. SO the hostage need not have died...

This sad situation was just a horrible, horrible mistake. No way to give a DSP to anyone for not having known there was an alternative. Hindsight is 20/20, foresight is blind.

(again not mine)
The group were trying to liberate Wookie slaves from a small Imperial research station. Things were going badly, in the end only the Jedi was standing. However things weren’t hot for the Imperials either, they were stuck in their base with their communication equipment down and their Storm trooper detachment wiped out.
The officer charged out and tried to deal with the Jedi, he was clearly failing and raised his hands. He made an offer, if the Jedi didn’t leave now all the Wookie captives would be killed. The Jedi, under the impression that the Imperial had to give some form of order or activate a device to kill the captives, leapt forward and killed him with a single swing of his saber.
This is killing a surrendered opponent in cold blood that would normally be rewarded with a DSP.
However the player was trying to save the Wookies (as it happened he didn’t, the Imperial Doctor in the base was watching and killed them herself). He didn’t just charge in there and kill him, his thought process (said out loud) was that it was usually wrong to kill the Imperial but that he had to do it to save the captives. He deliberated and then choose his course of action.

A grave error. No DSP needed, failing miserably and not getting the CP for such a bad decision is punishment enough.

(another one not mine)
1.Party investigates this landing beacon of a suspicious company on a backwater world.
2.Party hasn’t been able to contact the company's base on planet.
3.Sensing equipment tampering, 6 company security guards and 2 techs approach the beacon.
4.Party hides in jungle foliage and divides for flanking maneuver.
5.PC team 1 fumbles hide and attracts 3 guards.
6.Guards open fire in hopes of scaring off native predators.
7.PC team 1 attacks guards. 1guard killed, 2 surrender
8. PC team 2, still hidden well, notices other 3 guards and techs withdrawing during team 1's fight.
8.5. My Soldier player tells me he going to get those last 3 guards and declares using a Force point. His girlfriend, another player, warns him of Dark side. He's like "Yeah." Devious grin.
9. Level 9 Soldier PC, non-Force Sensitive with 2 DSPs already, spends a Force point to attack the fleeing 3 guards with their techs. He uses auto fire and Heroic surge, with the high rolled Force point bonus succeeds in killing the 3 guards fleeing flat-footed within one round.
My reaction as GM: Gave the soldier one DSP per guard.

I would have just given one in D6, and let him know that he needs a character ready just in case he rolls that char into NPCmanship.

(another one not mine, but regarding a whole team)
First off 3 PCs stop a imperial officer from getting blown away. 2 PCs go off to collect reward while 2 branch off and rob store. 2 robbing PCs stun the clerk and begin to rob. The other 2 come back and join them. Clerk wakes up and calls police. A 'customer' comes in and, hearing sirens, tells them to follow him fast. They don't. A ST pulls up on a speeder and they kill him. They flee and kill 3 police. 2 ST come into store and they stun one, kill the other. Then a Defel Scoundrel has his R2 chop off the head of the stunned ST.
Now I am wanting to give only 2 of them DSP, the one that thought of robbing the store and the one that killed the stunned ST. However they say either the WHOLE party gets one or none of them. Thoughts?

Who cares what THEY say. They arn't running the game. If they all want a DSP so badly, give it to them. If that is the defense of the two that deserve the DSP, ignore it. They suffer the consequences of THEIR actions.

(yet another one not mine, but a thought infecting one)
I have a friend who was GM for a little game he made up. One of our Jedi (who is anal about the force try to be all goody Jedi all the time) was fighting a guy who had disarmed him. The guy gets knocked down and the Jedi uses move object to get his Saber then puts it on the guys back and turns it on.

Our GM said "well, ya killed him. and you get a DS point" this kind of made him upset. (his first one) HE said something about how obi-wan killed the creature in EPII like that and he did not get a DSP. Though that ended when I ask how he knew that.
I thought the point was justified. Seemed like that was a bit aggressive and maybe some anger. I had given some to a guy for acts like that. I just thought I would se what other GM's think about his call.

It was a fight, don't know the entire situation. Could be either or. The method of killing, and what you kill (comparing the creature to a sentient is wrong) does not determine the DSP, but exactly whydid he kill. Did he need to, or did he just do it?

(should be the last of those not mine)
Is it considered Dark side to be nasty to and destroy a Droid, or is a Droid just a complicated calculator?
Two examples?
1. Jedi full of rage destroys a harmless Droid?
My opinion: DSP for the rage, not for attacking the Droid.
2. Calm Jedi takes a 1st degree Droid apart because he needs the parts.
My opinion: No DSP, the Droid was just tech.

DSP for the rage AND destroying personal property, unless it was his, than just the rage. No DSP for salvaging... unless it wasn't his, than a DSP for theft.

(well, I thought it was…. But this is, and it is also not mine)
My character is a Padawan and my friends character is his master.
long story short. My character was stunned and my characters master used my as a human shield to protect him from a stun bolt (which worked I might add). Isn't this a little on the Dark Side?
Any opinions?

That is the dark side. DSP, since stunning a stunned character has a chance, however small, of putting him into arrest and killing him. DSP.

(Next to last, one of mine… Has 2 parts)
A Jedi and bounty hunter (the Jedi wearing coyonite armor, and the hunter wearing his armor) are playing the roles of 2 hunters looking out for a mark. It was part of their cover story for the module I ran at Gencon.

While waltzing around, I had 2 bounty hunters jump them, using Stun batons, after matching the Jedi wearing his VERY noticable armor. 1st round was surprise, but the Jedi, made a good enough perception roll I allowed him to make a defensive parry. Both got hit, but suffered only stuns. 2nd round- they lost init, and the 2 hunters paired off, 1 on 1. Still using their stun batons (which do both physical damage, str+1, and stun damage - 6d stunning), they manage to deliver another stun result to the Jedi, and wound the B-hunter in the leg. The Jedi at this time, says he will spend a force point, whip out this lightsaber and chop them down, dead in their tracks....

At this remark, I let him know if he does that, he will get a DSP. My reasoning - 1) as a Jedi he should look for other options to halt the combat before killing an opponent, and 2) they were using NON-Lethal means, stun batons, on the players.

He argued with me, for almost half an hour, that his actions would not warrant a DSP. I held to my thought point. WE both agreed to refer it to a head judge. He looked at the situation, and sided with the player, but did give me the heads up, that surrendering was a free action, so the sisters (the npc bounty hunters), did just that. They saw the Jedi whip out his light saber, and immediately dropped their weapon. The Jedi, then said he was holding off attacking them. I said
"as you hesitate, you see fear and understanding in their eyes, as they turn around to run away/flee."
He then immediately said he will cut them down, (chopping the legs off)no warning or anything. TO this I also warned him he would get a DSP. Again we were at an impasse, and I was again over-ruled by a head judge.

Later on, during a little down period, i got the player to the side, to explain my reasoning, and likened what he did to the following situation:
Party of players has to flee a planet cause one (or more) of the players in the party does something illegal, and gets the police/security on their tail. In space, the cops using their fighters shoot with ION CANNONS only at the parties ship, to disable, and the players use a proton torp to blast them away. Overwhelming Deadly force versus someone using non lethal force.
He still is un-repentant, and says if it was him in that situation, hell yes he would blow anyone away. It didn't matter the morals behind it. someone was shooting at him, he would kill them. No qualms, no quarter.

The head judge who over-ruled you is an @$$-hole who never read the rulebook, and the player obviously didn;t read it either. Using a force-point to attack is an automatic DSP, attacking simply to attack, is a DSP, this is stated clearly in the book. That was WRONG of both the player and this so called judge.

(lastly, one of mine)
Players are on a rebel planet undergoing a 'king of the hill' paintball/laser tag type training mission (stun weapons only), when the Imps come a-calling. They also are only (at first) using stun bolts, but DO have a heavy e-web set up. Their orders are simple, show up in force and get the party to surrender. If they don't after a few rounds, open up with the E-web on 1 of the players, to show them they are capable of being killed. One player, a smuggler, gets shot with the e-web and goes down to incap. Imp commander has his other 24 troops hold fire, while he offers the rest of the rebels the chance to surrender.

All the players start to give up, but one inquires how many DSPs he would receive if he was to spend a FP, call upon the dark side, and using his 4x speed, zoom behind the imp's line, take over the e-web and blast them all in the back, NO warning, No mercy.
(Additional information!)
Firstly, there were Other teams (4) on the planet who were converging on their position, and from the time they would have been captured, to getting to the half way point to the stormies shuttle, 2 of those 4 would have staged an attack freeing them (IT IS NOT IN THE MODULE THAT WAY, but the head judge and author of the module said to make it so, IF the party gets captured.
Secondly, while yes, it is war, shooting people in the back, to my mind is still a no no. Which is what he would have done. NOW, if he did just grab the E-web and hold it on the captain, telling him to have his troops surrender, and the captain didn't, then he shoots him, I would have not had a problem with that.
and lastly, the player even agreed to the fact he would be getting additional dark side points, from doing what he did, he was just asking me how many i felt he would get. It was kind of a hypothetical, but he decided not to do it, after finding out how many he would get.

If he had done it, it was only defending his friends from a fanatical enemy that cannot be trusted. 2 dark side points, one for the force point to attack, and one for calling on the dark side. Where you shoot the enemy isn't too important, especially when they were facing him, saw him run by them... and what, was he supposed to wait for them to turn around? Shooting someone in the back is more of a metaphore, meaning "To kill without warning". Stabbing someone in the face with a knife your were hiding falls in the same category. You are taking the term "shooting them in the back" too literally.
He still get's the DSPs, just not for the hit location. For HOW he hit them in that location.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting responses so far...

Sabre. So to you the empire as a whole, no matter who in it, is a bunch of lying fools, and no one keeps their word? It is a wonder Anything ever gets done then...

On the gunners shooting the other ship. The reason the dsps came up was, cause of killing others, not just the one who gave the order. It was a private venture, so no ordering/military structure was involved. And even then, killing of a fellow PC without their ok in our group is a dsp. Just for note..

For the dead dog/droid... So IYO it is ok for a jedi to kill something alive to protect something not alive?
Also, it seems that you condone the breaking of the law?. What with oking them to steal, if they can justify it. But by that argument, does not it then become 'the ends justify the means'?? And is that not of the dark side....
Tied in, with the counterforce. First off, they were bounty hunters. Yes some are skum, but even then, bounty hunters are still recognized representitives of the LAW So by saying that cause the law attacked the character with the intent to capture, they are ok to be killed by the jedi? What about the fact he had to do something BAD to get that bounty.???

Boomer. Seems you think like sabre with the no trusting the empuire, ever. Would you trust thrawn or paleon?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't respond to the first one, but here's my POV. The empire can't be trusted, but the rebels have much more to offer them least through interogations. It is unheroic to not surrender to save your friends when their doom is certain. Sure the empire like to lie, cheat, and steal.....but more than anything else, greed drives their officers. Greed for a better job, a better planet, more pay, ect. Now rebels naturally have at least a contact and/or the knowledge of the one rebel base / cell they work out of. What's the fastest way to promotion? Exposing a rebel base / cell. Sure a couple rebels is nice - but elimnating a base!

From my experioences the empire always wants something more. Look at Han and Leia on cloud city.....they kept them alive because they wanted something, only after they got it did they risk Han's life to ensure they wouldn't hurt Skywalker. So unless you refuse to play along a little, "Dantoine, they're on Dantoine", the empire will have no more use for you. In the last example Leia not only didn't expose the rebels - they kept her alive long enough to check the information in case they wanted more / found out it wasn't true.

So, what I'm saying is, surrender and look for another opportunity. So long as the group gives the empire something to chew on..."I'll never tell you where the rebel fleet is!", the empire will bite. Some self-serving low end officer wants a promotion.
Luke, I am your father.
That's impossible!
And Leia is your sister!
That's improbable?
And the Empire will be destroyed by..EWOKS!
That's...highly unlikely.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Sabre. So to you the empire as a whole, no matter who in it, is a bunch of lying fools, and no one keeps their word? It is a wonder Anything ever gets done then...

They don't keep their word to rebel scum, unless they're promising to eradicate them. Overall, people in the Imperial command structure are portrayed as completely self-serving and corrupt. There are very few exceptions, and a character has little way of knowing who is an exception.

garhkal wrote:
On the gunners shooting the other ship. The reason the dsps came up was, cause of killing others, not just the one who gave the order. It was a private venture, so no ordering/military structure was involved. And even then, killing of a fellow PC without their ok in our group is a dsp. Just for note..

There was still a reasonable expectation that none of those people were going to live. Option A is: Everyone on that ship dies including the bad guy. Option B is: Everyone on that ship dies ecept the bad guy, and the bad guy goes on to kill everyone on another ship. To turn it around a little, if the other people on the ship had a say in the matter and insisted on being saved and it ended up costing everyone involved their lives, would that be right?

garhkal wrote:
For the dead dog/droid... So IYO it is ok for a jedi to kill something alive to protect something not alive? Also, it seems that you condone the breaking of the law?. What with oking them to steal, if they can justify it. But by that argument, does not it then become 'the ends justify the means'?? And is that not of the dark side....

As I mentioned, the droid is a person, presuming it has an advanced personality matrix and not a one-funciton calculator/brain. The dog is an animal. The definition of 'alive' and 'not alive' is very complicated. What if a droid was built from bio-tech? How is a human relevantly dissimilar from a droid built from bio-tech? Does being carbon based instead of made from metal make so much difference? Like I said, read Isaac Asimov. Also read 'Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?'

When you said the players were stealing the droid, I assumed they had a good reason (the droid's memory had something they needed to save people or something to that effect). As I mentioned, if it was capricious/random/just for kicks, they get a DSP. . Consider the stormtroopers killing Owen and Beru on Tatooine for possession of stolen droids. They were officers of the law enforcing law. Do you condone always following the law?

garhkal wrote:
Tied in, with the counterforce. First off, they were bounty hunters. Yes some are skum, but even then, bounty hunters are still recognized representitives of the LAW So by saying that cause the law attacked the character with the intent to capture, they are ok to be killed by the jedi? What about the fact he had to do something BAD to get that bounty.???

This ties in with everything up to now. Imperial law serves the empire. All the heroes of the movies (Luke, Han, Leia) are criminals in the eyes of the Empire. They murder stormtroopers. They destroy military equipment. They steal whatever they need to escape and terrorize the empire (blasters, stormtrooper utility belts, death star plans). This may seem like a hazy issue regarding sides and justification and point of view, but we don't have to get deep into moral philosophy here. The Star Wars universe is cleanly divided into good (the rebels) and evil (the empire). Justice and the law are two completely different creatures, in spite of what you may have heard.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No need for examples.

The empire is simply untrustworthy. In a negotiation, you cannot be sure of the outcome, so the decision to flee or kill them is as good as the decision to trust them, you just don't know which option is better.

So no DSPs, not even FPs. Why would you trust someone that condones execution and torture for minor crimes, like having an opinion?

100% liars? Oh no, if you could rely on the empire to ALWAYS lie to you, than the you get FPs for killing imperials at the risk of your own life during a negotiation.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The game is designed to be cinematic, like a movie. The characters are supposed to be heroic. It's not heroic to run away and let your friends die. While this is OOC knowledge, it is the premise for the game. The imperials can't be trusted, but can be used. You want your friends to live, they want information. They aren't stupid, if you have something they want they will give you what you want. Now, once you've given them what they want - all bets are off.

You can definatly play them though. Liars, untrustworthy; yes. Unmanipulatable - no.
Luke, I am your father.
That's impossible!
And Leia is your sister!
That's improbable?
And the Empire will be destroyed by..EWOKS!
That's...highly unlikely.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think there are common sense limits to heroism, and I think this falls under those cases. From the movies, one instance where the Empire was interrogating a prisoner stands out to me: Tarkin and Leia. In order to convince Leia to give up the location of the rebel base, Tarkin destroys Alderaan. The Imperial commander the rebel group in question was potentially going to surrender to might have executed the rebels one by one to persuade them to talk, or might have gone so far as to track down families and have them executed until someone talked.
As for making deals with the Empire, Lando made that mistake. He tried to bargain for Han, Leia, and Chewie's safety, and Vader offered him what he wanted, but eventually he kept altering the deal until Lado realized the Empire would just take everything anyway and changed sides. Also, you mention Han and Leia on Cloud City, I distinctly recall the line of Han's after he is returned to the cell from being tortured "They didn't even ask me any questions." This is exactly the sort of people not to deal with. There are plenty of reasonable doubts one could have.
Sure attempting to manipulate them might prolong the life of your comrades, but to what end? In RPG terms, there's no guarantee the GM will have you rescued or give you an opportunity to escape that won't result in even more of your friends dying. Retreating may not be the most heroic course of action, but neither is surrender.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Leia had been screwing around with the Imperials for quite some time not giving them answers. They finally decided to off her and she caved to live. While she gave them bad information, it kept her alive long enough to get rescued.

Lando's deal did keep getting changed, like I said the Empire can be trusted only until they have what they want. (Once Leia gave them the location of the rebel base, they destroyed Alderaan. Once Lando gave Han and Leia the deal started to change.) It's about power, once you have given it to the empire they will use it. (And yes, they didn't ask Han questions, but they didn't kill him either.)

I agree the empire's not nice, but they will "play nice(er)" until they have what they want. Not an empire sitch, but Obi-wan surrendered on Genosis, Anakin surrendered latter. He could have found a way to have escaped himself and left Padme behind....had he done the unheroic thing.

In the RotJ, Han and Leia are part of that quick turn around, where they were captured for a moment...the truely ddark empire you paint would have just blated them down with the AT-ST's. But........the empire wanted something, so they let them live, before the situation got any further the tide of the battle turned.

I agree completely, you can't trust the empire once they have what they want. And as far as a GM not giving the rebels a chance to escape....any GM that wouldn't give the PC's a way out for doing the heroic thing in an attempt to save their friends is being very uncinematic. How many movies have the hero allow themselves to be captured for a "greater good/intention"? The heroes that run away either don't have anyone else to worry about, don't know a friend is in danger, or knows the friend will be OK because if they escape the friend becomes bait.

If I was going to retreat, I would at least bait the empire to help my friends and use them as a trap for me. If you honestly know the imperial leader of the base, know he won't keep his word for a second and would kill you all. Yell as you retreat, (or perhaps send a droid with the message) "I would do anything for my friends, even sacrafice myself...but we both know they're dead and you won't help them. Now you have nothing to show to the moff except three dead rebels and a failed attempt at the rest......he will be ......most impressed with your performance."

At least then the characters are baiting the Imp to revive the fallen rebels in an attempt to capture the rest and/or interogate them. Again, power and motivation.

I'm not saying you can't retreat; just that ot's not noble and there are ways to manipulate the situation to your favor.
Luke, I am your father.
That's impossible!
And Leia is your sister!
That's improbable?
And the Empire will be destroyed by..EWOKS!
That's...highly unlikely.
The Force? Bacteria called midichlorians.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


To turn it around a little, if the other people on the ship had a say in the matter and insisted on being saved and it ended up costing everyone involved their lives, would that be right?

Interesting angle. One that unfortunatly, i cannot answer, except for me. I know i would rather have died fighting, than being blown up. But that is me.

Consider the stormtroopers killing Owen and Beru on Tatooine for possession of stolen droids. They were officers of the law enforcing law. Do you condone always following the law?

Interesting POV. And yes, unless there is a compelling reason to disobey them, follow them.

This ties in with everything up to now. Imperial law serves the empire. All the heroes of the movies (Luke, Han, Leia) are criminals in the eyes of the Empire. They murder stormtroopers. They destroy military equipment. They steal whatever they need to escape and terrorize the empire (blasters, stormtrooper utility belts, death star plans). This may seem like a hazy issue regarding sides and justification and point of view, but we don't have to get deep into moral philosophy here. The Star Wars universe is cleanly divided into good (the rebels) and evil (the empire). Justice and the law are two completely different creatures, in spite of what you may have heard.

What about non imperial laws? Non imperial planets? Is it ok to still then not only disregard them, but kill those who enforce those laws when they come to get you? IMO no. A jedi is, from the films and novels, seen as an enforcer of justice. So allowing them to disregard the law just cause it is affecting them, is imo wrong... BUT as i said, that opinion is MINE>>> (no you cannot have it. Rolling Eyes Laughing Laughing )

I think there are common sense limits to heroism, and I think this falls under those cases. From the movies, one instance where the Empire was interrogating a prisoner stands out to me: Tarkin and Leia. In order to convince Leia to give up the location of the rebel base, Tarkin destroys Alderaan. The Imperial commander the rebel group in question was potentially going to surrender to might have executed the rebels one by one to persuade them to talk, or might have gone so far as to track down families and have them executed until someone talked.
As for making deals with the Empire, Lando made that mistake. He tried to bargain for Han, Leia, and Chewie's safety, and Vader offered him what he wanted, but eventually he kept altering the deal until Lado realized the Empire would just take everything anyway and changed sides. Also, you mention Han and Leia on Cloud City, I distinctly recall the line of Han's after he is returned to the cell from being tortured "They didn't even ask me any questions." This is exactly the sort of people not to deal with. There are plenty of reasonable doubts one could have.

Basing the entire emipre after vader and tarkin is not right imo. YES there are those in the empire that would be like that, but like with paleon, and thrawn, there were those serving as they thought it best..

I agree completely, you can't trust the empire once they have what they want. And as far as a GM not giving the rebels a chance to escape....any GM that wouldn't give the PC's a way out for doing the heroic thing in an attempt to save their friends is being very uncinematic. How many movies have the hero allow themselves to be captured for a "greater good/intention"? The heroes that run away either don't have anyone else to worry about, don't know a friend is in danger, or knows the friend will be OK because if they escape the friend becomes bait.

If I was going to retreat, I would at least bait the empire to help my friends and use them as a trap for me. If you honestly know the imperial leader of the base, know he won't keep his word for a second and would kill you all. Yell as you retreat, (or perhaps send a droid with the message) "I would do anything for my friends, even sacrafice myself...but we both know they're dead and you won't help them. Now you have nothing to show to the moff except three dead rebels and a failed attempt at the rest......he will be ......most impressed with your performance."

At least then the characters are baiting the Imp to revive the fallen rebels in an attempt to capture the rest and/or interogate them. Again, power and motivation

Endwyn, i like that. May i snag it for use??
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really want to say yes...but you've peaked my curtiosity as to what part and for what. I'll make you a deal - you promise me that it won't end up on a porno and if it's printed somewhere I get the option of credit.....then I'll say yes.

Ok, porno's negotiable......but it's gonna cost you 6% of sales and the title of the movie has to be in smaller letters than my name, which has to appear in 34 pt Tahoma, bold, dark blue with a cool shadow effect.
Luke, I am your father.
That's impossible!
And Leia is your sister!
That's improbable?
And the Empire will be destroyed by..EWOKS!
That's...highly unlikely.
The Force? Bacteria called midichlorians.
If you don’t take this seriously I'm out.
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005
Posts: 14229
Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, like the situation says, it is in one of my modules. As yet, the situation has come up 0 times but i like being prepared. So i love hearing how others might handle it.

Gaghhh.. Just remembered, what you posted was from the players perspective. I would be the gm (since it is my module).... But still, i liked it.
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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