shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:47 pm Post subject: Humans? |
MrNexx was curious about different human cultures in the SWU and this is something I have been working on and off on for a bit. So I am posting the ones I have done. I am unsure how to categorize these groups though. They are human, not near-human. Separated from mainstream humanity by differences in culture and sometimes having a talent. I would not refer to them as sub-human categories. I am open to suggestions on how to refer to them.
Quote: | Human, Alderaanian
Humans native to the planet Alderaan. Early in their history, the Alderaanians employed soldiers like most other cultures. However, they gradually developed into a pacific society, one devoted to the fine arts and to philosophy. Over time, Alderaanians became noted for their willingness to share their knowledge freely with others. They were also careful to live in harmony with their planet, which was renowned for its untarnished beauty.
Troughout history, a number of Alderaanians emigrated to other planets, founding communities and exporting their unique culture far from their homeworld. Such offworld communities notably existed on Naboo and Sullust. Generations before the Galactic Civil War, a number of Alderaanians also established their presence on the planet of Espirion, which was known for being open to refugees and wanderers. Tere, they intermarried with the natives, a species of red-skinned humanoids with tapered ears. As a result, a population of half-Alderaanians, exhibiting non-human characteristics, arose on Espirion.
Home Planet: Alderaan
Attribute Dice: 12D
Story Factors:
--► Pacifsts: Alderaanians are fundamental pacifsts, urging conversation and understanding over conflict.
--► Wealthy: Alderaanians have one of the richest societies in the Empire. Beginning characters should be granted a bonus of at least 2,000 credits.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Source: SWRe 1.03 “Droids in Distress”, SWRe 1.15 “Fire Across the Galaxy” (appears in hologram), SWRe 2.12 “A Princess on Lothal”, SWRe 3.12-13 "Ghosts of Geonosis" (appears in hologram), SWRe 3.18 "Secret Cargo", wookieepedia. Stats by +Oliver Queen. |
Quote: | Human, Chandrilan
Chandrilans are regarded as peaceful but slightly haughty, pedantic, and interested in politics. Chandrilans have a reputation for being tolerant of same-sex relationships.
Home Planet: Chandrila
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Skills:
--► Persuasion: debate: A formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
Story Arcs:
--► Naive: Since Chandrila is a world with perfect climate and docile animal life, native Chandrilans are unfamiliar with the everyday struggles of life in less comfortable environments. Eager to share their paradisaical way of life, they find resistance to their ideas baffling.
--► Reputation: Chandrilans have a reputation throughout the galaxy as arrogant and argumentative, due partly to their emphasis on political education and debate.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Source: SWRe 3.18 "Secret Cargo, wookieepedia. Stats by +Oliver Queen. |
Quote: | Human, Corellian
It is said that Corellians have rocket fuel for blood, and there is no doubt that they have a penchant for speed. Renowned pilots and spacefarers, Corellians tend to have an independent, somewhat reckless streak coupled with an enterprising, can-do attitude that makes them ideal smugglers, free traders, and explorers.
Home Planet: Corellia
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
--► Natural Pilots: One trait seemingly shared by nearly every Corellian is a particular fondness for piloting fast ships. Nearly all Corellian’s are capable pilots by maturity, and swoop and speeder racing are popular pastimes. It is generally accepted wisdom that Corellians have naturally good instincts and quick reflexes, explaining their ability to push vehicles and starships to their limits (and survive). At the time of character creation, 1D may be placed in driving or piloting skills, for which the character receives 2D. If the character wishes to have more than 2D in the skill listed, then the skill costs are normal from there on.
Story Arcs:
--► Honor: For a people often thought of as self-centered lone wolves, Corellians put a high premium on family bonds and filial loyalty. Honor and fidelity are universally valued among them, and a Corellian's word is his bond. Though it is said there is no honor among thieves, even the basest Corellian criminal possesses some sense of honor and a moral code that guides his actions.
--► Reputation: Corellians are known for being individualistic and pragmatic, with a recklessness that causes them to act impulsively. Often possessing a deep-seated rebellious streak. This combination of enterprising individualism and confidence can easily be taken for arrogance (which in some cases it is).
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Source: SWRe 3.04 "The Antilles Extraction", SWRe 3.14 "Warhead", SWRe 3.19 "Double Agent Droid", SWRe 3.21-22 "Zero Hour", Suns of Fortune (page 93-94), wookieepedia. Stats by +Oliver Queen. |
Quote: | Human, Coruscanti
Coruscanti are the inhabitants of Coruscant, a city-wide planet and the historic capital of the galaxy during the time of the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire. The homeworld of the human species.
During the early years of the Empire, most Coruscanti are satisfied with the regime shift, particularly those who live and work in the upper tiers of Imperial City. If for no other reason, the Coruscanti are relieved to see an end of the devastation wrought by the Clone Wars. However, the self-anointed Emperor Palpatine makes few public appearances, and a number of Coruscanti confess to having fond memories for Chancellor Valorum.
Those who identify themselves as Coruscanti often have what some consider a superior accent, with it being frequently attributed to propaganda broadcasts, rebel satire and the Imperial elite during the reign of the Empire.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Source: SWRe 1.00B "Ghost in the Machine", SWRe 1.00C "Entanglement" (voice only), SWRe 1.01-02 "Spark of Rebellion", SWRe 1.03 "Droids in Distress", SWRe 1.04 "Fighter Flight", SWRM-01 "Ring Race", SWRe 1.05 "Rise of the Old Masters", SWRM-02 "Learning Patience", SWRe 1.06 "Breaking Ranks", SWRM-3 "The Fake Jedi", SWRe 1.07 "Out of Darkness", SWRe 1.08 "Empire Day", SWRe 1.09 "Gathering Forces", SRM-05 "Return of the Slavers", SWRM-06 "Eyes on the Prize", SWRe 1.10 "Path of the Jedi", SWRM-07 "Sabotaged Supplies", SWRe 1.11 "Idiot's Array", SWRe 1.12 "Vision of Hope", SWRM-08 "Ezra's Vision", SWRe 1.13 "Call to Action", SWRe 1.14 "Rebel Resolve", SWRe 1.15 "Fire Across the Galaxy", SWRM-09 "Sentae Perspective", SWRe 2.01-02 "The Siege of Lothal", SWRe 2.03 "The Lost Commanders", SWRe 2.04 "Relics of the Old Republic", SWRM-13 "Secrets of Sienar", SWRe 2.05 "Always Two There Are", SWRe 2.06 "Brothers of the Broken Horn", SWRe 2.07 "Wings of the Master", SWRe 2.09 "Stealth Strike", SWRM-15 "A Day's Duty", SWRe 2.10 "The Future of the Force", SWRM-26 "Ice Breaking", SWRM-17 "Vulnerable Areas", SWRe 2.11 "Legacy", SWRe 2.12 "A Princess on Lothal", SWRe 2.13 "The Protector of Concord Dawn", SWRe 2.14 "Legends of the Lasat", SWRe 2.15 "The Call", SWRe 2.16 SWRM-18 "The Ballad of 264", SWRe "Homecoming", SWRM-19 "A Time to Survive", SWRe 2.17 "The Honorable Ones", SWRe 2.18 "Shroud of Darkness", SWRM-20 "The Gangsters of Galzez", SWRe 2.19 "The Forgotten Droid", SWRe 2.20 "The Mystery of Chopper Base", SWRe 2.21-22 "Twilight of the Apprentice", SWRe 3.01-02 "Steps Into Shadow", SWRe 3.03 "The Holocrons of Fate", SWRe 3.04 "The Antilles Extraction", SWRe 3.05 "Hera's Heroes", SWRe 3.06 "The Last Battle", SWRe 3.07 "Imperial Super Commandos", SWRe 3.08 "Iron Squadron", SWRe 3.09 "The Wynkahthu Job", SWRe 3.10 "An Inside Man", SWRe 3.11 "Visions and Voices", SWRe 3.12-13 "Ghosts of Geonosis", SWRe 3.14 "Warhead", SWRe 3.15 "Trials of the Darksaber", SWRe 3.16 "Legacy of Mandalore", SWRe 3.17 "Through Imperial Eyes", SWRe 3.18 "Secret Cargo", SWRe 3.19 "Double Agent Droid", SWRe 3.20 "Twin Suns", SWRe 3.21-22 "Zero Hour", wookieepedia. Stats by +Oliver Queen. |
Quote: | Human, Mandalorian
Mandalorian refers to the people of the planet Mandalore. Mandalorians also live on the moon of Mandalore, Concordia, Kalevala and the planet Concord Dawn. Mandalore has a warrior past but, by the time of the Clone Wars, adopted the pacifist ideals of the New Mandalorian government, led by Duchess Satine Kryze. This philosophy would lead to conflict with Death Watch, a group of Mandalorians who want to return to their culture’s warrior ways.
Afer the rise of the Galactic Empire, the people of Mandalore live under the rule of the Empire, while other Mandalorians live on worlds such as Concord Dawn or throughout the galaxy. Mandalorian clan structure is like a pyramid, with the ruler or Mand’alor at the top and the Protectors enforcing their rule. Below them are the political factions known as Houses, made up of family Clans. For example, House Vizsla was comprised of Clan Vizsla and its allies like Clan Wren.
Mandalorians have a strong code of honor: the code could be invoked to settle disputes with one-on-one combat that would conclude with the death of one opponent. However, some in House Vizsla refused to accept non-Mandalorians like Darth Maul becoming ruler of Mandalore through such traditions. Mandalorian armor’s signature motifs include helmets with ‘T’-shaped visors, jetpacks, flamethrowers and whipcord throwers. Generally favoring WESTAR-35 blaster pistols and Z-6 jetpacks, which could fre a single missiles.
Cubism was a popular Mandalorian art movement during the Clone Wars, though afer the conflict, paintings that had depicted the awfulness of war were used to promote and glorify it instead. Mandalorians typically preferred strong angled and hexagonal lines, such as diamond and honeycomb shapes, in their architecture, vehicles, clothing and even haircuts.
By the Clone Wars, the Mandalorians had mostly rejected their martial ancestral ways, but maintained the Mandalorian royal guard in addition to a police force and secret service, who wielded electropoles and shields.
Mandalorians speak Mando’a as well as Basic. Mando’a has a different typeface to Aurebesh.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Story Factors:
--► Honor Code: To a Mandalorian, honor is life. The strict code of the Mandalorian philosophy must always be followed. Canny and determined fghters, willing to protect their family/clan honor or cause, sometimes refusing to surrender even in the face of certain defeat.
--► Family Bonds: Mandalorians have a strongly developed sense of clan/family honor.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall
Source: SWRe 1.00B “Art Attack”, SWRe 1.01-02 “Spark of Rebellion”, SWRe 1.03 “Droids in Distress”, SWRe 1.04 “Fighter Flight”, SWRe 1.05 “Rise of the Old Masters”, SWRe 1.06 “Breaking Ranks”, SWRe 1.07 “Out of Darkness”, SWRe 1.08 “Empire Day”, SWRe 1.90 “Gathering Forces”, SWRe 1.10 “Path of the Jedi”, SWRe 1.11 “Idiot’s Array”, SWRe 1.12 “Vision of Hope”, SWRe 1.13 “Call to Action”, SWRe 1.14 “Rebel Resolve”, SWRe 1.15 “Fire Across the Galaxy”, SWRe 2.01-02 “The Siege of Lothal”, SWRe 2.03 “The Lost Commanders”, SWRe 2.04 “Relics of the Old Republic”, SWRe 2.05 “Always Two There Are”, SWRe 2.06 “Brothers of the Broken Horn”, SWRe 2.07 “Wings of the Master”, SWRe 2.08 “Blood Sisters”, SWRe 2.09 “Stealth Strike”, SWRe 2.10 “The Future of the Force”, SWRe 2.11 “Legacy”, SWRe 2.12 “A Princess on Lothal”, SWRe 2.13 “The Protector of Concord Dawn”, SWRe 2.14 “Legends of the Lasat”, SWRe 2.15 “The Call”, SWRe 2.16 “Homecoming”, SWRe 2.17 “The Honorable Ones”, SWRe 2.18 “Shroud of Darkness”, SWRe 2.19 “The Forgotten Droid”, SWRe 2.20 “The Mystery of Chopper Base”, SWRe 2.21-22 “Twilight of the Apprentice”, SWRe 3.01-02 "Steps Into Shadow", SWRe 3.03 "The Holocrons of Fate", SWRe 3.04 "The Antilles Extraction", SWRe 3.05 "Hera's Heroes", SWRe 3.06 "The Last Battle", SWRe 3.07 "Imperial Super Commandos", SWRe 3.08 "Iron Squadron", 3SWRe .09 "The Wynkahthu Job", SWRe 3.10 "An Inside Man", SWRe 3.11 "Visions and Voices", SWRe 3.12-13 "Ghosts of Geonosis", SWRe 3.14 "Warhead", SWRe 3.15 "Trials of the Darksaber", SWRe 3.16 "Legacy of Mandalore", SWRe 3.21-22 "Zero Hour". Stats by +Oliver Queen. |
Quote: | Human, Republic Clone
Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas secretly commissioned the Kaminoans to create an army of clone soldiers for the Republic. Shortly afterward, Sifo-Dyas was, resulting in the Sith's takeover of the clone trooper project. Darth Tyranus, recruited the bounty hunter Jango Fett to become the genetic template of the clone army. Various modifications were made to the Fett genome so that the clones would grow faster and be more susceptible to following orders. The Kaminoans resorted to growth acceleration in order to create mature clones in half the time a normal human took to reach maturity. The genetic templates was further modified to make the clones less independent and more docile than their template. However, the clones were also designed to be capable of creative thinking, making them superior to battle droids.
An organic inhibitor chip was implanted into the brain of every clone trooper at the third stage of their development. Officially, the chips were supposed make the clones less aggressive and independent. The significance of the inhibitor chip was supported by the assertion that a clone would become mentally unstable and dangerous to everyone around him if his chip was damaged or surgically removed. The chips were, in fact, created to compel the clone troopers to execute Order 66—a secret protocol that authorized the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Each clone trooper had an identifying code inserted in his left wrist. During the Clone Wars, the codes were linked to the file of every individual trooper in the Republic's military database. The files, which could be accessed by scanning of a clone's identifying code, contained the clones' designation, rank and overall service record, as well as any specialized training and the units that he was affiliated with.
With the destruction of the Jedi, the galaxy fell under Sith rule once more. Darth Sidious—using his authority over the clone troopers, as well as his influence in the Senate and the courts—declared himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire. In addition to the Republic's reorganization into the Empire, the clone troopers were re-designated as Imperial stormtroopers.
As stormtroopers, clones obeyed the new Emperor's will, enforced his laws, and destroyed the enemies of the Empire during the early years of the dark times. In time, however, the clones' fighting skills deteriorated as a result of their accelerated aging process. Ultimately, clones were gradually replaced by birth-born human recruits who, like their predecessors, were trained for absolute loyalty and obedience. By approximately 4 BBY, most clones had been decommissioned by the Imperial Army. A small number of clones remained in Imperial service, acting as training instructors for the next generation of stormtroopers.
Some clones, traumatized by the events of Order 66, felt bitter and horrified by their actions, while others removed their control chips and remained active for a time and chose to support a growing rebellion against the Galactic Empire. They were especially dismissive of their replacements—the stormtroopers.
By the time of the Galactic Empire, clone troopers and the Grand Army of the Republic were virtually forgotten, becoming what some called a "lost generation," despite their valiant service. Among military circles, the clones were remembered for their effectiveness.
Home Planet: None (Kamino)
Attribute Dice: Add 2D to the stats below, without adding more than 2 pips to any single attribute.
Special Abilities:
--► Military Training: All clones go through intensive military training throughout their formative years. At character creation only, clone characters receive an extra 2D to spend on military-related skills.
Story Factors:
--► Loyal: Clones are genetically engineered to be predisposed towards loyalty, conditioned to obey orders without question, loyally following the chain of command. Sheev Palpatine used this to great advantage during the Clone Wars and during the formation of the Galactic Empire, exercising influence over–and secret control of–the Clone Army.
--► Accelerated Growth: Clones age twice as fast as normal humans.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.83 meters tall
Source: SWRe 2.03 “The Lost Commanders”, SWRe 2.04 “Relics of the Old Republic”, SWRe 2.05 “Always Two There Are”, SWRe 2.06 “Brothers of the Broken Horn”, SWRe 2.07 “Wings of the Master”, SWRe 2.09 “Stealth Strike”, SWRe 2.11 “Legacy”, SWRe 2.13 “Protector of Concord Dawn”, SWRe 2.17 “The Honorable Ones”, SWRe 2.19 “The Forgotten Droid”, SWRe 2.20 “The Mystery of Chopper Base”, SWRe 2.21-22 “Twilight of the Apprentice”, SWRe 3.01-02 "Steps Into Shadow", SWRe 3.06 "The Last Battle", SWRe 3.08 "Iron Squadron", SWRe 3.11 "Visions and Voices", SWRe 3.12-13 "Ghosts of Geonosis", SWRe 3.17 "Through Imperial Eyes", SWRe 3.18 "Secret Cargo", SWRe 3.20 "Twin Suns", SWRe 3.21-22 "Zero Hour", wookieepedia, Star Wars the Roleplaying Game REUP “Republic Clone” (p.279), wookieepedia. Stats by +Oliver Queen and Pietre Valbuena with suggestions by others in the Star Wars D6 G+ community. |
_________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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