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Dueling Sabers 2.0
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:35 pm    Post subject: Dueling Sabers 2.0 Reply with quote

So, I'm coming back around to this, as time and perspective have changed some of my thoughts and house rule concepts. As such, I'm going to repost my Dueling Blades 2.0 revised concept here.

In the interests of clarity and reference...


Feedback and Questions may be posted in the Dueling Sabers Feedback & Discussion topic.

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Basics

    New Dexterity Skills

      Melee Combat: Lightsaber

      Time Taken: Varies; one round or one standard action, depending on circumstances.

      -When engaging in a Lightsaber duel, Lightsaber is a full-round action, and covers a full round spent attacking and parrying an opponent's saber. Engaging in a duel counts double for MAP purposes (+2D instead of +1D). This also applies to duels with weapons other than lightsabers that are protected from lightsaber damage.

      -When parrying blaster bolts or simple, "non-protected" melee weapons, it counts as a standard action. Unprotected melee weapons take full Damage from the Lightsaber on a successful Parry, and are almost always instantly destroyed.

      Description: Lightsaber is the "Melee Combat" skill used for the lightsaber, the weapon of the famed Jedi Knights.

      Lightsaber can also be used as a "reaction skill" against lightsaber, melee and brawling attacks. Force users may also use lightsabers in reaction to ranged attacks, but only through use of the Combat Sense Force power. It is effectively impossible for a character to block blaster shots without the Force.

      While a very powerful weapon, a lightsaber is dangerous to an unskilled user - if an attacking character misses the base Difficulty by 10 or more points, then the character has injured himself with the weapon and rolls damage against his own Strength.


      Time Taken: One Round or more

      Specializations: Sprinting, Balance, Dodge
      Agility is the character's ability to run, keep his balance (especially in rough terrain) and avoid attacks, especially ranged attacks. When used for movement, the Difficulty for Agility is based on how fast the character moves, and on the type of terrain being crossed (See "Movement and Chases" for more information). In addition, a good Agility skill roll can increase the distance moved in a round. For every 5 points of success on the Agility roll, increase the distance the character moves by 1 meters.

      When used to avoid attacks, the Difficulty is based on the Base Difficulty for the Range of the attack. A character may use the same skill roll to both make a Move and avoid an attack (counts as a Standard Reaction), but suffers a -1D penalty. Agility can also be used to avoid Melee or Brawling Attacks, but is a poor substitute for Melee Parry or Brawling Parry, suffering a +10 Modifier to Base Difficulty.

      Note: This skill is a combination of the RAW Dexterity skills Dodge and Running.

    New Stat:

      Type: Melee Weapon
      Scale: Character
      Skill: Melee Combat: Lightsaber
      Cost (Availability): Not Available For Sale (4, X)
      Difficulty: Difficult
      Damage: Dex Dmg + 5D
      Special Rules:

        Damage Immunity
        The energy blade of a Lightsaber is immune to most forms of Damage. The only known exception is a material called Cortosis. If a lightsaber blade comes into contact with Cortosis, it takes 4D Damage (vs. 2D); on a result of Stunned or more, the blade shuts off, and can not be reactivated until the beginning of the next round. An attacker may attempt to strike the hilt of the lightsaber (it has a Body of 2D), but it is a Tiny (-4D) Scale object, and some lightsaber hilts are constructed out of energy resistant materials, such as phrik, cortosis alloy, or even Mandalorian iron.

        Sustained Attack
        A lightsaber can be used to make a full round attack by simply keeping the blade in contact with the target. This causes cumulative damage based on the Coordination rules (depending on what system you use) up to a maximum of +5D. However, the heat bloom caused by the sustained damage can potentially injure the Jedi as well (apply the Coordination dice result against the Jedi's Strength roll).

        Dangerous Weapon
        If a character attacks with a Lightsaber, and misses the base Difficulty number (not their opponent's reaction total), the character hits themself with their own blade, inflicting 5D Damage. Characters with dice or pips in Lightsaber may choose to lose their grip on the Lightsaber and avoid damage, but the lightsaber lands 1D meters away, and must be retrieved before it can be used again (picking it up is a standard action).

    New Rules:

      Dexterity Damage
      This rule is derived from D6 Space's Strength Damage rule, and reflects that some melee weapons are more dependent on how precisely they hit as opposed to how much force is behind the hit.

      To generate Dexterity Damage, take a character's Dexterity Attribute and convert it to pips. Divide that number in half (rounding down) and then convert back to dice.

      Alternately, a character may use his Skill Dice in a particular weapon in place of the Dexterity Attribute when generating Dexterity Damage. A character may also use a Specialization to generate Dexterity Damage, but must be divide his pips by 4 (rounded down) instead of 2.

      Precision Damage
      A character may increase the amount of Damage they inflict by precisely targeting weak points on their target. For every 3 points of Success, add +1 to Damage.

      Alternately, a character may attempt to mitigate the amount of Damage inflicted, but must declare the result in advance. A character using this rule may declare their intended result in advance, and must beat their target's reaction roll (if any) by 5 points for every level of reduction.

      For example, a Jedi with a lightsaber wants to wound someone instead of killing them outright. He rolls for Damage and gets a Killed result. However, because he beat the opponent's reaction roll by 17 points, he may reduce his Damage result by up to three levels (from Killed down to Wounded).

    New Force Power

      Combat Sense

      Sense Difficulty: Easy

      This power may be kept "up."

      Effect: This power enhances a Force user's effectiveness in combat via precognition. Because the Force tends to manifest in the uninitiated during times of high stress or mortal threat, this power is often one of the first to be learned by untrained Force users, and has been known to activate spontaneously in reaction to an attack (in game terms, a Force Sensitive character who hasn't learned Combat Sense may activate it untrained by spending a Force Point and rolling their Force attribute in place of the Sense skill).

      When Combat Sense is active, the Force user is aware of all attacks before they happen, and the Force guides both defensive reactions and counter attacks. In addition, because this awareness is dependent on the Force and not the adept's normal senses, it negates any penalties for Concealment; primarily for sight, but the other senses as well.

      When Combat Sense is active, it has the following effects:

        -The adept may decide when he wants to act during a round, and does not need to roll Initiative. In game terms, the Combat Sense user waits for the GM and the other players to declare their actions, and then declares his own, and in what sequence. If fighting an opponent who is also using Combat Sense, Initiative is decided by which character rolled the highest on Sense when activating the power.

        -The adept receives a bonus to any combat skills, including all Reaction skills. The bonus is equal to +1D for every 9 points of Success on the Sense roll to activate the power (or +1 for every 3 points), or +2D, whichever is higher.

        -The adept may ignore all dice penalties due to Concealment due to darkness or other sensory obscurement, and may attack and react normally.

        -The adept can use Sense + the Combat Sense bonus to parry ranged attacks attacks at a base Difficulty of Very Easy for simple, muscle-powered attacks (arrows, thrown knives, rocks, etc) or Easy for propelled weapons (Firearms, Blasters, Bowcasters, etc). The Difficulty is modified by the number of simultaneous attacks made (standard MAP rules apply). In the case of simple attacks, the adept may attempt to grab the weapon out of the air at +10 Difficulty. Note, however, that certain attacks will still inflict damage on a successful Parry unless the adept is utilizing a weapon or other Force power to absorb the damage. Lightsabers, Sith Swords, and other types of advanced weaponry (power weapons or weapons made of energy-resistant metals) are generally immune to Damage of this type, but common weapons can be used as well (although they do take Damage on a successful Parry).

        -If using a Lightsaber or similar device, the adept may, on a successful Parry, attempt to deflect an energy attack another direction, either back at the attacker or at another target entirely. On a successful Parry, the adept must make an additional Sense roll (subject to normal MAPs) against the range to the target (using the base range of the weapon being deflected) and the target's reaction roll. The blaster bolt's damage stays the same.

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

The CRMcNeill Stat/Rule Index

Last edited by CRMcNeill on Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Procedure

    1). Roll Sense to bring up Combat Sense. If both combatants have Combat Sense, use the results to determine Initiative, as well as any bonuses generated from Combat Sense.

    2). The Initiative Winner declares whether they will Attack or Defend. Alternately, they may choose to make a Psychological Attack using the rules for Dun Moch / Form Zero (See below). If the Winner chooses Attack, the Loser must Defend; if the Winner chooses Defend, the Loser may choose to either Attack or Defend, or to take other actions.

    3). The Initiative Winner may alternate between Attack and Defend, but must choose which at the beginning of the round.

    4). Initiative stays with the Winner unless:
      A). Winner rolls a Critical Failure, or the Loser rolls a Critical Success (re-roll Initiative).
      B). Winner rolls a Critical Failure and Loser rolls a Critical Success. (Initiative switches automatically).
      C). Winner takes damage of Stunned or greater (Initiative switches automatically).

    5). Once Initiative and Attack/Defense status for the round, both combatants declare their desired result. The choices are Damage, Stun, Disarm, Knockdown, Grapple and Position.

    6). Both combatants then roll their combined Melee Combat: Lightsaber + Lightsaber Advanced Skills + Combat Sense Bonuses, then apply the Difference to the Result tables. The Result Winner may choose a lesser degree of success, but must select from the result he declared. Alternately, the combatants may choose not to declare a Result, but may instead randomize a Result to represent the ebb and flow of opportunity within a duel. If a combatant chooses this option, they receive a +1D to their Skill roll, and a result is randomized from the following table:

      1 = Damage
      2 = Stun
      3 = Disarm
      4 = Knockdown
      5 = Grapple
      6 = Position

The Result Tables

Combat Tables

    0-5 = Stalemate
    6-9 = Forced Back
    10-13 = Off Balance
    14-17 = Minimal Success
    18-21 = Notable Success
    22-25 = Major Success
    26+ = Epic Success

    0-10 = Stalemate
    11-14 = Forced Back
    15-18 = Off Balance
    19-22 = Minimal Success
    23-26 = Notable Success
    27-30 = Major Success
    31+ = Epic Success

    *The result difficulties on the Defense chart are one level higher than the Offense chart, reflecting the increased difficulty of performing special moves while reacting to the actions of others. However, for every round spent Defending, the character receives a +1 bonus to their combat skill roll. This represents how defending allows the combatant to both preserve energy and observe his opponent's technique for weaknesses.

    Common Result
    Stalemate = Neither side gains or loses any advantage. Combat continues as normal next round.
    Forced Back = Loser must move away from winner, or winner gains +1D to next action
    Off Balance = Winner gains +1D to next action or can make a Force attack (such as Force Lightning or Force Push)
    Minimal Success = See Declared Result Charts
    Notable Success = See Declared Result Charts
    Major Success = See Declared Result Charts
    Epic Success = See Declared Result Charts

Declared Result Charts

    Minimal Success = Glancing Blow (Normal damage w/ max result of Wounded)
    Notable Success = Solid Blow (Normal damage w/ max result of Incapacitated)
    Major Success = Serious Blow (Normal damage w/ max result of Mortally Wounded)
    Epic Success = Deadly Blow (Normal damage w/ max result of Killed)

    Stun Result
    Minimal Success = Glancing Blow (Stun damage w/ max result of 1 Stun)
    Notable Success = Solid Blow (Stun damage w/ max result of 2 Stuns)
    Major Success = Serious Blow (Stun damage w/ max result of 3 Stuns)
    Epic Success = Powerful Blow (Stun damage w/ max result of 4 Stuns)
    Note: For the purposes of lightsaber combat, multiple Stunned results stack (i.e. 2 Stunned results equal a -2D penalty), and wear off at a rate of 1D per round.

    Disarm Result
    Minimal Success = Simple Disarm (Weapon lost, but can be retrieved with a standard action, with the attendant -1D MAP)
    Notable Success = Serious Disarm (Weapon lost and flies 1D meters in a random direction. Character incurs a MAP for picking up the weapon, in addition to any MAPs for moving to get to the weapon)
    Major Success = Weapon Strike (Weapon struck by opponent and takes normal damage. Loser can choose to downgrade to Serious Disarm on a Lightsaber reaction skill check @ +5 standard difficulty, but weapon lands 2D meters away instead of 1D)
    Epic Success = Weapon Steal (Weapon lost and taken by opponent)

    Knockdown Result
    Minimal Success = Shove (Victim is forced back off balance and suffers -2D penalty until the end of the next round)
    Notable Success = Throw (Victim is knocked prone and must either wait one round to stand or suffer multiple action penalties)
    Major Success = Stunning Throw (Victim is knocked prone and takes Attacker's Strength in Stun damage)
    Epic Success = Power Throw (Victim is knocked prone and takes Attacker's Strength in Normal damage)
    Note: While knocked Prone, a character lands 1D meters away in a random direction. Standing up is a standard action, and until they stand, the character is limited to Cautious Movement, suffers a -2D penalty to brawling and melee weapons, and -4D to dodge (but gains a +1D bonus to blasters / firearms).

    Grappling Result
    Minimal Success = Weapon Grapple (Opponent's weapon is immobilized, and cannot be used to attack or parry until the grapple is broken. The grappled character cannot move, but may make attacks with his free hand)
    Notable Success = Normal Grapple (Opponent is grappled as normal)
    Major Success = Power Grapple (Opponent is grappled as normal, but grappler has +1D advantage for the remainder of the grapple)
    Epic Success = Superior Grapple (As above, but grappler has +2D advantage)

    Position Result
    Minimal Success = Minor Feint (Winner is +2D on next action)
    Notable Success = Skillful Feint (Winner is +3D on next action)
    Major Success = Amazing Feint (Winner is +4D on next action)
    Epic Success = Spectacular Feint (Winner is +5D on next action).
    Note: The Position result table also incorporates the combat disciplines of Sokan and Trakata, and serves as a blanket term to cover any deception or tricks in combat.

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

The CRMcNeill Stat/Rule Index

Last edited by CRMcNeill on Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat

Form I - Shii-Cho
Capsule: Millennia before the Clone Wars, advanced technology replaced metal swords with energy-beam lightsabers. In this transition, the first Form was born. Jedi Masters created Form I from ancient sword fighting traditions, since the principles of blade combat remained much the same. The basics of attack, parry, body target zones, and the practice drills called velocities are all here. Despite the various Advanced Forms available to the Jedi, some choose to focus exclusively on the fundamentals and simplicity of Form I.
Game Use: See Melee Combat: Lightsaber

(A) Form II - Makashi
Capsule: The ultimate refinement of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat became Form II. Form II adepts focus on precision, elegance and economy of motion, advancing the precision of blade manipulation to its finest possible degree and producing the greatest dueling masters the galaxy has ever seen. Today, Form II is an archaism studied by almost no one in the Jedi Order, because it is not relevant to current tactical situations, in which Jedi enemies rarely fight with lightsabers. Even with the resurgence of the Sith, confrontation of an enemy with a lightsaber is an exceedingly rare prospect for a Jedi, so they continue to focus on more practical Forms. Sith expecting to battle lightsaber-wielding Jedi, however, find Form II a powerful technique.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 6D
Brawling 6D
Advantage: Bonus equal to character's Form II skill dice is applied to Melee Combat: Lightsaber on Attack or Defend.

(A) Form III - Soresu
Capsule: The third great lightsaber discipline was first developed in response to the advancement of blaster technology in the galaxy. As these weapons spread widely into the hands of evildoers, Jedi had to develop unique means of defending themselves. Form III thus arose from "laserblast" deflection training. Over the centuries it has transcended this origin to become a highly refined expression of non-aggressive Jedi philosophy. Form III maximizes defensive protection in a style characterized by tight, efficient movements that expose minimal target area compared to the relatively open style of some of the other forms.
Obi-Wan Kenobi took up a dedication to Form III after the death of Qui-Gon Jinn (who favored Form IV), since it was apparent to Kenobi that Jinn's defense was insufficient against the Sith techniques of Darth Maul. True Form III masters are considered invincible. Even in his elder years, Kenobi remains a formidable Form III practitioner.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 6D
Brawling 6D
Advantage: Bonus equal to character's Form III skill dice is applied to Melee Combat: Lightsaber and to Sense when Parrying Ranged Attacks

(A) Form IV - Ataru
Capsule: Form IV is the most acrobatic Form, heavily emphasizing Jedi abilities to run, jump and spin in phenomenal ways by using the Force. Masters of Form IV incorporate all of the ways in which the Force helps them go beyond what is physically possible. Their lightsaber combat is astonishing to watch, filled with elaborate moves in the center of which a Jedi may be all but a blur. Yoda, with his deep emphasis on the Force in all things, is a Form IV master. Form IV was also the chosen discipline of Qui-Gon Jinn and the early choice of his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 5D
Brawling 5D
Agility 5D
Requirements: Must also have the Force ability Enhance Attribute.
Advantage: Bonus equal to the character's Form IV skill dice is added to the Base Difficulty of any attackers. If an attack does not beat the modified Difficulty, it has missed completely. This is considered a Free Action when used in combination with Form IV itself and any of its prerequisites.

(A) Form V - Djem So
Capsule: During an era when Jedi were called upon to more actively maintain the peace in the galaxy, Form V arose alongside Form IV to address a need for greater power among Jedi. Jedi masters who felt that Form III could be too passive developed Form V. A Form III master might be undefeatable, but neither could he necessarily overcome his enemy. Form V focuses on strength and lightsaber attack moves. This Form exploits the ability of the lightsaber to block a blaster bolt and turns this defensive move into an offensive attack by deflecting the bolt deliberately towards an opponent. A dedication to power and strength necessary to defeat an enemy characterizes the philosophy of Form V, which some Jedi describe by the maxim "peace through superior firepower". To some Jedi Knights, Form V represents a worthy discipline prepared for any threat; to others, Form V seems to foster an inappropriate focus on dominating others.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 6D
Brawling 6D
Requirements: Must also have a minimum Strength of 3D.
Advantage: Bonus equal to character's Form V skill dice is applied to Melee Combat and Brawling on Attack or to Sense when redirecting blaster bolts back at an attacker. In addition, attacking with Form V negates the opponent's cumulative bonus for Defending that round.

(A) Form VI - Niman
Capsule: In the time of Palpatine's Chancellorship, Form VI is the standard in Jedi lightsaber training. The Form balances the emphases of other forms with overall moderation, in keeping with the Jedi quest to achieve true harmony and justice without resorting to the rule of power.. It is considered the "diplomat's Form" because it is less intensive in its demands than the other disciplines, allowing Jedi to spend more time developing their skills in perception, political strategy and negotiation. In practice, Form VI is a combination of Forms I, III, IV, and V. Young Jedi spend their first few years studying Form I and then a year or two with each additional Form before completing their training. By comparison, a Form VI master will spend at least ten years studying only that Form after completing the basic Form I training. Form VI well suits the modern Jedi's role in the galaxy, in which a Knight overly trained in martial combat might be at a loss to resolve a complex political conflict between star system. However, full masters of other Forms sometimes consider Form VI to be insufficiently demanding.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 5D
Brawling 5D
Advantage: Niman has a total bonus equal to the adept's skill level. However, the bonus is distributed between Lightsaber combat and non-combat skills (For every 3 pips, 1 must be spent on the Lightsaber, 1 must be spent on another skill, and 1 can be spent on either at the adept's discretion).

(A) Form VII - Juyo
Capsule: Only high-level masters of multiple Forms can achieve and control the ultimate discipline known as Form VII. This is the most difficult and demanding of all Forms, but it can eventually lead to fantastic power and skill. Form VII employs bold, direct movements, more open and kinetic than Form V, but not so elaborate in appearance as Form IV. In addition to very advanced Force-assisted jumps and movements, Form VII tactics overwhelm opponents with seemingly unconnected staccato sequences, making the Form highly unpredictable in battle. This trait makes for much more difficult execution than the graceful, linked move sequences of Form IV. Form VII requires the intensity of Form V, but much greater energy, since that focus is wielded more broadly. Form VII draws on a deeper well of emotion than even Form V, yet masters it more fully. The outward bearing of a Form VII practitioner is one of calm, but the inner pressure verges on explosion.
Melee Combat: Lightsaber 6D
Brawling 6D
Agility 5D
Willpower 7D
Requirements: Must also have a minimum of 2D in Forms II, III, IV and V.
Advantage: Bonus equal to the character's Form VII skill is applied to Lightsaber and Brawling, and to Sense when Parrying Ranged Attacks. In addition, attacking with Form V negates the cumulative bonus for Defending that round.
Complication: Every round of combat with Form VII, the character must make a Willpower check as a Free Action against the character's Form VII roll that round (+5 for each of the character's DSPs). On a failure, the character temporarily gives in to the Dark Side. If he kills or wounds his opponent in that round, he earns a DSP. If he does not, roll again as normal the next round (at +5 difficulty).

(A) Form VII (Enhanced) - Vaapad
Capsule: Vaapad is the current pinnacle of lightsaber technique. An evolution of Form VII, it is still under development as of the beginning of the Clone Wars, as few can achieve the necessary mastery to advance the art. While outwardly similar to Form VII, Vaapad takes Juyo's technique of drawing on a well of deeper emotion and takes it right to the edge of darkness. Not only does the Vaapad adept draw on his own emotions to fuel Form VII's explosive combat prowess, he also draws on the darkness in his opponent and reflects it back out. This potent ability entails great risks to the Jedi, and many Form VII adepts who have attempted to master Vaapad have instead fallen to the Dark Side (such as Depa Billaba and Sora Bulq). Mace Windu is the only current master of Vaapad, and he continues to develop the Form.
(A) Form VII - Juyo 4D
Willpower 9D
Note: Unlike Juyo, Vaapad can only be learned by characters who have or have had at least 1 DSP.
Advantage: As Juyo, plus the practitioner receives a +1 bonus for each of his DSPs and for each of his opponent's DSPs. The practitioner must take the bonus from his own DSPs, but may choose to take either all or a portion of his opponent's DSPs as a bonus, as that number affects the complications below).
Complication: As Juyo, but Willpower Difficulty increases by +1 for each of his opponent's DSPs that he uses to enhance his own skill.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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