shootingwomprats Rear Admiral
Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:14 pm Post subject: AAT-2, AVT-1 and AVT-2 |
Light tank designed to move small groups of battledroids and give accompanying support.
Quote: | AAT-2 Armored Assault Tank-2
Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop Armored Assault Tank-2
Type: Armored assault tank
Scale: Walker
Length: 9.75 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: AAT-2
Crew: Droid brain
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operations 6D, Vehicle Blasters 7D, other applicable skills at 4D.
Passengers: 8-12 battle droids
Cargo Capacity: 1,500 kilograms (without troops)
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-4 meters
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 42; 120 kph
Body Strength: 4D
Heavy Laser Cannon
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 0D
-- Range: 50-500/1/2 km
-- Damage: 6D
4 Light Repeating Laser Cannons
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Scale: Speeder
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 0D
-- Range: 3-50/120/300
-- Damage: 4D
2 Shell Launchers
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Missile weapons
-- Fire Control: 0D
-- Range: 100/200/400
-- Damage: 3D
Game Notes:
-- There are handholds on the exterior on the left and right sides enabling six battle droids to be carried. Those on the outside receive no cover modifiers.
-- The exit ramp drops from the rear of the AAT-2 and allows for rapid disembarkment. Due to the thinness of the rear armor the AAT-2 only has an effective Body Strength of 2D. Making it especially vulnerable if attacked from the rear.
-- The AAT’s electrical systems are poorly shielded. If damage from ion weapons exceeds the AAT’s Body roll by more than 9 points, the electrical system shorts out. As a result, the AAT shuts down and will not function again until the electrical system is completely replaced.
Source: +Oliver Queen |
Specifically designed to make the AAT-1 and AAT-2 more mobile by ferrying assets to theaters of contention and while there give fire support to those assets while they mobilize.
Quote: | AVT-1 Armored Vehicle Transport-1
Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop Armored Vehicle Transport-1
Type: Airspeeder
Scale: Walker
Length: 20.4 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: AVT
Crew: 6
Crew Skill: All skills typically at 6D
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Up to 1,000 meters
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 210; 600 kph
Body Strength: 4D
2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Crew: Co-pilot/gunner
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 1D
-- Range: 50-500/1/2 km
-- Damage: 6D
2 Anti-Personnel Laser Cannons
-- Fire Arc: Turret (1 front/left/rear, 1 front/right/rear)
-- Crew: 1 gunner
-- Scale: Character
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 0D
-- Range: 3-50/200/400
-- Damage: 6D
4 Rocket Launchers
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Crew: Co-pilot/gunner
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Missile weapons
-- Fire Control: 1D
-- Range: 5-250/1/2 km
-- Ammo: 4 missiles each
-- Damage: 5D
Game Notes:
-- The AVT is specifically designed for the quick deployment of vehicles into a theater of operation as well as give air support to those units while they deploy. There is also an option mount a transport pod in place of a vehicle. This pod can hold up to forty-eight battle droids or five tons of equipment.
Source: +Oliver Queen |
Same as the AVT-1 but able to carry twice the assets as well as drop from a ship in orbit and perform the same job.
Quote: | AVT-2 Armored Vehicle Transport-2
Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop Armored Vehicle Transport-2
Type: Vehicle dropship
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 42.4 meters
Skill: Space transport: AVT
Crew: 6
Crew Skill: All skills typically at 6D
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: None
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer: None
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 210; 600 kph
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
-- Passive: 20/0
-- Scan: 45/1D
-- Search: 60/2D
-- Focus: 3/3D
2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Crew: Co-pilot/gunner
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 1D
-- Range: 50-500/1/2 km
-- Damage: 6D
2 Anti-Personnel Laser Cannons
-- Fire Arc: Turret (1 front/left/rear, 1 front/right/rear)
-- Crew: 1 gunner
-- Scale: Character
-- Skill: Vehicle blasters
-- Fire Control: 0D
-- Range: 3-50/200/400
-- Damage: 6D
4 Rocket Launchers
-- Fire Arc: Front
-- Crew: Co-pilot/gunner
-- Scale: Walker
-- Skill: Missile weapons
-- Fire Control: 1D
-- Range: 5-250/1/2 km
-- Ammo: 4 missiles each
-- Damage: 5D
Game Notes:
-- The AVT is specifically designed for the quick deployment of up to two AAT-2's into a theater of operation and give air support to those units. There is also an option mount one large or two standard transport pods in place of a vehicle. The standard pod can hold up to 48 battle droids or 5 tons of equipment.
Source: +Oliver Queen |
_________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |