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Incinerator room stuff...
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:43 pm    Post subject: Incinerator room stuff... Reply with quote

While sitting around in the sandbox, i hve had some thoughts for a few new modules i might write up when i get back stateside. One has a BBEG who loves making traps (such as stun rooms, or rooms with reverse gravity plating in) to thwart those who try to enter his sanctum (though none lethal in and of themselves). And finally he has a standard size incinerator room where he puts the unconsious bodies of those who truely irk him.

1) can an incinerator room be 'magnetically sealed' so flames/explosions etc don't get out?
2) how quickly can one 'ramp' up from cold to where it is hot enough to injure those inside?
3) if someone koed was tossed into one, would the rising heat be enough to wake them?
4) if a room WAS mag sealed, how could those inside get out without having to have someone out there free them??
And lastly, how long can someone go in one before dying, not from burning up but from getting their lungs seared by extremely hot air???
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"1) can an incinerator room be 'magnetically sealed' so flames/explosions etc don't get out?"

Easily. But I'd also include a mechanical seal as well.

"2) how quickly can one 'ramp' up from cold to where it is hot enough to injure those inside?"

Very. Depends on the technique for causing the heat used, but can be very, very fast.

"3) if someone koed was tossed into one, would the rising heat be enough to wake them?"

Possibly. But there's lots of cases of people never waking up from their sleep while their house burned around them.

"4) if a room WAS mag sealed, how could those inside get out without having to have someone out there free them?"

There is no problem that could not be solved with the judicious use of Explosives.

"And lastly, how long can someone go in one before dying, not from burning up but from getting their lungs seared by extremely hot air?"

I'll let the medically inclined individuals answer this one.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In your shoes, I'd simply state what the incinereator room can do and leave the technobabble out of it. Because the SW universe is fictional, you can make something do anything you want it to do as long as the idea SOUNDS feasible to the players. I think an "incinerator room" is perfectly believable.

As for how your PCs will escape from it, that's a much harder thing to do as a GM. Keep in mind rule # 39

39. Never expect the players to find the clue, no matter how obvious you think it is.

So, what I would do is plant some idea in the players heads earlier in the adventure that they can use to escape via your pre-programmed route. This is done in TV, Movies and novels all the time, sort of like forshadowing.

For instance, make one of the NPCs they run into earlier in the campaign talk about how a prisoner escaped a mag-sealed room. Just make up something plausible sounding (plausible "sounding" being the operative word) and let them discover it earlier. Then, if they are stuck in the incinerator you can let them make knowledge rolls to remember the info. But this is just one of many possible ideas.
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bringing this back up after re-reading the Wraith squadron novels where our rebel team got INTO a trap where an Incinerator room was used..

What damage level would you set incinerator rooms at? Would it start low then ramp up quickly (say 2d, going 1d per round), start low then ramp up slowly (say 2d, then going up a pip a round)?

At what 'damage level' would you have it start cooking off explosives or other devices the party has on them? What of say med packs/bacta capsules? Would it boil off the nutrients in them?
Electronics? We know in the real world, lots of electronics do badly when heating up.. So would SW gear do the same?
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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