garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14292 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:44 am Post subject: Fex |
In the new novel, Heir to the Jedi, a deep core planet, Fex is talked about for a good chunk of 3-4 novels. The main monster it goes on about is something called a Fexian Skull borer, for the critters biting through even real thick armor and into a person's brain and eating it/sucking it out.
It even theorizes that the creature may even gain partial sentience/info from what ever brain it eats..
So, if i was to 'stat it out' i would go
Dex 1d. Brawl parry 4d
Know *, base is 1d, but gains 1d per 2d of brains it eats for 24 hours. Also gains 1 random skill from said target for 6 hours.
Mech 0d
Per 4d, search 7d, sneak 7d
Str 3d, brawl 7d, climbing 6d
Tech 0d.
Bite Str +4d, uses it to get through thick armor and skulls of a target to suck brain matter out.
If a wound is scored, it needs 1 more round to get through the skull/armor. If an Incap or greater is rolled, it can suck the brain matter out in a # of rounds equal to 1d6 by the target (less is worse). Once the brain is gone the target is dead.
Natural camouflage, adds 2d to sneak rolls.
Move 3, 7 in trees (or along the ceiling of a ship/in a building) _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |