shootingwomprats Rear Admiral
Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:48 am Post subject: "Fool's Run" and Asteroid Missiles (SWRe Magazine) |
As the Star Wars Rebels Sourcebook nears completion found more source material. This time in a UK magazine named Star Wars Rebels Magazine No.1. Inside was a comic called "Ring Race" which included a race circuit through the asteroid ring of a planet and an interesting use of thruster packs on asteroids. Below is an adaptation of that idea. Suggestions and constructive criticism appreciated.
Quote: | Fool's Run
This is Galus Vez’s private race circuit through the planetary ring of the planet that Osisis station orbits. Galus has never lost a race.
Game Notes:
--The circuit terrain is Difficult (18.) and will require ten piloting rolls to complete. The GM can modify the circuit by changing up certain legs to include different terrain difficulties or requiring difficult maneuvers.
--Galus’ familiarity with the circuit gives him a +1D situational modifier to all piloting rolls.
--If a competitor is doing too well, Galus has asteroid missiles throughout the circuit he can use to hinder their progress and possibly damage or destroy their ship. Determining if an asteroid missile is in range should be decided by the amount of risk and drama the GM wants for the scene. If uncomfortable with this then roll 1D, on a roll of 1-2 there is a modified asteroid that may be used.
Asteroid Missile
Galus doesn't like to lose and and to make sure he doesn't, he cheats. Placed at a number of key points in the circuit (a leg requiring a reduction in speed, maneuver around a blind spot or requires a tricky maneuver) Galus has placed a number of asteroids with attached thrusters, a rudimentary computer and communications equipment. From the cockpit of his ship he can send an asteroid unexpectedly careening into another ship. Oftentimes heavily damaging or even destroying a competitors ship.
Game Notes:
--This requires a moderate (15) sensor roll to calculate if a ship is close enough for one of these asteroids to hit a target.
--The onboard computer has a piloting 7D+2 and has a target number of 28 to hit another ship doing 6D damage.
--Sometimes multiple asteroids are programmed to work together on a choke point, in this case +1D skill or damage modifier for every extra asteroid (2 +1D, 3 +2D, etc).
Source: +Oliver Queen
_________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
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