shootingwomprats Rear Admiral
Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:36 am Post subject: AJ^6 Cyborg Construct (Star Wars Rebels) |
Never liked the original rules for this piece of cybertech. With its introduction in Star Wars Rebels it has changed slightly. This is an attempt to make a canon version that makes sense given the SWU and mechanics that are easy and direct. Thoughts, input, suggestions and constructive criticism appreciated.
Quote: | AJ^6 Cyborg Construct
A cybernetic implant which, when attached to the back of one's head, could allow the user to improve memory and increase productivity. The Galactic Empire made these available to their workers to improve their performance, at the cost of their personality.
Model: BioTech Borg Construct AJ^6
Type: Basic cyborg construct
Cost: 25,000
Availability: R
Cyber Points: 3
Game Notes:
--Construct can store up to 8D worth of additional information.
--Cyborg construct can hold a maximum of 6D worth of skills with typical units having two cartridge slots. Cartridges replace user’s skill.
--Cyborg can read the data in his data banks at any time.
--Built-in holographic display and recording
--Because of the invasiveness of the cybertechnology those who opt for this implant will limit the wearer's personality, and almost literally turned them into walking machines. This gets worse over time and may include psychosis, personality disorders and possible loss of speach.
Cyborg Knowledge Cartridges
Model: Perzome SoftWEAR Cyborg Knowledge Cartridges
Type: Knowledge cartridges
Skill: Cartridges are available only for knowledge and technical skills.
Availability: R
Cyber Points: 0
Game Notes:
--A knowledge cartridge must have a specific skill chosen. If the combination of cartridges exceeds the 6D cap, then add the totals together and divide by the total number of catridges for the total in each skill.
--Loaded cartridges may be internally switched "on/off" or physically placed/removed. This is this is an action and requires one round to properly shutdown/boot.
Knowledge Skills
Basic 3D skill 750 credits
Expert 5D skill 1,500 credits
Master 6D skill 3,000 credits
Technical Skills
Basic 3D skill 1,000 credits
Expert 5D skill 3,000 credits
Master 6D skill 4,000 credits
Source: Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide (page 31,34), additional tweaks by +Oliver Queen
_________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
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