ebertran Lieutenant Commander
Joined: 14 Jul 2005 Posts: 204 Location: Miami, FL
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:05 am Post subject: Millenium Falcon recap #2 |
Read my first session recap here:
So in this session, our players, aboard the Millennium Falcon, recovered the Treasure of Celis Mott (instant adventures module). It contained the money and hyperspace coordinates for a route between Coruscant and Mogravia in the Karthakk Sector. Since they are wanted by the empire, they want nothing to do with Coruscant so decided to follow the route to Magravia to see why they were apparently being sent there.
Once in Mogravia, they see that the empire is mining the hell out of the planet, but not for the spice its known for, but rather, for ore. They are told that the minig operation is huge, and the players mistakingly assume it's to support the death star project. it isn't, rather, it's to support Vader's secret project ith this sector's Moff--the project Tarkin is hoping to stop by way of the PCs and the resistance group known as the Freebirds.
So the PCs meet with this group known as the "Freebirds" (basically my version of the birth of the rebels and the alliance), and it turns out that the treasure of Celis Mott the PCs were sent to get was meant to go to the Freebirds all along. They were waiting for the PCs.
"The jewels. They belong to us." They explained that the treasure was meant to help finance their resistance group.
Grand Moff Tarkin, their mysterious benefactor, is not just aiding the PCs, he's also aiding this resistance group in the Karthakk sector....
So the PCs gave the Freebirds the jewels, and then they were asked to help them on a mission... Corwin Shelvay, a founding member of the Freebirds, had been taken prisoner by the Empire, but Tarkin was able to get him released to a group of pirates/slavers. This group had their base in an asteroid, (Hideouts and Strongholds) where they were holding Corwin.
The PCs were asked to secretly accompany a member of the Freebirds to the asteroid, where she was going to negotiate his ransom/release with the pirate leader, and at the same time steal back some starfighters they had lost to this gang of pirates... The PC's where to stay hidden aboard their ship, and when she sent them a signal it meant that she was keeping the pirate leader busy in his office, buying the PCs time to sneak around and rescue Shelvay. They had schematics of the base, which made this easier.
They managed to fight some guards, disable the base's computer and weapon systems. They blasted off in the starfighters and the Falcon, and had to make their way out of the asteroid field the base was in... On of the PCs in a starfighter unfortunately did not make it, rolling badly and exploding in a ball of fire... The rest were able to get away...
As they left the asteroid field, they realized that the system they were in was sudden;y under an imperial blockade! And as the Falcon navigated near a star destroyer, Corwin Shelvay muttered under his breath... "Trevayne is in that star destroyer. We need to turn this ship around, now."
All in all it was an exciting session. Everyone had a turn to shine, and even though a player died, we all had fun. I'm really liking where the campaign is headed, as it really ties the PCs to the movies in unexpected ways.
Good times!
So a recap of what's happening:
Tarkin is working on his death star project, but at the same time, Vader and the Karthakk sector Moff are working on their own secret weapon for the Emperor. Tarkin does not want to share the emperor's attention with anyone, so he plans to stop Vader's project in its tracks by using the PCs and this resistance group. He actually is helping finance the precursor to the Alliance to get what he wants!
The players, flying around in the Millennium Falcon (which they won via a swoop race), are doing things for Tarkin (without really knowing who he is, orever having met him), and now they see that this resistance group in Mogravia is also working with/for him. Nobody knows who he really is.... Interesting times....
Now I can use rebel alliance adventures, even if this is set 10 years before SW ANH, just by replacing the rebels with the Freebirds.
Oh, here's the grafitti they saw in the Freebirds safe-house... seem a bit familiar?
http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/b/d/c/1305936034720668417city_of_phoenix_logo_small-hi.png |