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D6 Conversion for D20 Organization Stats
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:45 am    Post subject: D6 Conversion for D20 Organization Stats Reply with quote

Something that intrigued me from the Saga book The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide was the chapter on Organizations. It's long been in the back of my mind that something like this could be a handy tool for GMs, and a neat way for characters to have a concrete grasp of their degree of prestige and/or influence in whatever organization they're a part of.

On first look, it would seem that a lot of the rules would convert across pretty cleanly, but I'm still researching it, so any input would be appreciated.

My current thought is to treat a character's rank in an Organization like a skill, as in, the more Dice you have in an Organization, the higher your rank, and the more of the Organization's resources you're able to access. Characters would earn either Bonus CP or separate Rank Points which could be used to improve the character's Organization Rank. On top of that, the Campaign Guide has a whole list of various organizations to choose from, each with their own internal rank structure and guidelines for roleplaying in objectives to accrue rank.

I haven't put a whole lot of thought into this, but I'd like to hear some input from you all.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

d20 RCR had "sympathy points" that were earned through roleplay. The more points you had, the more "clout" you had. Certain actions or favors would cost you sympathy points but they could be regained through roleplay.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 2:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Naaman wrote:
d20 RCR had "sympathy points" that were earned through roleplay. The more points you had, the more "clout" you had. Certain actions or favors would cost you sympathy points but they could be regained through roleplay.

This works along similar lines, but has a lot more detail. If you can find a copy of the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, check out the Organizations Chapter, starting on pg. 59, and you'll see what I mean.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:21 am    Post subject: Re: D6 Conversion for D20 Organization Stats Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
Something that intrigued me from the Saga book The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide was the chapter on Organizations. It's long been in the back of my mind that something like this could be a handy tool for GMs, and a neat way for characters to have a concrete grasp of their degree of prestige and/or influence in whatever organization they're a part of.

On first look, it would seem that a lot of the rules would convert across pretty cleanly, but I'm still researching it, so any input would be appreciated.

My current thought is to treat a character's rank in an Organization like a skill, as in, the more Dice you have in an Organization, the higher your rank, and the more of the Organization's resources you're able to access. Characters would earn either Bonus CP or separate Rank Points which could be used to improve the character's Organization Rank. On top of that, the Campaign Guide has a whole list of various organizations to choose from, each with their own internal rank structure and guidelines for roleplaying in objectives to accrue rank.

I haven't put a whole lot of thought into this, but I'd like to hear some input from you all.

I like this and could suggest this to be a skill, that can start at 0D, then as you go through various missions/advetures/scenes, you autmaitaclly progress to +1, +2 1D 1D+1 etc, and you can not buy the skill up with CP.

Bonuses I think should be based on how many if any bonus CP you get, if you get 1 bonus cp in the mission then you get a +1 pip to the "rank" skill.

This should also go the other way, influence/rank gained, can and often is lost, and then I suggest that when you really do a blunder you loose not a +1, but a full Dice. What actions can casue this I think should be upto the gm.

Raider Heavyhands is a new upstart in the black sun, he has yet prove everthing, even his aboility to tie his shoes.

he did well on his first mission, he got a +2 influnece /rank, and the next mission this was again raised to 1D.

On his first mission he gained a bonus CP for herocis and good RP-ness.

I also think this should be a skill you can use within the organization, mostly to add to you bargain score for "buying" requitioning vvarious gear from the organization.

I can see this added to the intimidate and the persuasion skills too, both "influence" skills in their own right.

Raider Heavyhands have risen in the black sun and no longer the lovest ranking, his prestige in the organization and his evidence to shw this do carry weight and he can use his current "rank" bonus to add to the rolls to influence and or command organization assets.

With Raider Heavyhands 3D+1 in Peception and his 0 ranks in Command, now is an effective 4D+2 when he interact with anyone from the black sun.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I knew we'd talked about this before.

Thinking about it, there kind of needs to be some kind of overarching specialization... a different kind of advanced skill. I'll call it a "concentration", to keep it clear.

With an advanced skill, the advanced skill applies pretty much whenever the regular skill does... if I have Medicine, it applies to all my First Aid checks. But these would be sort of a "concentration" that would apply to several skills, but only when it comes up.

So, let's say I'm Han Solo. I may build up a concentration in the YT-1300, which would apply to piloting, weapons, repair, etc.... but only on a YT-1300. Want to discuss the history of starships? I have some neat anecdotes about the development of the YT-1300. If I'm in a Tyderian Shuttle, I can use my own considerable skills to fly these... but I don't get any benefit from my concentration.

Wrapping this back around to reputations, Reputations would serve as a concentration for social skills with different groups. Having a good reputation would give bonuses to Persuasion, Con, Bargain... even Planetary Systems, if you happen to be trying to recall facts about Yavin or Dantooine and there is a significant Rebel presence, there.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MrNexx wrote:
I knew we'd talked about this before.

I had vague memories of discussing something like this, but I only searched for Organizations before I posted.

Thinking about it, there kind of needs to be some kind of overarching specialization... a different kind of advanced skill. I'll call it a "concentration", to keep it clear.

I'm almost wondering if a Reputation Attribute would be better, with any Organization memberships grouped under it. Reputation is going to be hugely variable anyway, as it's going to translate into either Fame or Infamy depending on exactly how the character has gained his reputation.

That's the reason I said "like" a skill in the OP; I don't think any of the extant skill variants in the RAW really work for this. One possible alternative would be to make membership/rank in various Organizations part of an Advantage/Disadvantage system. IIRC, fame or reputation was one of the options under the Open D6 system, and it could be either positive or negative depending on the circumstances.

It somewhat indicates a need for a third section on the Advantage/Disadvantage system, with character or background traits that can be either positive or negative depending on the circumstances. Either that or a system where the character gets the Advantage of Reputation for free, with the Disadvantage or Complication that, under the wrong circumstances, it instantly becomes a disadvantage.

After all, having if you're Luke Skywalker, having a high Reputation around the Alliance is a good thing. Not so much if you're around the Empire.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In fact, as I go back and read through the Advantage/Disadvantage system in D6 Space, a lot of the facets of being a member of an organization would be well covered by it.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could use it as an Advanced skill. Gives bonuses/penalties to Social skills as important. This skill, must be raised by the GM for doing things. You could consider each D either 1 rank of fame/infamy.

Just a suggestion.
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:

I'm almost wondering if a Reputation Attribute would be better, with any Organization memberships grouped under it. Reputation is going to be hugely variable anyway, as it's going to translate into either Fame or Infamy depending on exactly how the character has gained his reputation.

Hmmm... Shadowrun (one of the editions; I'd have to look up specifics when I wasn't making mashed potatoes) had something based on the total number of Karma awarded over time forming the basis of your rep... so, if you'd been playing for years and racked up a lot of points, you'd have a big rep, compared to a newbie who just got started.
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As I'm leaning strongly toward including a modified version of the D6 Space Ad/Dis System, I'm inclined to pursue a system where increased Rank in an Organization comes with a mixed slate of advantages and disadvantages, which ramp up as rank increases. This will require some thought...
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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