garhkal Sovereign Protector
Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14228 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:15 am Post subject: |
Well, then you would like my firearm chart/equipment list...
Small and medium pistols (GENERIC STATS)
Type: small caliber slug thrower pistol
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; pistol
Ammo: 5 or 6 for revolvers. 6 to 15 per clip for automatics
Cost: 550 credits. Bullets 25 credits per box 50 rounds. Spare clips 45 credits
Availability: 1 to 2. R in core sector
Damage: 3d+1
Range: 15/30/50
Fire rate: 4
Heavy pistols (including desert eagle type, magnum 44 and magnum 357)
Type: Heavy slug thrower pistol.
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; pistol
Ammo: 6 to 9 per clip
Cost: 750 credits. Bullets- 50 credits per box of 50 rounds. 75 credits per spare clip.
Availability: 2F or R
Damage: 4d
Range: 3-20/40/70
Fire rate: 1
Recoil: +5
Hunting rifle (306, .22)
Type: hunting slug thrower
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; rifle
Ammo: 5
Cost: 1000 credits. Bullets- 80 credits for box of 50. 100 credits per spare clip
Availability: 1F
Damage: 4d+1
Range: 5-100/200/300
Fire rate: 1
Recoil: +3 without bipod. 0 with bipod
Type: scatter shot slug thrower
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; shotgun
Ammo: 2 or 6
Cost: 1200 credits for a double barrel, 1600 for a pump action. 140 credits for box of 25 shells
Availability: 1R
Damage: Scatter 5d+2 short/4d+1 medium/3d long. Solid slug 5d+1
Blast cone: 1/2/4
Range: 5/15/25
Fire rate: 1 or 2
Recoil: DB single shot +3, double shot +5. Pump +4
Sub machine guns (HKmp5, UZI, MAC10)
Type: Sub machine automatic slug thrower
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; automatic weapons
Ammo: 24 or 30 round clip
Cost: 1500, or 1850 with integral silencer. Ammo- 130 pre box 50 rounds. Spare clips 100 credits
Availability: 2R (or X if with integral silencer)
Damage: 4d base
Range: 25/50/80
Fire rate: 5 single, 2 bursts or FA
Recoil: single +0/burst +5/FA +10
Assault rifle (M-16, AK-47, SPS-119)
Type: assault rifle slug thrower
Scale: character
Skill: firearms; automatic weapons
Ammo: 30 or 36 round clips
Cost: 2500 credits, 3000 with silencer. Bullets- 500 per box 150 rounds. Spare clips 200 credits
Availability: 3R or X
Damage: 5d+1 base
Range: 10/80/160/250
Fire rate: 6 single/3 bursts or FA
Recoil: Single +5, Bursts +10, FA +15. If using bipod 0/+5/+10
Notes: requires Str 2d+2 to use without damage to self
Heavy machine guns (SAW, M60, .50)
Type: Belt fed heavy slug thrower
Scale: Character
Skill: firearms; automatic weapons
Ammo: 50 round belts
Cost: 4500 credits. 350 per 100 round belt
Availability: 3R or X
Damage: 6d base for bursts
Range: 10-150/300/500
Fire rate: 4 bursts, FB
Recoil: Burst +5 (0 with bipod or tripod), FB +25 (+15 with bipod, +5 with tripod or hard mount)
Notes: requires 3d strength to use with Bipod or less. 2d If has tripod or hard mounted
The following equipment are all for use with firearms (presented a while ago)..
God gun
The God Gun, is the largest bore/caliber slug sniper rifle in existence. The Tirchtuans, on the core world planet of Varyr, made it while that planet was still pre-space age. With the coming of the old republic, the weapon went into obscurity, until 30 years before Yavin. Interest was shown in it as a hunting rifle by many different planets, and it resurged in popularity. 3 years before Yavin, the empire put a curtail on the weapon's ownership and use, as it could feasibly be used to damage their land based interests, but those who already owned it, were 'Grand-fathered'. In the early rebellion days, some owners saw that 3 dozen of these found their way into the hands of the few freedom fighters that were in the Core systems. Only 33 are still in use by rebel alliance operatives.
In the time frame after Endor, many of the 33 that were owned, were mothballed, in favor of high power laser rifles, and other items, but some Die-hard firearm users still like them, for their punch.
Type: Big game sniper rifle
Scale; character*
Skill: firearms; sniper rifle
Ammo: single shot bolt action, 5 round clip on side
Cost: 4000 credits. Ammo See below
Availability: 2F or R
Damage: 5d+2
Range: 50-750/1.5km/2.25km
Recoil: +10 without bipod, +5 with.
Note: requires strength 3d+2 to use without damage to self. For each Pip less, user
Takes 2 damage (i.e. 1D+1 Str less than needed, 2D+2 damage taken).
Scope adds +2D to shots taken at medium range or greater, 1D+1 at short range. Recoil suppressor stock adds +1D to strength rating for usage purpose only. If used against someone within the minimum range, damage goes up to 7D, but to hit goes up by 2 categories.
Additional Ammo types:
Armor piercing (AP). Less range but ignores scale capping for walker and speeders. If used against character scale targets, ignores 2D of armor protection.
Explosive (EX). Same range as normal, but does 6D damage with a 10-foot radius (1-3/6D, 4-6/5D, 7-8/3D, 9-10/2D).
Incendiary (IC). These are 'fire rounds', containing a volatile mixture of white phosphorous, magnesium, sodium and cadmium. It causes 8D damage in a 3ft radius, and burns for 7 rounds, dropping 1 D of damage each round. Anyone looking at the target area when it initially explodes whom DOES NOT have flash suppression goggles on, will be blinded for 2D6 minutes, and has a 25% of being permanently blinded.
Heavy target Interdictor (HD). These are material punchers. They are specially made to go through ferrocreete, and other building walls. They, like APs ignore 4D worth of armor or Cover damage.
Long tom M866
The Long tom Mark866 is the second most powerful commercially available, sniper rifle. It is the most common rifle used by Core world hunters, and some assassins. Similar to the God Gun, it is a single shot, bolt action, but has the advantage that it can be broken down into 5 parts and stored in a small suitcase. It is the most common for 'technologically impaired' rebel snipers for use.
Type: High caliber hunting rifle
Scale: character*
Skill: firearms; sniper rifle
Ammo: single shot bolt action. 5 round clip on side
Cost: 2500 credits. Ammo See below
Availability: 2F
Damage: 5d
Range: 20-500/1km/2km
Fire rate: 1
Recoil: +3 with bipod, +8 without
Notes: 3d minimum strength to use without hurting self
Load bearing vest
Type: Lindarr arms LBV-2x
Scale: character (Size to fit a person from 4ft 4" to 7ft 2")
Cost: 750 credits
Availability: 1F or R
Carries: 4 large chest pouches capable of holding 6 Assault rifle magazines, or 8 SMG mags. 2 Front grenade pouches (each can hold 1 grenade or thermal detonator), Web belt with 1 pistol holster (can have 1 pistol of any type), 1 2-clip mag pouch (for pistol magazines), and 2 water canteen holders.
Weight: 8lb
Explosive proof bullet case
Type: Lindarr arms XBP-IV
Scale: Character (1 foot by 1 foot 5 inches by 8 inches for small size, or 3 foot by 3 foot by 1 foot for large size)
Cost: 10% of the gun's cost for the small one, or 25% for the large one.
Availability; 2F
Weight: 11kg for the small, 42kg for the large.
Carry capacity: 60 rounds for regular hunting rifles, 50 rounds for Long tom or 40 rounds for God guns - small case. large case - 240/200/160 respectively.
Body; 4D+2
Gunsmith Press
Type: Shimath inc Bullet press
Scale: character. 4Ft by 3ft by 2 foot 6 inches
Cost: 2500 credits (+ materials, see below)
Availability: 2F or R
Use: In conjunction with the Firearm repair skill, user can make his or her own bullets. For regular rounds, an easy roll is sufficient to make 25 rounds. For Heavy target interdictor (god gun), armor piercing rounds (both god gun and Long tom), the roll is moderate per 25 rounds. For all other bullet types it is difficult per 25 rounds. A failed roll results in un-usable rounds. A 1 on the wild die results in a 4d explosion.
Additional equipment for firearms:
Scopes: 8x15-30 credits, 12x15-450 credits, 18x20-700 credits, 25x35 1000 credits
30x35 1500 credits, 50x45 2000 credits
Silencers: Small Pistol 100 credits, Heavy pistol 150 credits, rifle 300 credits,
SMG 250 credits, 500 assault rifle.
Bipods: Rifle 100 credits, Assault rifle 300 credits, HMG 500 credits, long tom 350 credits, God gun 600 credits
Tripod: HMG 600 credits
Recoil suppressor: 650 for long tom adds +2 to Str, 875 for God gun adds 1d to Str
Gun cleaning kit: 800 credits
Cleaning solution: 100 credits per liter. Gives 60 Cleaning Points.
Cleaning costs for each fire arm type:
Pistol, small & medium = 1 point per cleaning. Pistol, large = 2 points per cleaning.
Rifle, standard hunting = 3 points per cleaning. Shotgun = 3 points per cleaning
Automatics, SMG = 4 points per cleaning. Automatics, assault rifle = 6 points per cleaning.
Automatics, HMG = 8 points per cleaning. Sniper rifle, Long tom = 5 points per cleaning.
Sniper rifle, God Gun = 7 points per cleaning.
Bullet cost for Long toms and God Guns.
Bullet Cost per box of 50 rounds Notes
Regular 35/55 Standard rounds
Armor piercing 75/100 Long tom rounds ignores 2D of worth of armor, while Godgun rounds ignores 3D+ worth of armor
Explosive 120 for 5/155 for 5 LT does 5d damage out to 1ft, 3d to 3ft and 2d to 5ft. GG 6d/4d/3d for 2ft/4ft/6ft AOE
Neurotoxin 185 for 5 rounds LT only Does only 3d+2 damage and 4D stun from the Toxin. If wound result is achieved target is Incapacitated for 2D minutes.
Heavy Target Interdictor 140 for 5 rounds GG only +3d damage Versus HARD targets (cover 75% or more) and buildings. 25% range
Incendiary 225 for 10/295 for 10 LT 4d/3d/2d damage for 3 rounds, with 3D splash in 3ft radius. GG 5d/4d/3d/2d for 4 rounds with 4d splash damage out to 4ft range.
Material costs:
Metals for bullet cases;
78 credits per 100 rounds = small and large pistols, and SMG's
113 credits per 100 rounds = hunting rifles and assault rifles
148 credits per 100 rounds = Long tom and HMG's
186 credits per 100 rounds = god guns
Gunpowder primer;
30 credits per 5kg barrel. Each barrel can be used to make - 270 rounds for pistols and SMG's, 215 rounds for rifles and assault rifles, 160 rounds for long toms and HMG's, and 115 rounds for god guns.
Explosive charges (Long tom and god gun only);
210 credits per 150 rounds = Long tom
275 rounds per 150 rounds = god gun
Armor piercing mix;
165 credits per 100 rounds = Long tom
210 credits per 100 rounds = god gun
Incendiary round mix;
195 credits per 80 rounds = Long tom
245 credits per 80 rounds = god gun
Heavy target interdictor slugs (god gun only)
285 credits per 100 rounds.
Rules Update:
Nearly all fire arms, have a Recoil rating. This value is added to the Target number needed to hit a target, whether it is the range difficulty or his dodge roll. When doing a burst, add 1D to the base
damage listing, EXCEPT for heavy machine guns, their burst value is listed. For Full auto (or full belt), use the following. Must have 2/3rds of a clip left to do full auto.
Single target: Add 4D to the weapons base damage, and 2D to the users to hit pool.
Spray: Add 4D to the users to hit pool, and 2D to the damage. But for every target, beyond the first, within the sprayed area, subtract 1D from his to hit pool. (2 targets -1D, 3 targets -2D, etc). Only 1 to
hit roll is made, and all targets Can dodge. If their dodge total + recoil difficulty is greater than the to hit roll, they are missed. For HMG, they ignore the first 5 targets. Target 6 is at -1D, target 7 Is at -2D, target 8 etc. _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
Ray Commodore
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 1743 Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America, Western Hemisphere, Earth, Sol, Western Arm, Milky Way
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:29 am Post subject: |
Here's one I posted awhile ago:
Corel & DuVal PR-10:
Chemical-Explosive operated projectile rifles are ancient technology that predate the Old Republic, and are usually only found on the most primitive of planets. But there is still something to the (literally) explosive effect of them, and Corel & DuVal, known for remaking the old with new technology, have come out with one of the finest Hunting Rifles!
The PR-10 is a 10mm Rifle that uses electrically discharged "Brass" (Actually an advanced alloy) Cartridges that can be reloaded with an almost unlimited amount of times with a minimum of equipment (Included with purchase), and can use almost any low explosive compound. It can fire in either a Expanding Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Mode (For good rate of fire, suggested only when using Corel & DuVal's own Custom Smokeless Powder Mix), or a more accurate (And reliable for when not using C&D Powder) Manual Bolt-Action mode. With the provision for mounting almost any scope or bi-pod, and the addition of an optional 10-round detachable box magazine (All sold seprately), this weapon is the consumate hunter, who wishes a challange that simple Blaster-Technology just can't provide.
Model: Corel & DuVal PR-10 10mm Rifle
Skill: Firearms: Rifle
Scale: Character
Cost: 1,750 Credits (Ammo: 25 Credits/10 Rounds, 3-Round Box Clips: 50 Credits, 10-Round Box Clips: 150 Credits)
Damage: 6D+2
Range: Semi-Auto: 3-50/150/500; Bolt-Action: 3-50/250/1 km
Fire Rate: Semi-Auto: 4; Bolt-Action: 2
Ammo: 3 or 10
Note: When on Bolt-Action mode, one action must be made after every shot to rechamber another round. This action does not require a roll, but still counts as an action for the purposes of "Multiple Actions in One Round".
/*/ Corel /*/ (Corellia: 6774/5117/0988): Mr. DuVal found something similar to this in the Corporate Sector... After a little (Well, ALOT) of work, he came up with this as a Hunting Rifle... It also works in crowd control. One shot into the ground, and *EVERYTHING* stops COLD!!! Mostly he uses it on anything that can't be taken down by Blaster Fire. After what happened on Tras IV, I don't tease him about it any longer...
(Note: With apologies to John Ringo and his "Parkins and Spencer" rifle from the "March" series: "March Upcountry", "March to the Sea", and "March to the Stars". Yes, I'm ripping this off. All the good, original ideas are already spoken for...). |