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Lightsaber fights and melee combat & more in version one
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:55 am    Post subject: Lightsaber fights and melee combat & more in version one Reply with quote

Hello fellow Rebels, I need help and you are my only hope Wink

I tried to run a rise of the empire era game during last weekend. The players used newly generated characters but some with an additional 25 experience pts. since they had level 4 characters in saga edition.

The rules for lightsaber combat and deflect in this version of d6 are very tough... In this version the difficulty for wielding lightsaber is 16 and adding a melee parry roll to that is very high... so it appeared that 6D on lightsaber was no where near the jediīs skill in saga edition at level 4.

Also, one player had a saga edition noble with talents that increased skil checks for other characters... he was like a good leader kind of character. In D6 there is only the leadership skill and that is only for leading npc:s.

So now, Iīm faced with the lightsaber problem and making a character for one other player.

I donīt want to leave the d6 system but if I donīt figure this out I may have to...

Last edited by Orville on Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you have a problem with the power, re-write it for your personal game.

There's several options if you're looking at redoing the power (some are even posted in the various spots already):

1) No roll to activate, no MAP for normal upkeep, 1/2 control dice to damage, 1/2 skill dice to skill (I kinda like this one personally).

2) Roll for activation, no upkeep for MAP's, rest is regulated as per written.

3) (something for what it looks like you're looking for) Roll for activation, MAP as appropriate, use Lightsaber to deflect blaster shots as one would use Dodge to dodge blasters (aka roll Lightsaber + Sense Dice - MAPs as appropriate, result = parry result for all blaster shots. So PC rolls a 32 with Lightsaber skill, only hits that go with a 33 and higher actually hit the PC).

Keep in mind several things:

1) There are no "Levels" in d6. The focus is on Role vs Roll. So, while the two same characters that started at the same time, were at ever session, have gotten the exact same Character Points, could have VASTLY different abilities. One could've focused on raising skills, whether combat or otherwise, while another focused on raising Force Skills. After any amount of playing, if a person doesn't make their character combat-worthy, then they're on their own fault.

2) The power as a whole, actually is probably over-powered. As characters go up in experience, it's expected that they'll raise both their Lightsaber skill, as well as their Sense dice pool. With that in mind, with every adventure if they raise those two skills they're raising their Lightsaber skill by 2 pips, not one. That's twice the combat advancement the other non-jedi characters are getting.

3) There is nothing inherently wrong with changing the rules to fit your homebrew game! If you feel the need to change the rules, your the GM. If you need help changing them to keep them somewhat in balance, then do so. Smile But by all means, make the game fun for both you, and your players!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks that helps a lot. I will keep in mind the fact that the jedi probably will become very good at deflecting blasters over the course of the campaign.

The rules you suggest looks good to me. I will use them. I have one question though, I am not sure what you mean here:

1) No roll to activate, no MAP for normal upkeep, 1/2 control dice to damage, 1/2 skill dice to skill (I kinda like this one personally).

So if a jedi with 6D lightsaber and 3D sense is deflecting incoming blasterfire from a battledroid the jedi will roll 9D for the difficulty to hit him/her.

If the jedi declares that she will deflect and redirect the shot there is a MAP, right? The Sense roll to hit will be 3D-1D=2D or?

I also want to discuss melee:
If a lightsaberwielding jedi wants to attack a spearwielding maniac the difficulty to hit the maniac is: 16+(melee parry roll..if a maniac does that)-map
The maniac hits the jedi on 8 (diff. spear?)+ melee parry.-map

Thanks for discussing this, I just started gm:ing the WEG star wars after
a long pause.. I think my last game was in 98 before this weekend.

Also, are there any thoughts on characters focused on leading and assisting other characters? I remember that the tactics skill was mentioned for being able to perform fast actions without penalties.

My questions have probably been discussed by others on the forum but my forum fu is not what is should be,
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If a lightsaber wielding jedi wants to attack a spear wielding maniac the difficulty to hit the maniac is: 16+(melee parry roll..if a maniac does that)-map

The maniac hits the jedi on 8 (diff. spear?)+ melee parry.-map

The difficulty for attacking in D6 is either the base difficulty for the skill, in this case 16. Or, the target can choose to attempt a parry roll which replaces the difficulty number to hit. The only way the spear maniac will get the 16 added in to his roll is if he takes a total defense action. In which case he rolls his melee parry skill, then adds in the 16 difficulty to hit. However, with a total defense action, he concentrates all of his efforts that round to his melee parry skill. Which means he can't attack the Jedi.

If the Jedi is using his lightsaber, he can attempt to use his Lightsaber skill instead of melee parry to defend himself against the spear attack. Just like above his defense roll will replace the spear guy's base difficulty to hit.

I hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) No roll to activate, no MAP for normal upkeep, 1/2 control dice to damage, 1/2 skill dice to skill (I kinda like this one personally).

So if a jedi with 6D lightsaber and 3D sense is deflecting incoming blasterfire from a battledroid the jedi will roll 9D for the difficulty to hit him/her.

If the jedi declares that she will deflect and redirect the shot there is a MAP, right? The Sense roll to hit will be 3D-1D=2D or? [/quote]

Ok, so under the -normal- use of LS Combat he would have 9D. With the revision I'm mentioning however, you need to figure it out like this:

Skill + (Sense / 2) = Total Skill with LS Combat.
In this case we have 6D skill + 1D+1 Sense = 7D+1

Why is the Sense +1D+1? Glad you asked! Smile Think of it like this, how many Pips is 3D? 9. Half of 9 is 4.5 (round down) you get 4 Pips. 4 Pips = 1D+1.

If the jedi declares that she will deflect and redirect the shot there is a MAP, right? The Sense roll to hit will be 3D-1D=2D or? [/quote]

Don't seperate it like that. Figure out the total skill, as we've done above, and go from there. 7D+1 = the Jedi's LS Skill with LS Combat active using that method. Use MAPS to subtract dice pool from there. Subtracting MAPs for the Sense pool and LS skill pool seperately will result in 1 dead Jedi PC (as you'd be double-penalizing for MAPS - which overall is not nice).
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In my group of players I know theyīll start to comment on lightsaber skill:
If the lightsaber can be used instead of melee parry and lightsaber+sense/2 for deflect, in effect dodge.... that is a lot of skill points that the jedi donīt need to set on other skills then lightsaber...

Isnīt that to overpowered? Is there balance in a game where other players are blaster wielding characters?

Thanks for discussing guys!
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Orville wrote:
Isnīt that to overpowered? Is there balance in a game where other players are blaster wielding characters?

Thanks for discussing guys!
Yes, it can be overpowered. See here: or any number of other threads where different folks air their views of where the balance point should be.

In my opinion, and I think in the last two versions of the rules as written, Jedi, if allowed access to teachers and time, will outdistance non-force using characters. That is what we see with Luke in the original trilogy. He starts out a naive, brash young kid who can't outfight Han or Chewie. By the end of the films, Luke can do all kinds of things that they can't even imagine and with a lightsaber in his hands, he can take on multiple opponents quite handily (note the pun). The rules do pretty good job of simulating this. Jedi start out relatively weak, often weaker than the other characters in the beginning. But after they develop, they can become much more powerful. As you will see from reading past threads, there is no consensus on exactly how powerful and how fast a growth progression Jedi should have nor on how to balance their power with other non-Jedi characters, nor even on whether balancing their power with other characters is possible or should even be a goal.

My only advice would be to not let Jedi PCs get very powerful too quickly. It is a lot harder to rein in PC power that it is to expand it. This may be a real problem in converting from D20 to D6. Based on the D20 playtesting I tend, starting D6 characters tend to be a lot more robust and powerful, to my mind, than starting 1st level D20 characters, but I'm not sure how 4th level characters compare - we never got that far in the play tests. Wink

As atgxtg points out in the thread I linked to, there is a doubling effect for Jedi with lightsaber combat so that the difference between (i) hardly-ever-hitting-must-spend-CPs-so-as-to-not-cut-self and (ii) hits-most-the-time and (iii) glowing-wand-of-death-cannot-be-stopped-by-normal-means is only a couple of dice or so between each stage. Also, since a Force point doubles all skills a Jedi can easily jump a stage by spending a force point.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Praxian wrote:

Don't seperate it like that. Figure out the total skill, as we've done above, and go from there. 7D+1 = the Jedi's LS Skill with LS Combat active using that method. Use MAPS to subtract dice pool from there. Subtracting MAPs for the Sense pool and LS skill pool seperately will result in 1 dead Jedi PC (as you'd be double-penalizing for MAPS - which overall is not nice).

You only roll you sense d to redirect though. So that 3d does indeed become 2d.

My only advice would be to not let Jedi PCs get very powerful too quickly. It is a lot harder to rein in PC power that it is to expand it. This may be a real problem in converting from D20 to D6. Based on the D20 playtesting I tend, starting D6 characters tend to be a lot more robust and powerful, to my mind, than starting 1st level D20 characters, but I'm not sure how 4th level characters compare - we never got that far in the play tests. Wink

Agreed. Easiest ways to reign it in are

A) no teacher, or rare teacher. Cost doubles to inc powers.
B) force hunters. Hard to avoid them if you continually use your powers
C) play up the darkside. Don't go easy on whether or not you give them DSPs for questionable stuff.

As to the 2nd part of your OP..
Also, one player had a saga edition noble with talents that increased skil checks for other characters... he was like a good leader kind of character. In D6 there is only the leadership skill and that is only for leading npc:s.

So now, Iīm faced with the lightsaber problem and making a character for one other player.

You CAN command (thats the skill) fellow PC's. BUT its up to them whether they wish to be commanded or not.

Reasons they may not wish it;
1) when commanded you get to do no other action.

Combined Actions. Two or more characters can work together to more effectively accomplish a single task: this process is called combined actions.  Combined actions can be used for combat (several storm troopers shooting at a single character) or a situation where several characters are working closely together (a group of mechanics overhauling a busted landspeeder or several Rebels working to build a rope bridge across a canyon).
The characters must agree to combine actions. The only other thing a combining character can do is roll reaction skills (such as dodge, melee parry or brawling parry).
The character in the group with the highest command skill (or Perception attribute) is the leader. He can only command as many characters as he has command skill dice.

Thats from Page 86 of the rules..

2) they may not agree with the combined action (EG they feel each player shooting one target is a quicker way to wittle down the enemy than all combining on 1 at a time).

3) they may not be willing to get commanded..
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Lightsaber fights and melee combat & more in version Reply with quote

Orville wrote:
...Also, one player had a saga edition noble with talents that increased skil checks for other characters... he was like a good leader kind of character. In D6 there is only the leadership skill and that is only for leading npc:s.
A follow up to garhkal's comments on Commanding PCs...rather than allow PCs to automatically over rule any non-combat skill directed at them e.g. bargain, persuasion, con, command, intimidation the GM could instead allow the PC to either oppose with their willpower (or whatever other skill you deem reasonable to use) or allow the PC to set the opposed difficulty level to command or persuade their character. But as the GM, I'd want to hear a reasonable justification for why the difficulty is set where they set it.

Also, you could always allow the character with the command skill to provide a bonus in another way, say allow him to roll his command roll to lead and inspire a character or characters. (This is the sort of thing we see on many movies and TV shows where the leader tells the follower, "you can do it." Depending on how well the leader rolls, provide some bonus. For simplicity you could use the same table as is used for difficulties

Makes a command roll that is:
Very Easy - Easy = no bonus
Moderate = +1
Difficult = +1D6
Very Difficult = +1D6+2
Heroic = +2D6+1
+5 beyond = +2 pips to bonus

I'm not sure if these are the right bonuses (maybe too high) so adjust the bonuses to suit what your players are used to and what you are comfortable with.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like that 'allowing them to oppose the diff with a willpower roll'.
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, guys thanks for all the suggestions, i need to meditate over this...
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