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Jamfke Admiral

Joined: 20 Jul 2005 Posts: 4675 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:09 am Post subject: [Rebel Uprisings] (OOC) |
Here's the out of character thread. Post your characters here. This will also be where we'll discuss the game behind the scenes. Like if you want to ask questions about what is where, or other such.
Once we have all the characters posted here, I'll create the In Character thread. That's where the game will begin.

Last edited by Jamfke on Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:46 am Post subject: |
Ok, Here's my character. I'm gonna make it a modified SE4 droid.
Quote: | Kabakh
Type: Modified Servant Droid
Model: SE4 Servant Droid
Age: 75 Height: 1.6m Weight:
Physical Description: A dull green color with many dents and scratches. His right arm appears to have originally belonged to a super battle droid.
Dexterity 2D
Blaster 3D+1, Dodge 2D+1
Knowledge 2D
Culinary arts 3D, cultures 3D, home economics 4D, intimidation 2D+1, languages 3D
Mechanical 2D
Communications 3D, repulsorlift operations 3D
Perception 2D
Bargain 3D
Strength 2D
Lifting 3D
Technical 2D
First aid 3D+1
Equipped with:
- Humanoid body (head, two arms, two legs)
- Vocabulary speech system
- Photoreceptors
- Auditory sensors
- Arm mounted blaster-rifle (5D, 3-30/100/300)
Story Factor:
Backup personality: While in the service of Casisoman Senator Greleriv, Kabakh was programmed with a backup personality to make him act as a bodyguard. It was installed so Kabakh is not aware of it in his primary personality though he is aware of both in his backup personality. Anyone making a Very Difficult droid programming roll will discover this personality. A second Very Difficult droid programming roll is required to erase this personality with a memory wipe.
Move: 7
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 9
Equipment: Comlink, datapad
Background: Kabakh started life as a standard SE4 droid. Like most droids he was given a memory wipe on a fairly regular basis. That is until the Clone Wars when his then owner, the Casisoman senator Greleriv, had him modified to serve both as his personal servant and as an extra bodygaurd. He had the droid modified to by replacing his right arm with that of a super battle droid destroyed early during the wars and also had a backup personality that could not be erased so easily by a memory wipe. However, when the senator died at the hands of one of Count Dooku's assassins, Kabakh soon found himself up for sale.
Personality: Kabakh is normally very obnoxious personality wise, always promoting what he sees as proper manners, proper eating habits, sticking to a schedule he has created, etc. He fails to realize his right arm contains a retractable blaster. However, when given the code phrase "Kabakh defend" he becomes a determined bodygaurd who will kill everything in his path to keep his master safe. Under normal circumstances he is not even aware of this second personality. He can only return to his primary personality through the phrase "Kabahk stand down."
Objectives: To serve his master to the best of his abilities and make sure he/she eats properly.
A Quote: "Nerf medalions with a white Nubian wine? How dreadful! Everyone knows you serve nerf medalions with a red Chandrilian wine." |
I took away 1D from his culinary arts skill and put it in his blaster skill since I thought that since he'd use his attribute dice for those skills not above the attribute level that 2D just wouldn't be decent for blaster. If you want, I can put the 1D back in the culinary arts skill. _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
Wanted Poster
Last edited by Hellcat on Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:40 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Morpheus Grifullkin Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 15 Jun 2005 Posts: 174 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:06 am Post subject: |
Whats your E-mail Jam?
Also how are we going to roll dice? are you just going to let us use a dice roller? _________________ Morpheus Grifullkin
Kronn Grifullkin |
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:24 am Post subject: |
You probably already checked the test run thread Morpheus so this will be pointless. But incase you didn't, Jamfke posted this in there:
Jamfke wrote: |
1st thread would read:
(Recruiting-Starshine Express-or your game here-). In this thread, the GM would describe the era of play, the type of characters needed for the adventure/campaign, and any other information necessary for the potential players.
Interested players would post their desire to play in this adventure/campaign as responses to the GMs post.
2nd thread would read:
(OOC-Starshine Express-or your game here-). Here, the GM would have the players post their character sheets, and general out of character posts would be made throughout the game. Dice rolls could be posted here if the GM wants the players to roll their own as well.
3rd thread would read:
(IC-Starshine Express-or your game here-). This thread would be the actual game thread where the GM initiates the adventure, and the players post what their characters are attempting to do in reaction to the GMs descriptions. The game could go one for months or longer if the posting is slow. Or it could go rather quickly if everyone is an eager poster.
The way I've been running my game on another forum is like this and it runs very smoothly. I take care of all my character's die rolls, all they have to do is describe their character's actions in the IC thread and I roll to see if what they attempt works. I then post a description of what happens in the IC thread. I usually don't post the die rolls, but if you want your players to know how they did, you can post them in the OOC.
I'll start a recruitment thread to show everyone what I mean, and maybe get a few players together for the beginnings of a game.
Any questions, just ask me! 8) |
Since The Rancor Pit does have a dice roller, if he wants us to roll we'd probably use that. And I appologize if I sound like I'm talking down or anything, just trying to help and I thought that might clear some stuff up. _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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Jamfke Admiral

Joined: 20 Jul 2005 Posts: 4675 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:29 am Post subject: |
Morpheus Grifullkin wrote: | Whats your E-mail Jam?
Also how are we going to roll dice? are you just going to let us use a dice roller? |
Glad you asked, here's a dice roller everyone can use:
Any other questions, PM me! 
Last edited by Jamfke on Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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netjedi Rear Admiral

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 2382 Location: Hemet, Ca
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:49 am Post subject: |
Name: Cyn Neofelis
Race: Farghul
Sex: Male Age: 22 Height: 1.9m Weight: 95Kg
Template: Saber Rake
Physical Description: Cyn is a Farghul of average height. His yellow orange fur accents his finely chiseled features. He dresses in very nice clothing normally of the latest fashions normally in shades of blue or dark red or crimsons. He carries himself with confidence and is quick witted.
Dexterity 3D+1
Acrobatics 5D+1 (racial feature), Blaster 4D+1, Blaster: Blaster Rifle 5D+2, Brawling Parry, Dodge 3D+2, Melee Combat 4D+1, Melee Combat: Vibro Rapier 5D+2, Melee Parry
Knowledge 2D
Alien Species, Intimidation, Languages, Planetary Systems, Streetwise 2D+1, Value 2D+1
Mechanical 3D
Astrogation, Repulsorlift Operations, Space Transport Piloting 3D+1
Perception 3D+1
Bargain, Command, Con 5D+1 (racial feature), Gambling, Search, Sneak 4D+1
Strength 3D+1
Brawling 4D+1, Brawling: Martial Arts 5D+1, Climbing, Jumping, Lifting
Technical 3D
Computer Programming & Repair 4D, First Aid, Security 4D
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 4/20
Equipment: Fine Clothes & Cloak, Lightfoil (3D), Blastech MX 38 Sporting Blaster (3D+1) {set on stun}, Military Comlink, Datapad, Blastech E 11 Blaster Rifle (5D) {set on stun}, Vibro Rapier (STR+3D max. 7D), Action Jumpsuit (+1D physical/+2 energy), Koromondian Protective Vest (+1D+2 physical, +2 energy), 1995 credits
Background: Once a Saber Rake for House Melantha in the Tapani Sector. Cyn quickly felt the change in the galaxy when the Empire took over. House Melantha, in an effort to gain additional power in the Tapani Sector, invited the Empire in right away. Fearing this change in politics in his Noble house, Cyn decided leaving was the best thing he can do for himself. Being a Saber Rake for the Noble House, he would not be allowed to leave. He made arrangements with a Rodian Bacta Pilot named Tau Min to be smuggled away from the Sector, but this plan meant he had to sneak out of the House. During his attempted escape Cyn was discovered by a house guard named Brax. Cyn had to put down his friend in order for him to escape. The rumors were everywhere of how the Empire treated those other than human or near human and Cyn new he had to devote his life to making the galaxy a better place for all beings human & non human. After departing the Tapani Sector, he headed to the Corporate Sector where he met and joined up with a Svivreni shipjacker named Meegresh. After a year in the Corporate Sector Cyn decided to move on and bartered services in exchange for transport. He ended up on the Planet Genesia and while there worked with a Togruta mechanic named Shay. While at Genesia he made some contacts with some beings that had similar goals to his own about the Empire.
Personality: Cunning, quick witted and sharp tongued. He is also as fast on the reflexes as he is with his mind. Cyn has a bad habit of talking down to beings he sees as not being his equal, but has been attempting to change that aspect of himself over the years since he has left House Melantha. He also has little patience for those who try to insult him and has been known to lash out and attack those that do. But for all his faults once you are a friend to him he will risk everything to help out a friend.
Objectives: To remain free and to some day help remove the Empire from power and restore equality amongst all species in the galaxy.
A Quote: "Corellian whiskey, HA! That is for backwater trash, I have a very refined palette, I drink Chandrilian Chianti" _________________ "Dig it. Who's the man? I'm the man. I'm a bad man. How bad? Real bad. I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness." The Evil Midnight Bomber
Wanted Poster
Last edited by netjedi on Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:57 am; edited 7 times in total |
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Orgaloth Vice Admiral

Joined: 23 Sep 2003 Posts: 3754 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:00 am Post subject: |
Name: Qassar Kimotot
Race: Tarro
Height: 2m
Weight: 120kg
Dexterity: 3D Blaster 4D; Brawling Parry 3D; Dodge 4D; Melee 3D; Melee Dodge 3D
Strength: 4D Brawl 4D; Lifting 4D+1; Stamina 4D
Knowledge: 2D Alien Species 2D; Bureaucracy 2D; Business 2D; Cultures 2D; Intimidation 2D; Law Enforcement 2D; Planetary Systems 2D; Streetwise 2D; Value 2D+2; Willpower 2D
Mechanical: 3D Astrogation 4D; Space Transport 5D+1; Starship Gunnery 3D; Starship Shields 3D; Communications 3D; Starship Sensors 3D
Technical: 2D Computer Programming/Repair 2D; Space Transport Repair 3D+2; Starship Weapons Repair 2D; First Aid 2D
Perception: 4D Con 4D; Bargain 4D; Persuasion 4D; Search 4D
Move: 9
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
One of the last of a dieing race, Qassar wants to see it all before he goes. His family taught him about his race. He also learnt what he could about the other races and where they are from. When he thought he was old enough he jumped ship and wound up stranded on Tattooine. Whilst there, he did various jobs for the moisture farmers, until becoming a small time enforcer for Jabba. Qassar was regularly assigned to help a Duros smuggler, Du Cass. This seemed to be a rather mismatch pairing, Duros are rather talkative and Tarro are loners, but the pair got along. Qassar was happy to listen to Du Cass’ stories, and he learnt a bit more about the galaxy.
Things weren’t to last though. Du Cass had a run in with CorSec and when he got back to Jabba, he met with the Sarlac. After seeing this Qassar quit (being one of the few beings that had a contract with the crimelord that allowed that) and taking Du Cass’ ship (left to him in Du Cass’ will) left. Unfortunately he ran out owing the rest of Du Cass’ debt to Jabba.
To see the galaxy and pay off Jabba. If possible find a nice place to settle down and maybe raise little Tarros. Not until he’s made his fortune though.
Quote: “Control! Control! Stop rattling on and just give me the landing clearance… I don’t really care what your aunt thinks of this ship design, I just want to land and drop off my cargo.”
Equipment: Lightly modified Ghtoric Industries class 720 freighter, Heavy Blaster, Vibroblade, Blast Vest, Vac Suit, Macrobinoculars, Medpac x3, Comlink, Syntherope, Starship tools (with plenty of space tape). 2000 credits. _________________ "I take orders from just one person: Me!"
"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself."
Du Cass' Dream
Last edited by Orgaloth on Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:01 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Morpheus Grifullkin Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 15 Jun 2005 Posts: 174 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:01 pm Post subject: |
Can i just use my dice roller i have? _________________ Morpheus Grifullkin
Kronn Grifullkin |
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Jamfke Admiral

Joined: 20 Jul 2005 Posts: 4675 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:19 pm Post subject: |
Morpheus Grifullkin wrote: | Can i just use my dice roller i have? |
What kind are you using?
Nobody has to roll their own dice, I can take care of all the rolling so that all you have to do is describe in character what your character is attempting to do and I'll roll for your actions and describe whether or not you hit.
Hellcat types: Kabakh shuffles towards the stormtroopers hoping they overlook him since he's only a droid. He waits until they aren't looking then draws his blaster and fires two shots. One at each trooper.
GM rolls the dice for the troopers search to see if they notice the droid is packing a weapon, then if they don't, rolls for Kabakh to see if he hits the troopers with the shots.
I type: Kabakh pauses as the troopers look his way. He hears the troopers say, "Hm, its only a droid. So did you hear who won the swoop race last night?"
Kabakh then draws his weapon and aims at the first trooper. He fires at the first trooper striking him in the ribcage, then at the second, burning a hole through the back of the troopers helmet. As the two stormtroopers slump to the floor, Kabakh gently tucks the blaster back into the hidden compartment and shuffles on down the corridor. |
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Morpheus Grifullkin Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 15 Jun 2005 Posts: 174 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:32 pm Post subject: |
I am useing one that has all the dice types on there. But since this is d6 then i will use d6 sided dice.
Heres the link to the one i am useing. _________________ Morpheus Grifullkin
Kronn Grifullkin |
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Gry Sarth Jedi

Joined: 25 May 2004 Posts: 5304 Location: Sao Paulo - Brazil
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:34 pm Post subject: |
Type: Gloomy Mechanic
Race: Utai Sex: Male
Age: 12 (adult) Height: 1,15m Weight: 30Kg
Physical Description: Short and stocky, Toba is always wearing some unattractive, stained coveralls with every pocket filled with tools. His bulbous eyes are covered by protective goggles anytime he goes outside, due to his light-sensitivity. His face seems to be set on a constantly annoyed frown.
Dexterity 3D
Blaster: blaster pistol 4D, dodge 4D+2
Knowledge 1D+1
Mechanical 3D+1
Sensors 3D+2, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 3D+2
Perception 3D+2
Hide 4D, sneak 4D
Strength 2D
Technical 4D+2
Droid repair 5D, repulsorlift repair 5D, space transports repair 5D+2, starfighter repair 5D, starship weapons repair 5D+2
Special Abilities:
Darkvision: Utai can see in the dark up to 20 meters. Darkvision is black and white only but otherwise functions as normal light.
Low-Light Vision: Utai gain 1D in low-light conditions, and retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as direct sunlight) blinds the Utai for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 penalty while operating in bright light without protective eyewear.
Move: 9
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 5
Equipment: Light-protection goggles, starship repair tools, blaster pistol (4D), mechanic coveralls, comlink, datapad, 1,000 credits
Background: Toba Fen used to work as a starship mechanic in one of the sinkholes of Utapau, until the day that clone troopers came raining down from the sky, showering the city with blaster bolts. Toba lost most anything he had on the “liberation” of Utapau, and was further hindered by the new sanctions and regulations the new Galactic Empire inflicted upon the Utai. Things got so bad that he just didn’t care anymore, and found himself a job in the first freighter making its way out of the system.
Personality: Toba’s mood is as gloomy as the lighting he keeps on his workspace. He doesn’t see much reason in the galaxy to be happy about, and certainly won’t go out of his way to be pleasant to those around him. He has a general contempt for other aliens and their ways, to the point of being obnoxious sometimes. He’s very dedicated to his work, the only thing that brings him some satisfaction, and is more receptive to those that understand that.
Objectives: Toba is currently just going through the motions in his life, living out one dreary day after another. He would like to stick it to the Galactic Empire if he could, but doesn’t see much he could do about it.
A Quote: “I hate these new ionized power couplers, just hate them… Sure, I’ll get the main drive working, but don’t expect your ship to handle any better than a drunken one-winged dactillion." |
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Morpheus Grifullkin Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 15 Jun 2005 Posts: 174 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:21 pm Post subject: |
You guys could just send your charecter sheets to Jams e-mail instead of copy and paste it to the forums. _________________ Morpheus Grifullkin
Kronn Grifullkin |
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Gry Sarth Jedi

Joined: 25 May 2004 Posts: 5304 Location: Sao Paulo - Brazil
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:28 pm Post subject: |
But I reckon all the other players should get to know the other characters.... |
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netjedi Rear Admiral

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 2382 Location: Hemet, Ca
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:49 pm Post subject: |
Morpheus Grifullkin wrote: | Can i just use my dice roller i have? |
I believe that one of the reasons Jamfke provided the dice rolling program he linked is due to that programs ability to automatically email the results to him and anyone else that is listed in the email field. I do not believe the Wizards of the coast dice rolling program has that ability.
And if I am incorrect in my assumption Jamfke please let me know. _________________ "Dig it. Who's the man? I'm the man. I'm a bad man. How bad? Real bad. I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness." The Evil Midnight Bomber
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Hellcat Grand Moff

Joined: 29 Jul 2004 Posts: 11921 Location: New England
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:52 pm Post subject: |
Jamfke did say that in the OOC thread we'd post our character sheets, so that's what I did. If he want's me to send it to him by e-mail, I'll do that too.
Speaking of getting to know each other's character, shouldn't mine be owned by one of the others? Kabakh is a droid after all and there aren't all that many free droids running around the galaxy.
And what about the Rancor Pit's dice roller? Not that I'm gonna yell if Jamfke does my rolling for me, actually makes things a little easier on me. But it does roll the wild die for you and add in your die pips into your roll. _________________ FLUFFY for President!!!!
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