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Marvel characters I adapted into Star Wars...
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Joined: 13 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:42 am    Post subject: Marvel characters I adapted into Star Wars... Reply with quote

Okay so all of this started ages ago when I put to black clad bounty hunters speaking some gibberish language into my game. They would show up, point at the characters and say something before then getting more intolerant with their behavior. This went on for the better part of 3-5 weeks before someone was able to knock one of them unconscious and get the protocol droid to question him. The players thought I was doing a spoof of the matrix (which had just come out...) and instead I had dropped Daredevil and Spider-man into the game as kidnapped bounty hunters. This lead to the players taking the both of them back to their home planet and dropping them off, but not before finding a host of lost Jedi children from one of the outbound program ships that had gotten lost. (A rip on the Tomorrow People and Escape from Witch Mountain with a little bit of the powers of Matthew Star thrown in...) There was also an amusing encounter with a couple of film students on their way to a sci-fi convention, one of the players talked to them and was able to relate the story of the battle against the Empire and how instrumental Luke Skywalker was only to have the students (George and Steven...) leave in the middle of the story.

a year or so later the topic came back up when someone asked one of the recovered children how they seemed to have learned so much about the Force despite never having a teacher and he replied that at no point did they say that they had never had a teacher, just that they were living on their own hiding out from forces that were attempting to take them into custody (black op government forces trying to utilize their abilities for their own purposes...) this matter was further complicated by the fact that odd bits began showing up on the flea-market like planet of 'Bazaarr' that the players recognized from their brief visit to the planet in question.

This forced them to return to the little backwards planet only to find out that they had been invaded by the Empire and that a small band of heroes (including their friends from their previous visit...) had formed a rebellion against the empire. It turned out the film students became famous and two movies were made about the 'galactic empire'. The details were 'right', but none of the actors looked anything like their counterparts, the ships and aliens looked all different but people seemed to be cheering for that Skywalker guy to hook up with the Princess and wondering just who Darth Vader really was...(LOL)

So...without any further preamble here are some stats...I'm not including any comic book histories with these, if you're not familiar with the characters I urge you to go look them up.

Adapted by Brain White

Template-Science Teacher
Weight-180 lbs

A Quote-Come with me, I just want to go home.

Description-Well built and lithe with brown hair and eyes. Dressed in black with sunglasses.
Dexterity: 5D
Web shooters 9D, Brawling Parry 8D, Dodge:10D, Running:6D

Knowledge: 3D+2
Business: Photojournalism:6D, Intimidation:4D+2, Law Enforcement:2D, Scholar: Chemistry:4D/Photograhy:4D, Streetwise:5D, Survival:5D, Willpower:7D

Mechanical: 2D+2
Ground Vehicle Operation: Motorcycle:3D+2

Perception: 4D+2
Bargain:5D+2, Con:5D+2 Hide:6D+2, Investigation:6D, Persuasion:5D, Search:6D, Sneak:10D.

Strength 4D+1
Brawling 9D, Climbing/Jumping 12D, Lifting 7D, Stamina:8D, Swimming:6D.

Technical: 2D+2
First Aid:5D, Weapon Repair:5D, (SP) Web shooters:7D, (A) Weapon Engineering: Web shooters 2D, Electronics:3D: (SP) Tracking Devices:5D

Special Abilities:
Danger Sense 7D:
Parker has the unique ability to sense impending danger that will occur to either him or the immediate area. This ability allows him to sense the coming danger possibly up to one minute in advance.

Enhanced Speed:
Parker's amazing speed allows him an extra action per turn without any penalties.

Wall crawling 9D:
Parker can adhere to almost any surface with his hands and feet, allowing him to climb along walls and ceilings as easily as though he were walking or running. Parker can travel along walls and ceilings with just his feet, but this causes a 5D penalty and halves speed.

Force Sen.?-No
Force Points-3
Darkside Points-0
Character Points-25

Web Shooters (care of David Lucas)
Operation: Armour Weapons
Range: 10/25/100
Effect: Shoots out elastic, strong, sticky strands of webbing. Grabs onto anything with a STR of 5D. The strength of the webbing is dependant upon how much is used. Each web fluid canister holds 1000 shots of webbing.
This may be broken up per individual shot, with the following restrictions:
- The minimum web shots for short range is 1.
- The minimum web shots for medium range is 6.
-"'" long range is 10.
-To increase the STR of the webbing, use the combined damage table.
e.g.. 1 shot gives the web a STR of 1D. This STR is used to hold up things and versus physical damage.
-2 shots gives the web a STR of 2D.
-10 shots gives the web a STR of 5D.
-60 shots gives the web a STR of 9D.
-Webbing is -3D to resist damage versus energy or flame.
-The maximum amount of webbing spent in one round is 100 shots.
Each group of shots counts as one action.
i.e.. 1 shot is one actions; 10 shots to increase STR to 5D is one action. Each web shooter operates independently. The web shooters can also create a swingline allowing Parker to travel at double normal movement. The maximum range of the swingline is 100 meters. A normal hit roll is needed to strike a suitable anchor.

Operation: Electronics: Tracking Devices + Danger sense
Range: 500/1000/2000
Effect: A Tracer emits a strong signal that is keyed specifically to Parker's Danger Sense. Parker can home in on this signal from up to two kilometers away using his unique abilities. Each tiny tracer is fitted with a magnetic base as well as a strong adhesive so it will stick to almost any surface. Parker can toss these or form a 'slingshot' with his webbing to propel it even further.
Medium Range: -3D to roll
Long Range: -6D to roll

Other Equipment:
Webshooters, 4 webshooter refills, 12 tracers a small camera and glowrod, Utility belt: For refills, camera and glowrod.

Adapted by Brain White

Weight-180 lbs

A Quote-Come with me, I just want to go home.

Description-Well built and lithe with reddish-blond hair. Dressed in black with sunglasses and a staff.

Dexterity: 5D
Bows:6D, Dodge:8D, Firearms:6D, Melee Combat:6D
(SP) Staff:9D, (Sp) Billy Club:9D, Missile Weapons:6D
(SP) Swing Line:9D, Pick Pocket:6D, Thrown Weapons:7D,
(Sp) Billy Club:9D

Knowledge: 3D+2
Bureaucracy:6D, (SP) Judicial System:8D, Business:5D, (Sp) Law Practice:6D, Intimidation:4D+2, Law Enforcement:5D, Scholar: (SP) Criminal Law:9D , Streetwise 5D, (SP) Hell's Kitchen:9D, Survival 5D, Willpower:7D

Mechanical: 2D+2
Beast Riding: 3D+2, (SP) Horse:4D, Ground Vehicle Operation:3D+2

Perception: 4D+2
Bargain 5D+2, Command:6D, Con:5D+2, Hide:6D+2, Investigation:6D,
Persuasion:6D, Search 6D, (SP) Tracking:9D, Sneak:7D.

Strength: 3D+1
Brawling:8D, Climbing/Jumping:8D, Lifting:5D, Stamina:7D, Swimming:5D

Technical: 2D+2
First Aid:5D, Security:6D, Weapon Repair: 5D, (SP) Billy Club and Staff:6D,
(A) Weapon Engineering: Billy Club and Staff:2D

Special Abilities:
Immune to Light Changes: Murdock is blind, so is not affected by bright lights and suffers no
penalties for darkness.

*Radar Sense: 10D
He has 360 degree radar which aids him at all times, letting him "see" 3D shapes and distances,
but no colors. He can use this power instead of PER to notice things or to search. +1D to detect
movement. It's very accurate and can let him dodge very small projectiles or sense someone behind
or above him. Murdock can perform a Full Defensive Skill Use and still attack or use another skill.
(He cannot do a Full Dodge and Full Parry at the same time though).

Limitation: His radar sense can be overworked by lots of moving objects and extreme weather. He
gets -2D when in rain, snow or a crowd, -5D in heavy rain, snow or a big crowd.

Enhanced Hearing:
Murdock can detect sounds at 10D. Murdock has the 5D ability to detect if someone is lying by
listening to their heart beat.

Limitation: Sound-based attacks are +2D against him.

Enhanced Smell: 8D
He can track by smell and can detect certain odors. He is very good at recognizing people and chemicals by smell (successful Know roll). Gasses and toxins are +2D against him.

Enhanced Touch: 8D
His sense of touch is so sensitive he can read newsprint with his fingers .

Murdock gains +5D to Search or Track when he employs all his enhanced senses.

Blindness: Murdock cannot make a PER roll that involves sight.

Force Sen.?-No
Force Points-3
Darkside Points-0
Character Points-25

Billy Club (STR+2D; throwing range: 0-6/10/30; 30 meter swing line).
No matter where you go, there you are...

Last edited by Bobmalooga on Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Sep 2010
Posts: 367
Location: The south...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:51 am    Post subject: The rebellion... Reply with quote

Captain America
created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon.

Captain America
Steve Rogers

Template-Hero / Artist
Weight-225 lbs
A Qoute-I still believe in an America that can rise above this new threat, can bring themselves back from the brink of oblivion, and can stand tall once more.

Dexterity: 4D
Acrobatics: 9D, Dodge 9D, Escape Artist: 6D+2, Melee weapons: 8D, Marksmanship: 5D, missile weapons: 8D, Thrown weapons:9D, (SP): Shield 12D, Running: 7D

Knowledge: 3D
Criminology: 5D, Languages: 4D, Scholar: 4D, (SP) 1940’s culture:6D+2, Artist 7D, Streetwise: 5D, Survival: 6D+2

Mechanical: 2D
Ground vehicle operations: 5D, (SP) Motorcycles: 9D, Water Vehicle operation: 8D, Air vehicle operations: 7D, Beast riding: 9D

Perception: 3D
Sneak: 6D+2, Hide 6D, Search 6D, (SP) Tracking 7D+2, Con: 5D, (SP) Bluff: 6D+2, (SP) Disguise: 6D+2, Command: 9D+2, Intimidation: 7D, Persuasion: 8D, Willpower: 9D

Strength: 4D
Brawling: 12D, (SP) Martial Arts 9D, Climb/Jump:7D+2, Lifting: 8D, Stamina: 7D, Swimming: 6D+2

Technical: 2D
Computer Program and Repair: 5D, First Aid: 5D, (A) Medicine: 2D, Security: 6D, Demolitions: 6D, Surveillance: 6D, Air Vehicle repair: 5D+2, Ground vehicle repair: 5D+2

Move: 12
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 0

Captain America Uniform: (+1D to physical and energy), Shield: 6D (The shield is made from a unique alloy, one that has survived all manners of damage and things that should've long since destroyed it. Even if damage rolls are failed it is the character that takes the damage in question, not the shield. For the purposes of resisting damage the shield should be considered capital scale (+12D to resist) and has a range of 0-3 / 25 / 50 when thrown. It does Str+1D+2 damage and will return on a successful 'difficult' roll to hit. The shield can be used to attack 3 targets in a single round.), Comlink.

created by Stan Lee and Don Heck.

Iron Man
Tony Stark

Template-Hero / Businessman and Inventor
Weight-200 lbs

A Qoute-Fascinating, I could make a bundle on the manufacturing rights alone, assuming we survive this war.

Dexterity: 2D+2
Blaster: 3D+2, (SP) Repulsors:7D+2, Dodge 6D, Armor Weapons: 7D, Missile weapons: 6D+2, Running: 4D.

Knowledge: 3D+1
Business: 7D, Bureaucracy: 7D, Scholar: 5D, (SP) Robotics: 9D, (SP) Computers:9D , Science:5D, (SP) Robotics:9D, (SP) Computers:9D, Languages: 5D, Research: 6D, Streetwise: 4D, Survival: 5D, Value:5D

Mechanical: 3D
Navigation: 7D, Air vehicle operation: 6D+2, Ground vehicle operation: 4D, Water Vehicle operation: 4D, Sensors: 6D+2, Shield operations:6D+2, Power Armor operation: 7D+2, Jetpack operation: 6D+2, Space Transport piloting:5D

Perception: 3D
Con: 4D, Bargain: 6D+2, Command: 7D, Persuasion: 5D, Willpower: 6D, Forgery: 5D

Strength: 2D
Climb/jump: 4D, Lifting: 3D+2, Stamina: 4D, Swimming: 4D, Brawling: 6D

Technical: 4D
Computer Program and Repair: 8D, Droid Program and Repair: 7D+2, Demolitions: 5D, First Aid: 5D, Security: 7D+2, Power armor repair: 9D, (A) Power Armor Engineer: 6D, Power armor weapon repair: 9D, (A) Power Armor weapon engineer: 6D, Surveillance 6D, Vehicle repair: 5D, Space transport Repair:5D,

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 0

Ironman armor:
This armor is a specially constructed power armor that has a sealed environment for the wearer and provides a host of built in weaponry, sensor and flight capabilities for Tony Stark's personal use. The armor has a two hour air supply and provides the following benefits and gadgets with an eight hour power supply, once the armor is out of power it takes another 8 hours to recharge it.

The armor is laced with micro-servo motors and gets +2D to all Dexterity rolls and +4D to strength related rolls (except for Lifting which receives +8D+1)

The armor itself provides +4D vs. Physical and +3D vs. Energy and should be considered Starfighter scale for the purposes of resisting damage. It has a 2D personal shield generator that can be brought online for 5 rounds before it has shut down to prevent the armor for overheating.

Mounted in the palm of each gauntlet are twin blasters that act like a Heavy blaster pistol with the following capabilities. (Damage: 5D+2, Range: 3-75 / 200 / 500, Fire Rate: 2, Ammo: 50)

This is a chest mounted laser and optional light source. Ironman can vent the repulsors through the chest light and attack that way if need be. The light source coming from the unibeam has a 50M range.

Sonic Attack
Mechanisms within the helmet may project an omni-directional high-frequency sound wave in a 25m radius. Damage: 6D / 5D / 4D, Range: 0-5 / 15 / 25. This weapon causes stun damage only and can only be employed once during a combat setting.

Fitted into the boots of this power armor are powerful repulsor jets that allow flight in the way that repulsor vehicles do. The armor, because of the sealed environment, can survive in the rigors of space and the depths of the oceans. and still function allowing movement speeds of Space: 7, Atmosphere: 400; 1150 kmh. With the current power supply of the armor Ironman has flight capabilities for 8 hours.

Fire Extinguisher
Foam sprayer contained within the armor reduces fire and It will eliminate fires altogether. The range of fire extinguisher is 5M.

Energy Absorption
The armor can be hooked up to an outside power source if need be, this is done by making an Power Armor repair roll (Difficult) and once done the incoming energy can be used to power the armor or weapons.

Energy Pods
Excess energy is stored in two disk-like pods attached to the waist, with one of these energy pods Ironman can fuel his weapon systems for another 100 shots or give himself another 8 hours of flight. These pods may generate a broad spectrum induction field. This field may: Give him 5 more rounds of personal shields at 2D. or overload electronic circuitry within 25M as if they've been attacked by an Ion gun (5D speeder scale) taking them offline for 2D6 rounds. Fully detached from the armor, the pods may be thrown, exploding as though they were miniature thermal detonators: Range: 3-4/7/12, Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20, Damage: 8D/6D/4D/2D

Passive: 30 / 0D
Scan: 50 / 1D
Search: 75 / 2D
Focus: 4 / 3D+1

Vital signs detector which may be keyed to specific individuals in advance via comlink. Range of 1 km.
Macrobinoculars / Nightvision capabilities: They provide computer enhanced images, providing information on range and targeting. They have zoom capability. All Perception/ search oriented skills are increased by 3D when using these tools to view areas more than 100 meters away (normal modifiers apply). As they work in conjunction with the repulsors via certain programming software, they provide a +3D bonus to all medium and long-range shots (they are ineffectual for short and point-blank range shots). In the dark It allows a shooter to see up to 150 meters and reduce one level of difficulty per range.
Exotic energy detector, capable of detecting odd or unusual radiation, range of 1.5 km.

Multi-Band Radio
AM/FM, short wave, civilian, and navigation bands may be monitored through the helmet. The armor receives its own wavelength and those of defense organizations, including S.H.l.E.L.D. It may also tie in with satellite and computer networks. It has emergency beeper. Range on all of above is 200 km as per a ship based comlink.

Electronic Counter Measures:
Electronic Counter Measures are installed in the suit, this acts like a Enemy Targeting Jammer device: -2D from Fire Controls on vehicles attempting to strike at Ironman

Eye Protection
Polarized eye shields installed in the helmet drop into place to protect the wearer from being blinded by bright lights and give an additional +1D to stamina rolls to resist being blind.

created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Clint Barton

Template-Hero / Archer
Weight-230 lbs
A Qoute-Gez, one old man is bad enough, now I have to listen to Fury too.

Dexterity: 3D+2
Acrobatics: 6D+2, Dodge: 6D+2, Escape Artist: 5D+2, Melee Weapons: 6D, Missile Weapons: 7D, (SP) Archery: 12D, Thrown Weapons: 6D+2, Running: 6D

Knowledge: 2D+1
Streetwise: 6D+2, Survival: 6D, Intimidation: 5D

Mechanical: 2D+2
Navigation: 6D, Air vehicle operations: 3D+2, (SP) Quinjet Piloting:6D+2, Ground vehicle operations: 4D, Repulsorlift ops: 5D+2

Perception: 3D+1
Sneak: 6D. Con: 6D, Command: 6D+2, Persuasion: 4D+2, Willpower: 5D. Hide: 5D+2, Search: 6D,

Strength: 3D
Climb/Jump: 6D, Lifting: 4D+2, Brawling: 6D, Stamina: 5D, Swimming: 4D+2.

Technical: 3D
Demolitions: 4D, First Aid: 4D, Computer Ops: 4D, Security: 8D, Surveillance: 6D, Bow and Arrow Construction and Repair: 6D+2,Ground vehicle repair: 5D+2, Repulsorlift vehicle repair: 4D+2

Move: 12
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 0

Bow and Arrows. Strength composite Bow: 4D+2 , Range: 40/90/150
Harness: Hawkeye's tunic harness has special quick release compartments capable of holding 36 additional arrowheads.

Quiver: The quiver has a 36-shaft capacity. Each arrow is clamped to the base and unlocked by a slight twist whilst being drawn. 12 standard target points inflict 4D+2 shooting damage. 6 have 3 bladed broadheads inflicting 5D+2 blunt shooting damage. The 12 target points can become "trick arrows by adding a modular arrowhead from his harness.

"Trick" Arrowheads:
Acid: 10D intensity for 2 minutes. 15x15 ft. area
Cable: 150 ft. long , can hold up to 400 lbs
Electrical: 6D Ion attack.
Explosive: 6D damage, acts as a grenade.
Flare: Provides light for a 40 diameter radius for D10 rounds.
Net: Entangling attack. Difficult Roll to detangle.
Smoke: Fills 40 ft square area for 4 rounds. All sight based perception rolls are at -2D.
Sonic: 6D intensity. Must make a Difficult Stamina roll or be stunned for 1-10 rounds.
Tear gas: Must make a Difficult Stamina roll or be stunned for 2-20 rounds.

Black Widow
Created by Roy Thomas and Stan Lee

The Black Widow
Natasha Romanov

Template-Hero / Spy
Weight-125 lbs
A Quote- You must be slowing down Hawkeye, I've gotten twelve and you only got eleven.

Dexterity: 3D
Acrobatics: 9D, Dodge: 9D, Escape artist: 7D, Melee weapons: 6D, Marksmanship: 8D, (SP) Widow's Bite: 10D, Missile weapons: 6D, Thrown weapons: 6D, Running 6D.

Knowledge: 3D
Languages: 4D, (SP) Russian: 6D+2, (SP) French: 5D, (SP) German: 5D, (SP) English: 5D, (SP) Spanish: 5D, (SP) French: 5D, Criminology: 6D, Survival: 7D, Law-Enforcement: 5D, Scholar: 4D, (SP) Russian History: 5D, (SP) International Cultures: 5D

Mechanical: 3D
Ground Vehicle Operation: 5D, Air Vehicle Ops: 5D, (SP) Piloting: Quinjet: 7D

Perception: 3D
Hide: 7D, Search: 5D, (SP) Tracking: 6D, Sneak: 9D, Con: 5D, (SP) forgery: 6D, (SP) Disguise: 6D, Command: 6D, Interrogation: 7D, Intimidation: 6D, Persuasion: 6D, Willpower: 6D

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 6D, (SP) Martial arts: 8D, Climbing/Jumping: 6D, Lifting: 4D, Swimming: 3D

Technical: 3D
Computer ops.: 5D, Demolitions: 5D, First aid: 4D, Security: 6D, (SP) Lockpicking: 7D+2, Surveillance: 8D,

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 1

Reinforced uniform (+1D+2 vs. Physical and Energy. Allows wall crawling at normal land movement), Explosives Belt: (12 Grenades) 1D per pouch.

Special Equipment:
Widows Bite:
A specially designed weapon system, the Widow's bite is compact, deadly and more than capable of taking a man out at fifteen ft. She wears one on each arm and as such both of the Bites come armed with the following: Electro Blaster (5D, 3-7/25/50, Ammo: 50 each), Gas Grenade-Launcher: 5D gas grenade (15/30/45, Ammo: 6), Cable-Launcher: 50m rope, Built in Comlink.

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Colonel Nick Fury
Template-Hero / Spy
Weight-225 lbs
Age-85 (looks and acts as though he were a man in his 40s)
A Quote- When I give you an order you'll do it or you'll have my boot buried in your @$$.

Dexterity: 3D
Dodge: 8D, Escape Artist: 6D, Melee Weapons: 8D, Marksmanship: 9D, Thrown Weapons: 6D (SP) Knives: 7D+2, Running: 6D

Knowledge: 3D
Criminology: 7D, Languages: 8D, Scholar: 5D (SP) Espionage: 9D, (SP) Military tactics: 9D, Streetwise: 8D, Law-Enforcement: 8D+2, Survival: 9D.

Mechanical: 3D
Navigation: 8D, Water Vehicle ops: 6D, Ground Vehicle ops: 8D, Air Vehicle ops: 7D, Beast Riding: 6D+2.

Perception: 3D
Con:6D+2, (SP) Disguise: 8D, (SP) Forgery: 7D, Command: 12D, Interrogation: 9D, Intimidation: 9D, Persuasion: 8D, Willpower: 9D, Hide: 6D, Search: 7D, (SP) Tracking: 8D, Sneak: 7D, (SP) Shadowing: 8D+2

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 9D, (SP) Martial Arts: 6D, Climb/jump: 6D, Lifting: 6D, Swimming: 6D

Technical: 3D
Computer Ops: 6D, (SP) SHIELD systems: 8D, Demolitions: 9D, First-Aid: 5D, Security: 9D, (SP) Lockpicking: 7D, Surveillance: 9D.

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 1

Reinforced uniform (+1D+2 vs. Physical and Energy.), Explosives Belt: (12 Grenades) 1D per pouch, Comlink

Special Equipment:
Needle Pistol: (5D, 3-15/30/100, Ammo: 300) (Fury commonly used a custom-made needle pistol which fired a stream of sharp metallic slivers. The gun contained enough slivers for 300 rounds)

The Incredible Hulk.
Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

David Bruce Banner

Template-Scientist / Tragic Hero
Height-5'9" / 9'0"
Weight-165 / 800 lbs
A Quote- Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Dexterity: 2D (H) 2D
Dodge: 4D, (H) Melee Weapons: 6D, (H) Thrown Weapons: 6D

Knowledge: 4D (H) 1D
Languages: 5D, Scholar: 6D, (SP) Electronics: 7D, (SP) Physics: 8D, (SP) Radiation: 9D, (SP) Gamma Radiation: 11D, Survival: 5D, Streetwise: 5D

Mechanical: 3D (H) 1D
Ground Vehicle Ops: 4D

Perception: 3D (H) 2D
Hide: 4D, Sneak: 5D, (H) Intimidation: 12D

Strength: 2D (H) 12D
Climb / Jump: 3D (H: 25D), Lifting: 3D (H: 25D), (H) Brawling: 6D

Technical: 4D (H) 1D
Computer Program / Repair: 7D, Electronics: 7D, (A) Electrical Engineer: 3D, Ground Vehicle Repair: 4D, Security 5D, First Aid: 6D+2, (A) Medicine: 5D.

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 1

Special Ability:
Hulk form:
Whenever Bruce experiences extreme emotional responses derived from anger, pain or panic, he transforms into the Hulk. As a result of this physical transformation his intelligence drops drastically and his strength increases proportionately. As a result he goes from being a 5'9" man to being a 9'0" hulking creature with the intelligence of a 4 year old. He loses all use of the Banner related skills and may only use the skills denoted as Hulk related skills, so noted with an (H) before them. The Hulk has Body Armor at 3D and is considered to be Walker Scale for the purposes of resisting damage from attacks. The Hulk can leap great distances and is frighteningly strong, in theory he could take down a Rancor with little to no problem.

Dr. Strange (Advena Curare )
created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Advena Curare A.K.A. Dr. Stephen Strange

Template-Jedi Doctor
Weight-215 lbs

A Qoute-You'll find that many of the beliefs that we cling to are colored by our perceptions; perceptions that can be clouded at a moments notice by the force.

Dexterity: 2D+1
Dodge: 7D+2, Running: 5D+2, Lightsaber: 9D+2, Melee Combat:5D+2

Knowledge: 3D+1
Alien Species: 10D+2, Bureaucracy: 5D, Cultures: 6D, Intimidation: 6D+2, Languages: 9D+2, (S) Wookiee:6D+2, (S) Terran: 4D+2, (S) Old Correllian:7D+2, Planetary Systems: 7D+2, Survival: 8D+2, Scholar: 7D, (S) Jedi Lore: 11D, (S) Galactic History: 6D+2, (S) Terran history: 4D+2

Beast Riding:4D+2, Ground vehicle Operation: 3D+2, Space Transports: 4D

Hide: 6D, Investigation: 8D+2, Persuasion: 8D+2, Search: 9D, Sneak: 8D+1, Con: 7D+2, Willpower: 10D+1

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 6D, Stamina: 7D

Technical: 2D
Droid Programming and Repair:3D+2, First Aid: 7D, (A) Medicine: 6D, Lightsaber Repair: 9D

Special Abilities:
Force Powers**
-Accelerate healing, Control Pain, Control Disease, Hibernation Trance, Emptiness, Concentration, Absorb/Dissipate energy, Reduce Injury, Detoxify Poison, Remain Conscious, Enhance Attribute

-Sense 11D
-Sense force, Life detection, Life sense, Receptive telepathy, Translation, Postcognition, Sense path, Danger sense, Magnify senses, Sense Force Potential, Beast Languages, Shift Sense, Instinctive Astrogation

-Alter 10D

-Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force, Return Another to Conscious, Control Another's Disease, Control Breathing, Detoxify Another's Poison, Force Move, Pyrokinesis, Force Lightning.

-Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Life bond, Farseeing

-Lesser Force Shield, Dim Another's Senses

-Affect Mind, Jaunt, Force Harmony

Force Sen?-Yes
Force Points-7
Character points-40
Darkside Points-0

Jedi robes, a lightsaber, an amulet (representative of Tyia philosophy) and 250 credits

History in the Kilb-iverse:
Advena Curare was born forty-one years before the battle of Yavin on Corellia. A Corellian Jedi, he was trained on Coruscant and sent along on the Jedi Outbound program with Jedi Knights Talba Karto and Damos Balka and a few select others. When the ship hit the wormhole and ended up in an unknown sector of space where it ultimately crash-landed on Earth. Advena blended in with the locals and was able to establish himself as a doctor. He adopted a new name and helped the others as best he could. Some of the locals thought he wielded magical powers and Advena, now using the name Stephen Strange, adopted a Jedi like persona helping the colorfully costumed people defend their planet. Advena took on the apprentice Jennifer Kale, an earth girl that showed great potential with the Force.

Jennifer Kale
created by Steve Gerber.

Jennifer Kale
Template-Jedi Padawan
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 122 lbs.
A Quote-"Cute braid, wanna see my tattoo?"

Dodge:4D, Lightsaber:5D+2, Running:3D+2, Melee Combat: 4D+2

Bureaucracy:4D+2, Intimidation:4D+2, Law enforcement:4D+1, Alien Species 4D+2, Languages:5D, (SP) Basic:4D+2, (SP) Spanish:5D, (SP) Old Corellian:5D, Planetary Systems:4D+2, Survival:4D+2, Cultures:5D+1, Scholar:5D, (S) Jedi Lore:6D

Beast Riding:3D, Ground Vehicle Operations:3D,

Bargain:4D, Command, Investigation:4D, Persuasion, Search:4D, Sneak:4D, Hide

Brawling:3D+2, Climb/Jump:3D+2, Stamina:3D+2, Swimming:3D+2

Ground Vehicle Rep:4D, First Aid:3D, Lightsaber Repair:4D+2, Security:3D+1

Special Abilities:
Force Powers
Concentration, Accelerate Healing, Reduce Injury, Hibernation Trance, Control Pain, Emptiness, Absorb / Dissipate Energy.

Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Magnify Senses.


Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force.

Projective Telepathy, Lightsaber Combat.

Force Sen.?- Yes
Force Points- 2
Darkside Points- 0
Character Points- 10

Clothes, Lightsaber (5D, Diff-20)

Mal-Thorin (Man-Thing)
created by Keith A. Kilburn

Template- Revwien Tyia Master
Weight-500 lbs
Quote: Dark times for you I see, much you have to learn still.

Dexterity: 2D+1
Dodge: 7D+2, Running: 5D+2, Lightsaber: 11D+2

Knowledge: 3D+1
Alien Species: 10D+2, Bureaucracy: 5D, Cultures: 6D, Intimidation: 6D+2, Languages: 9D+2, (S) Ancient Revwien:7D+2, (S) Terran: 4D+2, (S) Ancient Basic:7D+2, Planetary Systems: 7D+2, Survival: 8D+2, Scholar: 7D, (S) Jedi Lore: 11D, (S) Ancient Galactic History: 6D+2, (S) Terran history: 4D+2

Beast Riding, Ground vehicle Operation: 3D+2, Archaic space Transports: 4D

Hide: 8D, Investigation: 8D+2, Persuasion: 6D+2, Search: 9D, Sneak: 8D+1, Con: 7D+2, Willpower: 12D+1

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 6D, Stamina: 7D

Technical: 2D
Droid Programming and Repair, First Aid: 7D, Lightsaber Repair: 9D, Archaic transports Repair: 4D+2

Special Abilities:
Tyia (Force) Powers**
-Accelerate healing, Control Pain, Control Disease, Hibernation Trance, Emptiness, Concentration, Absorb/Dissipate energy, Reduce Injury, Detoxify Poison, Remain Conscious, Enhance Attribute

-Sense 12D+1
-Sense force, Life detection, Life sense, Receptive telepathy, Translation, Postcognition, Sense path, Danger sense, Magnify senses, Sense Force Potential, Beast Languages, Shift Sense, Instinctive Astrogation

-Alter 12D+2

-Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force, Return Another to Conscious, Control Another's Disease, Control Breathing, Detoxify Another's Poison, Force Move, Pyrokinesis

-Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Life bond, Farseeing

Lesser Force Shield, Dim Another's Senses

-Affect Mind, Jaunt, Regeneration, Force Harmony

**chances are, if there is a force power out there, Mal-Thorin has it !!

Revwien Tyia
The Revwien species call the Force "Tyia" and believe that control of oneself through meditation and ceremony is the true way of the universe. It emphasizes sensitivity to the movements of the Force, and downplays the ability to influence it. Tyia users get a +5 bonus to the Sense skill, and a –5 penalty to Alter.

Students of the Tyia way automatically learn Hibernation Trance and Emptiness.

Force Sen?-Yes
Force Points-10
Character points-40
Darkside Points-0

Tattered Jedi robes, a lightsaber, an amulet (representative of Tyia philosophy) and 250 credits
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:53 am    Post subject: The Empire... Reply with quote

created by Roy Thomas


Template-Sith Security Robot
Weight-445 lbs
A Qoute-Updating...Order 66 received, termination codes enacted. Prepare to die Jedi scum.

Dexterity: 2D
Blaster:4D, (SP) limb-blasters: 9D, Dodge: 7D, Running: 7D

Knowledge: 5D
Cultures:5D+1, Languages:6D, Law-enforcement:5D+1, Scholar: 7D in all of the following fields: Physics, Science, Electronics, Mechanics, Robotics, Intimidation: 6D

Mechanical: 1D
Astrogation:4D+2, Repulsorlift Ops.:5D, Sensors:5D+2, Starship Piloting:5D+2, Starship Weapons:5D, Starship Shields:5D

Perception: 2D
Command: 4D (SP:) Drones: 5D, Willpower: 4D, Search:5D, (SP) Tracking:7D

Strength: 6D
Brawling: 7D+2, Lifting:12D+2

Technical: 3D
Computer program and Repair:6D+2, Droid Program and Repair:7D, (A) Droid Engineering:4D+2, Starship Repair:6D, Demolitions:6D, Security:5D

Force Sen.?-No
Force Points-1
Darkside Points-5
Character Points-7

Body Armor:+3D to all locations. (-1D from his Dex and Skills), Ultron is considered Walker scale when resisting damage.
Internal Comlink-50 Km Range (May monitor up to 10 different frequencies)
Internal Automap.

Other features include...
(Both arms) Limb Blasters (5D+2, 3-30/100/200, 100 shots)

(Left Arm) houses a retractable Scomplink (+1D to Computer Program/Repair checks)

(Legs) Flight: Powerful retro rockets are built into the bottoms of Ultron's legs allowing movement speeds of Space: 7, Atmosphere: 400; 1150 kmh. With the current power supply Ultron has flight capabilities for 8 hours.

History in the Kilb-iverse:
Ultron was in fact a Sith security droid that Doctor Henry Pym found and repaired during an exploration to the hidden artic region known as the ‘Savage lands’. Ultron’s programming was corrupted and it took Inquisitor Okon Umas to resurrect that programming and set Ultron back to his task of protecting his new Sith master. Ultron was destroyed in combat against Drex Marr.

The Black Knight
Created by Roy Thomas and Stan Lee

The Black Knight
Dane Whitman

Template-Hero / (Fallen) Knight / Lord of the Sith.
Weight-225 lbs
A Quote- You'll find I'm full of surprises.

Dexterity: 3D
Dodge: 6D, Melee Weapons: 6D, (SP) Swords: 10D, Missile Weapons: 5D, Thrown weapons: 5D.

Knowledge: 3D+1
Languages: 5D, (SP) "Olde" English: 6D+2, (SP) French:5D, (SP) Arabic:5D, Research: 6D, Scholar: 5D, (SP) Medieval Warfare: 6D+2, (SP) Medieval Culture: 6D+2, (SP) The Crusades: 6D+2, Science: 5D, (SP) Genetics: 6D+2, (SP) Physics: 6D+2, Survival: 5D

Mechanical: 2D+2
Navigation: 5D, Beast Riding: 6D, Repulsorlift Ops.: 5D+2

Perception: 3D
Command 4D+2, Intimidation: 5D, Will Power: 5D

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 6D, Climbing/Jumping: 5D, Stamina: 5D

Technical: 3D
Computer program / Repair: 6D, Electronics Repair: 5D, (A) Electronics Engineering: 3D, Kitbashing: 5D, Repulsor Repair: 6D

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 25
Dark Side Points: 4

Chain mail armor and Helm (+1D+2 to resist Physical and Energy), Comlink.

Special Equipment:
The Ebony Blade:
This black blade, etched with ancient Sith runes, is forged from an unknown metal that is capable of withstanding blows from a lightsaber. The blade was originally owned by Darth Palatine, a Sith forbearer to Palpatine himself, when he was killed on Earth his apprentice managed to flee with the blade before the Jedi Knights could stop him The blade passed through many hands before it ended up with the Black Knight who happened to be force sensitive and thus able to use its gifts. The dark essence of Palatine took control of Dane Garrett and has used him to further the Empire's cause on Earth.

The sword can strike for 5D damage and allows the user to add their perception to the damage, it is capable of deflecting blaster fire and allows the user to access the powers of Darth Palatine (Control, Sense and Alter: 10D with a myriad of powers) and gives the wielder Sith Lore and history (including their time on Earth) at 7D.

History in the Kilbi-verse:
Dane Whitman's Ebony blade was the former property of Darth Palatine, an ancient ancestor to Emperor Palpatine. Once the Black Knight drew human blood with the blade he activated it's 'blood curse' (I.E.: Got his first Darkside point.) and was taken over by the essence of Darth Palatine. He sided with the Empire when they came to earth and died in combat against Kae Caballa and Drex Marr. The sword was dropped into the Earth's sun where it was consumed in fire.
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